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The Estate Pt. 01

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Sexual shenanigans on a small estate. Jason meets Greeta.
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Part 1 of the 16 part series

Updated 04/01/2024
Created 03/02/2024
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We live on a small estate on the edge of town. It's not a big estate by any means, less than 100 houses or so, and mostly supported housing, so a fair number of single parent families. As most single parent families are women led, you get the makeup of the estate. A flurry of activity at school start and end time, and not a lot in-between.

Jools works most of the time in a security firm, with the odd day working from home, which she usually manages to spend at the gym. I work from home with occasional site visits when I cannot achieve what I need over Zoom. Working from home means about an hour or two of deep activity and the rest of the time on YouTube or Netflix. It is not exactly a hard life, until things go awry, and then it can be a week or so of fourteen hour days, lots of Zoom calls and, unusually, a few site visits requiring an overnighter. That, thankfully, is rare.

But, on a usual day, I am spending a lot of time looking out of the window watching people come and go, the ladies walking their offspring to school, then coming back, usually with a bag of groceries from the local shop, perhaps, I guess, a selection from the reduced aisle, just keeping costs down, eating day by day. Sometimes it is a man sitting in his car for hours on end, using his mobile. Why not in his house? What does he not want his family to hear? Is he, perhaps a drug dealer? He does get a fair number of visits from cars that just pull up next to him, words are exchanged, perhaps something is handed across, I can never see well enough from my vantage point, and then the visiting car drives off. I am not getting involved in that, too dodgy and too risky. He and I exchange greetings occasionally, but that is as much as.

I had been to the Gym, the one I use is on the other side of town, the local ones are over twice the price and full mostly of muscle boys pumping iron and flexing whilst looking in mirrors. Not for me. I just use a few of the exercise machines to try and get a tone and build a little strength. I am an office boy, not a gym hunk.

The rain was absolutely hammering down when I left the gym, and I got soaked just going to the car. Weather, they just can't get it right these days, if rain had been forecast, I would have taken a coat, but it wasn't and so I just had my gym gear on. Luckily it is a wicking fabric and dries quite quickly. As I was approaching town I saw a very bedraggled girl at the bus stop, she lived on our estate but apart from the occasional nod of hello, I knew very little of her, not even her name, I think she had left school, but what she actually did, I had no idea. I pulled the car up next to her and wound the window down.

"Are you going home, you are soaked, do you want a lift back?" I called out to her. She nodded and got into the car. She really was soaked, almost literally to the skin, her clothes clung to her becoming almost transparent with their wetness. 'Crikey' I thought, 'I hope mine aren't see through too.

"Thank you," she said, "I must have missed the bus, and it is half an hour to the next one and I can't afford an Uber."

"Oh no problem, and if it had been me, I would have no idea how to get an Uber, and even if I did, they would probably refuse to let me in because I was too wet or something equally stupid."

She laughed a little and hugged her arms to her chest. I had the heater on full and blowing full bore, but I doubt she would even begin to dry out before we got home. It took about fifteen minutes to get back to the estate, "You'll have to tell me which one is yours, I only know approximately which one you live in."

"It's number 33, just on the bend."

I pulled up outside her house, "Right then here you are, home safe, I am on the other side at number 16."

"Yes, I know," she said, "do you want to come in and have a coffee, as a sort of thank you for saving me and driving me home?"

I had pretty much dried out by now so had no fear of inappropriate weather related clothing malfunctions, had little else to do for a while and thought 'why the hell not?'

"Yes please that'll be nice."

I followed her to the house, both of us rushing through the rain and we were in quickly without me getting too wet again.

"Our houses are the same. You know where the kitchen is, put the kettle on, I will go and change out of these wet clothes' she said over her shoulder as she ran upstairs. Yes, very wet clothes, nothing really left to an imagination, and my imagination is somewhat fertile.

I walked through to the kitchen, it was untidy, dirty dishes waiting to be washed, a gap where a dishwasher would go. I filled the kettle and as it came up to boil I looked through the cupboards looking for mugs and coffee. In the fridge I found some oat based milk, not any regular cow juice. That started me wondering if her and her mum were vegan? I have no issues with veganism as a food culture, just some of the extreme politics that seem to go with it do tend to irk me.

She came down, wearing a robe with a towel wrapped around her head. "Right then, I think I found everything," I said, "how do you have your coffee and are these mugs I found okay to use?"

"They are fine, just black, mum has some oat stuff in the fridge if you want milk and I can find sugar if you need that."

I made her a mug of black coffee and myself a white coffee using the 'oat stuff' from the fridge. She topped her mug up with cold tap water. "Let's go and sit in the lounge' she said walking off out of the kitchen.

'I don't know your name" I said, "in fact I don't know much about you at all."

She sat in the single chair; I sat opposite on the sofa. There was a small side table that I put my coffee on. I didn't get the sense that they cared about coasters or the such.

"Oh okay, mum is Lena, I am Henry, which is short for Henrietta which is the stupidest name ever given to a girl and so I have a boy's name. Dad fucked off years ago, can't even remember him, and I blame him for my stupid name. I am learning hair cutting and lashes but the salon I am at is stupid and I hate it."

Okay! Crikey she poured that out. "Okay Henry, nice to meet you. I am Jason, my OH is Jools. I am a consulting engineer and I work mostly from home. Jools usually works from an office in the commercial estate on the edge of town. We don't have kids with each other, this is a second marriage for both of us."

Bit of a full and frank exchange going on here, I kind of followed her lead I guess, odd for me, I am usually quite introverted, but I think her open approach may have bought me out of myself a little.

"Been to the gym?" she asked, "only you don't look dressed for much else, or do you normally walk around like that? Wearing shorts, I thought you might be a postman, only ours wears shorts all the time."

"Yes, no rain was forecast so I just had my gym gear on, and was pissed off that it was chucking it down when I came out of the gym. I got soaked just running to the car." Well, if she is going to drop F bombs, I can use fruity language too.

"Yes, I saw how wet your clothes were when I got in the car, but yours dried quickly, unlike mine, which were still wet and disgusting when we got back. Probably ruined."

"Funny how clothes get all transparent when they are wet." I do need to engage my brain before I open my mouth sometimes. I am stupid. Stupid thing to say.

"Oh, right. Well, I hope you enjoyed the view."

Christ. I picked the mug up and started hiding my face behind it as I drank the coffee. The oat stuff wasn't too bad, okay in coffee, not sure how it would taste in tea, Earl Grey is not that forgiving of milk, and Earl Gray is what I usually drink.

"Have I embarrassed you? Only I say what I think, mum says I have no filter, but I think you should just be honest when you speak."

"Er, no, I am a bit too long in the tooth and old to be embarrassed," I lied.

"So, you didn't answer my question."

What was she going on about? "What question?"

"I asked you if you enjoyed the view, you know, through my transparent clothes. Is that why you stopped to pick me up?"

"Jesus Henry, no, I stopped to pick you up because you were wet, and you live near me. I was half expecting you to say no anyway."

"You still haven't answered my question."

"I didn't enjoy the view because I didn't look closely enough. I was just offering you a lift" I was lying. I knew that and I suspect that she knew that. Her clothes had been so wet that I could tell she didn't shave. And yes, I looked.

"Hhmm only your eyes seemed to be looking. Am I not worth looking at?"

"I think I ought to get going Henry. Thank you for the coffee" This was in danger of getting out of hand, she was years younger than me, far too young for me to be interested that is for sure. I was pretty sure she was playing a game, but I thought it prudent to leave before it got out of hand.

"You have done it again, avoided my question. It is up to you if you want to leave." She stood up and as she did so her robe opened. She was naked underneath and clearly unshaven, as her wet clothes earlier had suggested.

"Er, Henry, your robe" I said looking away far too slowly I am sure.

"I asked you a question number 16, am I not worth looking at?"

"Stop playing games Henry, I am more than twice your age. Anyway, I prefer a mown lawn."

"What? Like a little girl? Are you a Paedo? My mum shaves hers off I think it is disgusting" She pulled her robe to, and sat back down.

"No, not like a little girl, a grown woman has shape and definition and is beautiful to look at, a tangle of hair is not my thing, it gets stuck between your teeth for one thing. A young girl just has a slit between her legs, no shape, no definition, not my thing at all. And I don't think I needed to know that your mom shaves her fanny." I thought I would return the serve and use some blunt language.

"So, not little girls, so you prefer older woman with bald cunts, like my mum, to girls in their prime like me?" Top trumped me on the language.

She really was in some kind of strange place, and I had no idea how we had gotten on to this topic. I was a little concerned at how this was going.

"Yes." It seemed sensible to try and tone the conversation down.

"Have you even seen my mum?"

"What, naked? No, of course not"

"Do you want to?"


"See my mum naked."

"Well, it is unlikely that I will now isn't it?"

"I could send you video or photo's of her."

"What? Naked? Why would she let you do that?"

"She wouldn't know, and If I did, what would you send me back?"

"Jesus Henry, nothing, I don't have anything to send you."

"Give me your mobile number, I'll whatsapp you and discuss this more, only I need to go and get dressed, I am cold."

I gave her my number without even thinking what I was doing. I was still stunned by the events, she really did have no filter and seemingly no shame either. I just really wanted to get out of there. Had she been 20 or more years older then I would probably have been trying it on first, but she was probably eighteen, a teenager and little more than a child, and she seemed, well, weird.

When I got home I stripped and went in the shower. The hot water made me feel better and I began to put the strange events of earlier to the back of my mind. She was the kind of girl who could lead you on and then shout rape. I didn't need jailbait in my life. I relaxed as the needle jets played over my penis and scrotum giving an incredible almost orgasmic sensation, it made me hard and horny, and I thought of Jools naked and put the silly girl out of my mind.

Jools had gone to work and I was working from home. I had a couple of hours to kill before my next Zoom, and as the weather was okay, that is it wasn't raining, I decided to go and pick the leaves and odd bits of rubbish that seemed to congregate on our front lawn.

"Hi Jason" it was Greeta from next door but one.

"Hi Greeta, how's things?"

"Good, well, actually, could I ask, will you give me a hand with something?"

"Probably, I guess it depends on what, I am not good at cutting hair for example."

"Idiot. No, I had some IKEA stuff delivered, could you help me take it upstairs?"

"Yes, okay, now? Only I have a little time before my next meeting, and I could do with a break from the rubbish picking."

"Fine, come on in."

I wiped my shoes on her door mat as I went in and then slipped them off and left them by the front door, her downstairs was carpeted and I didn't want to leave any marks from my shoes, even though I had wiped them.

"Oh silly, you could have left them on" Greeta said, "this is it" she said pointing at a long heavy looking box. Probably 6' long and 2' wide. It looked rather heavy.

"Okay Greeta let's see how heavy it is." I rocked it, and yes it was heavy. I probably could lift it on my own, but I would rather not. "We should be able to do this between us," I said. "You take the top end and then as you go upstairs, I will take the bulk of the weight."

Between us we managed to get it up the stairs and into her back bedroom. "Crikey that thing is heavy," I said as I leaned back against the wall.

"Yes, it is a big set of drawers."

"Ah, drawers for your drawers" I laughed.

I think she meant to give me a thank you peck on the cheek, but as she leaned in, me unawares, I turned my head and she caught my lips, not my cheek. I automatically kissed back. She pulled back and looked directly into my eyes. She said nothing but leaned forward again and this time kissed me intentionally. Her lips pressed hard against mine. I kissed back and put an arm around her shoulder and synched her into me. I felt her breasts press against my chest and I felt my hardness press against her.

I ran my hand around her breast and then down and I rubbed her sex through her clothes. She made a small gasp and pressed herself to me. Encouraged I undid her trousers and slipped my hand inside and down.

"Oh God" she whispered softly as my finger slipped into her crease. I slid my finger up and down and the resistance became less and less. I crooked my finger and pressed inside her. Hot and slippery, I jiggled my finger inside her, feeling for the little rough patch at the upper side of her fanny. As I was jiggling she undid my trousers and slipped them down a bit and grabbed my cock and squeezed its hardness and began slowly stroking me.

I pulled back, she sighed as my finger left her, and I pulled her jumper up and over her head. I fumbled a little but undid her bra and released her breasts and as I suckled on her left breast, I pushed her trousers and pants down to her feet with my hands and then my left foot.

I knelt and licked at her slit, my tongue sliding up and down where my finger had been. Her knees sagged and she knelt and then lay on the floor. I pulled my tea shirt off and my chinos and trousers followed. I had my mouth pressed to her, my tongue teasing at her clitoris as I slipped my hand up under my chin and pushed a finger inside her as I licked and chewed, my finger pumping in and out, bending whilst in, straightening as it left her.

"Oh fuck Jason" she said softly, "stop messing, just fuck me already"

I am not one to ignore an instruction like that and moved up and as my cock reached her fanny, her hand took it and guided me inside her. I pressed forward slowly, entering her until she had fully enclosed me, and then she put her legs around me pressing me into her. I pulled slightly back and then thrust forward with all that I had. Greeta gasped loudly as I buried my cock as deep as I could and then sighed as I pulled back. Faster and faster we fucked, both of us panting as we rutted on her carpet floor, a fuck as unexpected as it was deeply pleasurable. I felt the familiar tightening and seemed to find extra and pushed harder and deeper, her hands were clawing at my back as she pulled me into her. I gasped loudly and felt my spurts penetrate her deeply.

"Oh shit" I gasped, "Oh my God."

She rubbed her hands across my back, her breath gasping as she held me.

"Oh fuck, wow." She said. Well, that wasn't a big negative as I hadn't even thought about a condom and had just filled her with my man juices.

"Wow indeed" I said, "This wasn't how I was expecting my morning to turn out."

"Me either. Did you...?"

"Yes, I am sorry, I just kinda got carried away"

"Don't worry, we both did. I better go and clean up" She pulled her pants from her trousers and pushed them between her legs and rolled onto her knees and then to her feet and went to the bathroom.

I pulled my underpants on, my trousers and tea shirt and stood up, a little unsteady for a moment and then I was fine. Greeta came back in, naked, but with a wad of tissue between her legs.

She looked at me and smiled, "I guess that is going to be dripping for the rest of the day!"

"Oh, yes, sorry"

"Don't be. Now, be a good man and fuck off home, I need a shower."

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