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The Council Ch. 14

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Courage and Hope.
8.9k words

Part 14 of the 19 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 08/06/2010
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Stephan's call to Alexei confirmed what Andrei already knew. Daniel had Loretta and Ashleigh. Nors' face had darkened with rage and it was only Freya's constant murmuring to him and tight hold on his arm which was stopping the flame haired vampire from flying out of the house.

Andrei was conscious of his own lack of reaction to the confirmation. He had expected to feel the red hot fury again, the wild impulse to detach from humanity completely and kill everything in his path. Instead he just felt cold and numb inside.

Every emotion within him felt as if they had turned to blocks of ice. His child was most probably already dead, his mate close to joining that fragile little spark of life. He was losing everything that mattered to him as each second passed and he couldn't even react to it. He was aware of Alexei approaching him, saw his brother's eyes meet his in the reflection in the glass. "Don't give up hope," Alexei said urgently inside his head. "We'll get her back, Andrei, I swear we will. Hopefully the baby will be fine too. Should the unthinkable have happened, there can be other children as long as you have Loretta at your side."

Alexei's heart ached for his brother, for the anguish he couldn't quite hide from him. The others probably weren't aware of the depth of agony Andrei was currently languishing in but he knew because he was his twin and he always knew what he was feeling.

Alexei's words shattered the ice encasing Andrei's heart and pain well up inside him. "I should have known, Alexei," he whispered, his mental voice thick with emotion. "I spent so much time fighting her that I never took a moment to find out about her life, what it means to be a Were. I thought I was protecting her and the child when instead I was only hurting them both."

"None of us knew that Daniel would act so soon," Alexei argued fiercely, trying to alleviate some of his brother's pain. "Even Caleb thought we had more time and you're always saying he knows everything. You thought you had enough time and acted accordingly. Loretta won't hold that against you, Andrei. She loves you and will understand."

He watched denial flit across his brother's face and held back a slightly irritated growl. He couldn't even begin to understand what Andrei was feeling. He tried his hardest to put himself in his shoes, to imagine that it was Cedar in Daniel's grasp, that it was his child whose life hung in the balance. He just couldn't imagine it because he couldn't bring himself to think about his woman being hurt in any way.

Andrei didn't answer his brother. Part of him knew that what Alexei said made sense but he couldn't allow himself any absolution for his actions. Maybe when he had his Rose back. Maybe then he would be able to start forgiving himself when she was safe once more in his arms. Until then he would do what had to be done to get his wolf back.

They turned at the sound of raised voices. Jared was shouting furiously at Caleb, a dark scowl on his face as he stood toe to toe with the Ancient vampire. Caleb appeared unfazed by the wolf's anger, his expression completely bland.

"Jared, I understand your feelings but this is something you're going to have to back down on, my friend," Caleb said when Jared paused for breath. He kept his tone calm and even despite the fact that he was irritated that he had to have this conversation. He understood his friend's need to do something but he surely had to know that he couldn't help in this instance.

"They are my pack members," Jared grated out through clenched teeth. His wolf was howling angrily, wanting to go and retrieve Loretta and Ashleigh from the clutches of the vampires. He was so angry he was having a hard time not shifting.

"And they are in our territory," Caleb sighed patiently. "We can't take the pack into the Council chambers, Jared. Loretta and Ashleigh are mated to vampires too so that makes them part of our people just as much as it makes them pack. It's our responsibility to take care of them just as much as it is yours."

He paused keeping his gaze fixed on his friend's for a long moment before he sighed softly again. "I'm asking you to trust me, Jared. Trust that I will do everything to bring the girls home safely."

The Alpha fumed silently his blue eyes almost black with anger and then he took a deep breath and let it out slowly. He knew there would be all out war if the pack tried to enter the vampires' sacred headquarters. He knew Caleb spoke sense but it didn't make it any easier having to stand by and do nothing to help his pack members.

"You know Andrei and I will not leave until we have them," Nors said in a cold, hard tone, spearing the wolf with a hard gaze. "This is internal vampire politics, no business of the pack. We will deal with it, wolf."

Caleb wanted to groan out loud at Nors' choice of words. He waited for Jared's fury to spark again and was relieved when it didn't.

Jared stepped away from them and turned to look at Rafe who was keeping silent but watching his Alpha carefully.

"They have a point," Rafe rumbled quietly. He understood Jared's fury because he felt the same way but he knew they would only be in the way if they tried to storm the Council chambers. "Let them deal with the situation, Jared. Nors and Andrei have their mates to protect. They will die doing so if need be. You're always telling me to use the correct tools for the correct job."

Jared breathed out deeply again and then nodded abruptly. He wasn't happy with being denied from taking part in the rescue but he couldn't really argue with the logic being presented to him. He just wished Millie was there. She was always able to soothe him down when his anger took hold of him and refused to let go.

Caleb then turned and smiled apologetically at Rhianna, reaching for her and pulling her into his embrace. He dropped a slow, loving kiss on her lips. "That goes for you too, love," he said softly. "You and Mara are to return to the pack with Jared."

Rhianna automatically frowned, her mouth opening to protest and then closing again when she realised that it would be pointless to argue with him about it. There was a certain expression that crossed Caleb's face, a darkness within his eyes that usually told her when his limit had been reached. It didn't happen often but she was learning to heed it.

Mara had other ideas though, blinking slowly at Caleb for a moment and then turning to look at Demetri. "I don't think so," she said dryly, shaking her head. "Last time I looked we were vampires and this is vampire business. I'm not hiding out at the compound while you're taking down The Council."

A slow smile crossed Demetri's beautiful face at his wife's words and he felt his body start to hum with pleasure. His woman was so glorious when her eyes flashed angrily and her lips set in that wonderful stubborn line. He watched her swallow hard as she took in his curved lips and the way his smile didn't quite reach his eyes.

Still, she let her head tilt stubbornly to the right as she was wont to do and his smile broadened even as he tilted a finger under her chin and brushed his lips slowly over hers. "Be a good girl and do as you're told, wife," he murmured softly against her luscious lips. "You're only wasting time arguing; time that Loretta and Ashleigh don't have."

Mara let out a frustrated groan and then sighed against his mouth returning his gentle kiss. He always knew how to get her to acquiesce to him when she didn't want to. He knew she wouldn't do anything that would jeopardise the other two women. Added to that he was giving her that smile he usually reserved for someone he was about to get seriously annoyed with. Her husband had a smile for just about every occasion, not always a good thing either.

"There is no way in hell Caleb or I are going through last year again, Mara," Demetri added stroking her cheek lightly. "So you will go to the compound and you will both stay there until we come back. Agreed?"

"Agreed," Mara sighed softly, giving him a quick hug before stepping back to join Rhianna beside the wolves.

Alexei had crossed to Cedar and was kissing her soundly, his arms wrapped tightly around her. He didn't want to be away from his mate but he knew that she was safer at the compound. He was about to do things that he didn't ever want her to see. "We'll bring them home," he promised quietly. He knew how close she was to Loretta and Ashleigh.

"Make sure you do," she answered with a small smile tugging at her lips. She was frightened for her mate but she knew he was formidable and he knew what he was doing. "Just make sure you do come home, Alexei."

He grinned at her brushing back an errant blonde curl. "Wear that little red lace ensemble you have and I'll be back before you know it," he laughed lightly, kissing her once more and then reluctantly letting her go.

Jared asked Cedar to drive Mara and Rhianna to the compound while he signalled Rafe to travel with him in his Jeep. They said quick goodbyes and then left Caleb's house. The sooner the vampires were left to their task, the sooner Ashleigh and Loretta would be home safely.

Caleb made a quick phone call and then gathered everyone around him. "Andrei, can you hold it together?" he asked quietly looking at the usually very volatile vampire who seemed pretty subdued at the moment. The revelation about their child seemed to have temporarily sucked the fire out of him.

Andrei met the Ancient's golden brown eyes and slowly nodded, raising an eyebrow, "What's the plan?"

"I don't want Daniel getting wind that we're going to act tonight," the Ancient answered with a thoughtful expression on his face. "If he has time to gather his forces then more people are going to die than is really necessary. I need you and Stephan to call a Council meeting as if nothing is wrong at all. Can you do that?"

Andrei tried to imagine walking into the Council chambers and not killing Daniel and Roberto on the spot. It was a very tough ask because he wanted nothing more than to rip both of them apart bodily. But he could see Caleb's logic. If Daniel thought he was clueless about him having Loretta he would let down his guard and get sloppy. It was a good call by the Ancient.

"I can do it," he answered slowly, hearing a low growl coming from his brother.

"You expect them to walk into Daniel's trap?" Alexei growled angrily. "I cannot agree to that, Caleb. I will not let Andrei stand against them alone. I don't know what you have planned but whatever it is you can factor me out of it. I will be with my brother."

Caleb considered for a moment and then nodded slowly. There was no point in trying to separate the twins. "Just try and stay out of the way as long as possible, until we're in position. It will take a while for all of my people to be in place and also any of yours that I assume Stephan has already alerted?"

It made sense so Alexei agreed readily. He was glad he didn't have to fight Caleb on this. Nothing could convince him to let Andrei walk alone into that Council chamber.

Nors was amazed that Andrei was being so meek and agreeable with Caleb's requests. He was barely being able to contain himself from rushing from the house to go to his Ashleigh. A small part of him found it kind of ironic that it was his wild sister's touch that was the only thing holding him at bay at the moment. Usually their roles were reversed.

He saw Caleb's gaze alight on him, his friend's expression firm as his golden brown eyes locked with his green ones. He knew immediately that he wasn't going to like what came out of the other vampire's mouth.

"Nors, I know every fibre of you wants to go to Ashleigh but we need you in the Council chambers," Caleb said quietly, his gaze intense.

His words snapped the fragile hold on Nors' self control and he snarled furiously, his big body tensing immediately. "No fucking way, Caleb," he growled furiously. "I don't care what you have planned. The only place I am going is to the subbasement to get Ashleigh. And Loretta," he tagged on, his eyes quickly flickering to Andrei in a silent promise.

"We need to contain the fighting to the minimum," Caleb argued firmly. "The more Ancients in the room, the more chance a large number of the vampires, called to assist the Council, will back down and not enter the fight. I'll make sure Ashleigh and Loretta are freed, Nors."

"I don't care," the flame haired vampire spat lividly. "Every single vampire in the room can die and it means nothing to me. They all deserve to be ripped to pieces for taking what is mine. My only goal is to get to the wolves. They have them in cages, Caleb! My Ashleigh is in a fucking cage!"

Freya could see that Nors was about to lose it completely. He was barely in control of himself as it was and if Caleb pressed the issue any further he would snap completely. It was obvious that the other Ancient was going to continue to press the issue too. Her promise to her brother came back her and she stepped between the two men.

She turned to face her brother, placing both hands on his arms until his furious gaze met hers. "I will retrieve her for you," she said quietly, keeping her gaze securely fastened to his. "I promised you I would treat her as my sister, Nors. She is family because she is your mate. I am not needed in the Council chambers. I am also underestimated by most of our kind because they don't know me. I will take care of Ashleigh for you when you are needed elsewhere. I will bring both wolves to safety."

Nors' nostril flared and his breath hissed out furiously as he stared into Freya's eyes, reading her face intently. He saw her determination to do this for him, her need to prove to him that she could be trusted with his mate's safety. Could he leave Ashleigh's fate up to his sister? Could he trust Freya?

"I know what she means to you, Nors," Freya said mentally. "Let me prove to you that I am ready to accept her into our family. I will protect her as I would protect you, brother."

Some of the tension left Nors' huge body and he nodded abruptly, accepting Freya's offer. He knew she was genuine, that she would do as she said. It was hard to surrender Ashleigh's fate to her hands but Caleb was intent that he had to be in the Council chambers and the longer they argued about it the more time was wasted.

"Now that is agreed it is time to go," Caleb announced quietly in a cold, determined voice.

Alexei was already moving towards the door. "I'll meet you there, Andrei," he nodded to his brother, disappearing outside.

The remaining vampires looked at each other and then they silently headed outside to begin the take down of the Council.


Stephan had called a meeting of the Council as per Andrei's instructions. He was in the Council chambers with the others, awaiting the final member of the Council to show up. Alexei was close. He could feel him but he didn't know exactly where he was. He could only feel his friend because he was allowing him to do so. What made Alexei such a good Enforcer was his ability to mask his scent from anyone he wanted to hide from.

This made Stephan feel reasonably relaxed as he sat in his customary chair at the dais and chatted about something inconsequential with Cristoph, noting the slightly perplexed expression on his face. The black haired vampire looked particularly smug which told Stephan that he was certain he had the upper hand in the upcoming confrontation with Andrei.

Cristoph was the unknown quantity among them. Would he side with the other two or would he remain in Andrei's camp. Stephan would have to watch him carefully for signs of betrayal. He didn't think the other Council members had been able to get to him but there was always a chance that they had.

The sound of the doors opening had all heads turning to watch Andrei stride causally into the room, his light brown hair flowing around his shoulders and down his back as he walked.

Stephan looked for the signs of his friend's impending implosion and was surprised to see none of the small tell tale signs that only someone who was very close to Andrei would notice. The blank mask that was his expression was impenetrable.

"Good, everyone's here," Andrei said quietly as he reached the dais and took his seat. For the moment it was only the five Elders in the room. Well, the five Council members and Alexei somewhere close by.

"I'm surprised at this unexpected meeting," Daniel remarked in a cold voice. "Usually a little notice is given. What was so important that we had to drop everything to attend, Andrei?"

Andrei met Daniel's eyes and stared intently at him for a long moment. Before Loretta he would have killed the other Elder were he sat, not even batting an eye at ridding the world of the piece of offal who met his gaze calmly, a slight smile tugging at his lips.

Now he sat there, hiding his true feelings, restraining himself from inflicting the damage he so badly wanted to because there was more at stake than his personal needs. Daniel held Loretta's life in his hands and until everyone was in place, Andrei had to pretend that he didn't know anything, that he wasn't about to dismember the vampire he was currently locking gazes with.

"My informants advise me the Ancients are holding secret meetings," he lied smoothly. "Ordinarily I would have spoken to Demetri about it but it appears our friendship no longer exists as he demonstrated with his disruption of The Council ceremony. The Ancients behaviour that day was troubling. These secret liaisons even more so. It is my belief they intend to overthrow the Council and take power for themselves."

For a moment no one spoke and then Roberto snorted loudly. "I think you're yanking our chains, Andrei," he answered with a pointed look. "Why would the Ancients be even remotely interested in power? They could have had it any time they wanted it but have always shunned it. Also, you and Alexei have run with Demetri for well over a millennium. Why would he suddenly cut you loose now?"

Daniel nodded his head in agreement, his eyes fixed on Andrei waiting for his reaction to the challenge. The tension in the room was palpable as Andrei sat there unmoving for a long moment and then his lips suddenly twitched in a little half smile and a sparkle appeared in his deep brown eyes.

Roberto instantly stiffened at the expression on Andrei's face. It was the expression that most people who knew the other Elder shuddered at seeing. He looked so congenial, so approachable and reasonable, but he was far from it. Andrei Romanov was on the edge and someone was about to be seriously hurt.

"Are you calling me a liar, Roberto?" Andrei asked in a deceptively pleasant tone. "Are you seriously challenging my word here?" He raised an eyebrow inquiringly, his fingers tapping idly against the hard wood desk as he spoke.

Roberto swallowed slightly nervously, not liking being under such intense scrutiny. "I am merely asking for clarification of how you came to this conclusion, Andrei," he answered carefully. "I'm sure all the Council members would be interested in hearing that too."

Cristoph shifted uncomfortably as he was seated directly between the two Elders who were locked in a silent battle with each other. If either of them flew for the other then he would need to get out of the way pretty quickly. "Roberto has a point, Andrei," he said quietly. He had no idea what was going on at the moment but he knew it was something serious.

Andrei's amused gaze slid from Roberto's to connect with Cristoph's. "Is this your subtle way of telling me you've decided to switch allegiance?" he asked drolly, seeing the other man's face pale instantly as he became his next victim.

Cristoph was shaking his head in the negative even before he consciously realised he was doing do. "Certainly not, Andrei," he replied quickly. "The questions raised by Roberto are valid ones though. Is there actual proof that the Ancients intend to disband the Council or is it just your gut instinct that tells you so?"

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