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The Council Ch. 18

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One meeting too many?
8.7k words

Part 18 of the 19 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 08/06/2010
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So we reach the penultimate chapter! I seriously thought this would end at chapter 15 but I got a little carried away LOL! It's been quite a rollercoaster ride with this one and I'd like to thank all of you for being along for that ride. You've been brilliant!

The Epilogue will post in approx 3-4 days time! It's a longish chapter and the last I will post in 2010!



Rafe watched the slow gathering from the comfort of one of Caleb's very comfortable sofas. He was tense but more in an excited way than a nervous way. This morning he had woken to the feel of the Alpha bond stretching inside him, reaching out almost like tendrils and wrapping around the members of his newly forming pack.

He was astounded to realise that the tendrils were already in place with Lacey, Aaron and Jen. He had never noticed them before, never realised that his deep feelings for the three of them was actually the Alpha bond already in place.

He had lain beside his mate, searching the links within him, feeling first the three mated vampires though the bond there was fragile, not the same as the full Were bond. Then slowly he felt Loretta join him, then Ashleigh and finally Cedar. It had felt amazing and also very humbling. He was now responsible for all these people. It was now his job to take care of them, to ensure their safety above everything else.

At some point during the night he had finally surrendered to the inevitable. Instead of just saying the words, that he was an Alpha, he had finally accepted it and believed it allowing the pack to start forming. It didn't feel half as restrictive and frightening as he had always believed it would be. No, it felt right.

The meeting at Caleb's had been convened for five o'clock. That would give them enough time before they all headed over to the Vampire Council chambers at Caleb's request. So far Caleb's sitting room was filled by Mara and Demetri, Caleb and Rhianna, Jared and Millie and himself and Lacey.

Aaron had wanted to come too but Rafe had told him to stay with Jen. There was no sense in taking his mate into a situation which could become dicey very quickly. She didn't have the protection in pregnancy that Loretta did.

Rafe was still stunned at the news that Loretta's child had survived. It was a miracle and opened up many questions about just what a hybrid child would be. Questions no one had any answers to because it was all so new. It would be an added challenge to his new role as Alpha but it was one he was willing to take on.

Nors arrived just then, shaking him out of his reverie. He was cradling Ashleigh in his arms, Freya a mere footstep behind him. Rafe's keen gaze took in Ashleigh's face as he rose, striding over to meet them half way. She was pale but her eyes shone with brightness, her breathing sounding strong. She was healing it was obvious to see and his concern immediately lessened.

"Alpha," Ashleigh breathed softly, confusion but also delight shining in her eyes.

Rafe smiled gently, reaching out to stroke her cheek lightly. The little blonde had followed Lacey around after the death of her family, keeping apart but always in her shadow somewhere. Before Nors had come to claim her and heal her mental wounds. He had always felt a special connection with her and he was overjoyed to see the life and vitality in her eyes. He knew what she'd been through, not once but twice now.

"There is no greater honour than to have you in my pack, Ashleigh," he answered gently. "You bring strength and bravery, love and great joy. The pack is a better place just having you in it."

Ashleigh smiled tremulously, tears filling her eyes but they were tears of joy. She felt as if she was finally coming home. Rafe's love surrounded her, soothing the need of her wolf as Nors' love soothed the need of her soul. She was part of a family once more, a new family that would love and cherish her forever.

Rafe's eyes turned to Nors, seeing a frown on the big man's face. It had been decided not to say anything to the vampires until all were present. The Weres would know of the change because they felt it inside but the vampires would need careful handling.

"Is her healing going well, Nors?" he asked quietly, allowing his voice to convey his respect and gratitude for saving Ashleigh's life.

Nors' frown smoothed out and he nodded slowly as he turned his adoring gaze on his mate. "She's strong and resilient," he rumbled deeply. "She is doing just fine."

"She is right here and can answer for herself," Ashleigh remarked with a little snort of annoyance but she smiled too knowing they were both just concerned about her.

"Men," Lacey laughed softly, coming to join them and kissing the other woman's cheek lightly. "We're so proud of you, Ash. We're so lucky to have you in our pack."

The emotions almost overwhelmed Ashleigh but she smiled through her tears, stroking Nors' chest soothingly as he started to get agitated. He wasn't quite adept enough at discerning the difference between happy and sad tears.

Loretta and Andrei arrived just as Nors was settling Ash down on the sofa beside him, Freya flanking her other side protectively. Rafe took one look at Loretta's face and smiled widely as she stared at him with a rueful smile. She bounded across the room and threw herself into his arms.

"Don't you ever do that to me again, Rafe Hanlon!" she barked out though she was laughing as she said it. "You just about gave me heart failure this morning. Andrei was ready to commit murder I got into such a state!"

She pulled back to smile up at him her eyes shining brightly. "About bloody time you stopped all this 'I'm not an Alpha' nonsense. Though what I've done to deserve being drawn into your pack, I have no idea!" She was teasing with the last, excited about the prospect of being part of a new pack.

He threw his head back and laughed loudly, ruffling her hair in the way he knew annoyed her so much. She looked amazing, full of health and vitality, not a sign of what she'd been through the night before. "You'd have bitched like hell if you'd been left out," he countered still laughing.

His face sobered and his intent gaze met hers. "You're good?"

She smiled widely nodding her head. "I'm good, Alpha," she answered softly, her eyes alight with joy as she turned to look at Andrei hovering close by. He shared a smile with her so full of love that it was almost painful to watch.

Loretta detached herself from Rafe and hugged Lacey tightly. Her new Alpha Bitch returned her warm greeting whispering quietly in her ear, "You will bring the first child into our pack, Loretta. A treasured gift for all of us."

Beaming under the approval of the Alphas Loretta rejoined her mate, laughing when he chose a chair to sit in and pulled her onto his lap. He kissed her slowly, his hand resting against her stomach and then he settled her against his broad chest and waited for his brother to arrive.

It didn't take long for Cedar and Alexei to complete the meeting. Like Loretta, she immediately raced to Rafe, hugging him tightly as she all but hummed with excitement.

"You've completed the mating," Rafe said with a rueful expression on his face, remembering when he had been told not to mate with Lacey but had done so anyway. He remembered Jared's fury that day and his rebellion against it. He could understand Jared's position now but he couldn't really fault Cedar's disobedience when he had done the same himself.

She grinned cheekily at him, her expression totally unrepentant. "You can't say anything about that," she quipped lightly. "My Alpha told me I couldn't mate but Jared's not my Alpha anymore."

Lacey burst out laughing. "She's got you there, Rafe."

"I wasn't going to say anything anyway," he grumbled softly, his face splitting in a wide smile. "I take it everything went well though." He knew that Cedar would have been in a lot of pain during the process and he ached for that but she appeared fine, positively glowing in fact.

"Rafe, I'm fine so chill out," Cedar laughed, giving him another hug and then returning to Alexei who had chosen to sit on one of Caleb's oak tables. He pulled her up until she sat between his thighs, her back resting against his chest.

The others had remained quiet, giving the new Alphas time to greet their pack members. Once everyone was settled Jared rose from his seat beside Millie. "I don't have a lot to say so I'll just get it over and done with," he began, feeling Millie reach up to take his hand. She knew how hard this was for him and her touch soothed the ache he felt inside.

"It's been my honour and privilege to be your Alpha. The Hanlon pack will be greatly diminished by your loss but the Armand-Hanlon pack will be strengthened by your gain. We will miss you all greatly. You will always be welcome at the compound, always welcome on pack lands with no questions asked." His deep blue gaze took in the three women and then included the three vampires.

The wolves knew the trust he had just given to their mates. They nodded silently, smiling at the man who had lead them for so long, kept them safe from harm, gave them direction and love, support and protection. It was sad to leave the Hanlon pack but it was also exciting to be starting something new.

Jared returned to his seat, wrapping his arms around Millie and kissing her lightly to soothe his sorrow a little. He knew they would be fine but he loved the three women so much, was so used to being their Alpha that he wondered if the little hole he felt inside himself would ever fully heal.

Rafe turned to them again, eyeing up the three vampires with an intense expression on his face. "Loretta, you asked what you'd done to deserve being a member of my pack," he said keeping his gaze fixed on Andrei. "Stand up," he ordered quietly, his voice laced with command.

Startled gasps filled the room as all three vampires immediately rose to their feet, a look of confusion crossing their faces.

"Oh my God!" Cedar gasped loudly, understanding instantly crossing her face a split second before Loretta and Ashleigh came to the same conclusion.

"No way!" Loretta laughed, looking up at Andrei's irritated expression. "It's his fault?" She started to laugh harder as Andrei's scowl deepened and a low growl came from Alexei beside her.

Nors was the only one who appeared not to be ready to lose his temper. He met Rafe's gaze levelly, pursing his lips slightly and then nodding his head. "The wolf gene within us responds to you as a wolf responds to their Alpha," he guessed correctly.

He turned to look down at Ashleigh and smiled gently at her. He had no idea just what kind of restriction this new development would place on him but one look at his mate's shining face was enough for him. He would deal with whatever was to come because his Ashleigh was now completely healed.

The serenity coming from her was obvious to see. Joining this new pack was the last link she needed to ease her pain. He would endure whatever indignity he had to just to witness the joy in her eyes.

"Alpha," he nodded once and then sat down, pulling Ashleigh onto his lap and cradling her close.

"Thank you, Nors," she whispered against his neck, knowing that this was hard for him but that he would do it for her just as he was willing to do anything for her.

"You seriously expect us to obey you?" Alexei growled loudly, fury wafting from him in waves. He turned to look at Cedar, frowning at her as she rose to stand beside him.

"It's not like that, Alexei," she said soothingly, sliding her arms around him. "An Alpha doesn't go around issuing stupid orders every five minutes. You don't lose your free will, love."

"Forgive me for being rather sceptical but I appear to be standing up because he ordered me to," he answered drolly, a long talon pointing in Rafe's direction even though his gaze was still locked with his mate's. It was a testament to how furious he was that he hadn't even noticed his talons had come out.

"It was the quickest way to explain without all the denial and arguments which you would have given me," Rafe said with a touch of amusement in his voice. "Believe me; I'm going to have a lot more important things to be doing than trying to control you vampires like puppets. That is what you're thinking, isn't it, Alexei?"

The derisive note in his tone had Alexei looking a little sheepish. It had been his gut reaction once Nors had announced their predicament. He knew enough about Weres from his reading and also his recent observations to know that wasn't the case. Still, the fact was there that if Rafe chose to order him to do something then he would have no choice but to do it.

Rafe could see the conflict on his face, could understand his confusion. He smiled gently. "You're pack now, all of you. All that is required is you protect the pack. That means protecting your mates, your children and all other vulnerable members of our family. Is that such a lot to ask? Would any one of you not be willing to defend those who need you? I don't think so. I have faith in you. Have faith in yourselves too. And I will have no need to ever use my command on anyone."

Alexei relaxed slowly. He could hear the truth in his new Alpha's voice. He was adept at picking up lies. There was a quiet strength about the man, a feeling that he could be trusted. Looking into Cedar's concerned face finally decided him.

He had been a Council Enforcer for so long, used to having to protect his people. Now it was a new group of people he was being charged with protecting. It wasn't that much different. He nodded at Rafe. "Alpha."

He then turned his gaze to his twin, to see how Andrei was coping with this revelation. Would he go off the deep end or would Loretta be able to keep him calm enough. He hadn't missed the way his new sister had soothed the madness from his brother the night before.

Andrei was struggling with his emotions. His instinct was to fight, to retain his independence. It was ingrained in him and not something he was able to easily let go. He didn't look at Loretta. He didn't need to because he knew what he would see in her face. She was a wolf and she needed pack life. She would want him to acquiesce, to agree as Nors and Alexei had. He didn't know if he could surrender his life into another's hands though.

Closing his eyes he tried to gather his thoughts, tried to reason out the logistics of it in a way he could live with. If he joined the pack he would be giving his Rose what she needed. He would be surrounding her with a family that would protect her and his Lily when he couldn't be there. All that was being asked of him was to protect the pack as they protected his family.

He sighed deeply, slowly opening his eyes again and turning to look into his mate's anxious gaze. He had to admit that he had been protecting the Hanlon pack ever since she had come into his life, just not on such a hands on basis before.

Last night he had lain there wondering if Loretta had the power to heal the broken piece inside him. She had already reached in and pulled his emotions to the surface, teaching him how to love, how to care about others not of his own species. Joining the pack could teach him so much more, maybe even be the final thing that healed him completely.

"Will you die for her?" he asked quietly, his gaze never leaving Loretta, watching the small spark of hope begin to cross her beautiful face.

"In a heartbeat," Rafe answered his voice full of sincerity.

Andrei smiled softly, reaching out to press a hand gently against his Rose's cheek. "Alpha," he said quietly seeing the hope bloom into such radiant joy that he knew instantly he had made the right decision.

Rafe smiled slowly, the tension fading from his body as all three vampires accepted him. It had been a lot easier than he had imagined it would be. He knew it was the strength of the feelings the vampires had for their mates which had eased the transition. He also knew that his pack would be stronger for the additions they now had.

"Welcome to the pack," Lacey said softly a smile shining on her face. "We are honoured to have you."

Andrei turned, remembering her from the war against Graves. He hadn't interacted with her much but he knew she was a strong wolf just from the little he had seen of her at the time. He suddenly grinned, "We'll see how long that sentiment lasts."

"Andrei," Loretta growled, slapping him lightly on the chest to behave. He gave her a wide grin, his eyes twinkling. "When did I say I was going to turn into a saint?"

"As if that could ever happen," Demetri snorted loudly, amusement lacing his tone as his eyes twinkled.

Andrei scowled darkly at him. "I'm not talking to you," he retorted, still irritated with his friend for disrupting the Council ceremony.

Demetri merely laughed loudly and shook his head. "I'm mortally wounded," he teased holding his hand over his heart. It amused him no end that his friend was still pissed at him. He knew he'd calm down eventually but it wasn't going to be any time soon. Not after the next meeting which they were due to leave for.

"Are we finished here?" Caleb asked, raising an eyebrow. "We do have another meeting to get through tonight. I want this enmity put to bed as soon as possible. I suggest we get moving."

Receiving no objections the group began to move outside, towards the various waiting cars. None of them were under any illusions that the meeting they'd just sat through had been a walk in the part compared to the one they were about to face.


The Council chamber was packed. The destruction from the night before was repaired, no sign of damaged benches or broken tiles, no blood marring the white marble floor. But the smell of cleaning products hung heavy on the air. There was a hint of adhesive and the scent of new wood where the benches had been repaired.

All the assembled vampires could detect the subtle scents, all of them had heard in detail about what had occurred. The Council had been attacked by their own, taken apart, some of the members killed. Just the thought of it was shocking, to find out it had actually happened left most of them stunned.

They had always believed any attack would come from outside. To find out that the attack had come from within left most of them reeling. The Ancients had risen up and taken control of The Council and they didn't know how to react to it.

There was other shocking news too. Matings between vampires and Weres. It was repulsive, disgusting, and completely unacceptable. The Council had objected to it and had been taken apart. There were enough vampires present that they could overpower the Ancients, the question was, would they attempt it?

The tales of just what level of power the Ancients actually had confused them. The Elders knew that the majority of the Younglings wouldn't rise against the Ancients. Hell, probably some of the Elders wouldn't either. They were indecisive, confused about how to react to the attack against all they knew. For the moment they merely sat and waited to see what would happen.

During normal Council meetings, those who wanted power, who were the eldest of the Elders, jockeyed to sit as close to the seats reserved for the Ancients. Today there was a sizable gap to that seating area, a full fifty odd vacant spaces from the ten reserved for the Ancients. People chose to stand along the back walls instead. The vampire nation was in disarray.

The doors leading to huge glass building opened and the odd assortment of vampires and Weres strode confidently into the closed reception area.

Caleb ran his eyes quickly over the area, seeing only four vampires in attendance, Stephan, Cristoph, Pietro and Emily. Everyone else appeared to be waiting in the Council chamber.

"Did you do as I asked?" His tone was clipped and cold.

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