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The Ad, The Interview, The Threeway Pt. 02

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Married Sarah takes the threesome to Vegas.
19k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/22/2015
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Chapter 2: Sarah, John & Megan Go to Vegas

After the cabin

The idea had germinated during one of Sarah and Megan's regular coffee dates. Sarah may have been open to exploring this new 'cabin side' of her life (as she now called it,) but she also had to be practical. The responsibilities of having children, a demanding husband (in a good way,) an equally-demanding job (in a bad way,) paying bills and general life stuff meant that Sarah needed order, routine and a schedule. Megan was now a part of that schedule, which was why Sarah so looked forward to these noon-on-Thursday meets. They were a real highlight, something Sarah felt she owned herself, that she didn't have to share. Although she'd never admitted it out loud to herself, Sarah knew that she coveted the time she spent with Megan, just girls together gossiping, laughing...flirting? But she'd been reluctant to try and repeat the physical side of what had happened in the cabin, in case it just didn't live up to expectations.

The first such meeting, post-cabin, had been a charged and sensitive affair, almost an autopsy on what had happened, how each of them had felt about the different things they'd done and, most importantly, it had given them both an opportunity to offer mutual compliments and to reassure one another that no lines had been crossed and the experience had been a joyous one for all involved.

Once fears were allayed, the two women had quickly fallen into a comfortable and valued friendship. Discussions would veer from the material to the mundane, but it was the delicious air of anticipation between them which both enjoyed the most. They may not have spoken in detail about the things they'd done with each other, but the same questions would still hang every time they met. When are we going to do all that again? When am I going to touch you, feast on you, fuck you...?

Megan, especially, had wondered what Sarah and John had talked about once they'd returned home from the cabin. Had they discussed her at length? Had they considered asking her to do it again, and soon? The answer, had Megan been brave enough to ask, would have been a surprising 'no' - at least for Sarah. The truth was that John had, indeed, asked his wife if she wanted to indulge again with their new playmate, but Sarah had declined. She had scratched an itch, she said, but had no particular desire to repeat the experience any time soon. But this had not deterred her from wanting to spend time with Megan. She just preferred to do it without John - for now.

After the cabin, Sarah and John had settled back into a monogamous rhythm of sex and intimacy. The weekend had improved their confidence and, as a unit, they both thought themselves more polished, more adventurous, more satisfied than ever before. Their fucking was consistently good, sometimes even great, and it was like their weekend with Megan had helped them communicate with one another more and turned them into better lovers. That was how Sarah had rationalized the experience, turning Megan into a counselor, a practical sex therapist who had literally shown them how to know fulfillment. But, as their coffee dates continued, Sarah could no longer ignore her growing infatuation with this woman.

For this particular coffee date, Megan had worn a flame-red V-neck dress which showed off her beautiful cleavage, teamed with leopard skin high heels which acted like arrows pointing up her slim calves and thighs to the pleasures which lay underneath the dress. The sight of her sent a bolt of lust shooting between Sarah's legs, her heart pounding and her skin prickling, just like it did after an intense workout. It was a good thing she was already settled at a table in the corner.

Sitting down, Megan knew she looked good and she also knew what effect she was having on Sarah.

"Hi!" Sarah smiled, wiping an imaginary wisp of hair from her forehead. "You look... stunning! What's the occasion?"

"It's good to see you."Megan replied, absorbing the compliment. "How are you?"

She reached across the table to stroke Sarah's hand and she could immediately feel how warm she was.

"So?" Sarah continued, desperate to hide her obvious turn-on. "The dress?"

"Let me get a coffee first," Megan said, "And I'll tell you all about it."

She rose again and stalked over to the counter, already feeling Sarah's eyes burning into her bare back. Sarah had a sudden vision of Megan's naked ass sprawled across the bed in their cabin, the memory causing a tingling in her pussy. She shifted uneasily in her seat, her wetness already beginning to spread across her panties.

When Megan returned, she slid her seat around the side of the table so she was sat right next to Sarah, her back to the rest of the cafe. She crossed her legs to the side, her dress riding up, making sure that anyone watching would get a healthy flash of her bare thighs, then she leaned in and blew on her coffee.

"So, this dress-" Megan began, eyeing Sarah conspiratorially. "It might sound crazy, but I have a date!"

She let the words hang, eager to gauge Sarah's reaction.

"Wow-" Sarah replied, "Who is he? Where did you meet him? Where is he taking you?"

She fired off the questions like rounds from a machine gun, keen to hide the knot which was already forming in her stomach.

"You mean, who is she?" Megan smiled, wickedly. "She's an accountant, which sounds totally geeky, but she's really cool. We have mutual friends and we kind of just clicked, like we did, you know? So I figured I'd ask her out on a real date, see what she said."

"And she said yes, clearly."

"Crazy, right? So, what do you think?"

She looked at Sarah, waiting for a response, but Sarah really didn't know what to say, the knot in her stomach now consuming her in a wave of jealousy.

Megan - after the cabin

Although physically exhausted from their activities in the cabin, Megan had returned from her weekend with John and Sarah with a mental verve that was intoxicating. She was eager to see them both again but, although John had been a dynamic, masculine and attentive lover, there had been something about Sarah which hypnotized Megan. During boring moments of work, or in those times between sleeping and waking, it was always Sarah who would appear in her head. She had been soft and feminine, willing and playful, tender and just, well...yummy.

When she was masturbating, Megan would recall everything she'd done with John both in the woods and in the cabin, but Sarah always appeared from somewhere in her fantasy, just as she was reaching her climax. Megan's fingers would suddenly become Sarah's, either holding the vibrator on her clit or rubbing it herself. And when Megan imagined fingernails drawing themselves delicately down the crack of her ass, it was Sarah who was playing with her, always Sarah. When her orgasm hit, the last image Megan always recalled was Sarah's face, lapping at her cunt, her tongue pressed hard against her clit. She'd lost count of the number of times she'd fucked herself sore to fantasies of Sarah in her head, and Megan wasn't sure how long she could live without the real thing.

These coffee dates, although she loved spending time with Sarah, they were becoming too safe for Megan, too comfortable. What Megan dreaded more than anything, was she and Sarah entering the Friend Zone. That first date since the cabin had been thrilling, reliving each moment of their fucking, but since then Sarah had definitely grown cooler, whether it was through fear, guilt, or something else entirely, Megan didn't know. All she did know, was that she was desperate to get back the Sarah she'd known in the cabin. Seeing one another was, to Megan, great foreplay, but the foreplay never went anywhere. If John was the music and the dance floor, then Sarah was the MDMA, the fatal hit of ecstasy which turned a party into an unforgettable event. And what had happened in the cabin had definitely been unforgettable, and Megan wanted more.

So now she was forced to take matters into her own hands. She didn't want to be that single friend that couples invite to backyard barbecues; she wanted to be the girl that everyone wanted to fuck senseless. Besides, Megan hated barbecues.

For this particular coffee date, then, Megan had spent the entire weekend selecting the right dress, the right shoes, and the right makeup. She'd shaved, waxed, and even splashed out on an exotic sugar scrub treatment to make sure her skin had that all-important "fuck me" glow. Striding into the cafe, she was confident that she looked and smelled like a million filthy dollars, and she'd even waited secretly in the shadows outside until Sarah had arrived first, determined to make her own grand entrance. All Megan's immediate hopes and dreams were pinned on this ruse working, to make Sarah jealous enough of her 'date' to finally cave in and demand that Megan save her glorious sexual services only for her and John.

Back to coffee

"What do I think?" Sarah said, eventually, her voice a little rocky.

"Yeah, I mean, I'm not sure if I've gone a little overboard on the dress..."

"It's a fabulous dress, really. You look amazing, I'm-"

Sarah took a sip of her coffee, trying to collect herself.

"You're what, baby?" Megan asked, leaning in closer and brushing her fingers against Sarah's.

"I'm happy for you."

They looked at one another for a moment before Sarah withdrew her hand and leaned back in her chair. It was obvious that Sarah was not 'happy' at all.

"Oh I'm glad you feel that way," Megan lied. "I'd been a bit worried about telling you. I mean, we all had such a great time at the cabin and I thought we might have, you know, had a second date? But it didn't feel like you wanted that to happen, so I just kind of, well-"

"I know, I'm sorry-" Sarah jumped in. "It's just that, John and I, we, well we sort of wanted to see how we got on with just us, and-"

"It's fine, really, I understand."

"No, no I don't think you do."

She leaned in again and touched Megan on the arm.

"I've thought about you, about us, every day since the cabin," Sarah whispered. "I guess I was just scared that, if it happened again, it wouldn't be so-"


"That's one word for it."

Megan tried to stay as calm as possible when, inside, her heart was doing somersaults.

"OK, so how about this-" she replied, keen to keep Sarah onside. "I read about this new hotel in Vegas that sounded totally cool. Maybe we all deserve a break. Spa? Dancing? Some great food? Somewhere to get all dressed up, smash the town then go back to a nice, big bed? Vegas is so awesome, there's no clock, no limits, no rules, it's totally made for us. It's the Cromwell Hotel, they're running a weekend special right now, would be a shame not to take advantage?"

"Sounds like you've got it all worked out." said Sarah. "Was that where you were going to take this new date of yours?" Sarah asked.

"I'll be honest," Megan smiled, her eyes falling. "I only needed a date to distract myself from thinking about you...and John, of course. I can't stop thinking about the fun we had. I want more, I need more, and I think only you can give it to me."

She waited a few seconds before raising her head again and looking straight at Sarah, whose face had turned a bright shade of pink.

"I think about you too," she said. "We both do. All the time."

"Is it settled, then?" Megan asked, eagerly, "Or will we, will you, have to get on your knees and beg John to say yes?"

"I don't think he'll need much convincing," Sarah smiled, wickedly, "But I'll probably do that anyway."

"I wish I could be there for that."

"So will he. What weekends are you free? I'll need to check out our calendar, sort some childcare."

"Every weekend is free for me, baby." Megan grinned, her leg brushing against Sarah's under the table.

Vegas, baby!

The girls had packed two full bags apiece versus John's single, thin holdall.

"We need shoes, outfit changes, make-up..." Sarah had explained to him, as the elevator took them to their room. "All you need is a razor, a suit, and a pair of jeans. Honey, be thankful we didn't bring more."

Megan smiled as she stood between them, just glad she hadn't been pulled aside for screening at the airport - there would have been a few choice items she'd have had to explain to security and, besides, she wanted those particular items to be a surprise for John and Sarah.

Obviously excited by the weekend ahead, Sarah almost danced down the corridor to their room, hip-checking Megan and clicking her fingers over her head like a tango dancer, as John took care of the bellhop and Megan investigated their suite. It was a large, plush space, with purple décor, huge mirrors and textured walls. Outside, the lights of Vegas were beginning to dominate against the twilight desert backdrop. The air already felt naughty, enticing, dangerous...

Megan sank down on the bed, which was so high her legs dangled off the edge a few inches from the floor. Sarah lined up next to her and the two of them began bouncing on the supersoft mattress.

"I am so excited we are here." squealed Sarah, hugging Megan and blowing a kiss to John.

"Let's freshen up," suggested John. "Then go and explore, maybe get a drink, check out a casino or two?"

He leaned down and gave Sarah a wet kiss on the mouth, then leaned across and did the same to Megan. Equal for everyone this weekend.

"What time's the show?" Sarah asked.

"Eight-thirty, plenty of time for some early fun."

"Let's get really dressed up for that." Megan said.

"Plus we have our own show later on-" Sarah giggled, leaping off the bed and grabbing her bag.

Megan and John exchanged a smile, glad to see Sarah so up for the weekend.

"So let's do this." John said, already unbuttoning his shirt and heading to the bathroom.

Megan lay back on the bed and stared dreamily up at the ceiling. She was already imagining what wonders would be happening on this very bed later on, as the skyline of Sin City grew sharper and brighter through the window behind them.

It starts with topless girls

After a breezy hour or so wandering down The Strip and getting into the Vegas spirit with a few cocktails, it was time to head for the show - a topless revue called Jubilee. Sat in their own private booth, the trio had enjoyed a gourmet dinner and champagne with plenty of flirting. Everything was comfortable, as easy as it had been in the cabin, but this time they were doing it all with glitz, glamour and an opulence that all three of them found intoxicating.

John had gone for a timeless black suit and white shirt, elegant and fashionable. Sarah had chosen the little black dress and a pair of strappy heels that showed off her long legs, simple yet devastatingly sexy. Megan, however, had gone nuclear, opting for a tight, strapless black dress which clung to her D-cup breasts like gossamer around two loaded torpedoes. The crystal-encrusted edges of the dress made Megan a perfect match for the bright, Vegas lighting, and she'd sparkled with every step as she'd sashayed down The Strip, the fabric hanging off her waspish waist and falling to the floor like the robe of a Greek goddess. The two women may have looked very different but, like a Ferrari next to a Lamborghini, both were magnificent in their own, unique way. During dinner, other guests had openly stared at the three of them, which, in Vegas, was not uncommon, but it was clear that there was 'something' about this trio which exuded an eroticism that stood out even in the City of Sin.

Megan loved seeing John again, and she also loved that Sarah was comfortable with her flirting with him throughout their meal. As the show began, Megan made sure to sit between the two of them so she could slide her hand up and down John's leg, and also be able to do the same to Sarah.

As the topless girls dazzled and beguiled from the stage, Megan turned to John and put her mouth by his ear.

"This is spectacular, don't you think?" she said. "Those girls are so beautiful. Which pair do you like the best, John? All of those breasts are magnificent, but you must have a favorite."

Megan pushed her own chest up against John's arm as she spoke, squeezing his thigh at the same time. She felt his cock harden beneath his pants and rested her thumb over his tip.

"What are you two talking about?" Sarah whispered over, eager not to be left out. "Something naughty, I presume?"

Megan turned toward Sarah but left her hand on John's leg, moving it a little higher.

"Tits, Sarah." Megan smiled. "We're talking about which set of tits John likes best. He hasn't answered yet, though."

This time they both turned to John, Sarah draping both her arms around Megan, her hands lingering invitingly just above Megan's breasts.

"Yes, honey," Sarah breathed. "Which tits do you like best? I know my own choice, but we want to know yours."

John felt suddenly self-conscious, wondering if there was a 'right' answer, or not. He felt Megan's thumb press down on his cock, stroking him gently back and forth across the tip.

"Uh, the brunette," he said at last. "Sixth, no, seventh from the end."

Megan and Sarah followed his gaze.

"Nice, honey." Sarah replied, approvingly. "Yes, they are fabulous tits, for sure, but my pick would be..."

She paused for a few seconds, then turned back to the two of them.

"Right here."

She let her fingers brush gently over the top of Megan's breasts as they sat plump on her chest.

"Er, I didn't know they were on the table-" John gulped, his erection getting harder at the sight of his wife's hands on Megan's tits.

"Oh they're definitely on the table, baby." Megan breathed into his ear, working her thumb even faster over his bulge.

She and Sarah smiled at one another, loving how much they were teasing John.

John shifted in his seat as Megan began to massage him, pressing her full palm into him. He dug his heels into the floor so he could push his thigh back onto her hand, as Sarah got in on the act by beginning to play with Megan under the table. Sliding her hand up under Megan's dress and onto her warm, bare thigh, Sarah began drawing gentle circles with her finger, eventually advancing over her leg and onto her hard, toned belly. She heard Megan gasp as the light touch of her fingers sent ripples of pleasure through her body. Megan tried desperately to open her legs a little further but the tightness of her dress did not allow it.

Sensing her frustration, Sarah pressed on Megan's navel and drove her finger down further until she reached the rim of Megan's panties.

"The things we're gonna do, baby." Sarah whispered to her, before squeezing her finger underneath Megan's panties and heading straight for her already-wet, pulsing clit.

"Oh-oh Jesus-" Megan gasped, arching her back slightly, her own fingers instinctively grabbing at John's covered cock.

The couple behind them had long-since stopped watching the show

Who knew the room had this?

In the cab on the way back to their hotel, they each took turns being the center of attention, kissing, being kissed, touching, being touched. Even in the elevator, they could not keep their hands off each other, hands roaming, tongues searching, and it was only then that John and Megan realized that Sarah had gone commando for the entire evening, something Megan wished she'd have known back in the club.

Megan took the key card and pushed open the door as Sarah and John kissed at the threshold. Striding over to the large chair in the corner of the suite, Megan pulled it a few feet out to face the full-length mirror beside it.

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