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The Council Ch. 08

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Weres 3 - Vamps 0; shameless theft there!
8.7k words

Part 8 of the 19 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 08/06/2010
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Ashleigh felt a bit guilty at suddenly wanting Cedar and Alexei to leave quickly once dinner was over. Thankfully her Beta was a very wise woman and she swiftly rounded up her mate and shepherded him from the house with a slightly puzzled expression on his face.

Nors closed the door behind them and then turned to look at his wolf who was eyeing him with a thoughtful expression on her face. He tried to work out what was going on behind her eyes, what Cedar had discussed with her, but she was quite skilled at keeping her own counsel when she wanted to.

"Did you and Cedar have a nice visit?" he finally asked when she didn't say anything.

"Yes, it was lovely to see her again," she sighed softly. "It's been a while so it was nice to catch up with pack news and just have someone to eat dinner with."

The way her voice changed on the last sentence made him frown slightly. It sounded as if she missed sharing a meal with someone. He did sit with her while she ate, discussing his day and hers but he supposed it wasn't quite the same as the more communal meal times she had been used to with the pack.

"Ashleigh, we need to talk," he said quietly gesturing for her to precede him into the study. He was aware that she'd been through a whole torrent of emotions already today; they both had. Maybe talking about it tonight was the wrong thing to do but he had so many thoughts running through his head it was driving him insane.

Ashleigh entered the study, heading over to her favourite chair beside the fireplace. They spent a lot of time in the study and she had always liked the companionable feeling that came over her as she sat in her chair reading and Nors sat in his, sometimes reading a book or going through business reports. They adopted their favourite positions and she regarded his face intently. Her thoughts were surprisingly calm considering everything that had happened today.

She could tell that Nors wasn't as calm because of the way his expression was so carefully neutral. He always put that 'face' on when he was trying to work something out in his mind, trying to be careful about what he said and how he said it.

She just knew that despite Alexei talking to him about the whole mating thing, her vampire was going to be awkward about it. Getting him out of the mental mind set he was in of always having to protect her was not going to be easy. She would probably have more luck convincing him that they were mates if she just sat down in his lap and kissed his socks off.

She struggled not to smile at the thought. She could just imagine his reaction to that. Or could she? Would he be shocked and push her away? He was very good at maintaining his self control, this morning had proved that when he had woken up to her naked in his bed. It had also proved that he was attracted to her too.

Ashleigh mulled Cedar's words over in her mind. She had said it was up to her now, that she had to take charge of the situation. Her wolf rumbled her approval and it was almost impossible not to smile at her beast's impatient pacing up and down inside her.

No, Nors was going to want to talk everything through, discuss it to death to make sure he was doing the right thing by her as he always did. Their disagreement earlier had been a starting point but she knew he needed more of a push to get through his stubborn defences. She had to take what she wanted and have faith that it was what he really wanted too.

Nors was trying to work out the best way to approach the conversation. He knew his wolf had turned a corner in her recovery, her fight for independence earlier clearly showing that she had overcome the worst of her pain and was ready to meet the world head on once more. If he was truthful with himself he had known that for a while now but had been unwilling to let go, afraid she would want to leave if she felt she didn't need him any longer.

He had told himself he was only doing what was best for her when really he had been trying to hold onto her. He just hadn't admitted it to himself until now. It was evident things were changing but he felt they were changing too swiftly. Yes, she was his mate and he wanted her forever but he still felt she needed some time to adapt to their changing relationship.

They could start slowly. He was strong enough to be able to wait a little longer for her. Maybe he could court her as humans did? He could take her out on dates and ease into their new life together? He was mulling it over when Ashleigh stood up and promptly sat herself down in his lap. His arms automatically went around her even as he stiffened in surprise, his gaze flying to hers.

His surprise only increased when she bent her head and brushed her lips gently against his. He was rooted to the spot for a second, unsure of how to react and then his instincts took over and he was kissing her back, sliding a hand to the nape of her neck to hold her mouth to his as he slowly savoured the first taste of her sweetness.

His brain screamed that this was wrong, that they needed to talk but his body had other ideas. Ashleigh's soft lips where moving gently over his, her tongue tracing his bottom lip erotically drawing a low groan of need from his chest. His body hardened instantly as he pulled her soft curves against him and deepened the kiss, his tongue diving into her mouth to lick greedily at all she had to offer him. She tasted so good, so sweet and intoxicating. He had imagined their first kiss many times but nothing came close to the total perfection of the kiss they were sharing.

Ashleigh moaned with pleasure, stroking Nors' tongue with her own as he quite literally took her breath away with the passion of his kiss. She had taken a risk being so bold with him but it was paying off. Gone was the careful, considerate vampire and in his place was a man who appeared to be starving for the taste of his woman.

Nors' lips moved hungrily over hers, his tongue stroking everywhere, his hands clutching her tightly against his chest as the evidence of how much he wanted her pressed insistently against her bottom. She sighed her pleasure into his mouth, wriggling against him, threading her hands in his hair after pulling it free from its confines. This was the Nors she wanted, that she craved as much as her wolf did. The one that saw her as a woman with a woman's desires and needs.

Her heart was thumping wildly in her chest, desire flooding every inch of her body as her first kiss seemed to turn into a hundred. Nors' mouth was relentless against hers, allowing a brief pause for them to catch a breath before he once more latched onto her and rubbed his mouth erotically against her softness. Oh God, could he kiss! She wanted to stay like this with him forever, just feeling the firm touch of his lips gliding effortlessly over hers. It sent the blood rushing to her head and moisture flooding between her legs. She wanted him so much it was as if she was being consumed by fire her need was so great.

The sweet, musky scent of Ashleigh's arousal cut through the hazy fog of lust surrounding Nors and he stiffened slightly, realising what he was doing and who he was doing it with. He wanted her so badly, wanted to taste every inch of her body but deep inside he knew they needed to talk first. He had to be sure this was what she really wanted and wasn't just a knee jerk reaction to a very emotional day, a need for him to comfort her. If he took his wolf he would never let her go, ever. She had to be totally sure of what she wanted.

It was hard to stop kissing her, to drag his lips from hers but he managed it somehow, his breathing harsh and ragged as he stared into her flushed face. "Ashleigh, we need to talk," he ground out through tortured breaths.

She rumbled her disagreement, her eyes opening to meet his gaze, her wolf dancing within the smoky brown depths, her lips swollen and glistening with moisture. "You talk too much," she breathed softly, her hand stroking lightly over his cheekbone and down to his jaw line. "Isn't this better than talking? Better than denying yourself what you want so badly? I need you, Nors."

She leaned forward and kissed his jaw lightly, trailing her lips across his face slowly before heading down the side of his neck, her tongue snaking out to taste his skin leisurely.

Nors groaned at her soft touch, his hands tightening on her as he fought to try and push her away but found he couldn't do so. Everywhere her lips touched she set a little fire blazing, a heady rush of heat that only she was capable of assuaging. He was vaguely aware that his wolf was seducing him. A part of him found it amusing that he was succumbing so easily to her charms but then he had waited a year for her.

She knew what she wanted and she was reaching out to take it. She brought her lips back to his and licked slowly over their fullness, hearing his breath hitch in his throat, feeling his body jerk against her bottom as a low rumble sounded from his chest. The expression on his face took her breath away. The need she saw there ignited her own and she pressed her mouth firmly to his, moaning when his lips parted to allow her to slip inside and taste him as she wanted to.

Nors stopped fighting her. He was incapable of doing so and he knew it. With a muffled groan he gathered her securely in his arms and rose from the chair, his mouth never leaving hers as he carried her up to his bedroom. He was going to claim his wolf. He wanted it and so did she. He'd worry about the ramifications of their actions later. At the moment his need for her was dominating everything.

He slowly lowered her to his bed, following her down and gently easing his mouth from hers so he could look down into her face. He waited until her eyes opened, his breath catching at the need he saw deep within them. She was breathtaking, so stunningly beautiful she made his heart flutter wildly in his chest and his body throb with need.

"Are you sure, Ashleigh?" he whispered huskily. "You have to be sure because if we do this I will never let you go, little wolf. You'll be mine forever." He held his breath and waited for her answer, shuddering slightly as she smiled up at him.

"I'm sure, Nors," she breathed softly. "I want to be yours forever. I want you to be mine forever."

His heart leapt hard in his chest and he was kissing her again, pulling her tightly against him as joy flared through him. She was finally his. He didn't have to deny himself any longer; he could love her the way he had always dreamed of loving her.

Ashleigh saw the joy on his face but she saw something else in his eyes that made her heart soar. She saw love. He was letting down all his carefully constructed barriers and showing her exactly what he was thinking and feeling. Her vampire loved her. He was willing to accept her as his mate.

His lips were trailing over her face, soft light kisses teasing her as he made his way down to her neck, licking and nibbling as he went, making her moan and press her body against his hardness.

"Nors," she breathed hoarsely, pulling his face back to hers, desperate to tell him how she felt, what he meant to her. She wanted no questioning of what they were doing, no long drawn out conversations of the wisdom of their being together to come at the end of their joining. She wanted him to be completely certain that she knew exactly what she was doing.

He didn't want to stop tasting her soft skin but she was determined that he would pay attention to her. He smiled at her forcefulness, liking the strength she was displaying. He tenderly brushed her soft blond hair back from her face as he met her gaze.

"What, my wolf?" he asked softly, a glint of amusement in his eyes at her fierce expression.

Ashleigh took a deep breath, her gaze roaming over his beautiful face, drinking in the tenderness she saw there, the love shining in his eyes. He really was the most beautiful man to walk the planet and he was all hers, forever. "I love you, Nors," she breathed softly, watching him blink slowly before his face lit up in the most breathtaking smile she had ever seen.

Nors didn't think he could ever feel any emotions as strongly as the ones he was feeling as his wolf told him she loved him. He searched her face intently, seeing the love shining in her eyes, the fierce emotions surging within her that had more to do with her feelings than the lust they were both currently experiencing. His Ashleigh loved him.

He touched her face gently, his hand shaking slightly as he caressed her cheek with a light touch, his breath coming out in a long slow sigh of pleasure. "I love you, Ashleigh," he whispered huskily. "I've loved you for such a long time, my wolf."

He kissed her reverently, slowly and very gently, trying to let her feel the depth of emotion he felt for her. It was like nothing he had ever experienced before. Every moment with his wolf was the most intense, glorious wealth of emotions that sent him spinning in different directions. He'd never felt anything as intensely before she had entered his life.

Joy rushed through Ashleigh, making her want to laugh out loud as she held Nors tightly to her and surrendered to the sweetness of his gentle kiss. She felt as if she was soaring on the wind, flying high among the clouds as he whispered his love to her. She didn't think there had ever been a more perfect moment than this one, where her mate accepted her so completely.

His gentle kiss was devastating but she needed so much more from him. She had his love, she was his forever. Now she wanted his passion and his lust. She needed him to lose all control and take her as if he wouldn't be able to live without being inside her. Showing his love for her physically as well as emotionally.

She pressed against his hardness, deepening the kiss by stroking her tongue boldly into his mouth as she moaned softly. His answering groan fired her blood and made her more aggressive, her hands starting to tug and the buttons of his shirt almost desperately.

"Nors, I need you," she groaned softly. "All of your fire. Show me how much you love me, my vampire."

Her words shattered the fragile hold on his self control. Endless months of waiting for her surged inside of him and he was helping her remove his shirt before pulling at her own shirt, buttons popping in his haste to get to her delectable body. He groaned deeply as her creamy white skin was bared to his gaze, his hands moving almost helplessly to her breasts encased in her white lacy bra.

"Oh God, Ashleigh, you're so beautiful," he groaned softly, his hands kneading her flesh through her bra, his breath hitching as her nipples hardened under his touch and grazed his palms through the sheer material. He watched her face as he stroked and caressed her fleshy mounds, her body arching into his touch as she moaned her approval.

He'd never seen a more beautiful vision than his Ashleigh lost in her passion, her lips parted, a flush of colour staining her cheeks as she made soft breathy sounds that made his cock throb painfully in his pants. He stroked and teased her slowly and firmly, delighting in the pleasure dancing across her gorgeous face, until he finally had to feel her flesh fully against his hands.

The bra was gone in an instant freeing her breasts to his eager gaze and touch. He had no idea if he took the garment off in one piece or shredded it completely. All he knew was he had to taste her delicious curves. He growled as his head lowered and his tongue swirled around one dark pink peak, teasing loud moans from his wolf as he wet her heated skin with his saliva liberally before he caved in and had to suckle the taut peak into his mouth.

His growl was louder as the hard nub pressed against his tongue, her sweet taste flooding his mouth and sending the blood rushing straight to his groin. Sucking at Ashleigh's breasts was the most intoxicating thing he had ever experienced. She tasted so good, the contrast between the smoothness of her skin and the hard beaded tip driving him insane with pleasure. He could quite literally feast on her taut peaks forever but there was so much more of her sexy body to explore.

Each hard pull of Nors' mouth at her breasts was sending little jolts of electricity crashing straight between her legs. Ashleigh held his head to her, pressing her breasts greedily against his insistent mouth, desperate for the pleasure he was giving her. Her body was on fire with her need for him, the moisture between her legs clearly giving away how much she wanted him, craved him to be inside her.

She didn't ever want him to stop suckling at her breasts and she moaned her disappointment when his mouth moved away to trail tiny little kisses along her ribcage. She wanted him to go back to her breasts, to feast there endlessly and drive her wild with need. It was only his hand at the button of her jeans that stopped her demanding he return to the task at hand.

Her breath caught as she felt the button open, heard the rasp of the zipper moving down and the tug of the material being pushed down her hips. Her body trembled in anticipation, her eyes flying open when the tugging stopped with her jeans still on her upper thighs.

She found Nors watching her intently, a slow seductive smile crossing his gorgeous face as his hand cupped her body through her lace thong. She knew he was finding the fragile material soaking wet with the proof of her desire for him. He appeared to like that very much as he rubbed his hand lightly against her in a slow, teasing movement.

She wanted to open her legs wider to give him more access but her jeans were hampering that. It appeared that was the desired effect he wanted because his smile widened as he brushed his lips gently over hers before raising his head again. His gaze was heated, his eyes intense as he slid one long finger under her thong and slowly parted her lower lips. She gasped and shuddered as her juices allowed his finger to run smoothly through her slick folds.

"Exquisite," he breathed softly, beginning a slow, leisurely stroking motion up and down her slit, circling her clit teasingly before gently grazing the tiny bundle of nerves sending her head back and sharp cry of ecstasy to tumble from her lips. He stroked her again, repeating the caress, slowly driving her wild with his teasing touch.

Nors growled his pleasure as he teased Ashleigh's beautiful body. The scent of her arousal washed over him making his head spin with desire. She was so wet, so hot against his finger as he easily slid through the soft flesh between her legs. A deep sense of smug male satisfaction came over him that his wolf wanted him so much, that his touch made her body react the way it was doing.

He increased the firmness of his touch, her hard nub pulsing against his fingertip as he pressed against it. He watched ever flicker of emotion crossing Ashleigh's face, drank in ever wanton moan and sharp cry of pleasure. He held his own need in check so he could watch his wolf soar, feel her shatter at his touch. She wanted to feel his love in the physical sense so he showed her just how much she meant to him, just how precious she was and would always be in his eyes.

He lowered his mouth to catch her breathy cries, his finger moving faster and harder as he pushed her relentlessly towards her release. "Fly for me, little wolf," he whispered against her lips as he felt her body stiffen slightly, heard her breath catch an instant before she cried out her ecstasy and shattered against his hand.

Nors groaned harshly, holding her shuddering body tightly, his finger stroking her through her climax as his own body strained painfully, wanting to join her in the heady bliss of her sexual release. His mouth caught her cries, drinking them in as he stroked her down slowly from her pleasure, soothing the intense emotions making her body tremble so deliciously. She was perfection and she was all his. His beautiful wolf. His Ashleigh.

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