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The Cupid Effect Ch. 11

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..somebody is watching him FUCK a girl senseless!!
4.3k words

Part 11 of the 15 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 04/18/2015
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"You seem a little distracted this morning; something bothering you Dexter?" I had reluctantly dragged myself out of bed during the morning hours preparing ninety minutes earlier than usual and busying myself by cleaning my bedroom. I just wanted to do anything to take my mind off of things before I had to go to school that morning. I didn't want to see Agnes Newton or Brian Lewis; I just wanted to have a regular day at all costs.

"Just a little anxious is all Uncle Joe."

"Girl troubles; so who is it this week, your friend Agnes or that Kelsey girl?" Unknown to my uncle, his words pricked my heart and conscious simultaneously. Everything could be traced back to Kelsey but I felt like things had escalated because of my indecision and inability to control my primitive urges. Other than Norma, I hadn't turned down one piece of snatch offered and had went out of my way to hurt a perceived rival for Agnes' affections. I couldn't deny my feelings one way or the other about my former best friend and had gone out of my way to reveal myself to her. Unfortunately the mistakes I'd made along the way had left a huge rift as wide as the Grand Canyon between us.

"Funny, I don't even know how to answer that question Uncle Joe."

"Look boy I know I don't say much when it comes to your affairs but if you want to be a man sometimes you just got to look shit luck dead in the eye."

His words were simplistically profound and we shared a chuckle before bumping fists and parting ways. As I watched him drive off to work I felt a number of eyes looking in my direction and turned to find a good portion of the student body staring. Obviously word of my locker room antics had flowed through the hallowed halls of the school affecting my immediate social status. A number of guys I didn't know from Cain greeted me all smiles and pats to the back as I made my way to my locker. There was still a huge fist sized dent in the door from Tad Hamilton's fist and I shuddered knowing full well that I'd avoided a hospital stay that fateful day.

"Good Morning Dexter!!" I reluctantly looked over my shoulder to find Heidi looking wide eyed with a silly grin on her face. She'd changed her horrid hair cut with an obvious hair extension along with her clothing.

"Yeah; uh morning Heidi." I didn't even want to hear what she had to say trudging off to the cafeteria to study before my first class which was gym. It was my morning ritual to have a snack before starting my day and I figured I'd follow routine.

"Duh-Dexter I just want to uh apologize for what happened the other day. I-I mean I never thought things would get out of hand like that." She'd followed me down the hall with two of her associates in tow.

"What do you want Heidi?"

"Well uh, I was hoping that maybe we could like; hook up again Dexter. I'm really sorry about talking all that shit the other day. Oh and everything's on the table if you know what I mean sir." Heidi was pensive and anxious sounding but I'd gone down that road before on several occasions.

"I'll consider it." It seemed like she'd keep following me if I didn't at least give her some inclination that we might hook up at some point.

"YOU'RE SO FUCKING HOT DEXTER!!" Before I could respond her arms had encircled me and I felt someone pinch my butt. Her two friends were giggling and whispering amongst themselves as I gingerly pushed the hyperactive athlete away.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS HAPPY HORSESHIT?!!" Tiffany St. Claire suddenly appeared shoving Heidi's associates aside. She had this incredulous look as her eyes wandered from me to the taller, lean and muscular volley ball captain.

"Look we were just talking Tiffany."

"Yeah; talking about another fucking orgy in the girl's locker room huh?" She looked like she wanted to take my head off and I flinched a little bit as she poked a finger in my chest.

"Like I said; we were just talking alright?" I parried her accusatory finger with my own intending to be on my way when she responded by grabbing my arm roughly.

"Now I want to "TALK" to you Dexter; as a matter of fact I'd like to "TALK the SHIT" out of you right now daddy." Tiffany's aggressive stance turned me on a little bit sending tremors to my cock but I was determined to carry out my mission of just having a normal day. The luscious redhead was wearing a form fitting baseball shirt that had been cut to expose her abs. The jean print jeggings and clogs completed her smoldering look as she leaned close and lightly nipped my earlobe.

"EXCUSE ME WE WERE HAVING A CONVERSATION!" Heidi panicked reverting to a version of her older self and snagging my other arm.

"Well allow me to finish that conversation for you bitch; NO unfortunately for you Dexter's not into TRANNYS!!" A crowd seemed to be gathering and this made me nervous because I wasn't trying to go the main office were Vice Principal Holland would be waiting with baited breath.

"I KNOW YOU DIDN'T GINGER SLUT BAG!!" Heidi looked like she wanted to pound Tiffany but held back probably because it would have meant the end of her athletic career.

"AND I KNOW YOU AINT!!-Better get some batteries bitch!" Tiffany had a sharp tongue as the corridor filled with loud student laughter and social commentary. Heidi looked at a loss for words as Tiffany smirked and shrugged her shoulders waiting for some sort of response. The head cheerleader didn't get the response she anticipated as two of Heidi's equally tall teammates stepped from the gathering crowd. Before they could close on the non-pulsed redhead three cheerleaders emerged from the crowd to flank Tiffany. Fortunately before anything could happen, school security showed up putting a stop to the building situation and dispersing the grumbling crowd. I took this opportunity to make my escape to the cafeteria in desperate need of a muffin and a liter of orange juice.

"Hey bro; what's good?" I found myself looking at a few pimply faced underclassmen.

"What can I do for you?" The hope of the rest of my day remaining dull and uneventful still seemed to remain a possibility.

"Well we just want to know if it's true that you railed the whole volleyball team and half of the cheerleading squad." I resisted the urge to be rude noting that the kid was a geek like myself or like I used to be at one point before my transformation.


"Are you kidding; don't you know what you mean to all of the geeks and nerds of this fine institution of higher learning?" There were smiles and grins abroad in the group of my peers.


"Come on man; you've obviously bagged Tiffany St, Claire and I heard you did Kelsey Taylor too!! Everybody's talking about how you're this fucking 'uber stud and we figured you could at least confirm it for us nobodies." I looked out the corner of my eye noticing a familiar blonde looking in my direction as the geek triumvirate paused waiting for my answer and I honestly didn't know what to tell them. Kelsey had to be within earshot and I didn't want her pissed off at me anymore than she had been the last time we saw one another.

"Sorry kid I can't answer that."

"Yeah we figured you'd punk out on us once you got to sit at the big kid's table. Thanks for nothing bro!!" Before I could think of anything to say, the head geek flipped me off before the group walked away. Kelsey was as beautiful as ever wearing a pink hoodie and a jean miniskirt that showcased her perfect legs.

"Good morning." I managed a half smile as she walked up to me coyly clutching her books to her chest.

"Yeah baby; see you in class." She gave me a light peck on the cheek before walking off to her first class alone. She still seemed upset with me after our fight the previous day looking pensively over her shoulder at me as she cleared the double doors of the cafeteria. I noticed more eyes trained on me from the student body and decided to take my breakfast over to the gymnasium.

This turned out to be another mistake as I found myself looking across the gym floor at another disturbing sight. I'd vowed not to see her or her wretched boyfriend but here they were making out on the bleachers caring little about the audience watching intently. Agnes Newton was sitting in his lap with her bottom planted directly over his crotch as they went at it completely engrossed in one another. I took a seat across the gym floor on the adjacent bleachers and busied myself with a game on my phone.

"GOOD MORNING DEXTER!!" Ten minutes into my game I heard her calling out to me and didn't want to meet her eyes. There was a playfulness in her voice that stabbed at me and I refused to look up. Agnes seemed to linger as if waiting for me to respond but I was determined not to give her any reason to escalate our burgeoning animosity. I snuck a peek as they cleared the gym doors noticing his hand palming the pronounced curve of her newly discovered butt. I couldn't finish my breakfast and gym seemed to drag on longer than it should have. My mind had never stopped replaying the images from last night's sex tape and I was legitimately haunted.

I deflected a few more questions as I progressed through my day dreading science class because of the inevitability that another public display of affection would be put on for my benefit. I was surprised to find Agnes and Brian's seats vacant as opposed to the rest of the class. I noticed Kelsey facing away from the door with her pretty face uncharacteristically buried inside her text book. She noticed me and gave me a noncommittal wink to acknowledge my presence. My lab partner Tiffany apparently decided she'd had enough and got up to walk me to my seat.

"I've waited long enough; think you could spare me a little bit of your fucking attention?" She was still pissed about her confrontation with Heidi earlier that day as she pulled out my chair.

"What's your problem?"

"Oh funny you should ask Dexter; maybe it has something to do with my fucking property babe." She actually palmed my crotch for emphasis as some of the students snickered.

"Funny; cut it out."

"I'm not joking; you need to take better care of this and stop giving PITY FUCKS to every COW that walks up to you. Don't think I forgot about that big ass fucking ostrich you banged the other day!!" She was really getting out of hand and I knew I needed to top her before she went further.

"Look we can talk about this later Tiffany."

"WE CAN TALK ABOUT IT NOW MOTHERFUCKER!!" The luscious redhead had turned in her seat leaning in menacingly as laughter erupted in the class.

"Tiffany-shut up."

"WHAT; I DON'T THINK I HEARD YOU CORRECTLY?!!" Her arm was at the back of my chair and all bets were that she was going to strike me. She didn't seem to care about outing herself and the rest of the class was getting a front row seat to the action.

"Tiffany-shut the fuck up right now." I tilted my head in her direction looking her directly in the eyes and we had a short stare down before she relented turning to her attention her side of the desk. I could hear her breathing hard and her impressive chest rose and fell majestically. Some tears hit the top of her mead notebook.

"I'm sorry." She whispered softly as Mr. Finkle entered the class with his briefcase. He seemed to do a double take when he noticed Tiffany's state but continued on with his class issuing a surprise quiz that had me a little more worried than I should have been. My eyes were continually drawn to the empty desk behind me and my mind wondered what Agnes and Brian were doing. I just couldn't get her out of my head as conflicted feelings washed over me. She'd seemed like such a prude and had shot down most of the overtures I'd made towards dating her initially. There was no hint of the sexual being that was revealed to me in those phone clip last night and I was genuinely put off thinking of what had really been behind those glasses all this time.

"You're still thinking about her aren't you? You're thinking about anybody but me huh?" Tiffany's demeanor seemed to change on a dime and I knew something had to be done about my condition because of the effect it was starting to have on her and others. She had followed me out into the courtyard as I tried to avoid giving my peers another impromptu soap opera.

"Don't worry about that, I'm thinking about all the shit that happened this morning with Heidi and what you pulled in class today. Look what you're feeling isn't real Tiffany." Tiffany had ventured way out of her comfort zone and didn't seem to care who knew about her infatuation.

"What are you talking about?"

"Look what you're feeling is just a chemical reaction that has no basis in real emotion and I'm sorry about what it's done to you. It's not real; you don't REALLY give a SHIT about me Tiffany." She appeared legitimately confused as she listened to my roundabout explanation of the Androstenone -X.

"You're trying to dump me aren't you?" I face palmed when I realized what I'd said had gone in one ear and out the other.

"No just listen to me Tiffany; it's a chemical reaction and..."She suddenly grabbed my hand shoving it between her shapely legs.

"THIS is a CHEMICAL REACTION DEXTER! Fuck I'm so WET for you; ALL THE FUCKING TIME and I need some COCK ASSHOLE!! Just fuck me; do whatever you want...FUCK whoever, but just don't leave me out in the cold baby." I could feel the dampness in her crotch and yanked my hand away as a teacher approached. The teacher looked as nervous as we were opting to simply pass by after shooting us a disparaging glance.

"Look I'm really just trying to get through my day so I'll make you a deal Tiffany; cut me some slack for the rest of the day and I'll fuck you til your damn head pops off -deal?" I offered my hand to seal the deal but she locked me into a deep hug sucking hard on my earlobe.

"I'm going to WRECK you daddy." The fact that she was using her pet name for me revealed that everything seemed rosy for the stacked redhead. Despite myself I found my gaze focusing on her tight round butt as she wandered off to the rest of her classes. I turned to find Agnes standing in my path and immediately looked down at the ground. I'd only seen her for an instant but noted the glib look on her face.

"Hi Dexter; how's it going?" I shrugged and pushed past her noticing a slight chuckle. My skin prickled for the few seconds we made contact and a sort of jolt went straight to my crotch. My member pulsed in my jeans simply at the thought of her. In seconds I was sporting some serious wood and had to hide it with my books. I quickly opened my locker pressing my body tightly against and feigned a search for some pretend homework. My boxers became damp and sticky in seconds as I cursed myself for being so weak. I looked around waiting for the corridor to clear and noticed Norma strolling into the library. Ignoring a few new "friends" who shouted greetings to me in the hallway, I made a slight sprint into the library finding it partially empty other than a few students. I quickly found her squatting in a rear aisle looking at her phone. I picked up on the fact that this area was her little sanctuary, off limits to others in her likely opinion but I was in serious need.

"Oh it's you; wanna fuck now?" She was still bitter about being denied a day earlier. I opted not to answer right away and simply stared taking in everything about her visually.

"So are you going to say something or what?" My body was charged with lust and radiating heat as my member pulsed rhythmically in my pants. Norma appeared to get nervous at my silence and stood up looking around most likely for another exit.

"Dude, you are seriously creeping me out. So what's fucking up; we just gonna look at each other or what?!" She had a tinge of an east coast accent and tried to sound tough.

"What did you tell me the last time I saw you Norma?"

"Huh?" She didn't expect that question and looked confused for half a second before laughing nervously.

"Tell me; what did you say the last time we saw each other?"

"I-I said uhm; "Fuck your Sorry" right?" I shook my head slowly confirming her answer to my query as she stuck a single digit in her mouth looking nervous.

"You know what I'm going to do Norma?"

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to FUCK you SORRY."

Norma gasped and tried to rush past me only to be caught in my embrace as I encircled her waist drawing the girl in for a kiss. The moment our lips touched she melted into my body giving herself to me completely. The warm fuzzy feeling that had been lingering since I'd brushed against Agnes began to expand and engulf me in a haze of lust. My lips traced the seam of hers until my tongue found entrance into her mouth. Norma struck back with her own probing tongue wrestling with mine before darting furtively into my hungry mouth. A hand cupped one of her small, pert breasts squeezing and kneading it softly while the other hand cupped the curve of her tight little ass. I ran the length of tongue across her cheek to nuzzle and suck on her earlobe making her moan softly. The palm of her hand laid flat against my covered tumescence caressing and rubbing my length. She deftly drew my zipper down freeing my cock to fall into her waiting grasp.

I traced the contours of her ear dipping my tongue inside and sucking on its form voraciously before drawing her closer as my hand slid under her black wife beater. Norma's breathing intensified as I drew the shirt up exposing her chest. Her breasts were very small making the purple mini-bra almost ceremonial in nature. She looked crestfallen from her meager offerings to the nearly blank expression on my face. My fingers undid the clasp between her forced cleavage freeing the garment and revealing the girl's unnaturally thick nipples. She winced and whimpered as I rolled the pink nubs between my thumb and forefinger. Three of the fingers on my other hand applied pressure to her sex from the back. I could feel the manner in which her rounded cheeks met above her denim covered slit.

Norma began moaning into my mouth as I increased the circular motions on her crotch. She'd been slowly and steadily stroking my shaft spreading the copious amount of precum leaking from the head of my cock evenly. The slightest touch of her hand every fiber of my being on fire as I cupped her cheeks forcing her mouth open. Something had taken hold of me; some intangible directing my movements and actions making me want to dominate this purple haired teen. I leaned forward and drooled a steady stream of saliva into her mouth which she swallowed in a very audible gulp. Norma was obliged to release my cock as I rotated her body to face a wall of books. She didn't fight as I grasped her wrists and placed her hands flat on the book case. The only noise in the aisle was quick labored breaths of the excited teen and the metallic sound of her studded belt being undone followed by her zipper. I obscured her thin body with my own as eight fingers dug into her black bikini panties covering her sweet spot. The humidity and moisture between her legs was amazing as her inherent wetness dampened my probing digits.

"Don't make a sound." I whispered into her ear and the girl readily shook her head. I knelt drawing her jeans down with me revealing her tight roundish butt encased in black low rise panties. There was a skull and crossbones staring back at me from the back of her rounded buttocks. My lips, tongue and teeth worked the gasping girl over as I rose until my member was wedged between her legs. Her snatch was dripping all over the head of my cock as she waited with baited breath.

"Puh-Pleeeease." She whispered back before my hand covered her mouth.

Her lower lips were slightly parted as my extension pushed methodically into her tight, wet confines. I winced on pain as her teeth dug into my hand as fair and equal compensation for the pain I momentarily caused as her virginity slid away. I continued traveling into her vice-like tunnel until I finally bottomed out.


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