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The Chink of Light Ch. 05

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Peeping Tommery - pretty much sexual intercourse.
3.5k words

Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 07/28/2016
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Of course Geoff slept soundly, of course there was a knowing smile from Chloe across the breakfast table, of course there was an innocent look from Chloe as she peeled a ripe banana and chopped it onto her muesli - and of course there was a wink when her mother was not looking.

Another night, another opportunity to stick his penis through Chloe's wall.

He was wary, wary of sticking his penis through the wall until he was sure Chloe's door had been locked for the night. He looked through the lower hole and it seemed the chest of drawers had been pushed back but even so he was wary. He did not want Chloe pulling back the chest of drawers again and then leaving him whilst she went to the bathroom. Nice as the idea was to be stuck ready for Chloe, he was not risking her mother or indeed Mr Smold again.

Pyramus and Thisbe like, he waited to be called. Difficult to remain soft and malleable when such excitement was in the offing. Difficult to remain disinterested when able to see Chloe in her room. Difficult to push first balls then penis through without erecting when Chloe pulled the chest of drawers aside and said,

"Oh, there's nothing there! Geoff, are you there? Your penis please - everything."

But safely through and on the other side he awaited developments whilst happily watching Chloe undoing her dressing gown and pulling off her nightie. Her hand reached towards him. Lovely to see her pretty face with her eyes looking down at the penis he could not see and actually licking her lips. If only he could reach and hold those two breasts but he could, of course, only see, not touch. Would she again suck? It had been such a surprise and a joy the night before when she had gone so much further than he had expected and not just a little nibble or a suck!

"I want to be fucked tonight, Geoff. I think I can do it. I think I can either lie on two chairs with my legs up in the air against the wall or I could simply reverse back onto your penis. Either way would be nice - fucking nice!"

Geoff swallowed. He was going to lose his virginity and in a way he could never have imagined - with a girl in a different room. He would have no part in it, other than his penis being placed inside Chloe - admittedly that aspect would be rather an important part or quite a big part really! But it would not be him doing the penetrating, it would not be him doing the pushing and pulling of intercourse: he would be a totally passive participant, trapped with his balls and erection through the hole so he could do nothing but stand firm and be used - and be made to come of course.

"Have you a condom?" he whispered. He certainly had; he had bought a packet for just such an eventuality but now, with his penis stuck through the large knot and the small knot probably too small to push an unwrapped condom through - certainly without risk of tearing it, his packet of condoms was on the wrong side of the wall.

"Of course I bought some and I might put one on you."


"Chloe you must because..."

The sudden feel of her fingers squeezing his penis.

"That's my choice. You can't do anything about it!"

And Geoff knew he could not. His penis was not currently his own but Chloe's - until after ejaculation.

"It's really hard! And big! I suppose it'll fit. They do after all!"

Indeed they did! Down below him, out of sight, Geoff could feel Chloe squeezing him, feeling his size. And just like the other day she dropped out of sight and he felt wet lips upon him. Just so lovely but such a shame he could not see it!

"Funny how nice sucking your cock is!" Chloe had popped back into view. "Nice you coming in my mouth but," he felt fingers fondling his balls, "these are to be emptied somewhere else today."

Geoff was treated with the rather unusual view of Chloe stepping away from the wall, bending down and clasping her ankles as if playing leap frog and then reversing towards him, her bottom spread revealing not just her sex but her little wrinkled brown bottom hole as well. He smiled, if she wanted him in there then there was nothing he could do to stop her! But he was sure Chloe had a more traditional idea in mind. It certainly looked swollen, wet and ready. Chloe was clearly already excited. Perhaps she had been thinking about coming up to her bedroom all evening! Had planned exactly what she was going to do - had decided she wanted to feel him inside her.

Sexual intercourse! Was he really going to feel what that was like?

Spread-eagled and trapped he felt at the peak of excitement. He could even feel a little movement in his urethra, a little indication of his excitement, a little pre-cum, a little preparatory release perhaps even containing spermatozoa.

"Chloe," he hissed, "condom!"

She turned and looked up at him, "Must I?"

"Yes, you fuckin' must!"

"Diane says you can't get pregnant on your first time."

"Yes, you can! Please, please put one on me!"

Chloe pouted.

Was she just playing with him? Was she really thinking of unprotected sex or was this all a tease? It seemed all the wrong way around. Geoff, not Chloe, worrying about contraception!

The packet, though, was to hand. Chloe tore open the foil and pulled out the little latex flying saucer.

"Which way around does it go?"

Presumably Chloe worked it out - or more likely had already read the instructions or talked to her friends about such things - as Geoff felt the thin membrane being rolled down his erection.

"Better, Geoff?"

"Yes." Not actually 'better' but certainly sensible!

Again Chloe reversing but this time - contact! Skin to skin! Or virtually skin to skin because where it really counted there was a barrier between her wetness and his penis. In a way, this was like the wooden barrier between their bodies albeit much, much thinner.

Nothing for Geoff to do, of course, it was for Chloe to move and use his penis. Geoff thought it must be to her little different from having some sort of stick on rubber dildo on the wall. His penis could neither move nor would she feel the ejaculation when it came. The only useful thing about it compared to the dildo was it would be warm: the only other difference, as far as he could think, would be that it would go soft when it had come - not actually very useful to a girl.

Of course she knew she was fucking a real man, that a real man was spread-eagled just beyond her wall, but that was all in her mind - but, there again, the real sex organ is the mind. What we actually think in our heads is the real sexual stimulation even when engaged in coitus.

Geoff felt the girl pushing against the solid end of his penis, against the swollen knob end. He could most definitely feel that through the thin latex membrane. A bit of pressure and then a yielding - Geoff was actually inside Chloe's body! Or more accurately, Geoff was within latex that was within Chloe's body. There was a bit of a thump as Chloe pushed home and her bottom made contact with the woodwork.

Despite the latex barrier, Geoff was truly being fucked by Mr and Mrs Smold's young daughter. He was indeed really inside her vagina, clasped and being moved by it. He could see nothing but could feel a great deal - even through the latex barrier. In their bedroom Mr and Mrs Smold were perhaps asleep, perhaps engaged in coitus themselves but with no idea their little girl's virginity was being taken or, perhaps more accurately, she was taking their lodger's.

A nice, but all a little disconnected, sensation to his penis with only Chloe's shoulders and head in view until with some really hard thrusts against him, even a little more thumping of her bottom against the wooden panelling Chloe very clearly 'came;' she slumped right off his penis and forward onto her arms bringing her bottom back into view. But not just her bottom for, down below it, Geoff could once more see her swollen pudenda and her dilated vagina. It really was open - had been opened by his invading erection. It closed as he watched - a very erotic sight. Nice to see the girl twitching in aftershocks of her orgasm.

Geoff of course could do nothing; could not move forward and take the exposed girl and finish the job - fuck her to his conclusion. He was totally in Chloe's hands or rather, at that moment, not in her hands, mouth or vagina but just standing out in the open.

"Oooh, Geoff, your cock does look funny," her head turned towards him, "the condom has slipped up a bit, it's like you're wearing an old wrinkled stocking! Let's pull it tight. That's it, make's your knob all look a bit squashed and tight right up against your little teat. Still empty. Shall we fill it?"

"Yes please Chloe. No, no, I meant inside you."

"That's up to me, isn't it. You should have come earlier." Her hand was stroking the latex.

"Take it off then."

"Oh no, I want to see it fill."

And, of course, there was absolutely nothing Geoff could do about it. If his balls had not been through the hole he could have withdrawn but that would have achieved no pleasure at all. He could hardly have risked going round to Chloe's room and unlocking her door even if the key was in the lock. Perhaps the Smolds were asleep, but perhaps not. Perhaps he could then have forced himself upon Chloe, a probably not too reluctant Chloe, and emptied his balls. But he could do nothing with his balls trapped - nothing but ejaculate if, and that was the important conditional, if Chloe decided that was what should happen.

And ejaculate was what Chloe made Geoff do. Her fingers insistent, fondling and stroking him through the latex, even pulling at it to ensure it was tight, no doubt smoothly moulded around his knob, until he could not stop himself and he was spurting.

"Hey, here it comes... oooh the bulb's expanding and expanding!"

Geoff knew it was. He could feel the pressure back on himself as he was forcing semen up and out - out into the restricted space of a tightly fitting condom. Chloe's fingers were moving fast and well. It was great but not actually sexual intercourse - not at all.

"It looks so funny with that great big wobbly teat on the end all full of your cum!"

Geoff could see nothing but could feel Chloe fingering and bouncing his tender ejaculated penis.

"So funny. What if I squeezed the bulb?"

Pressure on his urethra. Semen being perhaps forced back from whence it came, no doubt also around his knob.

On the whole men do not terribly like their post orgasmic penes being touched too much. They are very sensitive. Geoff of course could do nothing to stop Chloe and his protests were ignored as her fingers touched, squeezed and fondled. She was, after all, in control.

Finally the condom was slipped from his penis.

"What a mess, Geoff! What a mess!"

Nice though to feel her dabbing at it with tissues, sorting it all out before helping him back through the wall, penis first and then one ball, followed by the second. And so Geoff had his genitalia returned to him.



"I like it better if I find your penis already through the hole when I push the chest of drawers to the side. It's a real thrill to see my secret penis when I do that! I told Mum I didn't like where I moved it. She asked why I'd put it back. So, um, could you, tomorrow, sort of be ready?"

Geoff was indeed 'sort of ready' the next evening. Ready, in his strange spread eagled way, with his whole genitalia through the hole. Chloe had pushed the chest of drawers even closer against the wall in her room and he could feel the rough wood of the back to the chest on his skin. It occurred to him there was actually a risk of getting a splinter in his sensitive skin. Not a good idea. He would have to ask Chloe to get a pair of tweezers or a needle and extract it!

The danger became greater when Chloe entered the room. A wink in his direction and then she began to undress. Geoff responded and he felt his growing penis pushing against the back of the chest of drawers. It was trying to rise but could not. Trapped against the wood it elongated but downwards, lengthening as it slid against the wood. It was uncomfortable. It was not made any better when Chloe decided to spend a long time brushing her hair once naked, particularly when, with her face turned towards his spy hole and a grin on her face, she brushed her pubic hair with her hair brush as well!

Pulling on her dressing gown she opened the door and headed off to the bathroom. Geoff hoped she would not be long and would soon be back and able to release his penis. Geoff was unsurprised to find she was not at all quick - he sighed, she was a girl after all!

It was somewhat disconcerting to see Mrs Smold appear in the doorway in what was a somewhat low cut nightdress. Like Chloe, Mrs Smold was 'well built' in the breast department and the cut of the nightdress gave Geoff rather more of a sight than he had seen before. He was surprised to find with her hair down and the nightdress flowing that Mrs Smold actually had some sexuality about her, enough to make him wonder what she would look like naked. He felt safe with his erection hidden by the chest of drawers and was content to wonder whether he would peek, or keep peeking, if the Smolds chose to have sexual intercourse - for some reason - in Chloe's room whilst she was away, perhaps when Chloe was sleeping over with Diane or Grace. Certainly, he thought, it would be interesting seeing intercourse in the flesh. Had the spy hole looked into the Smolds' bedroom would he have wanked at the sight of Mrs Smold naked; would he perhaps have enjoyed seeing Mr and Mrs Smold engaged in sex - perhaps, and it seemed so unlikely, they did rather kinky things together!

Geoff, though, was rather more interested in Chloe's return. Her return, unfortunately, signalled a long conversation, long enough to dampen his enthusiasm. Once more his penis slid against the back of the chest of drawers as it pulled itself back into its resting position, only for it to slide against the rough wood once more as the door closed and Chloe let the dressing gown slip from her shoulders. Her bottom really was very fine! The smooth curves beneath her cheeks so pleasing to the eye.

It was deliberate, no question about it. Chloe had then slowly turned, taken a couple of steps and then turned again before bending down, ever so slowly, to pick up her dressing gown. The way her bottom cheeks had slowly parted and opened revealing pudenda and bottom hole was highly erotic. Had Geoff been with Chloe in her bedroom there was no question that he would have asked her if she minded him plugging her bottom that evening - whether she would have assented was quite another matter - but he would have asked!

The divide slowly closed, hiding Chloe's secrets, as she rose and placed the dressing gown across her bed. Her face was relaxed and a little dreamy looking as she came close to Geoff's spy hole.

"Mmmm, Geoff, I'm really worked up tonight. I'm going to suck your cock 'til you cum and then I'm going to get in my bed and play until I cum too. I'm sooo wet already. Do you want to feel?"

"I'm, I'm already through. I can't."

"Oh dear, stuck are you! I do like that, knowing my own real suckable cock is all ready for me - just hidden... and your balls hanging there like ripe fruit ready to be squeezed." Chloe clearly found the idea very funny. "Let me see."

She was licking her lips in a very deliberately arousing manner. It was great!

Chloe pulled the chest of drawers aside pulling Geoff's penis with it. The un-planed, unpainted wood of its back rasped against his delicate skin. He felt a sharp prick.

"Huh! Geoff, it's all dusty and dirty! What have you been doing?"

"It's the back of the chest of drawers, too close."

"I'll get some wipes but, Geoff, you've a great big splinter stuck in your, um, knob. Oh dear. Wait, don't move, don't go away."

Geoff could, of course, neither move nor go away. It was actually rather pleasant to have Chloe play 'nurse' and have her carefully wipe away the dust, pull out the splinter and even squeeze the flesh of his knob with her fingers where the splinter had been to push out blood in order to clean the wound.

"Look, Geoff, blood!" It was there on the wipe. The splinter had clearly been sharp.

Finally Chloe seemed happy. "There you are, all sparkling clean and big!"

Geoff had seen none of it. It had been a rather different fondling.

"Shall nurse kiss it better? Would you like that?"

That was so the right thing to do! She did not wait for an answer. The touch of lips to the very end of his penis such a delight. Warm, soft and wet. A fleeting kiss and then the feel of them sliding over his knob, expanding, as they took in the full girth of his swollen head, and then moved onwards.

Lovely, wet, gentle fellation - a joy to any man. Geoff could not see what Chloe was doing with her hands, all he could feel was her mouth. She was certainly not holding him. So annoying he could not be there with her with his hands roaming, fondling her breasts and generally engaging in finger work in and around her, apparently, already wet pudenda: or, at least, seeing what she did.

She was not communicating with him. How could she with his penis in her mouth! Chloe did rather seem to be very involved in her own pleasure - more enjoying playing orally with his penis than actually trying to pleasure him: but, of course, it was a delight to be used by the girl and have his genitalia used as a plaything. A by-product of her own game,

But, naturally, her play lead to the inevitable. It was not possible for Geoff to withstand wet lips and licking tongue for too long. He would like to have prolonged the session but had absolutely no control over Chloe. Perhaps she was imagining it inside her vagina going in and out as she slipped her mouth up and down; perhaps she was imagining another man pushing at her from the rear whilst she sucked; perhaps she was even imagining it was a different man she was fellating. Geoff had no idea, nor was it possible to warn Chloe of what was about to happen.

Chloe did not pull away, if anything her lips held tighter and her tongue just lapped at the suddenly spasming urethral opening. Geoff could feel her tongue's movements so clearly, right there, as he shuddered in his orgasm.

Chloe rose, her smiling face suddenly in view just like the time before. Once again she opened her mouth showing Geoff just what he had done, even sticking her tongue out showing how covered in his semen it was; she blew a kiss, waggled what were clearly very wet fingers at him before turning and walking back to her bed leaving Geoff still erect, poking through the matchboarding. She lay on her bed and played with herself, with her eyes watching his penis until he was able to extract it. There was a wave and then she switched the light out plunging the room into darkness.

Whilst Chloe, no doubt, played on, Geoff settled himself for sleep. Presumably Chloe would push the chest of drawers back in the morning. He would have to make sure she did not push it so close next time. He could still feel the puncture wound from the splinter. It was a bit sore!

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Category change?

The series is certainly E&V but this one could well go in bdsm!

maddictmaddictalmost 8 years ago
Splinter this : are you phughing kidding us !

Never a good idea to put your wood against some resawn lumber. She did kiss it better so everything turned out ok.

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