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The Cupid Effect Ch. 10

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Dexter's Fate?
5.3k words

Part 10 of the 15 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 04/18/2015
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The room was dark and I'd been in a prolonged slumber when the lights suddenly blared to life wakening me from a deep sleep. I looked around the room at all of the medical equipment that was monitoring my condition to find that it had been switched off.

"Who are you; what do you want?!!" Two men in white hazmat suits were approaching me and I didn't know what had happened but the face plates on their helmets were made of reflective material and I found myself looking at my own reflection in the surface of their masks.

"DON'T TOUCH ME; HELP!! SOMEBODY HELP ME!!" One of the men quickly injected me with something that made me a little bit less combative and the duo worked in tandem strapping me down to the medical bed and began wheeling me towards the door. I looked up through heavily lidded eyes finding one of them staring down at me continuously while my gaze fixated on the ceiling. In moments I was out cold from whatever they injected me with.


I awoke in a smaller room noticing that I had a barred window to my immediate right and the room felt somewhat uncomfortable and heated. I looked over to find one of the strange men filling a hypodermic needle while the other simply stared at me.

"Who are you fucking people?" I noticed the large needle being placed methodically on a tray at my bedside and watched another plastic sheathed syringe being opened.

"What do you want from me...WHAT?!! SPE-SPEAK GOT-DAMMIT?!!" I was completely panicked and began shouting loudly giving both individuals pause.

"I thought you said he couldn't talk?" I was surprised to find that the heavily modulated voice sounded distinctly female.

"He couldn't a few days ago when we tried first contact; our data indicated that his mind had been wiped clean from the trauma to his system. This is a completely new development."

"Well you'd better not be fucking with me about this kid; you know how unforgiving my employers can be Dr. Jenson." I'd recognized the doctor's voice wondering why he was wearing a disguise and wondering who the woman was in relation to him.

"You've seen the fucking data; what reason would I have to lie?" The pronounced feminine sounding tone was annoying enough under normal circumstances but even more excruciating doped up as I was.

"Maybe you're trying to swindle us out of enough money for an early retirement so you and your little boyfriend can "live happily ever after" in a same sex fairy tale. But what would your employers do if they knew you were selling company secrets on the down low; what would your wife do if she knew you were in the closet in that very same "down low" Jenson." The threat in her voice was as clear as possible while I tested the bonds holding me down.

"You don't have to threaten me "fish"; I've given you good data in the past and keep David out of this. He doesn't know a thing about my side job." She just stared at him for a few moments before turning her attention back to me.

"Be honest kid; how much is he paying you to con my employers out of hundreds of thousands of dollars?" It felt like I'd woke up to find myself inside some kind of weird movie and I continued struggling against my bonds trying to free myself.

"FUCK YOU LADY!!" Was all I could get out as a strange ringing disrupted my hearing all of a sudden partnering up with a shocking jolt to my fore head. The suited up woman started laughing and turned back to Jenson.

"You know you're real fucking funny Jenson; sorry but we're just going to have to give this one a "pass" and maybe next time you'll get a kid that's a better actor." She started to break the seal on her helmet beginning with clasps at her neck.

"HEY WAIT, DON'T DO THAT!!" It was too late as she pulled the helmet free of her head revealing herself to be a marginally attractive brunette in her early forties. The cynical expression on her face was not lost on me as she set her helmet on the table connected to my hospital bed while running a finger through her shoulder length dark locks.

"What's your probl-HEY; what's that smell? Its fuh-fucking sweet and-it's so hot in here." Her voice trailed off as she turned her wide eyed gaze back towards me as my pheromones hit her full blast. Her face was already glazed over with perspiration as her hand began roughly digging into the crotch of her containment suit with a vengeance.

"It's you isn't it kid; you-it's true what Jenson's been on about isn't it?" She'd continued groping herself and the other hand was running over the area where I imagined her tits to be. I didn't say anything because I was unsure how she'd take my answer but she'd begun rubbing my crotch only to yank my hospital gown aside in seconds to check out my tumescence. Her hand went to handle my engorged cock but Jenson quickly and roughly snagged her wrist.

"Where's my fucking money cunt?!!"

"SERIOUSLY?!!" He shook his head as his thin lips curled into a wide smile at her stupidity for opening a veritable Pandora's Box. He slowly brought his I-phone up revealing some information on its screen that was probably his bank account balance.

"No pay, no play bitch." He was grinning like a jack o lantern as she snatched her hand back and fished out her own phone appearing to be texting. His phone chimed an annoying show tune as he looked at the screen and nodded his permission while she visibly squirmed. Her greedy fingers were locked around me in an instant groping and kneading me into a granite state of affairs.

"What is that fucking smell kid; it's so sweet and enticing filling me-making me...WANT-PLEASE TELL ME WHAT IT IS?!!" Two thirds of my length quickly found its way between her lips in an almost painful display of lust as she attempted to suck all of the sticky glaze from my member. I gasped feeling a churning sensation in my sack as she worked her trembling head along my cock while pumping my testicles. I looked over finding Jenson amazed at the turn of events and pleased with himself. I wanted to push my fist into his face and make him leave the small room but this woman whoever she was-was taking me to task with considerable enthusiasm. I'd quickly gone from passive participant to willing companion humping as much as I could into her hungry mouth. There was no way I could measure the length of time I'd been in captivity but it had been a while since I'd had a woman and my body was on autopilot reacting involuntarily to her frenzied touch. My senses seemed amplified and every nerve ending in my member was inflamed or electrified with powerful surges of tingling pleasure. She was taking me whole on every stroke breathing through her nose and her thumping heart beat filled the small room with this sort of biological jazz in tandem with my cadence until the inevitable happened.

"FFFFUH-FUUUUCK!!" She was caught completely off guard as a thick white stream of jizz erupted from the purplish head of my cock striking her in the face and making her cry out. Her hands never left my package as she endured five more similar blasts before cupping her mouth over the head in a vain attempt to control the surge. Slivers of thick elastic cum flowed from the seal between her lips and my member running along my length and drenching my crotch.

"WH-WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED?!!" The look of shock on her face as she regained control of her senses morphed into one of rage as she turned towards Jenson.

"Told ya bitch; believe me now?" The unnamed woman had quickly run over to an in-room sink looking at her own visage in the narrow mirror. She coughed and gasped at her glazed visage running her fingers over her face and staring at the thick gooey substance as it webbed up between her fingers before instinctively licking herself clean.

"HUH-HOW IS THIS SHIT...WHAT HAVE YOU FUCKS DONE TO THIS KID?!!" She glanced over in my direction and did a double take when she noticed that my rod was still pointing at the ceiling. Jenson's effeminate laughter filled the room drawing her attention away from me for a moment.

"Stupid shit did it to himself with some sort of chemical; now he can't even control it. What's the matter honey bunch; still can't get that taste out of your mouth?" Whoever she was, the woman appeared to be processing his smarmy explanation of my condition and it didn't appear to sit too well with her.

"I couldn't control myself; I just needed his jizz and I would have done anything in that moment to get it-I wasn't being controlled...I DID WHAT I WANTED!! THE SMELL- THE FUCKING TASTE of him!! You people want to mass produce this FUCKING SHIT?!!" She sounded horrified at the prospect and Jenson couldn't be more arrogant if he wanted to.

"That's why I thought your employers would want to get in on the ground level before the money starts raining in Carol."

You'll never get this shit past the FDA; are you all insane?" She'd begun absentmindedly rubbing on her chest and appeared to be uncomfortable.

"Look Carol; we're going to be putting out a pill with one-tenth of this kid's power and Mr. Taylor has some pretty deep pockets and friends in the right places if you get my drift. Besides there's always the underground markets-FUCK ROOFIES; wait until college boys get a hold of our product." Even I retched at the evil reasoning from the demented scientist.

"But this-is WRONG on so many LEVELS!!" Carol's face was shiny with sweat and slight tremors seemed to be running through her body. She appeared for all intents and purposes to be going through a drug fit.

"This is business darling; mountains and mountains of cash for the taking and I'd prefer to take mine off the top before the sharks smell the blood. Who the fuck cares about morality? Look at yourself Carol; you'd gladly fuck this kid's brains out if I allowed it. Imagine millions of women experiencing what you're feeling-IMAGINE ALL THAT FUCKING MONEY CAROL ARRRGHHH!!" Jenson's maniacal tirade was cut short as Carol's shoved her fist into his throat causing him to double over into her rising knee. I watched in horror as she laid in a few kicks for good measure before turning her attention towards me.

"Look ma'am I didn't want any of this to happen, it's NOT MY FAULT!!" She looked like she wanted to kill me right on the spot but instead began undoing the bonds holding me to my hospital bed.

"I don't know if his containment suit will be an exact fit but it is the only way you're getting out of here kid." She was still breathing kind of heavy as she nudged the unconscious Jenson with her foot. I didn't think twice as I lost my hospital gown and pulled on the hazmat suit.

"Stay close to me and we'll be out of here in no time; eh I didn't get your name kid."

"Poindexter; uh just call me Dexter." She did a double-take when she heard my name but I was used to that reaction after four years of ribbing in my lackluster high school life.

"It figures...Geez kid; your parents really did a number on you." We slipped out of what appeared to be an examination room into a long corridor. The interior of the corridor was all white with a few large windows that faced a wooded area. I could see the lights from the downtown area in the distance and wondered how far away from home I really was.

"Where am I anyway; nobody has told me anything since I was brought to this place."

"Research facility." Her answer was short and curt with more than a hint of aggression as she pulled me along with a steely grip on my forearm.

"Where are you taking me?"

"Someplace safe so shut the fuck up already before we get caught."

"Could you at least tell me your name?"

"Carly." I didn't actually believe her and her voice was trembling which meant that she was struggling to control herself. Even though she'd resealed the helmet portion of her hazmat suit.

We actually passed through two checkpoints at the end of the extraordinary long corridor. None of the armed security there questioned us leading me to believe that a few palms had been greased.

"Carly, I want you to take me home."

"WHAT? That's the first place they'll look for you Dexter; I have a secure uh, location. You'll love it and we won't be disturbed." The manic, shaky cadence in her voice told me she was minutes away from losing it and I knew it that it was time to push my agenda.

"If you don't take me home I'm not going to FUCK you Carly." I said it with purpose and yanked my arm away.

"Don't screw around kid; you want to end up back in a hamster cage getting jerked off by fucking Jenson be my guest!!" Before I could call her bluff an alarm sounded and a phalanx of security guards rounded the corner in our direction.

"SHIT!!" Carly's arm shot out ensnaring me in a choke hold as she pulled me back against her body. Out the corner of my eye I could see a pistol in her hand and I realized that she was taking me hostage. The wall of security guards halted their advance and one guy in the front had his arms raised.

"GIVE IT UP LADY; YOU'RE SURROUNDED!! LET THE BOY GO AND DROP YOUR WEAPON!!" I craned my head finding his words to be true as what appeared to be sixty or more guards surrounded us Tasers and firearms drawn.

"I'M TAKING DEXTER OUT OF HERE OR YOU'RE ALL GOING TO WATCH ME PUT A BULLET IN HIS FUCKING HEAD!!" She quickly knocked the hazmat helmet from my head pressing the weapon to my temple for emphasis.

"RELAX LADY, YOU DON'T WANT TO DO THAT!!" She quickly pulled us back against a wall as the alarms seemed to get louder. The head guard was talking into his radio but I couldn't make out what he was saying. The others were closing into a semicircle around us as I distinctly heard the hammer on Carly's weapon draw back. My heart was pounding in my chest and sweat was coating my body in a thick sheen under my hazmat suit.

"I-I DON'T; BUT IF I GIVE HIM BACK YOU WON'T LET ME FUCK HIM!!" There was a pleading tone in her voice as she began to fully succumb to the Androstenone-X in my system. The head guard and a few others did a double-take at her words.


"FUCK YOU!!" One of the guards had got a little too close for her comfort reaching out in a misguided attempt to snatch the weapon from her hand. Carly responded with lightning quickness firing two rounds directly into his chest. I began screaming as the body of the big burly security guard slid across the pristine white floor of the corridor. Blood began to pool under his corpse.

"FUCK IT; TAKE 'EM DOWN!!" Everything seemed to go into slow motion as the first bullet tore into my chest creating an arching explosion of my blood. My screams froze in my throat even as several more rounds pierced my body destroying Carly.

...destroying us both.



Concrete?...Asphalt to be exact; stained with my mucus and saliva. My head felt like someone had taken a mallet to it and beat out Beethoven's fifth symphony. My heart was doing Nascar laps in my chests and it felt like I'd wet my pants.

"What the fuck?" I was lying face down in the school parking lot drenched in sweat and alone. I could hear the ambient related noises associated with high school life and a few cars on the adjacent street. I tried to stand finding it difficult at first but managed to get my rubbery legs underneath me. I didn't know what was going on and I was on the verge of tears as I came to the conclusion that I'd been experiencing one hell of a hallucination. It all seemed so surreal and frightening as I looked around expecting Nurse Kim's wife to appear wanting to finish me off. I could have sworn that I'd been locked away for weeks in some weird research facility pierced with umpteen millions needles and tubes attempting to siphon the Androstenone-X from my body.

...could have sworn that I'd been killed because of some crazed woman; shot to death execution style by a platoon of fucking security guards. I began to laugh at the absurdity of it all before losing my composure and sitting down to get my bearings. There was a ringing phone a few feet away on the concrete that I recognized as my own.

"Hey are you going to make me wait all day or what?!" It was my uncle and he sounded pissed.

"Sir I hate to ask you this but how long have you been waiting?" My sense of time was way off balance as I stared around the parking lot feeling completely disheveled.

"I BEEN SITTING OUT HERE FOR AN HOUR DEXTER!" His outburst caught me off guard making me nearly drop the phone.

"Sorry, uh something kind of happened to me sir and I really don't know what to make of it."

"Hey you okay boy; are you having some kind of episode?" The sudden concern in his voice made me feel even worse.

"I'll be right there just let me get a bottle of water from the vending machine." I was a visual mess resembling something of a crackhead as I trudged into courtyard and scored a bottle from the vending machines there. I have to admit that was the best bottle of ice cold water that I'd had in my life as I began to gather my wits about me. I had this strange lingering feeling standing there in the courtyard as I downed my second bottle that somebody was watching me. I looked over my shoulder towards the library to find a familiar face burning a hole in my body with a nasty glare.

Agnes Newton.

There was something strange about the way she was looking at me and the manner in which she was positioned in the window. Both of her hands were pressed against the glass along with her roundish face.

"Feel better asshole." She addressed me in this strange monotone voice that was tinged with what sounded like genuine hatred. Agnes had this sort of smug smile reading on her face that gave me pause.

"Uh yeah; okay." I was more than a little freaked out as I turned and exited the yard to finally meet my waiting uncle. It took some doing but Uncle Joe was finally convinced not to take me back to the hospital. I didn't want any part of medical types until I was sure about what had happened to me. My uncle informed me that he'd been obliged to call pest control due to an overabundance of rodents in my room. It had been reported to him that something had attracted the horde to my room.


"Sorry but he's going to have to stay in the garage until we find out what's wrong with him." I went into the garage to find Lester suspended from a bird cage. He seemed okay squeaking as I removed him from confinement.

"I know what you're thinking little buddy; this is another fine mess you've gotten me into." I felt bad about the minute bit of the chemical that altered the mouse's physiology and fed him a bit of kibble from my hand.

"Is this a private conversation or can anybody join in?" I looked up to find the vice principal's assistant Norma standing in the driveway and I cursed myself for not letting the garage doors down.

"Look I don't want any; uh trouble alright?"

"What the fuck are you talking about; I heard about what happened to you at school and came to see how you were doing. You're okay right; good to go-RIGHT?" Norma seemed apprehensive as I recalled my episode with her earlier in the day. She managed a nervous smile for my benefit.

"Go home."

"So that means you're drained right? FUCK I always miss out on the cool shit! I should have been in that fucking locker room too. I-I mean it's all my fault for sending you out of the office but that Kelsey bitch wouldn't stop fucking crying." The purple haired Goth seemed to be talking to herself more than me.

"How's she doing Norma; is she okay?"

"WHO GIVES A FUCK ABOUT HER HUH?!! I'm here ready to switch fucking teams and play "STRAIGHT" for once in my shitty life and I can't even GET LAID!!" Norma didn't seem to realize that she was ranting.

"Look I'm sorry." She was the second lesbian that my ability had affected and I recalled the vivid hallucination I'd experienced feeling a twinge of fear at the residual images in my mind.


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