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The Davis Complex

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Kim needs to shift her paradigm.
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Special thanks to nikkijames for her help with this story.

Kim had just turned 22 and she was the descendant of an American father and a Japanese mother. She stood 5'5" and weighed 121 lbs. and from the back her long straight dark hair resembled her mothers Asian heritage. Her face, however, displayed characteristics of both parents. With brown eyes and full lips her face showed a strong American influence blended with her Asian beauty. Her smile was beautiful and definitely what people remembered after meeting her.

Kim was living on her own near campus and struggled from month to month but managed with a little help from her parents. She had been dating a guy, Stephen, she met her freshman year but only two days ago they broke up. They had their problems, like any other couple, and over the last year their relationship deteriorated too far to save. Neither one seemed too interested in fixing the problems but it still pained her to feel the loss. The comfort of a relationship is too often the reason problems go ignored and issues unsolved.

Kim decided to surprise her 3 friends who went up north skiing. They had invited her but she had already promised to do something with Stephen but that was no longer an issue.

Kim mulled it over as she threw some clothes in a bag. Her main problem with Steve was that he was always trying to change her. He was never happy with the way she was especially with sex. He was constantly trying to get her to do things she had never done before and would get pissed if she didn't do it. In retrospect he wasn't the first boyfriend that felt this way.

Kim paused for a moment.'Perhaps it's not them?' She thought.'Am I really that much of a prude?' That stung her. Her parents were quite strict in her upbringing and Kim hadn't experienced many of the things that her friends had. Not to mention it was driven into her that sex had to wait. Plenty of time for that when you're married. Suddenly her head was filled with the strict teachings of her parents. She shook her head: she hated this. It was one thing to be firm but her parents were too strict and she always regretted the things she had missed. She knew they just wanted to protect her but it took too much from her and now, 22 years later, she was struggling with issues most other women didn't have.

It wasn't that she was afraid to try the things that Steve wanted but she was always worried about what people would think. That was always what her parents were worried about and they drove it in to her head.

Shaking her head she moved on. She quickly finished throwing things in the Jeep and ten minutes later her skis were securely locked in the rack. It was nearly 4PM and if she didn't delay she could be there by 8PM.

It was already getting dark as she left her apartment. Kim drove to a local drug store to pick up some incidentals. She filled her cooler with beer and put it on the floor behind her seat then tossed her bag on the floor. Closing the rear door she turned to open the drivers door and nearly bumped into somebody walking right behind her.

"Oh. Excuse me." Kim said.

"It's OK." The girl said. "My fault."

Kim was staring at a woman who looked to be about 35. She was about the same height as Kim and had dark hair, blue eyes, and probably weighed about 160lbs. She had a backpack on and a duffle bag slung over her shoulder.

"Going skiing?" She pointed to the skis.

"Yeah." Kim said. "Boyne." In Michigan it is about the best they have.

"Hi." She held out her hand. "My name is Laura."

"Hi. Kim." Kim shook it.

"I was wondering if you could give me a lift?" Laura said.

'Great!' Kim thought. She really didn't want to have anybody tagging along especially somebody she didn't know. She was looking forward to a long drive with nothing more then music as her company.

"Umm." Kim began. "Laura I really don't think." But she was cut off.

"Look Kim." Laura looked around and continued. "I really need a ride out of here." Swinging her duffle bag around and Kim jumped a little at the sudden move by Laura. In the brief instant Kim looked down and just happen to glimpse a shiny tube flash into view. The bag wasn't zipped completely closed and the light from the store glimmered off the metallic object.

Immediately panic set in because the first thing Kim thought of was a gun. Shock covered her face and she froze.

Laura leaned a little closer and said with a smile. "I need a lift."

"Please don't hurt me." Kim said as steady as she could muster.

"Don't be silly." Laura said. "Get in."

Kim was suddenly filled with fear. Every story she had ever heard about kidnapping ran through her head. She got behind the wheel and Laura hopped into the back seat.

"Go." Laura said. As Kim put it in gear she wasn't so far out of it to see that Laura was in a hurry. She was obviously in a hurry to vacate the area but why?

It only took fifteen minutes for Kim to reach the freeway and soon they were cruising north at highway speeds. Nothing was said as they drove but Kim was thinking how she could bring attention to herself. How she could get to her cell phone and call for help? A number of options scrolled across her brain but each offering a hint of danger that she wasn't sure she wanted to chance. She didn't know what Laura was up too yet and perhaps it would be a short uneventful drive? Finally Laura spoke.

"I can see you are nervous." She said. "Don't worry. If you drop me off on your way you will never see me again."

"Ok." Kim said nervously.

"Look." Laura said. "I appreciate it." Kim couldn't see her face but it almost seemed as if she were smiling at Kim's fear. "I will pay you for your trouble."

"I don't want your money I just want you to leave me alone." Kim was still nervous but for some reason she didn't feel life threatened. Maybe if she did as Laura asked then everything will be just fine and then when she dropped her off she could report her to the local authorities.

"So tell me Kim." Laura spoke again. "Where you from?"

"From Michigan." She said.

"Oh." Laura said. "You look Part Asian."

"Yes." Kim said. "My mother is Japanese, father is American."

"Ahhhh." Laura said. "What do you do?"

Kim was deliberately giving short answers and she couldn't figure out why Laura was so casual. She was acting like this was a social trip. Kim suddenly heard the heavy zipper of Laura's duffle bag and she quickly said.

"Student. I am a student at Oakland."

"Really." Laura said. "What are you studying?" She began to pull things from her duffle as they spoke. Kim couldn't see much but it looked like she was changing as they talked.

"I am a business major." Kim continued.

"Yeah? How far along are you?"

"I'm a senior." Kim said.

Laura continued to ask questions and as time passed Kim became more curious as to what she was doing. If she were changing it sure was taking her a long time.

"So do you have any brothers or sisters?" Laura asked as she suddenly rolled over the seat back and into the front seat.

Kim did a double take: this was not the girl that crawled into the back seat. Laura now had long wavy blonde hair and the short black hair was gone. She was wearing a tight yellow shirt and blue jeans and she couldn't weigh 110lbs. This woman looked nothing like the woman that she first saw.

Noticing Kim's face Laura said. "It was necessary. This is the real me."

"Why the disguise?" Kim said.

"Long story." Laura said. "So tell me Kim? Any boyfriends?" Laura continued with her questioning.

"Huh." Kim was staring. Laura was stunning. She was wearing tight jeans and a tight yellow shirt with no bra. Her nipples could easily be seen standing hard against the cold and her feet covered with thick wool socks rested on the dashboard. "Oh. No. We broke up a few days ago."

"Why?" Laura pried.

"I don't know." Kim found it distracting to talk to her. She was one of the most beautiful women she had ever seen.

"Sure you do." Laura said. There was a long pause and Kim couldn't help but tear up. She knew the break was necessary but it still hurt and now this was happening to her. All she wanted was to go join her friends and forget about guys for a while. Now she had to deal with this situation.

"What is it hun?" Laura said.

"Nothing." Kim sniffed. "What do you care? If you would have just left me alone I would be fine."

"The hell you would have." Laura smiled. "You would have simply broken down somewhere else."

"Yeah well it's my problem." Kim said drying her eyes.

"So tell me." Laura said.

"You? I don't even know you." Kim said.

"Exactly." Kim said. "Sometimes that's the best way." Kim looked at her several times trying to figure her out. Laura turned her body sideways and now sat facing Kim waiting patiently for Kim to say something.

"What?" Kim finally said.

"Did he do something?" Laura asked.

"No." Kim said. "Well yes. I don't know?" Kim couldn't figure out why she was having such a problem concentrating. She refused to believe that Laura was the reason.

"Did you do something?" Laura said.

"Huh? No." Kim forced her concentration back to the road. It had begun to snow again and she needed to focus. "I don't know."

"OK?" Laura sighed. "Look. We have a long drive why don't you just trust me?"

"It's nothing personal Laura." Kim said. "But I don't know you and how can I trust you?"

Laura paused and decided to change the subject and the conversation struggled on. For the next hour Laura slowly pulled Kim into one reluctant conversation after another. Kim, however, was beginning to loosen up. She found Laura was actually very pleasant and easy to talk too. Kim began to speak freely to Laura and on several occasions had to stop herself from rambling on and revealing more then she wanted Laura to know.

She learned quickly Laura was the kind of person that said what was on her mind. She wasn't rude but Kim could tell that when something needed to be said she would say it. She was very personable though: the kind of person that would give you some bad news but somehow it just didn't seem so bad when she said it.

They had driven for nearly an hour and a half when Laura told Kim to stop at the rest area coming up. Kim agreed and decided it was time to contact some help. When Laura went to the bathroom she would simply call somebody. When they pulled in and parked Laura turned to Kim.

"Ok Kim." She said. "Here's how I see it." Kim shut off the vehicle. "As I said I would pay you to drop me but I cannot have you calling the authorities on me."

"Oh." Kim said quickly. "I won't."

"Hmm." Laura studied her. "OK. Well try you then but no phone calls." She put on her boots and pulled her jacked from the back seat. "You need to use the rest room?"

"Huh." Kim actually had to go but figured if she went quickly she could still make her call before Laura was through. "Yeah." Pulling on her jacket she got out of the car and locked it.

"Kim you don't mind if I hold those keys do you?" Laura said as they began to walk. "I have some very important things in your car."

"Umm." Kim couldn't get the gun out of her head and although she was growing more comfortable with Laura she still understood the situation. "No. Ok here." She handed the keys to Laura.

When they entered the bathroom they took separate stalls and Kim was the first one out. She quickly washed and left the bathroom with Laura still in the stall. Kim walked around the building and quickly pulled her phone out. She dialed her friend Susan who she knew to be at work.

"C'mon C'mon." Kim said anxiously. "Answer." The phone rang several times and went to voice mail. "Damn." She whispered. She had planned on leaving the message anyway but just at that moment Laura spoke from behind her.

"Who you talking to?" Laura said.

"What?" Kim jumped when she spoke. "Huh? Nobody." She closed the phone. "My friends are up skiing. I was going to leave a voice mail but they probably don't have a signal anyway." Laura just stared at her until Kim grew uncomfortable and began to walk to the Jeep. Laura fell in beside her and they completed their walk in silence. Kim felt a strong discomfort and almost guilty for lying to Laura. She had to remind herself she was not here by choice.

Laura opened the vehicle and they got in. She handed the keys to Kim and she got them back on the road.

"Kim." Laura began. "I know you don't want to be here and I promise to pay you for your time but nobody can know where I am."

"Why?" Kim snapped.

"It's a long story." Laura said.

"Look Laura it's a long drive." Kim said sarcastically. "Why don't you just trust me?" Laura turned and looked at her.

"Shit." She laughed. "I hate it when my words come back to bite me." Laura shook her head then began to laugh even harder.

Kim, who was a little pissed off at how her evening was going, was suddenly struck by the humor and she laughed at Laura.

It seemed to be an icebreaker for the two. The conversation flowed a little easier from that point. The road, however, did not. The snow continued to fall but Kim wasn't worried having a good vehicle for this situation. She was concerned that visibility had dropped off though. At times it snowed so hard she was driving 30 mph to keep things comfortable. Finally she spoke.

"Ahhhh." Kim said. "Four miles."

"What's four miles?" Laura said.

"Our exit." Kim continued.

"Ahhhh." Laura paused. "Um Kim. I have some news."

Kim looked at her. "What?" She said evenly.

"I need you to continue north on I75 to the Upper Peninsula." Laura said.

"What?" Kim said. "But that is not where I am going."

"I know." Laura said. "I am sorry. I need to get to the 'Inn on the Bay' in Sault Sainte Marie.'"

"The what?" Kim was frustrated. She knew Laura still held the cards. "I don't even know where that is."

"It's a very beautiful Hotel in Sault Sainte Marie and I know exactly where it is."

"Sault Sainte Marie?" Kim groaned. "That's not fair."

"I know. I am sorry." Laura did seem sincere. "I said I would pay you for all your trouble." This actually didn't sound too bad to Kim though. She needed the money desperately.

"How much." Kim said.

"How about a hundred dollars." Laura said. "And I will pay for the room when we get there. You will be too tired to go anywhere once we arrive."

"A hundred dollars." Kim repeated. Laura nodded. This could really help her out. Kim was always tight for money and that would probably cover all her skiing for the weekend.

"OK. One hundred fifty dollars." Laura smiled at her.

"One hundred fifty dollars?" Kim repeated. "OK. Fine. Not sure if I have a choice anyway?"

They drove on and eventually they reached the Mackinaw Bridge. It was nearly 9PM and Kim figured they had probably two hours to go. The snow let up a little but driving was still slow.

For almost the entire drive Kim had been fielding questions from Laura but Kim was growing more and more comfortable with Laura and decided to ask a few herself.

"So Laura." She began. "What is it that you do?"

"I am an artist." She said.

"Really?" Kim didn't expect that one. "An artist. What is it you study?"

"Painting." Laura said. "I went to the 'Center for Creative Study' in Detroit."

"Really?" Kim said. She didn't know much about it but she had heard that was one of the top Art Schools in the country.

"Isn't that kinda pricey?" Kim asked.

"You know it." Laura said.

"How do you afford it?" Kim asked.

"I dance." Laura said as she stared out the window. "Sure is pretty up here."

"Dance?" Kim asked.

"Yes. Dance." Laura looked at Kim and snickered. "Stripper."

"Ohhh." Kim finally caught on. This made a lot of sense now. Laura certainly had the body for it.

"You've never met a stripper before have you?" Laura laughed.

"No. No I haven't." Kim admitted feeling a little embarrassed.

"Don't worry Kim we don't bite…. Much." She playfully kicked Kim with her foot. Her shoes were off again as well as her jacket and Kim couldn't help but notice her body.'Her nipples must be sore by now?' Kim thought.'They've been hard the entire trip.'

As they chatted more Laura leaned over the seat to grab something out of her bag when she paused.

"Hey you have a cooler. I didn't even notice before." Laura said. "Please tell me there is alcohol in it?" Kim didn't answer she couldn't help but stare at Laura's butt. 'What in the hell is wrong with me?" "YES!" Laura laughed. "May I?" She held up a beer.

"Yeah I don't care?" Kim said. Laura spun around holding two beers and opened them offering one to Kim.

"I don't think I should." She said.

"Oh my goodness." Laura laughed. "Lighten up." Laura immediately noticed her face change. "What is it?" She asked Kim.

There was a long pause. "That was the problem with Stephen. My boyfriend." She finally said. "My ex boyfriend. He said I was too up tight. Couldn't let go and have fun." Kim stared straight ahead in thought.

"Why did he say that?" Laura asked as she continued to hold both beers.

"I guess it's true." The admission hurt.

"Why?" Laura asked.

"I don't know?" Kim looked at Laura. "It's kind of embarrassing."

"Here hun." Laura slid the beer between Kim's legs and leaned back into her seat. "Tell me." She said quietly. Her current sadness was suddenly interrupted by the touch of Laura. The simple act of sliding the cold beer between her thighs aroused her. She looked quickly at Laura and then back to the road.

"Umm." Kim quickly continued. "I guess because he always wanted to do certain things that I wasn't ready to do."

"You mean sexual things?" Laura took a sip of beer.


"What kind of things?"

"Umm. Geeze." Kim never talked about this with anybody. Why she chose now she didn't know but perhaps talking to somebody she really didn't know wasn't such a bad idea after all. "Well. He wanted to try anal sex and do things like tie me up. Stuff like that I guess."

"I see." Laura paused. Kim found that she was anxiously waiting for Laura's response.

"Jesus." Kim finally said. "When I say it, it doesn't sound so bad."

"Then what's the problem?" Laura asked.

"I don't know?" Kim said.

"Don't you want to try new things?"

"Well. Yeah."

"Why don't you?" Laura asked.

"I don't know?" Kim said and took a sip of beer.

"This is all normal stuff Kim." Laura said. "All guys want to do this stuff."

"I know." Kim said.

"Are you worried about what somebody will think if you swallow cum? Or if you enjoy having a hard cock up your ass?" When Laura said it she made it sound so sexy.

"Doesn't sex feel good Kim?" Laura asked.


"Well step outside of your little hut and live life." Laura met her stare. "Life is too short hun and you are so beautiful." Kim got Goosebumps when Laura said that. "Trying new things is what makes sex so much fun."

"I want to." Kim was easily drawn into Laura's enthusiasm.

"Well what's the problem?" Laura asked.

"I don't know." Kim said.

"Are you afraid somebody won't respect you or something?" Laura asked.

"No." Kim answered. "I don't think that's it?" She paused and continued. "I have lived my whole life with pretty strict parents and I think I am still fighting those teachings."

"You mean the type of parents that told you to wait until you got married to have sex?" Laura asked.

"Yeah." Kim groaned. "Worst. They used to make it sound so bad if somebody knew I did something wrong."

"Ahhhh." Laura said. "So basically you're worried or should I say their worried what people with think about you?"

"Yeah." Kim agreed.

"Oh my? You poor thing." Laura groaned. "I can tell you that your parents couldn't be more wrong."

"Yeah I know." Kim agreed. "It's just hard breaking the programming."

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