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The Art of Deception

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Two wives turn the tables on their devious husbands.
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My name is Kelli Mayers. I am 30 years old and the mother of two children, 6 and 3. I am 5'5" tall. I am proud to say that I still weigh the same as the day I married Tim. I consider myself slightly above average in the looks department. My measurements are 36-24-34, and I have medium length auburn hair.

My husband, Tim, and I have been married for 12 years. We were high school sweethearts and married the summer after we graduated mainly because I got pregnant, but miscarried shortly before our wedding date. I was relieved knowing that motherhood wouldn't be thrust on me so soon, and I told Tim that if he wanted to postpone our wedding he could. Tim still wanted to go through with it after I told him, and we did. I have never regretted becoming his wife.

My husband Tim has always been a decent man. I consider him not only handsome, but really kind of sexy. He has a physically demanding job, and even after 12 years still wears the same size of pants that he wore in school. Tim is 6' weighs 195 lbs. and still has a hard and lean body.

I work hard to keep myself in shape, which isn't easy after having two children. I run a mile every other day before he leaves the house for work, and I watch what I eat. We have been talking about having another child, but so far, it's just talk. I don't think that our budget will stretch that far just yet.

Tim has his own business. He removes, repairs, and replaces pumps for various businesses. His company is doing well and the work is steady, but it's not fabulous money being that he has a lot of money tied up in the shop he leases. Tim does bring home enough for me to remain a full time mother and we work hard to make sure that there is money in the bank.

So far it sounds like I have the ideal marriage to the ideal man, right? But the truth is that after 12 years of marriage, the spark has dimmed significantly between us. Our marriage relationship is not the ecstasy that it was just before our first child, Anne, was born.

It reminds me of that joke about the three stages of sex in the marriage. I'm sure you have heard the joke. It goes like this:

STAGE ONE: House sex. When a couple first marry, they have sex in every room of the house, at any time.

STAGE TWO: Bedroom sex. After the honeymoon, the couple settles down and now they mostly have sex in the bedroom.

STAGE THREE: Hall sex. After many years of bedroom sex, the couple has grown apart and tired of the other. As they pass each other in the hallway, one shouts out to the other, "Screw You!"

Well we were definitely in stage two of our marriage and I was desperate to bring it back to stage one. We both needed a refreshing in our marriage so much so that it dwelt with me constantly. I was beginning to feel that we were growing further and further apart. Then I knew that I would have to talk to Tim and very soon.

I guess the rift began about the same time as Tim's childhood friend Rick Weller moved back to town. Rick was married to a very nice girl he had met at college. Laura was a very beautiful redhead and next to her I was the ugly duckling, or so I thought.Rick's father and mother both passed away and he settled his parents’ estate and inherited their house, which was directly across the street from the house we had bought. Tim had purchased our home from his mother after his father died and she moved into a condo not far from us.

It seemed that every minute the two guys were free they hung out together. They went fishing on Saturday, football games, sports bars, they did it all. I was thoroughly convinced that my husband preferred his friend's company to mine. Then certain things, aspects about the two began to change. Rick shaved off his mustache and wore his hair the same as Tim. Tim began to wear the same aftershave as Rick, little things like that. Now both of them are about the same build, weight and height; but their voices and facial features are entirely diffenent. Then one final thing changed, and it really had me puzzled at first. If I should happen to ask him a question, Tim would only give me a "Uh-huh" or a "Uh-uh" answer, never using words but verbal noises. Before he had always answered my questions at length.

Things continued for quite some time until Tim announced that we were going to spend a week, with Rick and Laura of course, at a resort in Montana. At first I was apprehensive, and then I finally reconciled myself to the fact. A trip would do me good!

Tim and Rick decided that we would drive to the resort. I knew that money was tight for all of us and this seemed to the boys a reasonable measure to save the airplane fair. We stayed near the Idaho/Montana border after a full day on the road. The motel was clean and I was tired and dirty from a day in the car and by the next afternoon we arrived at the Butte Mountain Resort.

My first impression of the resort was somewhat lukewarm. When we were assigned our room, Tim explained that we would have one bedroom and Rick and Laura would have the other. The suite was very nicely done. A large living room was in the center with two bedrooms and their adjoining master baths on either side of the main living room.

"Tim. I must commend you for your attention to detail. This is very nice." I said and kissed him then went in to unpack our things and put them away.


After Tim and Rick went out to spend the day fishing, Laura and I went up for some breakfast and coffee. Later we would spend the day lying by the pool sunning ourselves until our husbands came back for lunch.

The boys came back closer to dinnertime. Tim kissed me and went in to shower. I had changed into a summer dress and sandals. The day was very hot and the dress kept me fairly cool.

Tim reappeared, dressed and clean. I admired him, and then fixed his collar and we all went to dinner.

The one high point of this particular resort was the fact that the food was first class. We enjoyed a very nice prime rib dinner with a huge salad bar. I especially like the cherry cheesecake they had for desert.

As we sat around drinking our coffee and talking, the waitress told us that after the restaurant was cleaned up a band would play until midnight.

"There is an open bar and snacks served. You are going to come?" She asked Rick.

"Ladies?" Rick posed the question.

"Fine by me." Laura said.

"All right." I said.

We left the restaurant at five and walked until the time for the dance to start. Now I must admit that I have never especially liked country music and that is what assaulted my ears when we entered the restaurant. But I had already said that I would go so I now allowed Tim to seat me and tried to look like I was getting into the music.

"Care to dance, honey?" Tim asked me.

I stood and walked to the floor with my husband and did my best to match his step as he held me close to him.

When the song was over and we went back to our table, there was a huge margarita waiting for me.

"I got you ladies a drink, but I didn't realize they were that big." Rick explained.

"Just right." Laura said and giggled. She had been working on her drink already.

Rick poured Tim a glass of beer from a pitcher and we all sat silent for a few moments while we sipped our drinks.

I had two more of those huge margaritas and was definitely feeling no pain when we returned back to our room for the night. I had enjoyed the dance. Both boys had asked Laura and me to dance with them; we were a little rowdy as we went to our rooms for a good night's sleep.

I got under the covers. Tim was still in the bathroom. The lights in the bedroom were off. Tim came out of the bathroom and went out into the front room for a few minutes as I was settling into my pillow and about to fade off to sleep.

Just as I was about to doze off, I felt his hand rest on my mound.

"Mmm." I said as he rubbed me softly. I lifted my hips and he pulled up my nightgown to my waist. Quickly sitting up, I waited for him as he removed my nightgown. After he was done, he pulled back the covers of the bed and spread my legs apart gently as he buried his face between my thighs.

Between the moaning from our room and Laura's moaning which I clearly heard, it was a wonder that anyone slept that night. I know that I had come three times before he ever entered me and gave me a well deserved screwing that left me totally weak and unable to move.

Now I will be the first to admit that when I have had a few drinks, Tim usually has his way with me. It was no different that night as I fell asleep with him still deeply imbedded in me.


When I awoke, Tim and Rick were already gone fishing. Laura was up and drinking a cup of coffee.

"Do you feel as fabulous as I feel this morning, Kelli?" She asked. Her whole face radiated health and vitality.

"Yes. That was some night." I conceded to her.

"My god, I haven't had sex that good in a long time." She admitted to me.

"It must be the mountain air." We both laughed at that.

"What ever it is, I sure hope we can bottle it and bring it home with us." She brightened and we both laughed again.

The boys met us for lunch and suggested that we join them for a boat ride out on the lake. Laura and I jumped at the suggestion and decided that we would pack our bathing suits also.

The day was very warm and the sky was clear as we sat in the back of the boat. Rick was driving and we sped out into the lake.

After twenty minutes or so he killed the engine and let the boat drift towards a small island near the far shore.

He turned to Tim and asked him something and Tim nodded and stood up and walked to the bow. He picked up the anchor and dropped it overboard.

"The water is warm here. Let's jump in." He suggested.

Neither Laura nor I had put on our swimming suits yet.

"Ah...Rick there is one small problem. We haven't changed yet." She said to her husband.

Rick nodded and produced a blanket.

"Here. Change under this." He said. Tim had walked back to where we were and stood next to Rick.

We changed, very ungracefully I might suggest, with the blanket wrapped around us into our suits. Laura was wearing a lime two piece bikini that did her body justice. I wore my usual orange one piece Speedo. It was not as kind to my body as it had a habit of squishing my breasts and creeping up my cheeks.

But Rick was right. The water was warm and we frolicked for two hours in the water before becoming time and chilled. The sun was beginning to set and dinner would be served in an hour. We set back for the resort.

Dinner that night was just as delicious as it had been the night before. T-bone steaks and jumbo prawns made in a beer batter. I could not finish my plate. It was simply too much. But, as is the usual case with me, I did save room for desert. It was a chocolate mousse cake with a whipped cream sauce that was simply out of this world.

It was Tim that asked Laura and I if we wanted to go to the dance that night, or we could go to the casino at 7 P.M. There would be a bus that would take us there.

I am not one for gambling so I said that whatever the others wanted to do as fine with me and they all were pretty cool to the casino idea.

"Let's listen to the music and unwind." Laura finally said. That settled it.

The music that night was more to my liking, rock and roll from the 70's. The band did a near perfect "Hey Jude" as Rick and I danced a slow dance together. Tim and Laura went to get the drinks and were waiting in line as I danced with her husband.

"You know Kelli, I have never seen Tim this happy." He said.

"Well being away from home does tend to ease some of the stress." I said.

"No. That's not what I mean. I have never seen him as happy as he is with you. He's really a lucky guy to have you, Kelli."

I didn't know what to say. I had known Rick as long as I knew Tim. Rick and I had gone out on a couple of dates before Tim and I dated. Rick was a nice guy, but he wasn't a Tim.

"Thank you Rick." I said.

"You're welcome. Well they're back with our drinks." He said as the music concluded.

We danced some more and I was determined not to drink as much as the night before, but ended up drinking one more then I had the night before. So by the time the dance ended, I was a little unsteady on my feet and very giggly. Laura was in the same state that I was and we both needed our husbands' arms to help us back to our suite because the pathway was covered with gravel.

After I had crawled into bed, this time I crawled under the covers nude because getting into my nightgown was just too much bother, I called out to Tim.

"Honey, don't be too long." I said. He was in the front room talking to Rick about something.

The lights went out and I heard our bedroom door open. I heard him undress and when he crawled under the bed covers his hand brushed by side. The palm was smooth. I barely noticed, but something in the back of my mind blared out a warning to me.

Tim's hands are calloused. He works on machinery. He has always had calloused hands. Rick though is a buyer for grocery chain and has very smooth hands. I had held his hand when we had danced earlier, so I remembered what his hands felt like.

But I was only able to think of this fact as I was being taken for the ride of my life and even then I wasn't too sure about anything.

As soon as 'my husband' got under the covers I was flopped over onto my belly and a pillow was placed under my tummy. Mounting me, he was soon inside and driving into my pussy like there was no tomorrow and I was loving every second of it.

As I said before, I am very easy when I have had something to drink. I don't know, it must heighten my senses or something. But I do know that at that moment I didn't care if it was a 300-lb. gorilla that was pounding away at me. I was having one hell of an orgasm breaking through at that moment as I was being drive hard against the mattress. From the sounds that were carried from the other bedroom, it sounded like Laura was also having the time of her life.


"Laura. Did everything seem normal to you last night?" I asked her as we sipped our morning coffee.

"Uh...I guess. I know that I was a little drunk. Why?" She asked.

"I swear. You are going to think that I am crazy or something. But I swear that whoever made love to me last night was not Tim. When I felt his hands, they were not calloused. Maybe it's my imagination. God I hope so." I said.

Laura listened and she did not say anything. She thought for a moment and then set down her coffee.

"Kelli, has Tim ever asked you about swapping partners?" She asked me.

"No. Never, why?" I asked.

"Rick asked me about a year ago. I told him that if he wanted to have sex with another woman then go ahead. I wouldn't stand in his way. I would just divorce him. I was just wondering if Tim ever approached you. But if he didn't, then I think that neither one of them are up to anything." She said and picked her coffee cup back up and sipped it.

I thought hard. No Tim had never asked me if I would ever consider swapping.

"But what if this isn't my imagination?" I asked Laura.

She smiled. "I have the solution. I am going to mark my partner the next time." She said enigmatically and continued sipping her coffee.

All through the evening neither Laura nor I had anything to drink. We wanted to have our wits about us for later. Besides, the margaritas had fogged our minds even after we had been up and about the past two days.

We all enjoyed the dance that evening. The boys were a bit quieter that evening and we retired at 10 P.M.

After the lights were out and Tim and I were in bed. I turned to him and lay my head on his chest. I reeked my hand down and took one of them into my hands and carefully recorded the feel of it in my memory. It was calloused just as I thought. Now I think I knew what they were up to. But I wasn't all that angry. In fact I was somewhat secretly pleased to find out that Rick might have actually made love to me the night before.

Tim stroked my hair and with his free hand began to rub my butt. It felt good. It fact it felt great and I knew that it was doing something to me as he teased my skin and caused chills to my back.

I turned over and lay on my back. Tim's hand went to my pussy and he teased the clit with his fingertip as he rubbed it.

"Ohhh." I moaned softly. My hips twitched as he found a sensitive spot and rubbed it.

I spread my legs further apart to give him access to me and he began to insert a finger into me.

"Turn over on all fours." He said. I complied gladly. I enjoyed it when we did it doggy style. He would kiss the back of my neck as he rubbed my breasts all the while he was moving in and out of me. It always satisfied me. Tonight was no different and I was soon dead asleep and satisfied from our session.


Tim still lay asleep next to me. It was 8 A.M.

"Not going fishing this morning honey?" I asked him as I sat up in bed.

"Nah. Too tired to. Just wanted to sleep in a little this morning." He said and rolled over to face me.

"Well I could get dressed and get us a carafe of coffee." I suggested.

"No. Come here you." He said and lifted up the covers. I ducked under them and lay next to him. We were nose to nose and he kissed me. His hand went to my breasts and he traced the nipples, one by one, with his index finger tips. I shivered as the sensation was transmitted through the thin cotton material of my nightgown.

"That feels good." I said and wrapped my arms around his neck and impaled his mouth with my tongue.

Slowly he began to move his body on top of mine. I hiked up my nightie and made room for him to lie between my legs.

"Tim. I want you to make love to me. It has been so long since we have done it in the light. I want to see your face as you come inside of me. I want to feel you as you come and look at your face." I said.

Tim smiled and kissed me.

"Anything for you Kell. God I love you so much." He said.

I reached in between us and grasped him. Holding his erection over my pussy, I rubbed my clit with the head of his penis.

"Mmmm. God you are so hard...and big." I complimented him.

He slid in easily. I was very wet. Partially from my own natural lubrication but mostly because I had not wiped away the residue from last night and his sperm was still inside of me.

We began to move against each other as one and soon we reached that lovers' nirvana that we both eagerly had sought.

After dinner we all decided to give the casino a try. Now none of us were gamblers by any means. But the bar scene had gotten stale. We all boarded the bus and sat in the back.

Rick pulled out a pint of brandy and four paper cups. He poured out the amber liquor and we toasted.

"To our long and happy friendship." He said and we touched our cups together.

The bus ride took only twenty minutes. We had seen the casino when we came up this road to the resort. The casino was on the highway, and the resort was the first left after the casino, and ten miles up a gravel road.

The casino was a small one and Laura and I decided that we would watch our husbands play 21. After an hour, both Tim and Rick were $25 ahead, but I could tell that they were tiring of playing.

"Let's cash out and do something with the girls." Rick suggested.

Tim nodded and stood up picking up his chips as he did so.

"Where to?" Tim asked.

"Let's get a drink." Laura suggested and the four of us walked back to the huge bar.

The rest of our evening was spent talking and sharing three more drinks. The boys as usual drank beer, while Laura and I were enjoying the fruitiest margaritas I had ever tasted. They were simply delicious. Again I had drunk more then I wanted to, but you must understand, I very seldom drink at all when I am at home. I simply told myself that this was a vacation and as long as I wasn't becoming a drunk or a pest, then I would enjoy every drink that was offered to me by my friends.


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