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The 3 'C's' of life Ch. 08

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Bev's Winter Ballet - Bill & Bev's first Christmas.
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Part 8 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 02/15/2022
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I once again, arrived early and wandered the decorated halls. The students and teachers had been busy: snowmen posters, candy canes, Christmas tree posters all colored in their own little unique style.

I too a moment to stand outside of Bev's classroom. It was unique. Little snapshots of each of her smiling students that were framed inside colored wreaths, covered her door. I inwardly smiled at her creativity and again, making school fun.

Standing in the back of the gymnasium, I watched a woman step onto the stage. She introduced herself as Karen Kimble, a second grade teacher.

So this was the famed 'Karen'. I kind of recognized her from the previous year. At the time, I really didn't pay any attention to her. Because, at the time, I didn't care.

I judged her to be in her mid-forties about five foot four, maybe 135 lbs, Hair in a perm. She had a mature look, spoke with an air of confidence and authority. She struck me as the type of person, who always got what she wanted. The more I listened to her go through her announcements and thanks to all those that worked so hard, the more I came to appreciate what Bev had to overcome, in bringing her around to her way of thinking. I inwardly smiled... I was a lucky guy.

The program started with the kindergarten kids and went through the grades. Each grade had two classes, and each class did two classic Christmas carols.

This was a time before activists began to pressure schools to ban religious songs in public schools, even though the Supreme Court ruled in 1962 that it was constitutional under the First Amendment, as long as it wasn't religious in theme. I had heard that some schools in the larger cities were being pressure to ban the singing of Christmas carols in their schools. Being a small close-knit conservative community... that was definitely not going to happen here.

The combined the kindergarteners into one group. Each little student had cut-outs of snowmen that they had made and colored. They held them high over their heads and sang "Frosty the Snowman". The next song was "Away in a Manger". Watching the little ones rocking their arms back and forth, was priceless. Some, really got into it. This musical, there were plenty of camera flashes.

Bev told me that for the older kids, they threw the names of twelve carols in a hat and drew them out for each class. It was cute. Watching Bev with her third graders, as they performed their carols, I could tell that she was in her element, made my heart swell.

There was an intermission, as the third grade girls changed into their ballerina tutus. I couldn't wait to see Bev in her tutu. I mean her body had become toned and lithe, between the classed that she was taking and the classed that she taught during the week.

I was lost in thought, as I gazed over the sea of parents, as they all visited. Suddenly, from my right.

"You look vaguely familiar."

Karen had approached me, and was standing maybe five feet away, with a quizzical look.

"You're too young to be a dad. Niece? Nephew?"

I grinned, "No. I'm not a dad... or a father," she kind of grinned at my dry humor.

"I'm Karen," as she extended her hand."

"Nice to meet you Karen, I'm Bill."

"So what brings a good-looking young man to our Winter musical, if you're not a dad or father with no nieces or nephews in the musical?"

This time, she had a grin. Her tone was a bit flirty, which was fine with me, as I gave her a flirty grin back.

"I'm here to watch Bev Tallman," I let that sink in for a few seconds, "She's my girlfriend."

I saw the light go on, and then a beaming smile, "So, the other half of the 'Dynamic Duo'. You're the one that helped her lead me down the path of discovery. You're part of the reason for this ballet to be happening."

"I wouldn't say that. I helped; but, Bev did all of the real work."

"And humble too. She's a lucky girl. Remind me to never cross the two of you. You two are quite a formidable team," she grinned.

I knew that this was said in jest; but, I think that Karen, deep down, really believed it. I just grinned back and shrugged my shoulders.

"If I didn't have to get home after the program, it would be nice to sit down with the two of you and get to know each other."

"I'd like that. Maybe after the Soring musical. Or some Wednesday, when I'm visiting Bev."

I got a genuine warm smile, "Nice meeting you, Bill," and then she was off.

What I didn't realize, was that Bev had peaked around the curtain trying to find me. She smiled as she watched the two of us, each of us with grins. 'Pillow talk' for later.

A little digression on the creation of this very special ballet performance.

Bev had become good friends with her ballet instructor, Vickie. Probably, because Bev was the oldest in her class, being only a few years younger that herself. Having had some prior training, Vicky was able to work with someone on a higher level that just the usual beginners, which she really enjoyed. Vickie actually told Bev that this was first for her... to work with someone who had taken some prior classes and who wanted to get back into ballet. It made her work on her own skills. That many nights, after everybody and left, she would play her favorite ballet on the sound system, and glide around the mirror-filled room, in her own little world. Dancing to her own set of impromptu movements, jumps, and positions.

The fact that Bev was also conducting her won classes for the City, drew the two of them closer.

We cuddled, in the warmth and closeness of our bare bodies, one Wednesday evening, after an Epson Salt soak, following Bev's class. Bev told me that she had mentioned the whole Winter musical, and ballet portion to Vickie, earlier that evening. Vickie immediately became intrigued and asked Bev what she planned on using for her theme. At the theme, Bev hadn't put too much thought into it, as she had been concentrating on the whole 'Karen' drama. Vickie suggested, that since the musical was 'Christmas themed' with carols, and all of that, why not use portions of Tchaikovshy's 'Nutcracker Suite' for their performance, as it too had a Christmas theme.

Vickie said that she would help Bev in any that she could. They both knew that the entire ballet can be challenging, even for the most experienced; but Vickie felt that they could break it down enough for her third graders to handle and still carry the theme of the classical ballet. They would work on the choreography together, after class. One time, Bev suggested coming to where I lived so they could work on it, over some wine. Vickie told her that it sounded good, except, that first, she lived in the opposite direction and second that she thought that at the classroom, they would have the advantage of the open area and the sound system. That would allow them to work on the various ballet moves for her students. So, I never got to meet Vickie.

Given the time constraints of the ballet portion, they only had a total of around five or six minutes, Bev felt that she could push it, if she wanted to. What were they going to do, stop her? She just needed to make sure that she didn't push the third graders too much past their physical abilities and stamina.

There were two classic pieces that they decided that they would use portions of: "Waltz of the Flowers" and "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy". "Waltz of the Flowers" being an eight minute piece, needed to be broken down to around four minutes. It was slow and relaxing with gentle and graceful movements. "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy" was a bit more energetic. They worked it down to around three minutes. Bev knew that she could work with the pianist to get whatever she needed.

Bev first approached the pianist form the previous year, Linda Johnson, explained what she had in mind, and asked for suggestions. Linda beamed at the complement of being part of her ballet. She said that it have been years since she had played something so classical. I mean, playing occasionally for an elementary school, her family, and her church, she looked at this as something that she could really get into, and most important... enjoy.


Just like the previous ballets, the lights in the gym were dimmed. The stage curtain opened to a black stage. The stage lights were slowly brought up. The first thing that you saw was a half-circle of little ballerinas.

The little ballerinas were all leaning forward on one knee, one leg back, in almost the classical ballerina 'Reverence Bow'. Head down. One hand to their chests. The other extended to their side, and a bit out. The auditorium was dead silence.

As the lights came up, it was a vision of grace, purity, and innocence. Each ballerina was wearing a red and white tutu with soft white leggings. The upper-body leotard portion, was a soft red and decorated with candy canes and surrounded with green and white sequins. The skirt portion was ruffled and a mixture of red and white stripes. Even though the ballerinas in the classical 'Nutcracker Suite' wore flowing gowns, the mothers wanted the girls in classical ballerina tutus.

A few flash bulbs started to go off. Followed by more.

Bev was off to the far side of the half-circle. The ballerinas would watch and mirror her movements.

They slowly rose 'as one'. Each little ballerina gracefully extending arms out, arched above their head, as they rose into a 'Position 5'.

Since the picnic at my parents, five months ago. This was the first time that I had seen Bev's refined movements, which had been polished through the night classes she took. While subtle, each movement was a picture of flowing grace and fluidity.

As the stage lights come to 'full-on', and following Bev's lead, each ballerina then, came up on their toes, tilted their heads back a bit, and held pose for a bit. I heard a collective inhale, across the totally silent gym. A few a bit shaky. A few wobbly; but still, a scene of pure innocence. The stage became flooded with lights from the flashes of the cameras from across the gymnasium floor.

And, there stood Bev. I was positive that the mother's eyes were totally on the little ballerinas. I was equally positive, that the men's eyes were drawn to the graceful, and sensual ballerina off to the far side of the stage. The ballerina's dads were finding it difficult to focus on their daughters.

Her breasts, all but disappearing; but, the eyes of the males, including me, were drawn to her taut, and slim torso. Each rib delicately displayed. Her slim hips and waist clearly defined. Even with the soft white leggings, her thighs and calves were well shaped and toned, as she stood on her toes. There was not an ounce of fat on her body. There never really was; but, in this pose: on her toes, back arched, head back, arms above her head, she was a picture of a classical ballerina.

Bev and Vickie decided not to try and mimic the classical Nutcracker ballet movements, steps, leaps, and stuff. Instead, they designed each piece around the various classical ballet movements and positions to the music of the slow and graceful "Waltz of the Flowers". They just wanted it to be fun, easy, and not get carried away and too technical... I mean these are only third graders.

The final piece, "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy" was more energetic and lively. It consisted of the ballerinas, with their arms stretched out, each hand held a red and white steamer. They flew in a number of circles around the stage, all with radiant smiles. Bev off to the side, watching with a smile. I swear, even from where I was standing, I could see her eyes welling up.

The music ends, as they all gather in the same half-open circle as they had started from. Bev and all the winded ballerinas took the final ballet bow... the 'Reverence Bow'... down on one knee with their little hands up to their chests.

The place erupts, as everyone springs to their feet. The applause deafening. Flash bulbs from cameras, flooding the stage in a sea of flashing blue. The girls rise up and flash the crowd smiles and beaming eyes. More flashes. The applause never ending.

Bev stood off to the side, spread her arms out gracefully to the ballerinas and had them take another bow. Another explosion of flash bulbs. My heart swelled with pride, as a lump formed on my throat. Then I watched, as she raised her hand to quiet the jubilant crowd.

"Thank you all so very much. The girls all had fun these last few weeks," Bev turned and she exchanged smiles with all of the smiling little girls.

"There are a lot of people that I want to thank. First, the mothers who volunteered to make all of the tutus: Mary Brown and Anita Scott. Please stand".

I saw a couple of ladies stand and wave nervously to the cheering crowd. It was, obviously something that they had not expected.

"I want to thank Linda Johnson for all the help, and guidance, she gave in selecting the musical pieces and the many hours that she poured in to perfecting each piece. Again, thank you Linda."

Linda waved from the piano to another round of applause.

"I also want to thank my dance instructor, Vickie, who so selflessly spent many hours with me to put together the movements for each piece... Thank you Vickie."

A woman, who was standing next to me stepped forward, waved to the applause, and blew Bev a kiss.

So, this was Vickie. I hadn't noticed her. I don't know why. I mean, she was about Bev's size, from what I could tell from her jeans and loose sweater. She had a cute face and all with flowing brown hair that extended below her shoulders. I was going to wait until everything was over; maybe she would join us for an 'after the Winter musical' celebration at the local bar.

"Finally, I want to thank all of my colleagues, from the bottom of my heard for all of their support and encouragement, which I have found so valuable in my brief time here... Again, thank you."

Bev went on to name each of her fellow educators in the school. Most were in the auditorium. Each rose and waved to the crowd.

I was proud of her. She was bringing everybody to her side. Letting them know that she wanted to be part of their team, and that she truly appreciated their help.

As pictures were being taken of Bev, with each of the ballerinas, Karen found me again.

"That's quite a girl you have there. The school district is fortunate to have found her. At the time they hired her, I'm pretty sure that they had absolutely no idea of the unique treasure they had found. I'm sure that the neighboring schools will hear about our special prize. And, I'll make sure that everybody, up the ladder knows about her.

My heart, again, swelled. Pictures ending, Bev was at my side, her face beaming, eyes sparkling, as she embraced and hugged me. Then we heard.

"Hey guys."

Turning. Karen had her camera getting ready to snap our embrace. There were two: one from the waist up and one of us cheek-to-cheek.

"Don't worry. You'll get prints," and then she was off.

Then, I saw Bev look around, grin, and then motioned for someone to join us... Vickie.

"Bill, this is Vickie. Vickie, Bill. My boyfriend."

I took her hand and held it lightly, like it was a fragile little bird.

"Nice to finally meet you Bill. I've heard so many things about you."

"Same here. And I want to thank you too, for helping Bev put all of this together. It was a masterpiece in grace and dedication. And I could tell that all of the little girls loved every moment.

"Well, thank you. But, it was you girlfriend, here, who introduced all of those precious little girls to what ballet is. Maybe sparking an interest. Maybe, the beginning of another Misty Copeland, the ballerina princess in Walt Disney's 'The Nutcracker and the Four Realms'. You never know."


The mood at the bar was on of celebration, and relief, and the completion of another very very successful musical. Many of Bev's fellow teachers came up to her, hugged her, told her what a great job she did, and that they were looking forward to the spring musical and ballet. Bev was truly part of the team. Gone were any, and all ego issues.

Bev, Vickie, and I sat off to the side in a booth. While Bev and Vickie had spent many hours together working on the whole ballet thing, they never took time to really talk about their 'outside' personal life.

Vickie was single and living in an apartment by herself. The fact that she was single, kind of puzzled me. I mean, she's a very cute woman. And from what I could tell, had a figure that matched Bev's. Plus, she had a genuine soft and caring personality.

Sensing my 'puzzlement', Vickie went onto explain that she was still getting her life back together, after a recent bad breakup with her boyfriend of about a year. She had walked in on him and another girl having sex on the couch of his apartment one evening, about six months ago.

That was the main reason for her decision to approach the Park District, to see if there was any interest in adding a ballet class to their already existing 'Dance Program'. To give herself some distractions. Ballet had always been a soothing and relaxing thing for her. She wanted... she need to get back into to it. To put her recent past behind her and get immersed in the one thing that held her passion.

Once that was set up, she poured all of her energy and passion into it. She found out that she really enjoyed teaching young girls. And then Bev came along. And here we are.

OK. My mind going into 'Rivers of Time' mode... more random circumstances. Things that were meant to happen, coming together. Merging together, like streams merging into a river.

Her day job was as a dental technician at a private dentist's office. She really enjoyed it, and enjoyed the interaction between the husband and wife pair of dentists.

Bev then explained us. From our early days in high school to our chance meeting on that cold and snowy night, almost a year ago to now. Getting together each weekend. Alternating between her place and where I lived with my roommate. The whole time, our hands clasped on top of the table. Bev's eyes sparkling. Occasionally, looking over at me with a grin as she recalled some fun adventure that we had shared.

Vickie listened intently, watching our inter-play... how our eyes would sparkle when we would grin at each other.

Suddenly, I had a thought. A spontaneous thought. I looked over at Bev for a few moments. Our thoughts finding each other's. Then a smile appeared.

"Vickie, do you have any plans for this Saturday night?" I asked.

"Not really. I mean, I usually just relax in my apartment. Maybe read a book. Watch a movie. Sometimes go out to a movie. Every once in a while, one of my girlfriends will call and we'll get together. Why do you ask?"

Again, Bev and my eyes meet.

"Why don't you come over to where I live? Bev will be over for the weekend. We'll make you dinner."

Vickie looked at Bev. Back at me. Then, back at Bev. Grinning the whole time.

"You two are something else. I've never seen anything like it. It was like you were each reading the other's thoughts. But, I'm sure that you two would much rather hang out, just between the two of you."

"Not at all Vic," Bev says, "We'll be together Friday night, Saturday morning and afternoon. Then Saturday night. Come on, it will be fun," her voice getting more enthusiastic as she goes on, "We can either play some board games, make popcorn and watch a movie. Or just sit around and get to know each other better."

Then Bev looks at me, "Will Wayne be back over the weekend?"

"I think he gets back tomorrow afternoon."

"Wayne is Bill's roommate. And, no, Vic, we're not trying to set anything up here. When he knows that I'm going to spend the weekend, he always goes out bar hopping with his buddies."

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