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The Automated Dairy

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Alone, naked, and afraid, I wonder if am I a woman or a cow?
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Disclaimer: All individuals in this story are eighteen or older. This is intended as a work of fiction. The author does not condone sexual acts with non-consenting participants. Please enjoy. Constructive feedback is appreciated.


My eyelids were still heavy when I finally woke up. No headache, thank goodness. I figured I was due for one, given how drunk I must have been last night. The entire evening was a blur. The only thing I remembered was what sounded like a cow, only a little off, like an imitation rather than the genuine article.

It took me a minute to realize that I was naked, my vision still blurry as I blinked the sleep away. I groaned, hoping I hadn't gotten myself into an awkward situation. Hopefully my suitor had the good sense to wear a condom, whoever he was. I made a mental note to stop by the drug store on the way home.

I started to get up, but something yanked at my neck once I tried to stand. I felt a thick leather band around my neck. Looking down, I saw that it was tethered to the floor by a metal cable. My brain snapped to full alert once I realized that I was not in some frat boy's apartment, nor was I in a room that fit the definition of normal in any way.

The room was long, but narrow, like a hallway with a single door at the end. The walls were cinderblock, with metal rods and other machinery mounted inside them. The floor was made of some kind of tough rubbery material, with a thin trench running down the middle from front to back. The tether was connected at the line, and when I pulled on it, it slid toward me. There was enough slack to move around the room, but not enough to let me stand.

I was forced to crawl on my hands and knees to explore my surroundings, feeling ridiculous as I moved through the room on all fours. My breasts swung freely beneath me without a bra to contain them, making me feel even more self-conscious about my nudity than before.

"Hello?" I yelled. "Is anyone there?" There was no response. In fact, there was no noise from the outside of any kind.

"Hey! Let me out of here! What the fuck do you think you're doing? Let me out!" I screamed. Still no response. For all I knew, no one was listening.

I decided to inspect the rest of the room. I tried fiddling with some of the gadgets on the wall, but the tether kept it all out of reach. I spent a few minutes fiddling with the collar as well, but the effort was equally futile. The only thing I could reach on the wall was a set of stainless steel bowls that jutted out from the wall. One was filled with a mixture resembling whole grain cereal, with seeds and some kind of pellets mixed into it. The other was filled with water.

It smelled pretty good, and I was pretty sure whoever it was that held me captive wouldn't bother trying to poison me. I was starving too, and it occurred to me that I had no idea how long I'd been asleep. I felt like I hadn't eaten in over a day. I reached up to grab a scoop from the bowl, but the moment my hand approached it, the both bowls snapped back into the wall.

"What the hell?" I yelled incredulously. What kind of twisted game was this? "The sort of game a person that would drug you, strip you naked, and leave you chained up in a cell," I silently mused.

When I put my hand down, the bowls slowly returned to their original position. I reached up again, slower this time. It didn't matter. When my hand got too close, they disappeared into the wall again.

When they came out again, I considered ignoring them altogether, but the gurgle in my stomach bid me to do otherwise. I was getting pretty thirsty too. The room was quite warm, which made being naked fairly comfortable, but my throat was getting pretty dry. Besides, I had a notion as to what I was supposed to do anyway.

Instead of reaching for it, I moved as close as the tether would allow, then dipped my face towards the bowl. It didn't move, allowing me to place my lips against the grain. I took a bite, leaning back so that I could chew and swallow properly. It wasn't bad, a little dry perhaps, but it had just a touch of sweetness to it, enough to make it palatable. I took another bite, and then another, grateful for the sustenance.

I tried testing the machine once more time, but once again it retreated from my hand. Once it returned, I decided to address the problem of drinking water. The only real solution I could see was to immerse my face in it and purse my lips, drawing the water through them like a straw. This worked well enough and after a while, both hunger and thirst were sated. I was shocked by how much of the grain I had gone through, consuming nearly half the bowl.

I heard a loud click, followed by a firm tugging on my collar. The tether was pulling me toward the back wall. I didn't resist, unwilling to experiment with just how much force the machine was willing to put on my windpipe. The anchor point went about a foot from the end of the room, then a metal pipe rose of the floor around it, surrounding the cable and moving up toward my neck and locking my head in place.

I could still move my head a bit and my eyes darted to the floor. Metal cups popped out of the floor, encircling both of my hands at the wrist. It didn't hurt unless I struggled, which did me little good. I felt cool metal rings circle my ankles as well. I was almost completely immobilized. Other than turning my head and raising or lowering my but, I couldn't move.

I heard another click behind me, followed by a buzzing sound. I tried to crane my neck to see, but I could barely look over my shoulder. I felt slick rubber vibrate against my ass cheeks. I heard it whir and click a few more times as the machine adjusted itself, then pressed against me. A thick silicone knob brushed against my labia, the vibrations causing my face to flush and my breath to quicken. My cunt started to grow moist, the heat growing inside me as I unconsciously began grinding against my mechanical lover.

"Oh fuck yes," I sighed involuntarily.

The machine did not overindulge in foreplay. The mechanical dildo pushed into me, making me cry out at the sudden violation. So far my imprisonment consisted mostly of stick, and even though I wasn't proud of it, I was glad to be getting some carrot. I ground against my mechanical lover, moaning as my clit brushed the shuddering base of the apparatus. I barely noticed as the machinery on the wall came to life, a mechanical arm advancing toward my backside.

I was lost in the fog of my arousal, furiously humping the machine. I pouted in frustrations when I realized it had slowly been pushing me up, giving me very little room to thrust against it. I was effectively impaled, my ass high in the air as my pussy shuddered against the synthetic cock.

I felt a spot on my ass cool, then a slight pinch. I looked over in time to see the robotic arm withdraw a needle from my rump. Another thicker needle followed it, and I was grateful for the endorphins running through my bloodstream as it pierced my skin. I felt something remain behind in the muscle tissue. The robot ran some sort of scanner over the injection site, which beeped as it passed over. I assumed it was some sort of microchip, the same people used on their pets, a thought I chose not to dwell on.

My ordeal seemingly over, my mind returned to the surprisingly stellar fucking I was receiving from my robotic friend. I cried, "Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!" as the wave of my climax approached. "Oh my god, yes!" I screamed as the wave broke, a mixture of searing pain and pleasure as I came hard.

I whimpered as the tremors of my orgasm rocked me, accompanied by a burning, stinging sensation in my right butt cheek. The offending apparatus was already retreating into the wall, but I could see that the tip of the arm was glowing red hot. Its purpose served, my lover slid out of my abused cunt and disappeared back into the floor. The wrist and ankle bindings receded, as well as the tether pipe. I found I could move freely again, or at least as freely as my leash would allow.

I checked the burn site, which still smarted fiercely. My eyes grew a little misty when I noticed the pattern burned into my skin. 21B.

Branded. I had been branded.


I didn't have much to do for the next several hours. There's only so much to see in a cinderblock cell. The machines left me alone, and the brand was starting to feel better, at least physically. Psychologically, I realized that even if I managed to get out of this place and go back to my old life, that brand would always be there. The thought made me shiver.

I ate and drank some more, out of boredom as much as anything else. I regretted it soon after, as one item that was conspicuously absent from the room was a toilet or anything resembling it.

"Hello? I have to pee. Is there a bathroom or something?" I asked no one in particular. Still no response. What did they expect me to do? Piss on the floor?

I tried to ignore the urge, wishing that something, anything would distract me from it. Hell, I wouldn't mind facing the brand again if it meant I could get some relief. I paced back and forth, my hands and knees starting to chafe against the coarse rubber. I tried to think about anything else, anything at all, but the only thought that popped into my mind was, "Have to pee. Have to pee. Have to pee."

Eventually I lost my battle of wills with Mother Nature. I blinked back tears as I felt the warm stream of liquid run down my leg and under my knee. I clenched down, spraying back forcefully as my bladder rapidly emptied. I sighed with relief once I felt the stream start to dissipate, dripping off of my mons and down my leg.

I couldn't stop staring at the massive puddle I'd left behind. I had never felt so ashamed. What was wrong with me? Was I an animal? Why couldn't I just hold it like a normal person? A small voice inside my head gently reminded me that I couldn't hold it forever and it didn't look like I was getting out anytime soon, but I was too busy feeling sorry for myself to pay much attention.

I heard another click, then a hiss, as water started spraying out of the walls in all directions. I closed my eyes as the thick jets of water pelted me all over. The water was cool, but not unpleasant, and it completely soaked every surface of the room. The shower didn't last long, maybe a minute or so, but it was enough to wash away the pool of urine, much to my relief.

A gust of hot air blasted down from the ceiling, giving me the vague sensation of being inside a giant hair dryer. Quick and efficient, it eradicated most of the moisture from the room, save for a little residual dampness in my hair, which promised to dry on its own fairly quickly now that it was much shorter, a fact I only became aware of when it didn't cling to my back after the impromptu shower. I was amazed that I didn't notice earlier, but considering everything else that had happened, my hair length was possibly the least interesting detail.

I was exhausted by this point, the unspeakable affair sapping all the physical and mental energy I had left. Knowing there was no point in asking for a pillow, I tried my best to find a comfortable position. I settled on my left side, the right cheek still too sore and inflamed to put pressure on. I tried resting on my stomach, but the rubber irritated my nipples, which were unusually sensitive. I drifted off into a deep sleep, dreamless, save for the sound of a woman's voice emitting a long, soulful moo.


Pressure in my bladder woke me. For a second I thought it was a dream, that I was in my bed, or at least a bed, and that I owed my full bladder to a generous quantity of alcohol.

"Please, is anyone there?" I begged. Nothing.

I didn't try to fight it this time, spreading my legs wide as I relaxed my bladder muscles. I managed to avoid urinating on my leg this time at least. The water jets came to life again soon after, only this time it was restricted to ground level, just enough to wash away my mess. After the dryers kicked off, I went to get some food. Same grain as yesterday, bland but edible.

My breasts were starting to ache as well. I thought I might have rolled onto my stomach during the night, but they not only felt tender, but harder too. I gently massaged them, trying to relieve the swelling, or at least determine the cause.

I was interrupted by the tug of the leash. Like before, it dragged me to the back wall, trapping me in place. I wasn't exactly looking forward to being violated by the machine again, considering how it ended last time. I decided I wasn't going to respond to it, no matter how good it felt when the massive throbbing motorized cock penetrated my insides. Fuck.

I bit my lip, trying not to cum as it raised me up again. It continued pumping me with short, fast strokes until my resistance finally broke down. "You win. You win, you win, you win. I'm cumming," I squealed.

My whole body went limp afterwards. I barely noticed the needle, and it looked like the brand was going to be a one-time thing, thank goodness. I spent the next few minutes with my head in the water bowl, drinking deeply. I didn't know why I was so thirsty. I mulled over the possibilities, decided that the most likely explanation was that it was a side effect of whatever drug I was being administered.

I felt another familiar sensation, less urgent, but so much more distressing. I tried not to eat anything for the rest of the day, but I ended up eating even more than yesterday, finishing over half of the bowl. I laid down on my side, trying to fall asleep, but the fullness in my intestines was impossible to ignore.

"Please, not this," I begged my captors. "Please, don't make me do this. It's too much. It's too degrading. Please."

It was so much worse. Emptying my bladder was a passive process, something that just happened to me. Emptying my bowels required effort, especially considering the quantity of roughage I'd taken in.

I squatted low and relaxed my sphincter, gritting my teeth as I defecated onto the floor. I didn't dare look back, the stench in the air and the quiet thump of my droppings hitting the ground was all I could bear. Mercifully, the sprayers turned on once I was finished, carrying away my filth. The whole set kicked on this time, cleaning me as well as my enclosure. I aimed my asshole toward one of the jets, making sure my backside was washed thoroughly.

Part of me wanted to cry, part of me wanted to scream, part of me wanted to fight back. Sleep eluded me for some time, but not because of those conflicting emotions. It was the little voice inside me, the same one that reigned supreme while I was being raped by the machine, the one that said, "Admit it. You like it."


The next several days fell into a familiar, and disturbingly comfortable pattern. I woke up, drank, ate, drank, peed, drank, fucked a robot, got a shot, drank, ate some more, peed, shit, bathed, drank, ate and drank, drank, peed, and slept. After a while, I even got used to eliminating on the floor, to the point where I didn't even think about it anymore. Whenever the urge hit me, I just went.

I started sleeping better too, although I kept hearing a woman pretending to be a cow in my dreams. The only thing that continued to bother me was my breasts. They were growing, and causing me no end of discomfort. My swollen tits were almost twice their original size. When they finally started to leak, steady streams of white liquid running from my nipples, I finally knew what the shots were for. What I still didn't know was why.

I got an answer the next day. Instead of releasing me after my shot, my mechanical lover remained inside me, gently buzzing and pumping at the peak height. I enjoyed this deviation from the routine, I wondered what was in store for lucky number Twenty-One.

Twin cups rose up out of the floor, latching onto my distended breasts. These were clear plastic, as were the tubes they were attached to. I came within moments after the suction kicked in, the release of my milky burden combined with the wonderful stretching and pulling of my nipples proved absolutely irresistible. "Mmmmmoooooooo, thank yooouuu," I sighed, lost in delirium.

I watched happily as the milk flowed out of me, the sweet white liquid running through the clear pipes towards its final destination. I hoped they were getting good use out of it, considering the effort they went through to collect it.

I mooed, I mean moaned in delighted stupor for what seemed like hours, disappointed once I felt the suction release my teats and the dildo slip out of my cunt. I wondered how being milked like a cow could feel so amazing, and I blushed furiously when I remembered the noises I'd made during the process.

When I looked down at my chest, I didn't recognize what I saw. Instead of the pert, delicious breasts I'd earned during my teenage years, I saw a pair of massive pair of milk machines that defied traditional description. They hung low and heavy, the skin stretched by gravity and their perpetual fullness. Veins popped to the surface as they began to refill, in stark contrast to the pale tit flesh. My nipples were longer, thicker too, with beads of white liquid forming at the tip, just minutes after being freshly milked.

They were starting to look more like udders than breasts. And I was starting to feel a lot more like a cow than a woman.


Milking time immediately became my favorite part of the day. My udders, the amazing organs that once were sad little breasts, continued to grow in both their size and capacity. They stretched down past my elbow and my teats hung down even further still, the constant pulling causing them to lengthen beautifully.

I had no idea how long I had been there. While the interior lighting set my daily clock, I lost track of the days, then quit caring about the fact that I'd lost track of the days. I mooed happily when I felt the gentle tug of my leash, walking over to the milk area on my well calloused hands and knees. I still remember what it was like to walk upright, but I couldn't for the life of me figure out why I would choose such an absurd method of locomotion. All fours was so much more convenient.

I didn't bother talking anymore, since there wasn't anyone to talk to. I still needed to express myself, especially when I was really enjoying myself, and mooing seemed as good a way as any to vocalize my pleasure. Actually, it was a pretty good way to vocalize anything when I really thought about it. There were happy moos, horny moos, hungry moos, "I just took a really good dump," moos, moos for every occasion.

And why shouldn't I moo? It was my right as a cow, wasn't it? I knew that technically I was a human being, but if someone were to take a look at me, I'm pretty sure cow would be their first thought. And why shouldn't it be. I was a great cow.

One morning I woke up to something new, something strange. The door was open. Just open. I could see the sky, see an open field stretch out before me. It was surreal. My collar was still there, but the leash had been disconnected, lying uselessly on the rubber floor. I placed took a tentative step out, letting out a happy little moo as I felt cool grass spread between my fingers.

I walked out onto the grass, which tickled the top of my feet as I dragged them over the small hill that masked the horizon. Below it was something amazing. Cows. Lots of cows. Cows just like me, cows of all different sizes and colors. There were fair skinned cows with different shades of hair. There were deep brown cows, with dark, crinkly hair. There were younger cows and older cows. It was amazing.

I watched, fascinated as some of the cows played together. Some would chase and wrestle. Some would kiss and cuddle. I watched one cow bury her face in another cow's rump. She mooed in pleasure as her friend enthusiastically licked her cunt.


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