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The Boy Next Door

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Young men move in next door. Wife gets adventurous.
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Author's note, to all my fans:

I want to thank all of you for the votes, favoriting my stories, favoriting me as an author, comments, and emails. Especially the last two. Please keep them coming.

Just to answer a few common questions.

I read all the comments and respond to all emails (unless you become stalkerish). Your feedback is what keeps me writing. Please keep it coming.

I do read the profiles of those who write nice comments and those who follow me. I like to know my fans.

I know I've slowed down a bit. Truthfully after my first barrage of stories that were stuck in my head, my ideas have slowed down. I promise to keep writing albeit at a slower pace.

Contrary to some opinions I do not delete comments. I did try it on one story, but got bored with it. What you see is what I get.

The picture on my profile is me, but I admit it's 5 years old.

Please enjoy this story. Keep that feedback coming.


I watched them move in. They were unloading a truck and carrying in furniture. It was a little odd. Our suburban neighborhood didn't have renters, but, our neighbors were transferring for a two year assignment and would be coming back. They had put their furniture in storage and rented out the house.

The boys looked young. Maybe because I was 42 and all guys under 30 looked like college boys. I knew one of them, Karl. The owners had introduced him to us. He was 22. I knew that he and three friends were moving in because my neighbors had asked us to keep an eye on them and the house. They had told Karl to contact us if he needed anything and we gave him my cell.

We lived on a cul de sac, so the truck was parked easily where I could watch them unload it. I had my blinds partially opened. Given the angles and distances I was pretty sure they couldn't see me, but I could easily see them.

I watched them as they lifted boxes and furniture and carried them in. It was hot out and the boys glistened with sweat. I could see the muscles in their arms tighten up as they lifted. They were in the prime of life.

I thought about myself. At 42 I couldn't complain. I didn't have a lot of stretch marks. My 34c breasts, although hanging a bit lower, were still round and firm. Working out 3 days a week I kept my 5'2" 120lb body in pretty good shape. I wondered if a guy their age would even notice me.

I shook my head. What was I thinking. These guys were half my age. Plus, I was happily married. Very happily. I had a husband who loved me and loved my body. Maybe a bit too much, I gave a small inward wry smile.

My husband, Jim, loved seeing me in revealing clothes. Not just at home, but when we went out as well. He loved it when men and women noticed me. He would point it out. At first I was self conscious, but after the years I began to enjoy and even look forward to the attention.

My mind drifted back to the boys. They were sitting on the truck tailgate taking a break. I figured I might as well meet them. I thought about what I was wearing. I was decent, a pair of white shorts and a blue tee. Nothing exciting, nothing unusual.

I went to the door and called to Karl. "Hey guys, you look like you could use some cold water or a soda," I said.

Karl responded, "Thanks Mrs. Castle, that would be great."

"Why don't you come inside in the air conditioning and sit," I offered.

They thanked me and all came in. As they did Karl introduced me.

The other boys names were Bob, Ryan, and Adam. They were all very polite. They smelled like sweat and hard work..

I have to admit I liked the smell.

I offered them all soda or water and after they told me what they wanted I went about getting them. I normally keep the soda on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. As I bent over to get it I turned and looked at the boys to ask what kind of soda. I noticed their eyes were focused on me. It took me a moment, but I realized they were checking out my ass as I bent over.

My face flushed a little bit when I noticed. I decided to ignore it and got the sodas. After all I thought, it's not unusual for a guy to check out a woman's ass and truthfully I was kind of flattered.

I got the guys drinks and sat and chatted with them. They were pleasant and polite. They told me about their jobs and lives. Bob and Ryan had girlfriends. Adam and Karl said they were playing the field.

"Until I meet someone as pretty as you Mrs Castle, I'm staying single," quipped Karl.

"I'm sure there are lots of girls your age who are much prettier than a 42 year old woman," I replied.

"You are not 42," Adam and Karl said in unison.

I assured them I was.

"Not many girls our age look as good as you," said Karl.

I was feeling a little self conscious with all the attention. Having these guys talking about me was turning me on and embarrassing me. I liked that they noticed me. I knew I shouldn't. I changed the subject to how the move was going. Even though I changed the subject I couldn't help but think about what the boys had said.

Could they really think I'm that pretty? After all, I was 20 years older than them. I was feeling both flattered by what they said, and insecure that they were just teasing me.

We chatted for a while, they finished their drinks and said they had to get back to unloading. We said our goodbyes and they went back to work.

I watched through the window. I wondered if it was possible for those handsome men to actually find me attractive. I felt a little tingle of excitement as I thought about it.

I went about my day every once in awhile checking out the boys. I remembered when Jim was that young, all 5'11 and chiseled muscle. Not that he was in bad shape now, just that youthful body and energy had passed. I remembered what it felt like to have his pressed against mine. We were both softer now, but we still had a great sex life and I still loved the way his body felt against mine.

Eventually Jim came home. We made the usual small talk about our days and I mentioned the boys moving in.

"Oh, did you meet them?" he asked.

I told him that I'd met them and invited them in for a cold drink.

"Hmmm," he joked. "Should I be worried about my wife hanging out with four hot young men?"

"Maybe," I teased. "They told me I was pretty," I told him.

That peaked his interest. He asked me for details and we spent a little while talking about the conversation.

"Well, they have great taste," he said.

"Oh come on," I replied. "You really think guys that age would give a woman my age a second look?"

"Not only do I think they would, I think they did," he said scooping me into his arms.

He kissed me. Not the hi kiss, the one that said, "let's fuck." I was feeling a little horny myself so I was ready and kissed back. Our clothes ended up on the den floor and we fucked on the couch. I needed very little foreplay. My pussy was already wet.

"What got you so wet," he teased.

"I don't know," I responded coyly. "What's got that dick so hard and ready?"

We both knew. He always liked it when I got checked out. I always liked it too.

"Does that hard dick like knowing its wife was being checked out by four young studs," I teased.

"No more than this wet pussy enjoyed it," he replied.

We continued to fuck.

"I wonder what they'd say if they could see you now?" he mused.

I thought about what they'd be seeing. Me on my knees, head and chest to the couch. Jim Behind me with his cock in my pussy. The thought turned me on. I moaned.

"Oh? You like that idea," he teased.

"No more than you do," I panted back.

"True," he said and started thrusting harder.

"Oh my god," I moaned as he fucked me. I came all over his cock.

"Mmmmm, that's my sexy girl," he said

A few more thrusts and I felt his body start to stiffen.

"Cum for me baby," I coaxed. "Imagine the guys watching you cum inside me."

That was it. I felt his cum flood my pussy. We rolled over onto the floor in each other's arms.

I kissed him. "I love you," I said.

"I love you too," he replied. "And those guys are right, you are hotter than women their age."

We snuggled for a while, watched some TV, and went to bed. I couldn't get the image of the boys watching Jim fuck me out of my mind. Jim was asleep and I didn't want to wake him. I quietly slipped my hand to my pussy and brought myself to another orgasm. Then I fell asleep.

The next day was Saturday. I was up a little before my husband. I got myself a cup of coffee and sat in the living room. This wasn't too unusual, I liked looking out the window. I usually sleep nude so I'd thrown on a short pink robe that barely covered my ass.

Sitting in the living room I wondered if they could see me. I knew they couldn't, but it made my pussy wet wondering what they would think if they could.

Eventually Jim woke up. I got him some coffee and we made small talk. I kept looking towards the window.

"Trying to see more?" he laughed.

"I guess I'm just a nosey neighbor," I replied.

He laughed, "and what if they see you?"

"They can't see me from this angle," I protested.

"Of course they can," he said. "If you can see them, they can see you."

I let that sink in. I felt a tingling in my pussy. I kind of liked the idea of being seen. I wondered what they'd think if they saw me.

Monday morning I did my usual coffee routine. I was sitting looking out the window when I saw Karl coming out his door. I was wearing my short pink robe. I watched Karl as he walked to his car. All of a sudden he looked over and smiled. I looked around. Had he seen me?

My question was immediately answered when he waved at me. I wondered how much he could he see. Our property was a bit lower than his. I'd have to get out there and see at some point.

I waved back. He smiled, got in his car, and drove off.

I went about my day. As I did I kept thinking about Karl seeing me in my robe. The thought of it made me a bit horny. I wondered what Karl thought. Did he like what he saw?

Around four o'clock curiosity got the best of me. I decided to walk over and see how much Karl could have seen from his driveway. I headed out the door and up his driveway. I turned to look. As I did I realized he had a perfect view of my living room and had probably seen me down to my knees.

I started walking back to my house. As I did Karl's car pulled into the cul de sac. I was standing by the end of his driveway. He pulled in. I just stood there, I mean, I couldn't really just walk away, I needed to tell him something. My mind was blank for ideas.

"Hey Mrs. Castle, What's up?" he asked. It was obvious he was wondering what I was doing in his yard.

I thought fast. "Ummm, I came to ask you if you got any of our mail. I was expecting something and it hasn't arrived."

Wow, that was good. I congratulated myself.

"No we haven't seen anything but we'll keep an eye out," he said.

"Thank you," I replied and turned to walk to my house.

Then he said, "It was nice seeing you this morning."

I had no idea how to respond.

"Ummm.., I didn't know you could see me," I stammered. "I usually have my morning coffee in the living room. I like looking out the window."

"Oh yeah, I could see you. Who could miss such a beautiful woman so early in the day," he replied.

I must have blushed.

"No need to be embarrassed Mrs Castle. You are great to look at," he pushed.

"Thank you," was all I could think to say. Then, "I better be going."

"It was nice seeing you," he answered. "Now and this morning. Hope to see you again soon."

I turned and went into my house. Was he flirting with me? I wasn't sure what he meant by that last part. I could feel a fire of embarrassment and excitement. I wasn't sure which I liked better.

I started dinner and waited for Jim to get home. When he arrived home I was sitting at the kitchen table thinking.

"Hey babe, what's up," he asked seeing I was obviously deep in thought.

I never lie to my husband. I told him about my conversation with Karl.

"Of course he likes what he sees. You're gorgeous," he said. "I like what I see every morning too," he laughed.

"You get to see a lot more of me," I teased.

"I bet Karl wishes he could see more of you," he responded.

"Ya think?" I asked. "What makes you think he'd like to see more of an old lady like me?"

"Because you're gorgeous," he replied and kissed me.

"Oh, and how do you feel about him seeing me?" I asked.

"He's a lucky man," he replied.

We then started talking about our day and usual stuff. Jim took me in his arms and kissed me.

"I'm glad I get to look at you," he said as he kissed me.

"You just like to see me naked," I replied.

"Who wouldn't," he replied as he started to pull at my T-shirt.

"Hey what about dinner?" I protested.

"Fuck dinner," he said.

"Fuck me first," I replied.

His hands unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans. Then he turned me around and bent me over the table. He tugged my jeans and panties down around my thighs. I spread my legs as far as I could being stopped by the material around my thighs.

I heard him unzip his pants. His fingers found my pussy. I was already wet but he spread my juices around just to make sure I could take him. I moaned as he touched me.

The tip of his cock pushed against my pussy lips. I pushed back as he thrust his cock into me.

"Mmmm, Baby, you feel so good," I moaned.

"And you have a perfect ass," he replied.

I wiggled it on his cock. "All yours baby," I said as he continued to fuck me.

I loved the way his cock felt with my legs held together. I could feel it tug on my clit with every thrust. I fucked back as much as I could.

"God baby, you feel so good," I breathed.

"I love how hot and wet you feel," he replied.

"Just fuck me," I sighed.

He grabbed my ass and continued to fuck me. Pulling me towards him as he thrust into me. I felt that familiar feeling in my pussy. I felt it build up. Then my orgasm washed over me. That tingling from my toes to my pussy. I moaned again.

"Mmmmm yes," I moaned.

"That's my girl, cum all over me," he responded.

I did. I could feel the hot juices in my pussy soak his cock.

"I love the way you feel," he told me.

I felt him stiffen up. As he did he grabbed my ass tighter and thrust into me. I felt his cock spasm and hot cum squirt against the walls of my pussy. I came again as he came in me.

"Mmmmmm...," I sighed dreamily.

I stayed bent over the table for a moment recovering my breath. I felt his cock fall out of me. I turned around, and with my pants and panties still around my thighs knelt down in front of him.

"Let me clean that off for you," I said.

I took his wet cock in my hands and guided it to my mouth. He was still semi hard as I started to suck and lick him clean.

I pulled it out of my mouth and looked at it. I loved this. I loved the taste of his cum mixed with mine. "Yumm," I purred as I continued to clean him off.

When I was done I licked and sucked my fingers clean.

"Wow," said Jim. "If showing off gets you this hot you should show off all the time."

"How about dinner," I said.

We both zipped up and sat down for dinner.

The next morning I got up and as Jim showered I went to get coffee. As I put on my pink robe I thought about the morning before and Karl seeing me. I felt that little tingle in my pussy. I wondered if he'd be out there again.

I poured my coffee and went to the living room to drink it. I stood in front of the window. I was thinking about Karl. I was wondering what he'd think if he saw me again.

I didn't have long to wait. I saw the door open and Karl walk out. Almost immediately he looked at my window. He saw me and waved. I waved back. He stood there for a moment then headed to his car. With another wave he got in his car and drove away.

I felt electric. That tingly feeling when you're anticipating or something exciting was about to happen. I heard a noise behind me. It startled me out of my thoughts. I turned to see Jim there. He had a huge grin on his face.

"Saying hi to your friend?" he asked.

I started to say something. He took me in his arms and kissed me.

"I bet he loved the view," he said. "I know I did." He grabbed my ass under my robe, pulled me to him and kissed me.

I melted into him practically humping his leg. I could feel his cock partially hard against my belly.

"I love you," I said.

"I love my sexy little wife," he said.

"You think I'm sexy?" I asked. I knew he did, but at that moment, I was feeling a little vulnerable.

"You know I do," he said. Then he slapped my ass and said, "I bet your new friend does too."

"I doubt that," I replied.

"If you waved to me from a window, dressed like that, I wouldn't be able to concentrate all day," he said. "In fact, just watching you do it is going to be a fun thought all day," he teased.

"Well if I can make my man think of me all day, I'm happy," I said.

"Two men," he replied. He kissed me again and headed out the door.

I went upstairs to shower and dress. I thought about Karl. I wondered if he liked what he saw. I thought about my husband's reaction. He didn't seem to mind that Karl saw me. In fact, he had the same reaction he had when we were out and men checked me out. He seemed to like it. The difference being all I had on this time was a short robe that barely covered my ass.

I thought about Karl looking at me. My fingers found my pussy. I wondered what he'd think if he'd been able to watch me. Would he want to touch me?Under the hot shower I brought myself to a nice orgasm. I turned the water off, got dressed and went about my day.

I got up the next morning and put on my robe. As I did my husband, who was in the bathroom shaving, must have heard me. He looked at me and said, "Say hi to your friend for me." He had a big smile on his face.

"Whatever," I said with a smile.

As he said it I knew I was looking forward to Karl seeing me again. I wanted to hurry and get to the living room so he wouldn't miss me, or I wouldn't miss him. I wasn't disappointed. At his usual time Karl appeared in his doorway. Again he looked to my window. He saw me and waved. I smiled and waved back.

This became our routine. Every morning I'd be in the window in my pink robe. Everyday we'd wave to each other. Jim would see me every once in awhile. He'd always kiss me and tell me how sexy I was.

Me standing in the window would often come up when we had sex. Jim started referring to Karl as 'my boyfriend'. He would ask me if I saw my boyfriend that morning. He would often talk about how sexy I was and that he bet Karl found me sexy too. As he fucked me he'd tell me how he bet Karl would want to fuck me. The conversation would always excite me and lead to great sex.

One day, about three weeks in, Karl came to his door. We waved as usual then, as he walked to his car, he stopped and looked at me. With his fingers pointing down he made a little twirling motion. It was obvious he wanted me to turn around.

I didn't know how to react. My heart was pounding in my throat. I was probably stalling for time, but with a questioning look, I made the same signal back. It was obvious I was trying to confirm what he was asking.

He nodded his head and did it again.

I looked around. I don't know what I was looking for. Maybe my husband. I decided what the hell. I slowly turned my back to the window. My robe was short. It barely covered my ass. I looked over my shoulder at him. He gave me a thumbs up. I turned back to the window he smiled and gave me a thumbs up. I shrugged my shoulders and gave him a shy smile. He waved again, got in his car, and headed off.

A few days later I was home in the kitchen when I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and Karl was standing there. I quickly thought about what I was wearing. I had just got home from work and had stripped out of my dress and threw on a tank top and sweats. I had also taken off my bra.


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