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The Devil Owns the Night Ch. 02

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Thaddeus enjoys a cool evening... the blackout!
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Part 2 of the 7 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 10/23/2011
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Thaddeus was in his car a half hour later cruising along Washington Boulevard. He had one arm thrown across the passenger seat while he steered with one hand. Lying on the backseat was a knapsack in which he'd thrown a few items: clothes to wear for tomorrow along with shoes. A pouch bag that contained his toiletries; other house clothes to wear; three jazz audio CDs, and a Stephen King novel. He didn't have to worry about his gun—he had the 45. automatic in the glove box. All that was left now was where to lay his head for the night. He wouldn't mind searching for a motel, but that seemed kind of cheap to him. He would lack company if he went to a motel, and right now company was uppermost on his mind.

He was unsure what Artie's reaction might be now that he and Erica have been caught. All those early warnings he'd taken with her in the past now was for nothing anymore. The way Artie left his apartment was most unsettling. It was better when a man was emotional than when a man kept his cool; he never know what he might be coming at you with. Which was why he wasn't taken any chances of remaining at his pad for now. Erica had jumped back into her clothes, mumbled 'later', to him then scampered after her husband. While he packed, he'd overheard their screaming and shouting coming from their window. It would only be a matter of time before much of that spilled over towards him and such was the last thing he wanted to be a part of. It was bad enough that he was fucking his neighbour's wife, but even worse that he got caught in the act. Besides, Artie was kind of like a friend to him. Or was he really? Sure, he was an amusing fellow to be with, though more of an aggravating one at times ... still, he wasn't going to sit at home and wait for him to go find himself a shot gun and come use it at him. Hell no, he needed to bail out of his apartment maybe for a day or two till whenever he figured things might have quieted down. He would give Erica a call tomorrow to see how well things are going.

Pimp Zee.

Yes, his was the sort of company he needed tonight. Better staying with a homie than anyone else. Plus, he's got an accommodating pad too. Thaddeus checked the street he was in and as he approached the upcoming junction he turned on his traffic lights and took a right, heading in the direction of Frisco Beach. He took out his phone and dialled his number.

"Yo, yo, my brother!" Pimp Zee screeched in his ear when he picked his call. "What's happening, m' man?"

"All kinds of shit is what's happening, Zeke. I'm in some type of situation and need a place to lay low for a night or two. You think you can hook me up?"

"Most def I can hook you up anytime," replied his friend.

"I'm heading down your spot right now. Hope your ass is at home."

"I was going to go cool off at the club tonight, but since you called ... how far are you right now?"

Thad drove into another street. He scanned the numerous billboards and building signs he drove past till he found what he was looking for.

"Right now I'm on Ellis Avenue," he said. "I'm still a bit farther from your end, but I'll be there in the next ten or fifteen minutes." "No problem. I'll be waiting for you."

Thaddeus hung up his phone and continued with his driving. He was five minutes from reaching his friend's neighbourhood when his phone rang. At first he feared the call might be coming from Erica, or worse, Artie. He couldn't recognise the number showing on his screen, but his mood lightened after he'd said hello into the mouthpiece as he recognised the voice at the other end.

"Hi, Thad," a woman's voice said to him.

"Hello, Constance, my darling," he smiled while he drove. "How're you doing, girl?"

"I'm doing fine. We haven't arrived yet, but I thought I should call you to let you know we'll be arriving there in the next couple of hours."

"That's lovely. What about Johnny? How's he doing?"

"He's sleeping it off right now. He's been watching movies since we took off. I'm missing you so much over here."

"I know, that's the same with me too. I'm missing you down here, and I can't touch you right now."

"A good thing you can hear me, right?"

"Yes, that's great about technology these days. Pretty soon, they're going to come up with an invention that'll enable two people to fuck each other even when they're miles away."

Constance tore herself up with laughter. "You're so wonderfully crazy. Now you know why I wished you'd come with us."

"Hey, let's not start now, okay. You go to Paris and spend some lovely time with your kid?"

"I hope you're doing fine over there without me."

"You know me, babe. I'm a resourceful type of guy."

She laughed at this. "Just sitting here talking about you, much of what I've got in mind to say are awful nasty thoughts. I'm afraid if I mention them to you someone else might listen in." Her voice adopted a conspiring tone. "You do know what I'm talking about, don't you?"

"Has it got anything to do with me using my dick and fucking you with it and making you cum loud?" She laughed. "Exactly that."

"You're such a nasty white girl. And here was me thinking you weren't like that."

"I couldn't help it, darling. You're such an animal in bed. You've got me having wild jungle type of nightmares since."

"Don't worry. Maybe next time I get you in my arms, I'm going to unleash the devil that's in you."

"I can't wait for that to happen."

They soon said goodbye to each other then hung up. Thaddeus already was sporting an erection from all the talking they'd had.

Thaddeus soon arrived at his friend's pad which was a condominium affair at the south-west end that was Frisco Beach. It was a sort of getaway for wealthy or upper-class folks who'd lavished the setting with expensive beach resorts, polo clubs and holiday homes. How his friend Zeke was able to afford such a pad in such high standing was beyond Thad's imagination. It wasn't the sort of area in the city where you'd get to find a lot of black folks able to afford homes. The real-estate prices in such neighbourhood almost always went one way—up and up, seldom coming down. The pimping business was surely looking lucrative for him. But then again, Zeke always had high standards when it came to living. Even back when they were kids growing up, Zeke could act like a rap star even though he could barely rhyme a note.

Pimp Zee's pad was a white impressive structure resting on stilts with its back against a rocky outcropping. The house was ablaze with lights and as he drove round towards the back of the house where the rock structure was, he spied two other cars there alongside his friend's jeep. Thaddeus honked his horn before pulling behind a black Corolla then switching off his engine. He reached behind for the knapsack bag and exited the car. The building had a pathway that encircled it from the back to the front and around to the back again. Thaddeus followed this path, passed the glass windows that showed light coming from behind them but with thick curtains that barely revealed anything behind them. Thad could only make out shadows behind the curtains and nothing else. His friend was waiting for him at the front door. Zeke Darren, also known as Pimp Zee, hugged his best friend and welcomed him into his pad. He was wearing an open vest and cotton pants.

"Was thinking for a minute that you'd gotten lost," Zeke teased him as they stepped into his living room. "You know you look different when out of your work clothes. Sometimes I get to think you sleep in your suites even when you're home."

"Fuck you," was Thad's reply. His laughter died in his mouth when he admired the company his friend was having for the evening.

Everything about Zee's living room was in white just like with the house. The furniture was white and so was the rug. There were three women in the living room, one of them, a young, hot-looking redhead looking like the world's sluttiest cheerleader babe in a Superman t-shirt and jeans was dancing to the music coming from the stereo system. She had college written all over her. Her tits bounced and jigged along with her movements as she moved and snapped her hips to the music. One of the other girls, a sandy-blonde that looked to be the same age range as the one dancing, sat watching her and cheering her on. The blonde wore a tank top and jeans. She had a slimmer face unlike her friend whose face was full and round, and unlike her friend, she was less voluptuous than her. The other woman with them was far older, between her late thirties and early forties, and had a thick hair which was red as well. She was watching a program on Zee's massive TV screen and sipping wine from a glass in her hand but her eyes kept returning to the dancing girl in the room, frowning at her. It wasn't hard for Thad to note the resemblance between both of them and estimated that this was a mother and daughter thing. His friend clarified it when he pulled him further into the room and all three women turned to look at him as he made the introductions.

"Thad, I want you to meet Kayla," he introduced the Superman t-shirt girl who gave him a coquettish grin and said hi to him. He introduced her friend as Alice, and for the older woman, her name was Sylvia. She was wearing a black dress with the front cut out to reveal a well-packed cleavage. She raised her hand to him and Thaddeus took it and kissed the back side. It made her smile; he noted the glint of her wedding ring. Zee left him with Sylvia while he took a seat next to Alice and spoke with her.

"Pleasure meeting you," said Thad. He was impressed by the woman's beauty which was a reflection of her daughter's. She looked a lot like Jane Fonda except for the redness of her hair.

"Zee never told me he had handsome friends such as yourself," she said. Thaddeus saw a similar flirting smile light up her face just like the one on her daughter's.

"I'm just one of his better ones," replied Thad, taken by her smile.

"Hey, Thad," Kayla butted uninvited into their conversation. Her hands pressed Thad's arms inside his shirt, feeling his biceps. "I love your muscles. Do you have any tattoos on them?"

Thaddeus caught the sharp look that came on her mother's eyes as Kayla kept talking and smiling at him. If those eyes could talk, Thad knew they would shed daggers on her daughter's backside. Either Kayla noticed her mom's seething presence of simply didn't care, in which case, mother and daughter had boyfriend issues.

"No, I don't have any tattoos," said Thad. "I've never had need for them."

"Ohh, that's just too bad," she cooed, still caressing his arm. "I'll bet you'd look good with an eagle or something on your arm. I've got several on my body." She raised the bottom of her t-shirt and showed Thad a petal of rose etched beneath her navel that travelled downward to her crotch. "I'll show you the rest if you've got time later on," she murmured.

"Yeah, I'll bet they bring out your beauty too."

"They certainly do," she grinned at this.

Her mother had returned to her seat turning her eyes from them. Thaddeus never once knew that Zeke was into pimping mothers and daughters now. He certainly was stepping up his game. And that he was still running it as a one-man operation was surprising.

Thad excused his friend from the women and taking along his knapsack, Zee led him to one of the two spare bedrooms in his pad.

"What's the story with the mom and daughter thing?" Thad threw the question at him as he threw his bag on the bed, unzipped it and began taking his stuff out. "I never knew you had taken things that far?"

"Don't go hating the player, Thad. I wasn't the one that found them, if that's what you're getting at. They found me through my website. Or rather, the old lady got to me first, and the first time I was testing her pussy out, her little girl followed us without either of us knowing. She followed me down here and—dig this—the bitch threatened me to pimp her out just like I was about doing to her mom. I kicked the bitch out my door, but she kept hanging around."

"You tested her pussy out yet?"

"Nah. I was going to do it tonight, though didn't know she'd be bringing along a friend. That's why I'm happy you called saying you were coming over. You see the way she's got her eyes all over you? I'll bet she wants what you've got."

"I wouldn't know about that. I'm not that used to screwing college sluts. I thought that was your specialty."

"You're going to have to do me the honours on this one tonight, brother. Besides, I've been trying to get rid of her since her mom showed up but don't know how. I was going to take them out to that new club that's on 18th and Crenshaw. Booty, it's called."

"Which of them is driving the Corolla?"

"It's Kayla, she came along with her friend. So, Thad, are you game for her?"

Thad thought for a moment then shrugged. "Looks like I don't have a choice. Better being elsewhere than being back at my place for now."

"What? You running from something?"

"More like running from someone, but it's no big deal. At least I hope it ain't."

"With you I hope it ain't. But it's good you leaving your work for once. It's been a while since you and I stepped out in town."

Thaddeus stowed his items away before returning with his friend to the living room. Zee went to his bedroom to change. Thad sat across from Sylvia who sat fidgeting with her wine glass, cutting glances his way. Kayla and Alice were busy rapping with each other, sniggering. A while later they came over to where he sat and were fawning over him. Thad was never used to being around college girls and felt a little embarrassed the way Kayla chatted with him while her mom watched them, her lips turned downward looking grim.

Zee was still wearing his vest but now had on a t-shirt and was looking good to go. "All right, you ladies all set? Let's hit the road."

Thaddeus and Zee followed behind the women, turning off the lights and locking the doors before going around to the back. Thaddeus opted to ride shotgun with Kayla while his friend took Sylvia and Alicia in his jeep. They started their engines and rolled out of the driveway with Pimp Zee in the lead. Kayla kept smiling at Thad while she drove. She was jittery with excitement and she barely kept her hands on the wheel. All the time her hand landed on Thaddeus's thigh.

"How big is your cock?" she shot the question at him, smiling like it was like any ordinary question. Thad felt his prick kick to attention inside his jeans as he started at her shocked at her blatant candour. It had been a long time since he met anyone speak to him in such manner. He wondered if such was how college girls talked these days, like they couldn't wait to get to know a brother before he fucked them. If such was true, then he was far back with the times and needed to redress himself to the present and fast before they regarded him as a fossil.

"My cock's big enough," he responded, smiling back at her. "You want to take a look at it?"

She looked at him as if wanting to know if he was serious. "Yeah, I dare you to whip it out for me."

"Be careful of what you wish for." Thaddeus undid his belt buckle and the top buttons of his jeans and reached into the dark recess of his crotch and pulled out his cock for her to see. Kayla turned on the car's inner light and her eyes expanded in their sockets and so too did her lips when she caught sight of his giant manpower. Thaddeus had his meat in his hand and waved it around like a cowboy working a lasso. "Does this answer your question?"

"More than enough," she gasped, her eyes would return to her driving and then back to his cock. She didn't wait for him to tell her what to do. Her hand reached for his cock and took it from his hand. Her fingers barely touched each other as they wrapped around his shaft. She stroked pre-cum off the tiny slit on the swollen head of his prick. Thaddeus sat back in his chair and enjoyed the fell of her hand. More blood pumped into his cock, loving the warm touch of her hand. He reached a hand to the crotch of her jeans and pressed against the fabric.

"You getting any wet in there?"

"Oh yeah," she said while still stroking his cock. "I've never made love to a black person before. Back in school, I heard so many rumours about black men having the type of pricks a girl would die for."

"The night is still young for you to find out," he said, taking back his cock and locking it away inside his jeans. Down boy, he whispered to his prick. You'll get your chance soon. The night is still young.


Club Booty it was called and from a mile away they could see a long line of people waiting to get inside. They found themselves parking spaces inside a chain-linked garage beside the club, passed several couples leaning against other parked vehicles necking and fondling each other while they went in the direction of the club. Kayla hooked her arm around Thad's while Zee marched on with her mom Sylvia and her best friend Alice around his. Both women rolled their asses as they walked. Zee couldn't resist tapping them. He came up to one of the club's bouncers manning the club's front doors and they exchanged greetings then let him and his group inside.

They walked into a narrow dark corridor from which they could hear the persistent music that was coming from within. Another bouncer manned the end of the corridor and held the door open for them and like that they stepped into the heart of the club.

Hardcore rap music assaulted their eardrum while pulsing kaleidoscopic lights of dynamic colours roamed from the high ceiling down on the crowd dancing everywhere. The lights seem to rain down in accordance with the music that was playing. The interior of the club was dark and hot and intoxicating. They were scantily dressed females everywhere, some dancing with a partner and others merely hanging about watching the crowd. Thaddeus led Sylvia while his friend walked ahead with the girls in his arms leading the way towards the far end of the club where they were a string of booths to sit comfortably in. They had to push through the suffocating crowd till they got there and quickly settled themselves at an empty table just as a couple got up from it. Pimp Zee lit a cigarette and shared his pack with Alice and Kayla; this didn't sit well with Sylvia who could do nothing except glower at her daughter's actions and could only keep mute about it. Thad didn't wish to get involved in whatever mother and daughter rivalry that was going on between them. All he wanted was to enjoy his evening and see about getting some company for his dick before the night was over.

They each had to yell at each other to be overheard over the loud music booming around them. Zee and Thad excused themselves and went to fetch the drinks, taking the women's orders before heading in the direction of the bar. The bar was shaped like a horseshoe with a large glass window staring back at the club before the attendants. Lots of people stood leaning against the counter, nearly all of them talking and hollering at the same time. They waited some minutes before one of the bar girls got to fixing their drinks. They returned to their booth with their hands laden with glasses, Thad sat next to Kayla who was running her hand over his thigh while Zee sat in her mom and friend's midst and together they made a toast and drank to their health.

Time seemed not to move all the while they were in the club, but actually it did. The women felt like dancing and Zee and Thad had to take turns with their individual partners least some guys came and took over their booth. Thaddeus danced with Kayla who couldn't stop running her hands over his arms and shoulders while their bodies pressed against each other while they struggled for space amidst the crowd bumping around them. Later they returned to the booth and gushed over their experience. A while later, Sylvia, who'd been the quiet one since they arrived in the club pushed herself off the booth and gave her hand to Thad.


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