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The Fish Wife

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A futanari beach babe falls in love with a mermaid.
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"What a beautiful day!" Jennifer called out, stretching her arms in the bright sunlight. She was at the beach and it was a hot summer day. She was wearing a modest one-piece blue swimsuit, but it did little to hide her sexy body. Her hips were curvy and she had enormous breasts. Her ass was squishy and her cock bulged the front of her swimsuit. Her gigantic testicles squished beneath the soft cloth of her swimsuit. Long brown hair splayed down her shoulders and almost to her ass.

One might think that she would be embarrassed wearing a swimsuit with genitals like hers, but she was a spunky young girl of twenty three, she didn't mind showing her body. Nevertheless, any shorts or skirts she wore had to reach at least her knees to hide her veiny monster. Obviously she couldn't wear ordinary underwear. She either wore crotchless panties that let her cock swing free or loose boxers that barely held it in check.

Dropping her bag, she opened her umbrella and stuck it deep in the sand. She spread out a towel and sat down beneath it with a sigh. It was just after lunch and the sun was high in the sky.

"I can't wait to go swimming." She hummed to herself as pulled out a bottle of lotion. The part of the beach she was on was empty, as it was her little secret. A beautiful hundred feet of Brazilian costal water hidden beyond an overgrown jungle path a little over three miles from her home. She had discovered it ten years ago while she had been exploring on her new bicycle.

She put her lotion in her picnic basket and got back to her feet. Her skin was a beautiful tan and she didn't take any chances in burning. The white sand around her was pristine and beautiful, whenever she came here, she always cleaned it as best she could. She liked to think it was her own personal beach, she had never seen another person here before.

The cool, clear waters swirled around her knees as she walked out into the water. She squealed and jumped as a wave splashed cold water against her balls and around her pussy. She whooped and dove headlong into the crystal clear water. Never did she feel as free as when she was swimming. Her legs kicked powerfully and she swam out into deeper water, looking all around her AF the beautiful sea life.

It was there on that fateful day that she saw her. Hiding among some of the greenery that swayed about on the ocean floor was a creature that could easily be mistaken for a shark. She had gray scaly skin and vibrant green eyes. Her upper body was in the shape of a young woman and her lower body was that of a long shark. There were fins on the outside of her forearms and in the center of her back. Her hair was coal black and down to her shoulders, it floated freely in the water around her.

When Jennifer moved towards her, the shark girl jerked in surprise and shot away. She moved so fluidly, racing along the bottom of the water at amazing speed. Before Jennifer could reach the bottom, she was completely out of sight. For a moment she floated there in awe of what she had just seen. Kicking off, she surfaced with a gasp and flopped over on her back.

"What on earth was that?" She mused to herself, slowly kicking about as she stared up at the fluffy white clouds above.

Back on shore, she collected her goggles and snorkel before going back in. She was horribly curious about that girl and she leapt back into the water to find her. For some time, she floated out in the water, staring around for that cute shark girl. Probably more than an hour later, she spotted something sticking up behind a rocky outcropping. Slowly floating down, she circled carefully around the outcropping and snuck up on the strange creature.

"Hi!" Jennifer yelled, grabbing the shark girl's arm as she was looking the other way. Her voice was muffled and incoherent underwater, but grabbing got her attention. She jumped in surprise and spun around. Upon seeing Jennifer, she tried to swim away quickly, but Jennifer held onto her hand. The shark girl looked back at her, fear in her eyes at being caught. The look on her face made Jennifer let go of her.

The shark girl looked up at her again and then she realized that she was free. In the blink of an eye, she snapped around and raced away. Her body was lithe and beautiful, Jennifer couldn't believe how graceful she looked fleeing from her.

Day in and day out, Jennifer returned to her beach and searched for the girl. Nearly a week passed without sight of her. Then on a cloudy Saturday morning, she was sitting on the cool sand staring out at the ocean when she saw her. A dozen yards from shore, a gray head popped out of the water with wet black hair stuck to the sides of her head. She knew her instantly, that cute little nose and wonderfully enchanting eyes. When she saw Jennifer on the beach, her head disappeared beneath the waves again before Jennifer could even get to her feet.

"Wait! Don't go! Please!" Jennifer yelled out. Today she hasn't brought her swimsuit, she was instead wearing shorts and a tight blue tank top. That didn't stop her from leaping up and racing into the water. Her hair trailed behind her and she dove in. She kicked wildly, racing downward after the cute shark girl, and her flip flops slipped off in the tide. She didn't care because her new friend seemed to be swimming a little slower today. She was only a little ways away and Jennifer wanted desperately to see her again.

They swam further out into the deep ocean water and Jennifer's lungs began to burn. She could hold her breath for a remarkably long time, but the shark girl just kept going deeper and deeper. However as she started to panic, she saw the shark girl stop and turn. She smiled and waved to Jennifer before disappearing into a thick, rocky crevice. Just as the end of her tail was disappearing into it, Jennifer swam after her. Stars popped in her vision, but she couldn't give in now. Maybe she would die down here, but not before seeing what this girl had to show her.

Down into darkness, Jennifer swam. She pulled herself through the small crevice and around a tight corner. Just as she was about to give up hope and try to turn around, the water suddenly started to brighten. She kicked forward with renewed vigor and started to go up. The tunnel led around and upward. She could see the surface above her and she struggled wildly for it. But it was just too much for her oxygen deprived brain. Her vision wavered and her limbs sagged. Her death was coming, down in that cool blue water she loved so much.

Then a hand grabbed her wrist and dragged her upward. It pulled her out of the water and onto smooth wet stone. She gasped loudly as sweet, salty air filled her lungs. Her eyes snapped open and she coughed, seawater surging out of her lungs. She jerked upward and hacked loudly, holding her chest as her body shook. She pulled another deep breath of air and sighed slowly, her mind regathering itself.

It was after that had passed that she realized where she was. All around her a strange blue moss grew on all the walls, glowing gently. Her legs were still floating in cool water and in front of her was the exit to the tunnel she had been frantically swimming through. She looked around suddenly and saw the shark girl sitting a ways behind her in another pool of water.

"H... Hello?" Jennifer spoke gently, terrified of scaring her off again.

"Hi there!" The shark girl said, grinning a mouthful of sharp, powerful teeth, "Sorry about that! I thought you could breath underwater! You always spend so much time chasing me around!"

"You talk!" Jennifer squeaked in surprise.

"Of course I do. I've seen you looking for me. I've been watching you for a long time. Usually I scare people away from my waters, but not you. You take care of the beach and you're kind to the ocean. I like you." The shark girl said.

"Wow... I had hoped to... Meet you... But this is really amazing! I mean, look at this place! Its an underwater cave and its beautiful!" Jennifer said as she scooted back and stood up. The cave was probably ten feet tall and twenty feet long. One end was the tunnel to the ocean and the other was the pool that the girl was in. She was leaning on the edge of it, staring intently at Jennifer. Behind her water splashed down from small holes or cracks in the ceiling and it ran in little rivers over the rock and back into the tunnel.

"Its my home. I live in this pool here." The girl said.

"Oh! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to invade your home!" Jennifer said quickly and apologetically.

"I brought you here, don't worry. My name is Qilina. Come on over here." She said, waving to her.

"My name is Jennifer. Its really cool to meet you. I had always hoped I would meet a mermaid one day." Jennifer said, walking over to her pool. It was probably twenty feet across and about that distance deep. Qilina's tail wafted back and forth lazily in the water. Jennifer sat down on the stone near her.

"Is that your name for my kind? Mer-maid?" Qilina asked.

"Well not really you. Mermaids were more like humans with just green fish tails. Not all the gray scales and teeth." Jennifer said and she realized what she had said, "Not that its bad! I like you! I mean, you're cute! I mean, sharks are cute! I... Oh god I'm such a spaz..."

She groaned and hung her head in embarrassment.

"You are a strange creature. My kind are called Sharken." Qilina said with a snicker.

"So... So how does this place not fill with water? How is it empty like this?" Jennifer asked, trying to avoid her silliness.

"It just does. I don't know. I've lived her most of my life since my parents fled the Sharken home." She said with a shrug.

"So... So why... Why me? Why here?" Jennifer asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Because this is my home and you are cute. I have no others of my kind around and I would like to mate. I never have before but in recent time I have grown very itchy for it. Since the last full moon it has been terrible. I've even tries touching myself to little avail." Qilina said, pushing away from the edge to float back in her pool.

"Uhhh... I... I... Errr..." Jennifer stammered in confusion.

"You have a penis, do you not? My vaginal slit is here, I am very much ready for you." Quilija said, pointing to her lower belly, about where a person's pelvis would be. Jennifer couldn't see underwater, but there was a pink slit there.

"So... So you brought me down here... Because you want to have sex?" Jennifer said in amazement.

"Yes! I have seen you swimming before. If my eyes did not deceive me when you swam without those coverings on, you had quite the magnificent genitals. Very virile looking and quite appealing." Qilina said, gesturing to her clothes.

"Okay, well I don't think I can swim and thrust at the same time. I don't..." Jennifer scratched her head.

"Just lean against the side and hold on, I'll take care of it." Qilina said, growing more urgent by the moment.

"Okay, well, nothing tried, nothing gained." Jennifer breathed, stripping off her wet clothing. She set them aside and scooted over to the edge of the pool. Qilina's eyes were fixed on her enormous, half-flaccid shaft and juicy balls.

"Wow, that looks good. I can't wait to feel it inside me." Qilina cooed, swimming about more erratically. Jennifer was starting to grow hard as she slowly slipped her legs in the water.

"Its warm! Wow, its so comfortable!" Jennifer exclaimed as she slipped down into Qilina's pool. However, the shark girl never heard her. She quickly pressed her body to Jennifer's and rubbed against her big cock. Once it was good and hard underwater, she held onto it and pushed her hot pussy around it. Their bodies joined in a glorious eruption of blissful pleasure and Jennifer moaned out loudly. The shark pussy was unlike anything she had felt before. It was all full of little nubs inside and it was extraordinarily warm. It made her entire body bristle with pleasure and Qilina's slimy body writhed against hers.

"Ohh yes! Release your seed! Impregnate me!" Qilina howled, her body shuddering with ecstasy. She was cumming wildly without abandon, for Sharken sex was much faster and pleasurable than humans. Orgasms came quickly and it was done with just as fast. However, unknown to her, human sex was much the opposite.

"I don't cum that fast! It feels great, but I need more stimulation!" Jennifer groaned.

"What? I... I can't keep this up! It feels too good!" Qilina panted, a second orgasm already coming up on her.

"Oh forget this! You want sex, come up on land and I'll show you sex!" Jennifer grunted as Qilina slipped off her cock. She slipped out of the pool and grabbed Qilina by the arms. She dragged the weakened shark girl out of the water and onto the wet, cool stone. She laid back on it, the end of her tail still swirling about in the water. Jennifer stood over her, dick throbbing with desire as she stared down at the beautiful girl. Her pussy was pink and engorged, standing out against her gray scale.

"J... Jennifer... I don't know if this will..." Qilina said with a tone of fear as she stared up at her legged lover, huge cock dangling in front of her eyes.

"You wanted it! Now you got it." Jennifer said, straddling her and pressing her cock to her pussy. She sank it deep within the shark girl, making her cry out shrilly in the small cave. Deep under the ocean where they were, none could hear her screams of ecstasy as Jennifer started to pound her hot pussy.

"Wahhh! Jennifer! Jennifer! No! Its too much! I'm cumming! Oh god it won't stop! The pleasure won't stop!" Qilina screamed as she was assaulted wildly by the lusty futanari. This was going beyond any instincts she had about mating. She thought it would be fast and done with. She was already beyond any imagined levels of pleasure and yet more orgasms were assaulting her mind.

"Ohhh! Now this pussy is radical! It feels so good! You'll get what you want! I'm going to give you a nice big load!" Jennifer moaned, thrusting harder. Just as Qilina started to think this human was going to kill her with pleasure, a sudden warmth filled her and all the wild thrusting stopped. Thick hot seed poured into her cunt and Jennifer wrapped her arms tightly around her fish lover. Her balls convulsed and unleashed untold amounts of spunk into her. By the time she was done, it was running out thick and creamy from her hole. Jennifer sighed and pulled free of her, dick dripping yet more spunk up her gray, scaly belly.

"Guhh... Water..." Qilina mumbled weakly, her body drying out from the exertions on land.

"Oh right! I'm sorry!" Jennifer said, grabbing Qilina around her middle. She lifted her and helped set her back in the warm water of her pool. For a moment, she just sank beneath the rippling water, gills on her neck rippling slowly as she tried to recover. After a minute, she slowly stirred and surfaced. Her eyes stared up in awe at Jennifer.

"Humans are amazing..." She cooed, reaching out to touch Jennifer's thigh, "Mating with you is amazing... Please... Can we do this some other day? I'll let you come to my home whenever you wish!"

A soft white cloud was growing around her as all the excess seed washed into the water.

"It sounds weird, but I would be okay with that. Sex with you felt good, really good. Although, I take it that was more passionate than you expected?" Jennifer asked.

"I didn't know what to expect, I've never mated before. All my instincts told me it would be fast, pleasurable and done. Nothing ever prepared me for how ravenous and long you would be." Qilina said with a loving tone.

"Long? I fucked you for like three minutes. That's not long!" Jennifer scoffed, "If I tried, I bet I could do ten times that."

Qilina let out a little squeak of surprise and she sank down in the water in fear. She held a hand over her leaking white pussy and wriggled back a little bit.

"Rawr!" Jennifer called, jerking towards her.

"Waaaaaah!" Qilina squealed, thrashing to the back of her pool before sinking beneath the water.

"Hahaha!" Jennifer laughed, scooting towards the pool. She sank back into it and held out a hand to Qilina, one that it took her a minute to touch, "Don't be scared. I'm just messing with you. Next time I'll be easier, I'm sorry."

"You are so ravenous, I'm almost scared to do it again." Qilina mumbled, holding onto Jennifer's hand as she floated about.

Jennifer pulled her in and wrapped an arm around the skiddy shark girl, "Qilina, I'm glad I met you. I want to be your friend."

"That sounds nice." She smile to Jennifer. Jennifer leaned forward and kissed her, hugging her a little tighter before letting go.

"What was that?" Qilina asked, touching her lips.

"A human kiss. It's a sign of love and affection." Jennifer smiled.

"I liked it... And I liked how you held me." Qilina smiled.

"So out of curiosity, how did you pull me out of the water? For that matter, how do you get over here from there?" Jennifer asked.

"Well usually I jump over, but I can wriggle on land. Its just tiring." Qilina said, "Watch this!"

She sank down and swam a circle around the bottom of the deep pool. In a sudden surge of energy, she rushed upward and out of the water, flying over the gap between and landing in the other water with a big splash.

"Wow! That's amazing!" Jennifer said as she climbed out of the pool.

"Its a simple trick. If you had a fin, I'd show you how to do it." Qilina said floating in the cooler water.

"Don't I wish..." Jennifer sighed, slipping down in the water with her, "For now, I'll settle for you just helping me out of here."

"Okay, take a breath and let's go. Just hold tight to my hand." Qilina smiled a shark-like smile, full of teeth.



Jennifer returned to her beach early in the morning the next day. She was wearing her swimsuit and she jerked off three times that morning just to get herself soft. The thought of doing it again with Qilina was very, very arousing. Although that hadn't stopped her from sleeping very deeply.

As she walked down the beach from her bicycle, she noticed something strange about the sand. She looked down and wiggled her toes about. There was some kind of fleshy webbing between them now. She had to admit she had been feeling strange since yesterday, but until now she hadn't thought anything of it.

"Well at least I can swim better now." She chuckled, walking down to the splashing waters. It was a bit cool this early in the day, but she didn't want to waste any time.

"Hey there." Qilina's head popped up out of the water a little further out in the surf.

"Hi Qilina. I'm glad to see you again." Jennifer smiled at seeing the cute shark girl, "A strange thing happened last night, I was wondering if you might be able to tell me."

"What's that?" She asked, swimming a little closer.

"My toes are webbed now. Like, they've got skin between the toes. I can already tell it's going to help me swim better, but this is kind of weird." Jennifer said, holding up one of her feet.

"I don't know. Maybe its something you humans do when you're in water a lot." Qilina said, cocking her head.

"No, I can tell you that no amount of time spent in water will make humans like this. Oh well, let's go have some fun." Jennifer said, splashing deeper into the water.


Jennifer sighed and relaxed in Qilina's pool. They had spent some time diving around the beautiful ocean sights around them. She had been right, just webbing her toes had given her surprisingly better swimming power. As she sat in the water, she could feel a tingling in her hands and she held one of them up.

"Wah!" Jennifer cried in surprise. There was now webbing stretched between her fingers.

"Cool! You're like me!" Qilina said, holding up her webbed hand.

"Whats happening? This is so freaky!" Jennifer exclaimed, looking at her other hand.

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