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The First Time is Always a Bitch Ch. 04

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Gary gets more than one sexy surprise.
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Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 10/10/2022
Created 06/10/2008
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While I was blowing Scott, Janis was engaging in conversation with some of the men, including the one who'd tongued her asshole. In addition to carrying on a conversation, she was carrying on with some of them, jacking two cocks at once and playing with a third man's using her extraordinarily dexterous toes. "Modern women know it's very sophisticated for their men to be bi," she asserted. "For instance, do you know what Scotty and I did last weekend? Shall I tell, Scotty?"

Scott responded, "What?" and then, "Oh, okay," and laughed.

Janis said, "Last weekend Scott and I took our utility van—the one I use in my catering business—to one of the gentleman's clubs, you know, the upscale strip clubs, one of the nicer ones. I dance there occasionally; the tips come in handy."

I made a mental note to find out which one and be ringside the next time Janis decided to perform. "Anyway," she went on, "we parked in the lot and, whenever a man who seemed to be a likely prospect walked by, I'd lean out the window and say, 'Excuse me, sir, may I interest you in a blow job?' Well, of course every one of them comes over and says yes. Scott's sitting right there in the passenger seat. Then I say, 'Would you mind letting my husband do the honors?' You'd be amazed—or maybe you wouldn't—how many men go in the back of the van for Scott to blow them. How many did we count, Honey?"

"Fourteen," Scott sighed in answer as I sucked away on his huge cock.

"Fourteen men. So don't think this is the button-down fifties anymore: most men are interested in sexual action with other men as well as women. They just don't always admit it, think its unmasculine or something. I think it's broadminded and fantastic for my man to be sucking cock, or like tonight, getting blown by one of our men friends. Stick a finger up his ass if you want him to cum good, Gar."

"Are you two swingers?" one man asked her, Janis's big toe and second toe of each foot forming twin V's and running leisurely up and down the shaft of his cock.

"Duh," she said. "Sure we flirted with The Lifestyle for a while, but even that got kind of routine, fucking and sucking the same old married couples every weekend. No, for it to be exciting there always has to be new blood. Somebody's first time, that kind of action. Like tonight, for instance. This is a great idea of Dave's—I commend you, dear heart—but week in, week out even this scene could get dull and boring, seeing the same men jack each other off all the time."

"Wait 'til you hear what I have in mind for next Thursday," Dave said.

"I can't imagine. There you go, Sweetie. See how you are?" Janis added as one of the men she was jacking off came in her hand.

Dave explained: "Gar and Scott have given me an idea: blow job marathons. See, the plan is that we draw two guys at random. They flip a coin to see which one sucks the other one's cock. I hold a stopwatch on them. It's a competition. The sucker is trying to make the suckee cum as fast as possible, while the suckee is trying to hold out as long as he can. When the first guy cums, they switch off."

"How do you pick a winner?" someone asked.

"I haven't worked out all the details, but there would be some kind of elimination, like in a basketball tournament, with the winner being the guy who held out the longest after all the times are compared. See, the trouble with tonight was every team was trying to hold out. My new idea is more every man for himself: you have every guy trying to make every other guy cum as quick as possible, to make him lose, in other words."

"Sounds to me like even when he loses, he wins," Janis observed.

"That's right. Look, Janis, I think Gar's finally taking your advice."

It was true. I had never stuck my finger up another man's asshole before, but it went in almost effortlessly with the cocoa butter lotion, and Scott's prostate was easy to find. I massaged it from inside. Before long I began to taste the warm slick of his semen in my mouth. Wanting it to look like the action in a porno movie, I withdrew and jacked his cock with rapid strokes, aiming it directly at my face mere inches away.

Scott came like a river. The man seemed to have an infinite capacity to ejaculate. "Hoo, there she blows," Janis whooped. I milked and milked, tongue-kissing the tip of his cock to get the last few drops out. At the sight of Scott's cumming, the man Janis was toe-jacking came all over her feet. He was one of the older guys who couldn't get it up with another man earlier in the evening, and was a total failure with the fluffer. Feet must have been his thing.

Dave seemed to have read my mind. "I got it," he said. "To make it even more interesting, let's have the first guy who cums in under a minute, say, let's make him the fluffer. Yeah, that's it: tonight was too slow. We need to have a fluffer going around and sucking everybody's cock to keep all the men stimulated and hard. Then when they step up to be counted, it's gonna be difficult as hell to hold out."

"What if some guy cums in the fluffer's mouth, though?" Janis asked.

"Then he's disqualified. And another thing: I don't mind hosting, but the booze and snacks can get expensive, not to mention the pain in the ass cleanup. How would you guys feel about a nominal cover charge, say ten bucks? Buys you all you can eat and drink?" Some men laughed at the "all you can eat" reference, so Dave added, "You fuckers know what I mean."

Judging from the voice vote, everyone agreed. "What if I bring along a girlfriend or two next time?" Janis asked.

"Sounds hot," Dave replied.

Next Thursday seemed to take forever to arrive. Scott and I rarely spoke at the office all week, as though we were pretending we did not share a secret bond that had not existed a mere week ago, an intimate knowledge of one another the world would refuse to understand or accept. Dave was the same old Dave, reminding me whenever we were alone about his "BJ party" on Thursday night, and how I should be sure to hand the same lame card- game story to my old lady so I could get out of the house. It wasn't nearly so easy as the first time.

"How about spending some quality time with your wife instead of that loser?" Barb bitched Thursday at about seven when the two of us were alone in the master bedroom. "Didn't you go over there no more than a week ago, and not get home until three AM or whatever?"

"Barb, the guy is all broken up about his wife leaving him. What can I say? I'm afraid of what might happen if his friends don't give him the support he needs now in this crisis."

"I don't know," Barb snarled. "How do I know all you're doing is playing cards and not going out to a strip club or whorehouse?"

"After twenty-three years of marriage don't you even trust me that much?"

"Well, okay. But call me every now and then, okay? Don't forget you have a wife who's got certain needs, too."

"I won't forget." My heart sang with the knowledge I'd gotten away with it once more. On the drive over my mind raced with the anticipation of oral delights. For an extra added bonus, Scott had confirmed that Janis would indeed be bringing along "a girlfriend or two." for the evening.

Recklessly I parked directly in front of Dave's house. Janis's van was nowhere to be seen. Dave answered the door and collected ten bucks a head, no pun intended. Then it was down to the basement rumpus room and off with the clothes. Word had certainly gotten around; there were maybe thirty guys or more milling around naked, drinks in hand. Among them was Mickey Hobbs, Yvonne's husband, and my boss Mr. Reid from the office. He raised his eyebrows at seeing me, but I didn't care. After all, we were both there looking for the same thing. I wondered what it would be like to suck my boss's cock in public. I'd already been kissing his ass for years.

Every few minutes the doorbell rang. Soon Dave's house was filled to capacity with naked men, but no Janis. Oh, well: it's a lady's prerogative to be late.

It was after eight-thirty when Janis finally made her grand entrance, nude descending the stairs. Her breasts were spectacular with a sheen of glowing perspiration from the closeness; I wanted to explore the jungle recesses of her luxuriant bush with my tongue. Those legs of hers did not quit, either.

"Evening, fellas," she called out. "Hope you men don't mind—I've brought along a couple of new playmates for you to get to know."

Roars of appreciation filled the rafters.

"Thought you wouldn't object. Well, then, without further ado here's my first little playmate, and I use the term 'little' advisedly: say hello to Yvette Smith!"

My jaw nearly dropped into my Jack and coke when I witnessed Yvonne Hobbs coming down the stairway, naked as the day she was born and a whole lot sexier. If I was surprised, you should have seen Mickey's reaction. He sidled over to her and hissed, "Goddamnit, Yvonne, put your clothes on!"

"Beg pardon?" Yvonne addressed him archly. "Do I know you, sir?"

Every hothead who abuses women is also a coward. Amidst cries of "Let her alone," and "Back off," Mickey the hothead stood down and retreated into a neutral corner, licking his jealousy wounds. Yvonne was much in demand, instantly drawing a small throng of male admirers and obviously reveling in every minute of it. I moved toward her but the press of the crowd made it difficult to navigate.

"I thought you said you'd brought along was one more little friend, Janis," Dave reminded her.

"Why, now that you mention it, so I did, Dave," Janis clowned. "Where has she been hiding herself? Maybe a quick trip to the little girls' room to freshen up. Angie? Angie, don't be shy, dear, you're among friends. Come down here and let everyone see you."

Familiar feet appeared at the head of the stairs, familiar feet that turned into familiar legs and a familiar pussy and ass, familiar tits and a familiar face. It was Barb!

The men roared and clapped with approval. Mickey shot me a look that said How do you like it, asshole?

I was speechless. It was Janis who broke the tension, explaining, "I told Barb all about it even before you came last Thursday. Why did you think you had it so easy getting out of the house on a weeknight?"

Barb stood and posed midway down the stairway. Her honey hair with dark highlights shone like spun gold, which always made a startling contrast to her natural black pussy hair. Barb always kept her bush neatly trimmed, but for tonight she had shaved it clean, revealing the tender peach mound and exposing the fleshy distended apricot lips that are the hallmark of a mature woman's vulva. She gave everyone an extra-special get-acquainted gynecological look at herself by balancing her right heel on the banister for a full minute.

Barb had been dancing at a strip club in Carbondale, IL when we first met. She was older now but still knew all the moves. She could easily squat, grasp and pick up a Bud longneck with her pussy lips back then. I found myself wanting to see her try that trick again. Seeing Barb naked for a roomful of appreciative men stripped thirty years off me. My cock got hard just looking at her.

Barb made good on her entrance, crossed the room amid a sea of hands groping her breasts, ass and pussy to get to me. She brushed her naked body against mine, grasped the head of my cock and shook it like shaking hands, repeating the very same words she had first uttered to me the first time we met so many years ago: "Welcome to the Chalet Lounge. Pleased to meet you. My name's Barb."

"Gary," I replied, and tenderly kissed her.

Dave rang a bell. "Listen up, you fuckers: it's showtime!" I looked at Barb; she looked at me lovingly. "Go ahead, Gar," she whispered. "Momma knows. It's okay. I don't want to deprive you of this."

The cards were drawn. This time I wasn't first. Instead, Mickey Hobbs got teamed up with Mr. Reid. Dave flipped the coin; Mickey called it heads.

"Are they really going to go through with this? In front of everybody?" Barb wondered aloud.

"Keep watching," I said.

Dave checked the coin. "Heads it is. And head it is," he added.

Mr. Reid got down on his knees and inspected Mickey's cock like you do when you're not sure whether something's good to eat. He took a breath like going for a dive underwater, then plunged right in, sucking like a pro. Dave clicked the stopwatch as soon as my boss's lips touched Mickey's penis.

"Oh, my!" Barb marveled. "He's really going at it, isn't he?"

"He plays to win," I said. On the other side of the room, Yvonne looked up from her marathon male-pleasing conversation just long enough to see her husband's cock in another man's mouth, and gave a quick, startled laugh. The laugh seemed to get to Mickey. He clenched his jaw and stubbornly crossed his arms over his chest, fighting what by now, judging from my boss's full-fledged assault on his manhood, must have been an almost unbearable urge to cum.

He lasted four minutes. Dave clicked the stopwatch just as the first jets of semen began decorating Mr. Reid's face. My boss said, "piker," wiped his face with a paper towel and turned away like nothing had happened.

"Hold on," Dave said. "Now we switch places. Mr. Reid, front and center. Mickey, on your knees."

Mickey sucked halfheartedly at Mr. Reid's thin curved cock. When Mickey came up for air we all noticed that the head of my boss's erect peter seemed oversized for the thin shaft, almost like a mushroom. "He certainly has an unusually shaped penis, your boss," Barb observed.

In just under five minutes Mr. Reid came, shivering spasmodically when he did so.

"Okay. All right. Next card drawn is...four of clubs. Who's holding four if diamonds?" The unexpected throng of men had made it necessary for Dave to use the entire 52-card deck including the jokers. The four of clubs was an older guy with sagging man-boobs and a thin white thatch of hair on his chest and a thicker one on his pubes. I had drawn the four of diamonds. It looked to be turning into a long evening.

"Are you really going to suck that guy's cock while your wife and everybody else watches? Barb asked, incredulous.

"That's how the game is played," I replied. The guy couldn't ever get more than semi-erect. Finally Dave called time. "Disqualified. Next time take Viagra," he said. My mouth was sore and I had to keep picking white pubic hairs out of my mouth while the old guy went down on me. I kept staring at Barb the whole time, also looking over her shoulder at Yvonne, who had moved forward to survey the action. Yvonne's tits were so low-slung they went halfway to her waist, but something about her sure turned me on. Before I realized what was happening, Dave had clicked the stopwatch on me a second time.

"Fifty-four seconds, man!" Dave sneered. "What a fucking disgrace! Looks like we've got us a new fluffer for the evening."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Nice addition

Not only having the wive's approval, but their active participation is great.

My dick is standing straight up ready for chapter 5!

dragontattodragontattoabout 16 years ago
I liked the twist

Having the wife show up sure must have been a turn on. Good Chapter.

sexysmilesexysmileabout 16 years ago

I was hoping Barb would get involved!

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