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The Beach

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Couple meets unhappy pregnant woman at the beach.
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I was walking down the beach when I spotted her. I knew my husband had not seen her. He can sometimes be in his own world. I don't mind. When his mind is off, he is usually thinking of me. He is just enjoying being with me, thinking of what he'd like to do with (or to) me, or thinking of things he can do for me. He is amazingly good to me. I am madly in love with him and would do anything for him.

I watched her for a moment. She looked to be in her late 20s early 30s. She had long brown hair past her shoulders to the middle of her back. Her face was girl next door pretty. At about 5'2" she probably thought she was about 20 lbs overweight. Well, at least up until 5 about months ago. She was obviously pregnant. She still had a great ass and hips. You could clearly see the soft curve of her belly.

She was wearing a string bikini that sat below her belly. She had on an orange gauze coverup. It was practically see through and did not cover up anything. I smiled to myself and nudged my husband.

My husband had always told me he found pregnant women sexy. I thought it was weird at first, but after reading a bit I realized it was quite common. It was especially common among men whose mothers were pregnant during their formative years. My husband had 3 siblings all born within 7 years. His mother was pretty much pregnant from the time he was one till he was seven.

This is a second marriage for both of us. We met 10 years ago. We already had children and decided not to have more. My husband's first marriage was not happy. He told me when his wife was pregnant she would not let him touch her. It was a true irony that when I was pregnant I was horny as hell and my husband wouldn't touch me.

When I nudged my husband out of whatever world he was visiting. He looked at me. It's always funny. He looks at me like a big dog who thinks he's a lap dog. He wants to know what I want and what he can do to make me happy.

Don't get me wrong. He is not a wuss. He is a big, strong decisive man. People look up to him. When I need something he is my rock. Just as he worships me, I worship him. He is definitely the man of our house. He gives me the safety to be a woman.

This time I tilted my head in her direction. It's a game we play. I often point out things or people I know he finds pretty or sexy. I am very confident in our love and know there is no need to be jealous. He finally realized which way I was pointing and looks. He noticed her too and commented that she was beautiful.

I laughed and said, "I am so good to you."

He kissed me and told me I was amazing. We kept walking. As we went by he took one more look. He is so cute.

We were on vacation staying at a beach hotel. We took a nap, got dressed, and went to dinner. As we were eating the young woman came in. She was by herself. She was seated not far from us. I offered to switch seats with my husband so he could get a better view. He just laughed, looked at me and said the view was perfect.

He wasn't looking, but I checked her out a bit more. She was just as pretty as I thought. She was wearing a white sundress that made her look like she belonged walking barefoot through a field. She sat by herself. She did not look around much. She ordered, ate slowly, and looked at her plate. She seemed like she had a sadness about her. Her shoulders hung like she had a great weight on her.

We finished dinner and headed to the patio bar. It was a great place to watch the sunset and there was a guitar player entertaining. We sat there chatting, holding hands, enjoying the moment and sipping our drinks.

As we sat there she walked in. She took a seat by the railing about 2 tables from us. She still looked sad. She was sitting there just gazing into the distance. I did not think she was even watching the sunset. She just seemed lost in thought.

Curiosity got the better of me. I walked over to her table. I said I could not help but notice her lost in thought, she was alone at dinner and now, and I asked her if everything was OK. She looked up at me and smiled. She thanked me for being so kind as to be concerned but assured me she was alright. I said that my husband and I were also staying at the hotel and were sitting right over there. I said if she wanted company she could join us. She thanked me, but she did not want to intrude. I told her that was nonsense and picked up her drink. She followed me to our table.

I introduced my husband and myself. She said her name was Sharon and sat down. My husband immediately started chatting with her. He is great at making conversation. People tend to trust him and like talking to him. We found out she was 29 and here with her fiancé. They lived together and she was expecting in 4 months (my guess was right on).

We asked where he was. She was not sure. They had planned this vacation 8 months ago, but since they got here he had played golf every day. He had met some guys while playing golf and had been spending most of his time with them. We both said that was ridiculous and that she was way too pretty to be left alone. She looked at us and smiled at that. We commented that her fiancé must be crazy.

She told us that she had not intended to get pregnant. She was on the pill and was just part of the 1%. My husband said that happened to his sister. He said on the plus side, he had an amazing niece. That made her smile again. She went on to say that since she got pregnant their life had changed. He did not want the baby but she could not give it up. He was mad at her but did not leave her. When this vacation rolled around, she had hoped it would be a chance to set things right. So far it did not seem that way.

As we talked we described what we were doing the next day. Sightseeing, shopping, a boat excursion. She said it sounded like fun. She looked like she needed fun. I invited her along. At first she said no, but I insisted. She agreed to meet my husband and I in the lobby at 9 am. We said goodnight and walked to our room.

On the way I teased my husband asking him If he thought he could keep his hands off her for a whole day. I asked him if he wanted me to call her and tell her what to wear, after all, I knew exactly what my husband liked. He just laughed. He pulled me close and kissed me. He said, he is lucky if he could keep up with me. We got to our room, made out like we were on our honeymoon, made love, and fell asleep in each others arms.

We got up the next day and I tried to decide what to wear. My husband loves me in sundresses. He loves flirty and feminine. He has a favorite. It's a mid calf length, gauzy, white and purple sundress that buttons down the front and hugs my waist. It has a sort of peasant type neckline. I put it on. Truthfully the dress is a bit thin. At home I would never wear it without a slip, but, we were on vacation and nobody knew us. I could afford to give my husband a thrill. I found a cute thong and bra set. They were also white and purple.

I got dressed and checked myself out in the mirror. Not bad for 48. My husband loved my hair long. Sometimes it was down to my waist. Sometimes shoulder length. Right now it was between my shoulder blades. I have Latin heritage, so my hair was dark and thick. I have always cared for my skin. Between my hair, my skin, and the fact that I am barely 5' tall I am often mistaken for 20 years younger. I had a little extra padding, but my husband told me he loved my curves.

Last year I did a boudoir photo shoot for my husband. During the shoot the photographer looked at the proof of one pose with her assistant. Her assistant was about 20. The assistant looked at the proof and blurted out "oh my god, I hope I am 1/2 that hot when I am her age."

I looked at what I was wearing. If you looked hard enough you could definitely see my bra and thong, but, as I said, no one knew us here. I took a moment with the buttons trying to decide how much to show. I know my husband likes me to show off a bit. He likes it when men notice me. I have to admit, I like it too. I went all out. I only buttoned the buttons from my bra line to just below my panties. I showed a lot of cleavage. Not that I have a lot of cleavage, but a push up bra can do wonders. When I stood still it was fine. When I walked I flashed a lot of leg.

My husband got out of the shower, took one look at me, grabbed me, and kissed me. He commented on how gorgeous I was and grabbed my ass and pulled me in. I reminded him we had plans and that he could ravish me later. He made me promise.

We went down to meet Sharon. She was just as pretty today, except she was smiling. She thanked us again for inviting her and told us she was looking forward to it all night. I made a mental note that I did not have to call her and tell her what to wear. She was wearing a short yellow sundress with a halter top. It was lightweight and with the sun behind her you could see all her curves. My husband was looking.

I kissed him and quipped "made to order."

She actually asked us if she was dressed OK. My husband said he could not wait to be seen with two such gorgeous women. We grabbed a cab and set out.

We toured the sights and generally chatted and had fun. Often times she or I would see something girly, we would grab the other ones hand and we would run to check it out giggling and laughing. My husband just enjoyed himself and the view. At one point I caught her looking at me. I asked her if something was wrong. She commented on how pretty and sexy I looked. She said she loved my dress but her fiancé would never let her wear something so revealing.

I told her my husband loved the way I looked and actually liked men looking at me. She said she liked being looked at, but being 5 months pregnant she felt fat and ugly. She told me that her fiancé had not touched her since she got pregnant.

I hugged her and told her she was gorgeous. She pulled her face away, and looked at me. Her nose was inches from mine. She probed my eyes and asked if I really thought she was pretty. I told her yes and kissed her nose.

I then said, "Don't take my word for it. Ask my husband."

My husband caught up with us, and I said, "Sharon says she's fat and ugly."

You could literally see the look of shock on his face. He asked if I was kidding. I said no. He looked at her and told her that next to me she was the hottest thing he has seen on this vacation. He said that if he were single and 20 years younger she would get no sightseeing done because they would only get out of the bedroom to eat.

She laughed, hugged him, kissed his cheek and said thank you. She came back to me, hugged me again took my hand and said, "This is so fun, you guys are great."

We were finished sightseeing and were wandering through shops. Sharon saw a dress she liked in a window. She said she would come back tomorrow as she was sure my husband would not want to watch her try on dresses.

I told her she did not know my husband. He and I always went shopping together. He had great taste in clothes and would pick out stuff to try on. Some of it was a bit too sexy, but I always tried it all on and showed it to him.

I took her arm and we went into the store. My husband followed. She and I grabbed the dress from the window and headed for the dressing room. My husband went into his normal mode of looking for dresses for us to try on. She and I got to the dressing room.

She untied her halter and stepped out of the dress. She was braless. She had perfect breasts. I told her I remembered when mine looked like that. She laughed and said she bet mine were gorgeous.

She was wearing a pretty yellow thong with ruffles around the waist. She looked adorable. I told her that my husband would die if he saw her in those panties and said they were his favorite style.

She said, "really?"

I unbuttoned one more button on my dress and pulled the sides apart to reveal mine were almost the exact same style just a different color.

She fake scolded me and said I should not be wearing something so slutty and then said, "Who am I kidding you look hot." She then said she bet we would give my husband a heart attack if he saw us both now.

I told her he would definitely be happy.

She put the dress from the window on. It fit her perfectly. She asked if she should show my husband.

I said he'd be mad if she didn't. We stepped out of the dressing room just as my husband came up with an armful of dresses. He told she looked great.

She smiled and said, "I'm glad you like it." She did a twirl for him and the bottom flared out from her legs.

My husband just said, "Perfect." He handed us each a bunch of dresses he picked out for us.

Sharon looked at her pile, looked at me and said, "Wow he does have great taste."

She kissed him on the cheek and said thank you.

We went in the dressing room and started trying on dresses. With each new dress we went out to show my husband. He could tell which worked and which didn't. I always enjoyed trying on clothes for him.

Sharon was having a blast. She would try something on, step out to show him. She would thank him each time for his opinion. As it went on and my husband kept bringing us dresses, Sharon would open the dressing room door, hand him what we were done with and take the new ones. She seemed to forget what she was wearing.

At first she would stand behind the door peek around it and make the exchange, but she got bolder and bolder. At one point she just opened the door topless in her panties. I was standing there in my bra and panties.

He just looked at us and said, Fucking gorgeous".

Sharon smiled turned around, wiggled her ass and shut the door.

When we were done, we had a couple new things to wear. Sharon put her arms around the 2 of us and said, "You guys are amazing. I have not felt this good in months." She kissed us both and said, "thank you."

This time it was a quick kiss on the lips for both of us. Watching Sharon get excited, watching her change, watching her flirt, I was starting to get a little hot. I am not bi. I had never been with a woman. I had always thought women were beautiful. Hanging around with Sharon I was starting to feel something else. I was getting horny and it was directed towards her.

I whispered to my husband, "She's making me horny."

He said, "Me too."

The next shop was a lingerie shop. Sharon asked if we could stop in.

My husband said, Ok, but the rule is you have to model everything you buy." It was a constant joke between he and I.

Sharon's eyes lit up and said, "Really? This should be fun."

My husband and I just looked at each other.

Sharon went around the shop picking out panties, teddies, and nighties. She kept bringing them to my husband and I for approval. We noticed she kept going for the skimpiest and sheerest. I knew my husband loved that stuff.

She made her choices and came back to show us. She asked what we thought. We told her they were hot.

She said, "Wait till you see them on."

It was getting late and time to head back to the hotel for dinner. Sharon asked if she could join us. We said sure. She said she'd meet us in our room after she changed. A little while later she knocked on our door. She was wearing one of the new dresses. This one was a wrap that tied just below the bust and stopped about 2 inches below her ass. If she were not pregnant it would have fallen around her different and been longer. As it was, it was just barely closed in the front over her belly. Still she looked gorgeous and we told her so.

She pulled up the dress to reveal a tiny sheer thong and said, "See new panties too."

We told her they were also gorgeous.

My husband threw in, "With an ass like that, anything would be gorgeous."

She turned with her ass towards the mirror, pulled her dress up again, and looking over her shoulder said, "You're right. I do look good."

We headed down for dinner. We were given a corner booth. The kind everyone has to slide into. I sat on one side of my husband, Sharon on the other. As she slid into the booth it was obvious her short dress was too short to sit on. Her ass was directly on the seat. Also, because the way the dress tied, the front fell open under her breasts and exposed her belly. The table blocked anyone else's view, but to my husband and I she was pretty much sitting there in her top and panties. I knew my husband was enjoying the view. As we ordered my husband's hand fell to my leg. I looked over and Sharon's hand was resting on my husband leg.

We ate and then headed out to watch the sunset on the patio. My husband and I shared a bottle of wine. Sharon could not drink. I was starting to feel warm. I always felt that way towards my husband. Add in wine and sunset, and I am ready to go.

I said to my husband, "Why don't we go to our room?"

Sharon said, "OK."

We were not expecting that. We took the elevator up. I had no clue what was going on. I knew my husband was completely lost. Sharon held my hand on the way up. She kept telling us what a great day she had and what wonderful people we are.

We got to our room and Sharon said she did not think the day could get much better. She put her arms around my neck and hugged me. I could feel her body next to mine and smell her perfume. She pulled her head back and kissed me on the cheek. She pulled back again, and this time kissed me on the lips. It was short, but it was a kiss.

She saw the look of confusion on my face and then burst into tears. I hugged her and she hugged me back. I said it was OK. She said she had never done anything like that before. She'd never kissed a girl. She said she did not plan it. It's just that we made her feel so special it just happened. I was hugging her and saying it was ok, and that I'd never kissed a girl either. She pulled her head back, looked at me and kissed me again. This time I knew what was going on. It felt good and I kissed her back.

She turned and looked at my husband. With one arm around me she held out her other hand to him. She pulled him into our embrace. She told him that he was amazing too. She then kissed him on the lips as well.

He pulled back and looked at me. She was right he was amazing. I just smiled at him.

He stepped back, always the voice of reason, he said to Sharon, "You've been going through a hard time. We've all had a great day, but we do not want you to do anything you will regret later, or get carried away."

She looked at me, she looked at my husband. She said, "I am 29 years old and completely sober. I have not been touched in 5 months. I had a great day and now I am feeling sexy, loved, and horny as hell. No one is taking advantage of me. In fact it may be the other way around."

With that she turned her face to me again. This time it was not a tender kiss it was a passionate kiss. I could feel the heat and could not help but respond. I felt that warmth in my pussy I get whenever I feel sexy.

Keeping one arm around me, she grabbed my husband's shirt, pulled him towards her and gave him the same kiss. I watched their lips together. He pulled back. I thought to myself that this is what she wants, I knew I was feeling it, I also remembered how hot my husband found pregnant women. Hell, he deserved this. I pulled him to me and kissed him hard. I then turned to her and kissed her again.

I gave my husband a sexy smile and said. "You're turn."

I watched them kiss. It was hot. Who would have thought watching another woman kiss my husband could be so hot. My arm that was around Sharon's back slid down her back. I had been looking at her ass all day in the dressing room. Now I realized I wanted to feel it. My hand slipped under her dress and onto her ass. She moaned, smiled at me and kissed me again.

On a whim I reached down and touched my husbands cock through his pants. It was rock hard. I pulled back from Sharon's kiss, looked at my hand and said, "Someone else is enjoying this too."


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