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The Birthday Surprise

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June gets a birthday surprise.
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*Author's Note: This is erotic fantasy. It involves sexual situations between consenting adults, all of whom are over 18 years of age. Since it is fantasy and it's my fantasy, I presume a world free of STDs. I hope you enjoy the story; if not, such is life. Comments are always appreciated.


June was at the sink washing up after making dinner when her husband George arrived home from work, coming up behind her quietly and making her jump when he reached around and filled his hands with her large breasts, his fingers unerringly finding her large nipples and pinching them.

"George!" June gasped, turning around, her face flushed as her nipples hardened. "You scared the daylights out of me," she protested. "It might have been anyone."

"With you dressed like that?" George laughed, June flushing at the inanity of her comment in light of the fact that she was only wearing an apron. "Besides, who ever comes into our home unannounced?" he asked.

"Well, you shouldn't scare me like that," June said, sinking to her knees and pulling his zipper down, then reaching in to extract his cock and wrapping her lips around it, just as she had done every single day for the past 32 years when he'd arrive home from work.

Just shy of 52, June was a short, slightly overweight woman with curly brown hair and hazel eyes, but the thing that most people noticed were her huge breasts, incongruously large on her 5'1" frame. She worked as an elementary school teacher and her schedule got her home an hour before George, perfect timing to be able to prepare dinner.

George was 54, a big, florid man with a pronounced paunch whose once-dark hair had thinned and started to grey, what little there was left of it. He had had the same job ever since graduating college and passing his CPA exams. He was also gifted with a fat, 8" cock, something that June was crazy about.

In spite of June's nondescript appearance, her huge breasts excepted, she had a voracious sexual appetite and a wild, vivid imagination. They had never had children, so they had had, and exercised, the freedom to indulge themselves however and whenever they chose, having sex in every room of the house and on every piece of furniture at one time or another. The first thing that June did every day after getting home from work was to shower, then put on her apron, seldom wearing any clothes in the house, knowing that the sight of her nakedness never failed to get the requisite reaction from George.

"Even after all these years, I still look forward to this every day," she gasped, looking up at him, both hands wrapped around the shaft of his cock.

"It's why I never join the others for drinks after work," George said as June took his cock back into her mouth. "You sucking my cock is far more interesting and enjoyable."

"Well, hurry up and cum so that the food doesn't cool too much," she gasped, wrapping her lips around the shaft of his cock just behind the head, her tongue teasing the slit, something that she knew drove him crazy.

George closed his eyes and focused on letting himself go, sighing when he felt his cock begin spurting cum into June's eagerly sucking mouth. Looking down, he saw her extended tongue, thickly coated with his cum, as shot after shot erupted from his cock into her mouth.

"Mmm," June sighed, closing her lips on him and swallowing, gulping down his cum before continuing to suck him off, not stopping until he was dry. "La dolce vita," she said as she stood up licking her lips and still swallowing, a big smile on her face as George bent down from his 6'5" to kiss her, her mouth and tongue still thickly coated with his cum.

While June preferred to be naked in the house, George was more inclined to wear his boxer shorts, which was all that he retained after undressing when June finished sucking his cock. George had learned long ago to let June's predictable narrative of her day go in one ear and out the other, pretty much without noticing what she was saying, only interjecting the occasional uh-huh or grunt of understanding from time to time. June knew that he wasn't paying any attention, but she had an obsessional need to relate her day to him, so it was all good.

George went to the den after eating, watching the evening news while waiting for June to finish cleaning up and join him, which she did just 10 minutes later, now without the apron, sitting down next to him on the sofa.

"Dessert is served," she announced, leaning back and sliding her ass to the edge of the sofa, her feet up and wide apart, exposing her smooth-shaven pussy.

"The best part of dinner," George said as he slid from the sofa to kneel in front of her, as always, admiring the beauty of her pussy, her long inner lips dark-tinged and pouting apart beneath a big clit, all nestled on a glistening pink background.

As he ate her pussy, George remembered the first time he had met June, a shy, seemingly reserved girl who had just been jostled on the walkway, knocking her books all over the ground, the person who had barged into her not bothering to stop. Never good with girls and scarred from numerous rejections, he had found himself asking her to join him for a beer, which to his great surprise, she had agreed. When one beer turned into three, he found that though she might seem shy and reserved, that she was anything but, asking him if he had asked her for a beer with the intention of having sex with her.

"You guys are all alike," June had sighed when his face reddened at her question. "You see my big boobs and think straightaway of sex."

"I guess that's pretty insulting to you," George had said.

"Well, yeah, especially since they mostly just gawk and never follow through with what's obviously on their minds," June had said.

"What would you have them do, tell you that they want to see your breasts and fuck you or something?" George had asked.

"That would be a good start," June had replied.

"And that wouldn't insult you?" George had asked in astonishment.

"There's only one way to find out," June had replied, smiling.

"Okay, I want to see your breasts and fuck you," George had said. "And while you're at it, I want you to suck my cock."

"And what will you do for me?" June had asked, stunning him.

"Wha-what do you want me to do for you?" George had asked.

"Well, for starters, after I suck your cock, I want you to kiss me, really kiss me," June had replied, smiling when she saw George's eyes open wider. "And before you fuck me, I want you to eat my pussy, then do it again after you fuck me."

"Is this how all of your first dates go?" George had asked, laughing, not taking her seriously, convinced that it was the beer and her way of paying him back for staring at her breasts.

"No," June had replied. "Most guys just stare at my breasts. They never even have the nerve to talk to me."

"Then why..." George had started to ask.

"I'm short, mousy-looking, and I have big boobs," June had said. "Guys don't take me seriously, then they're afraid of me."

"I'm not afraid of you," George had assured her.

"Then you agree?" June had asked.

"But...but why?" George had asked.

"I have a lot of sexual fantasies," June had replied. "You know, like Prince Charming and stuff, only my Prince Charming kisses me after I suck his cock and he eats my pussy before and after he fucks me."

"You know, you have to be the epitome of never judging a book by its cover," George had laughed.

"Well, I can tell that you like the cover of my book," June had said, smiling, "would you like to read it?"

"Hell, yes," George had replied.

And that's how it had all started. June had gone back to his room with him and undressed, letting him have as much of her huge breasts as he liked. She had been openly delighted when she saw his cock and had enthusiastically sucked it, surprising him when she didn't pull away when he warned her that he was going to cum, instead even more determinedly sucking on him, letting him cum in her mouth and gulping it all down.

Even though he had no desire to kiss her after that, it had been a point of honor for him to keep his word, so he had kissed her, trying not to think about the slimy cum coating her lips and tongue. When he had first seen her pussy, he had thought that it was the most beautiful thing that he had ever seen in his life, but when he tasted her, his head had spun, her musky flavor almost overwhelmingly intoxicating. She had had to push his face away from her pussy after cumming numerous times, eagerly pulling him into her, moaning when his cock filled her tight pussy.

Because she had sucked his cock, George had been able to fuck her for almost 15 minutes before he felt that he was going to cum again, once again warning her and starting to pull out, only to be held in place by her legs around his waist, his balls finally exploding and pumping cum deep into her pussy. It had been much harder for him to eat her pussy after that, but he had done so nonetheless, finding it different, but only disgusting to think about. The actual flavor was okay, especially in her pussy, and eventually that was all he had tasted, her pussy.

They had been inseparable after that, George quickly adjusting to and acceding to her kinky nature, the presence of his cum on her mouth or pussy never a deterrent to kissing her or eating her. He had loved the fact that she was permanently on high horny, always ready and insisting on some form of sex. They married a week after graduation.

June had another quirk of personality that ended up providing lots of fun for their sex lives. Whenever she watched a movie, she liked to imagine one or more of the characters having sex with her, with George as the stand-in. She had vicariously fucked all of the major stars in this way, as well as many of the starlets.

They were watching the Spartacus television series at the moment and June had decided that she wanted George to be Crixus, having him eat her pussy and fuck her, though she insisted on sucking his cock when he was ready to cum, then Lucretia, the part played by Lucy Lawless, as he ate her.

Several years previously, George had given June a sex trapeze for Christmas, a collection of supports and restraints and chains that hung from the ceiling in their bedroom. Properly set up, he could suspend her in mid-air in a wide variety of positions, something that they often enjoyed doing.

June's 52nd birthday was coming up in a few days. George had had what for him amounted to a brainstorm and had planned a surprise birthday present for her. He waited until he got home from work and she was sucking his cock in the kitchen before he even offered her birthday wishes, knowing that she had wondered the whole day if he had even remembered, not without cause. He also gave her his usual birthday present, a bottle of Chanel No. 5, her favorite perfume.

"I have a surprise for you," George told her after they had finished eating, watching as she cleaned up, his eye on the clock.

"Oh!? What surprise?" June asked, smiling up at him.

"If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise," George replied.

"Okay," June said, drying her hands. "What's the surprise?"

"Come with me," George said, leading the way to their bedroom, June's face lighting up when she saw him lower the trapeze from the ceiling.

"Oh, George, what a wonderful idea," June said, helping him to put her into the rig.

"Feel comfortable?" George asked once the ankle, knee, hip, and shoulder supports were attached and she was sitting comfortably 3' above the floor.

"Yes," June replied.

"Music," George said, holding up a small set of earplugs which he handed to her, then attached the tiny MP3 player to the bottom of the 6" leather strip that she was sitting on. "And now the mask," he said, handing her a full-head mask that left only the lower part of her face below the eyes visible.

"How does it look?" June asked when she had pulled it on.

"Good," George replied. "Can you see anything?" he asked.

"No, it's totally dark," June replied.

"What's the stop word?" George asked, an idea that they had come up with after June had experienced a mild panic attack once due to the absence of any visual input.

"Red light," June replied, smiling. "Oh, George, I'm so glad that you thought of this. This is a perfect birthday surprise," she said as he began adjusting the chains, causing her to lay back until she was parallel to the floor, her knees pulled up and wide apart, totally exposing her pussy and asshole.

"Comfortable?" he asked when he had her positioned the way he wanted.

"Yes," June replied eagerly, feeling her pussy flooding with juices in anticipation.

"Okay," George said. "I'm going to turn on the music now."

"Okay," June said excitedly, a big smile creasing her face when she heard Crackhouse Consolidated with the The Yeastie Girls song, You Suck, start to play, her favorite music for fun on the trapeze.

June didn't feel anything happening, but she knew from experience that George enjoyed teasing her like this, so she forced herself to relax and listen to the music, knowing that nothing but fun was coming, it was only a matter of when. The song was on its second play when June finally felt a tongue on her pussy, moaning as she immediately began to cum as her pussy was eaten. After a couple of minutes, the tongue was replaced by a cock which fucked her vigorously for a few minutes before withdrawing, leaving her gasping, followed by a cock rubbing her lips, opening her mouth for it and tasting herself on it as she sucked, almost immediately rewarded by a blast of cum.

As she was sucking and gulping down the cum that was filling her mouth, she was stunned to feel a mouth on her pussy, knowing that it wasn't possible for it to be the same person whose cock that she was sucking dry. She exploded in orgasm at the realization that someone else was in the room with them, eating her pussy. As she finished sucking dry the cock in her mouth, the mouth on her pussy disappeared, only to be replaced by a cock, definitely a smaller cock than the previous one.

June was stunned that George would let someone else fuck her, though her pussy didn't object, spasming as she came. Gasping for breath as she was fucked, she was surprised yet again when a cock pushed into her mouth. Moaning, she sucked on it, hardly daring to believe that it was happening. Then she felt the cock in her pussy pulsing and realized that it was cumming inside of her, quickly followed by the cock in her mouth erupting and blasting cum.

Sucking the cock in her mouth dry and gulping down all of the cum, she felt the cock in her pussy withdraw, only to be replaced by another mouth. Arching her neck as she came incessantly, she felt a cock rubbing her lips, then sliding into her mouth, the familiar taste of herself all over it. She knew that it was the cock that had just fucked her and eagerly sucked on it, tasting the cum as well as her own juices as she sucked it clean.

She was gasping for breath, her head spinning in disbelief, when the mouth on her pussy was replaced by another cock. June was beside herself in shock as the cock in her pussy began to fuck her. She felt something drip on her cheek, then onto her upper lip. Licking it with her tongue, she realized that it was cum. As she tried to process the fact that George was actually allowing this to happen, her mouth was suddenly covered by a gooey, cummy wetness that she realized had to be a woman's pussy, something that she had often fantasized about, but had never in her life indulged in.

Throwing all caution to the winds, June eagerly slurped on the pussy on her mouth, finding the spicy taste delicious, yet totally different than her own musky flavor, drinking up the cum cocktail that flowed from the pussy onto her tongue and into her mouth. Again and again, she felt cocks pressing into her pussy and fucking her, then she'd feel them pushing into her eagerly sucking mouth, her pussy constantly spasming in orgasm as she'd cum.

Then she felt a cock pressing against her rosebud and she groaned as it pushed into her, filling her ass, then another pussy, a different one, she quickly realized from the flavor, plastered itself onto her mouth. June totally gave herself up to everything, eagerly sucking the cocks and eating the pussies as she was fucked, totally losing track of everything, not knowing how much time had elapsed or how many times she was fucked or how many cocks she sucked or pussies that she ate.

She was eating another cum-filled pussy and being fucked by a large cock when she felt the laces holding the head mask on being loosened, then pulled off, followed by the earplugs with her music. Blinking her eyes at the sudden brightness, she realized that the pussy she was eating belonged to one of her fellow teachers as she looked up and saw her small breasts with dark nipples, a smiling face above them looking down at her. When Sheila, the woman whose pussy she was eating, finally rose up off of her face, she saw that the man fucking her was Brian, a black colleague of George's. Looking around the room, she saw that there were half a dozen men, some of them George's colleagues, some of them her own colleagues, and three women, two of them fellow teachers and one that she recognized from George's work, a very large woman with huge breasts.

When Brian pulled his cock from her pussy, she saw George take his place and felt his big cock pressing into her ass as Brian came around and stuck his big black cock into her mouth and began immediately cumming. Over and over again it happened, the men taking turns fucking her pussy and ass, everyone using her mouth, until finally she lay there gasping for breath, her entire body vibrating from the non-stop orgasms that she had been experiencing.

Then they all gathered around, looking down at her, George standing above her head jacking his cock, cum shooting out to splash all over her face as they began singing happy birthday.

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GinafrommaineGinafrommaineabout 2 years ago

Very hot. Nice surprise party.

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