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The Flight Ch. 2

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Fun & frolicks on a Hong Kong-bound flight.
5.4k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 01/06/2002
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The clink of the catering trolley awoke her from her slumber. She glanced briefly at the Cartier watch strapped to her slender wrist.

"3 hours?" she muttered to herself. "I'm famished."

The stewardess placed the meal on the tray before her, Salmon steaks and a ceaser salad. She nodded politely and whisked away to the next passenger. Selena tucked in with gusto, almost as if she hadn't eaten all day. Jenson, in the seat beside her, was making himself known to a large rare T-bone steak and steamed vegetables.

The wine steward arrived and noisily opened the chilled Dom Perignon. The clink of fine crystal and the fizz of fine champagne intermingled with the sounds of the other passengers receiving their meals.

Jenson rose his glass in a silent toast to her and drank.

"Is everything to your liking, Miss?" he asked in his hushed, fatherly tone.

"Thank you Jenson, it is most delectable." came her reply. She continued to dine on the fine food while all around her, stewards

delivered meals and poured champagne with quiet efficiency.

After she and Jenson had finished their meal and the plates had been cleared away, Selena decided on another bottle of Dom Perignon. "Why not" she thought, " Hong Kong is hours away and it will help relieve the boredom of travel."

"Have another drink, Jenson" she giggled, "I'll not tell father", she quipped jokingly while nudging him in the ribs.

"Well, just one, mind you. Your father would kill me if he knew I was under the influence on duty." Jenson replied, sternly, but Selena could see the smile in his eyes.

The chilled champagne began to make its presence felt on Selena, she could feel the mild buzz taking hold, the delightful, almost sensual tickle of the alcohol as it coursed through her. She shook out her long, dark red hair with gay abandon, running her hands through the long tresses. Stretching in her seat she wiggled her shapely ass and made herself comfortable. She was glowing from the drink, and her mind was beginning to play mischievous tricks with her.

"Entertain Me Jenson," she commanded, "Or I'm going for a walk."

"I'm bored with flying and I want to have some fun."

Jenson stretched his muscular frame up and opened the overhead locker and brought down a leather carry-all.

"Would you like my laptop to play on, Miss?" he asked.

"The jet is equipped with an internet server, so maybe you could email your father?"

"Laptop?" she replied scornfully. "I don't want to surf, I want some fun, to meet people, to drink some more. I don't want sit here typing like an old maid. Put your toys away."

Jenson returned the computer to its bag, he'd seen her in these moods before, fuelled by fine champagne she could be a handful.

He recalled the time in Monte Carlo, dragging her drunken, dripping wet, naked body from the fountain in the Hotel Monte Cristo main garden. She could have been in serious trouble for that indiscretion,

if it weren't for the $100 US dollar bill slipped quietly into the matre'd's outstretched hand. A slight smile flickered across his lips at the memory of her naked body.

Selena rose from her seat and smoothed out her red leather skirt,

flicked her hair once more and squeezed past Jenson.

"Back soon" she quipped, "but don't wait up!" With a cunning grin she was off down the aisle, heading towards the flight deck.

The smiling stewardess approached her on her way forward.

"Would Madam care to view the flight deck and meet the pilots?"

she asked in her clipped british accent.

"I'd love too." came Selena's reply. "Lead the way."

The stewardess led her through the first class cabin and up the short flight of steps to the door of the flight deck. She knocked briefly and opened the door wide. Selena squeezed through and into the cockpit, the dim lights surprising her.

"My word" she said, "its so dark in here. How do you see what you are all doing in all this darkness?"

"We get accustomed to it Miss" replied the first officer, "We need it to be dark so that we can view all the instruments." He glanced towards her for the first time and his speech faltered. He glimpsed

the fire in her keen eyes as they darted across the panels of lights and dials.

"I'm Selena Rotheram" she giggled as she extended her slender hand towards the first officer, "and you are?"

"Allow me to introduce ourselves" he replied, rising slightly and flashing a charming smile toward their guest.

"This is Captain Bryan Humphries, your pilot, I am Pilot Officer David Simpson', he extended his hand firstly to the pilot and then toward his masculine chest.

"Behind you is the Navigation Officer Michael Strong, and over in the far corner is our Communications Officer Charles Kepple" he shook her hand gently, feeling the slight tingle of electricity that passed between them.

Her smile lit up the cockpit and all the men gave a little nervous laugh. She was enjoying this, having four powerful men under her spell. Her mind raced ahead of her. She was entranced, bathed in the glow of orange lights, her hair looked a dark crimson, her skin glowed, hiding the slight flush of sexual excitement she was feeling.

"Well," she stammered "I better not hold you gentlemen up anymore. It's been a pleasure to meet you all, especially you David." With that she turned and left in swirl of vanilla scented perfume.

David returned to his seat, a flush of embarrassment glowing on his cheeks as Bryan turned and smiled a knowing grin.

"Who's gonna get lucky in Hong Kong then?" He joking prodded David on the shoulder.

"I certainly wouldn't turn her away" came David's reply in a far off voice. "Not in a million years"

Selena strode back out into the first class cabin and made her way toward the spiral staircase leading up towards the lounge. She felt naughty, teasing those guys on the flight deck, but David's face flashed across her vision again, and a broad smile broke across her sensual lips.

"Nice Guy," she muttered to herself. Her mind wandered slightly off track and as she mounted the stairs, she never noticed the man descending. She walked straight into him, almost knocking her off her high heels. He quickly snaked an arm around her waist as she began to tumble backwards. He spoke in a rough workman voice.

"Whoa, Missy, I've got you. Are you okay?"

"Ouch" she stuttered. "I'm sorry Sir, I wasn't watching where I was going, I was a million miles from here."

"That's okay luv," he replied in a roughish voice, "You can bump into me anytime." He gave her a little squeeze for good measure before releasing her. As she looked into his face, a brief flash of recognition crossed his eyes. "The fox from the airport lounge, Miss Snooty Pants." he thought.

"I'm apologize again," she replied, "Can I buy you a drink in the bar as repayment?"

His eyes widened in surprise at her offer. His mind swung into over-drive. Just four hours ago she had dismissed him so completely, and here she was offering to buy him a drink.

"A fine idea" he replied a little too readily. "My names Andrew, Andrew Braithwaite, but my friends call me Andy." He extended a rough hand towards her. His large hand dwarfed hers as he shook it.

"Selena Rotheram" she gasped in mild shock at the strength of his hand shake. "My friends call me……" her voiced trailed off.

Andy stepped aside and allowed her to mount the stairs, his eyes scanning her fine slender body as she climbed ahead of him. "Thank you God." he thought, looking towards the ceiling of the jet. "Thank you."

They seated themselves in a booth along the wall of the jet, away from the bar. Selena signalled the steward with a small wave and a raised eyebrow.

"Name your poison," she quipped at Andy. She smiled a glowing smile which took him quite by surprise.

"God, she's flirting with me!" he thought, "and doing a mighty fine job too."

"Double vodka tall" came his reply.

"Oooh vodka," she giggled, "I shouldn't drink that stuff after Monte Carlo, but I will." The steward came over and she placed the order

with him.

"Monte Carlo?" Andy asked, puzzled by the comment. "What happened in Monte Carlo?"

"Umm," she giggled "I got drunk on vodka and went swimming in the fountain at the Monte Cristo. Naked!" She looked straight into Andy's eyes, trying to gauge the reaction. He raised his eyebrows

and smiled broadly.

"Oh yes, Jenson was disgusted. He had to pay off the matre d' so that Daddy didn't find out. Here I was, naked, soaking wet and drunker than Sunday, and poor Jenson didn't know where to look."

Her laughter echoed through the quiet bar. As she spoke she reached across the table and rested her manicured hand on Andy's forearm.

The steward returned with the tray and two glasses of vodka, capped with a lemon slice. He placed the drinks on the table and looked at the pair. Selena dismissed him with a wave of her hand.

Selena raised her glass toward Andy.

"To Monte Carlo."

"Indeed, Monte Carlo and the fountain" replied Andy. He sipped the cool clear vodka, the sharp taste crisp and clean on his tongue

"So," Selena questioned, "What do you do? For a job?"

"I'm a builder." came Andy's answer "I'm travelling back to New Zealand to work on the new university being built there."

They engaged in more small talk about their travels, Selena had travelled the world in luxury, Andy had job-hopped from country to country, finding work were he could. He proceeded to tell her his life story, how he had left New Zealand at 18, travelling across America to England. She listened intently, questioning here and there, fascinated by the accent and strange sayings he came out with.

She was beginning to get more than slightly turned on by this rough and ready kiwi.

She lifted her glass to drink, only to find it was empty. She'd drained it without realising she had done so, so caught up was she in this mans tale.

"My shout," Andy said, noticing her empty glass, "Same again?"

He winked at her. She nodded her acceptance.

He motioned to the steward then called across the bar.

"Same again Mate!" The steward frowned as Selena giggled.

"You can't do that in a first class bar, it's not the done thing."

She scolded him mockingly.

"Luv, I'm a kiwi, we're pretty forthright about stuff like that. We don't stand on ceremony." he laughingly replied.

The frowning steward approached the table and placed the glasses again, picking the empties up and placing them on his tray.

"And who's paying for this round?" he pointedly asked Andy.

Andy fished in his pocket, then threw a $100 US bill on the tray,

much to the astonishment of the steward.

"Does that cover it?" he asked just as pointedly as the steward had done. Selena burst into laughter as the steward slunk away.

"You showed him up!" she stammered between giggles. "Damn uppity fool. They treat us with such distain at times. Anyone would think they own the airline."

"Damn right' replied Andy with a knowing smile. He'd met that prejudice before, many times, and knew how to handle types like that.

Again they raised their glasses to each other.

"To friends in high places." Andy said.

"Cheers!" Selena replied and took another healthy swig of vodka.

Her eyes sparkled and her cheeks glowed from the buzz she was getting. Two vodkas plus three quarters of a bottle of champagne

were giving her a mellow feeling and she was getting higher by the minute. Andy's kiwi accent sure didn't help her.

Selena placed the half full glass on the table and leaned on her hands. She looked into Andy's smiling blue eyes and asked pointedly. "Are you single, married or otherwise attached?"

Andy's eyes lit up. Now he knew she was flirting for sure.

"I'm single," he replied, "have been for a while. How about you,

are you attached?" She shook her head and laughed lightly.

"I have yet to find the right man" she whispered, her voice husky.

She pushed the glass across the table towards him.

"I think I've had enough to drink for now. I'm feeling slightly tipsy

and your accent is not helping my state of mind any. Lets go for a walk somewhere."

They rose and headed across the room, Andy stopped briefly at the bar and paid for her round of drinks. The steward smiled distastefully as he rung up the sale and handed Andy his change.

"Enjoy the rest of flight, Sir" he quipped in his sulky voice.

"Whatever." came Andy's curt reply.

He crossed the bar to where Selena waited at the head of the stairs.

She pressed against him and leaned close, whispering in his ear.

"I have a sleeper berth, lets go there, I want to make love to you."

She grinned a devilish grin and headed down the stairs. Andy whistled quietly and raised his eyes heavenward again. He took off after her, watching her fine ass dancing as she descended the stairs. They walked thru the first class cabin, taking the opposite aisle from where Jenson was seated, not wanting to arouse suspicion or invite trouble.

Andy walked a few steps behind her, all the while admiring her fine long body and legs. "She's so damn sexy." he thought to himself.

They made the sleeper cabins in record time and she searched the doors, looking for the correct number. She found the correct one and scanned her boarding pass through the swipe card reader. The electronic lock beeped twice and disengaged with a metallic click.

She pressed the door and it swung open.

"Welcome to my parlour." she giggled in the dim light of the small room. The room had a small bed along one wall and a shower tucked into a corner. For its size it was quite luxurious.

She allowed Andy to step through the door and then she swung it closed. The door lock engaged with the same metallic click and double beep as before. She turned and stepped into his arms, her hungry mouth seeking his in a first fiery kiss. Andy snaked his muscular arms around her slim, firm body as she pressed against him. The kiss was hot and left her breathless, all her senses were on fire, her mind spinning rapidly as this sexy man pressed against her. She could feel her pussy getting swollen and moist. Her nipples were hard, and showed through the white silk blouse.

"Oh god, I want you so much." she cooed in his ear, while slipping her hands around his neck and pulling him in for another searing kiss.

Andy pressed against her body, he felt his manhood start to respond to the fine body, her perfume, and the kick of vodka coursing through him. He pushed slowly her toward the bed, guiding her firmly. She stepped back against the bed and smiled. Reaching down she slipped off her red leather high heels and dropped them to the floor. She looked hungrily at Andy's shirt and then reached forward and unbuttoned it, slipping it from his arms and chest. She stepped forward and kissed his chest, trailing her kisses down to the dragon tattoo on his left pectoral.

"Mmmmm," she moaned, " I like that."

Andy pushed her back to arms length away from him, and proceeded to unbutton her fine silk blouse, slowly, almost torturing her. He slipped it off her arms and it joined his shirt lying discarded on the floor. She looked a picture of sex, standing there in a red leather skirt and black wonder bra. Andy stepped against her and planted small kisses on the dimple of her neck, she hissed her approval. He reached up and cupped her firm breast, squeezing gently.

She twined her fingers through his hair at the back of his neck and pressed his head against her, he snaked his hands up and found the clasp of her bra, and opened it. Her bra dropped away to reveal her fine firm breasts capped with dark brown hardened nipples. He moaned his approval.

He trailed his lips down and took her left nipple in his mouth, rolling his tongue around the tip. A lightning bolt of shock shot through her and she pulled him harder against her, she felt the hardness of him press against her stomach. She gasped.

He trailed his hands down her back, swirling his fingers around her taut skin in little circles, down over her kidneys and found the object of his search. Her zipper. He undid the button and slowly released the zipper, sliding it down. Her leather dress fell to the floor and she stepped away and out of it. It joined the growing pile of discarded clothing mounting on the floor beside the bed.

He stepped back and took in her body, lean, tall and firm, clad only on black silk stockings, matching panties and suspender belt.

"Very sexy." he purred and she smiled a bright smile.

"You approve then?" her voice a husky whisper in the dim cabin.

The question went unanswered as Andy stepped forward and effortlessly lifted her onto the bed, he laid her gently down and kissed her lips, trailing butterfly kisses down her face toward her neck. He licked gently at her skin, nipping and biting as she moaned with pleasure. He moved over her and continued his onslaught, small nips and kisses over her shoulders and down toward her breasts. His hand rose up and he cupped her breast again, just before rolling his tongue around her erect nipple. The shock tore through her again, catching her out and leaving her breathless beneath him.

She lay quivering on the bed, Andy's talented tongue running around her nipples, darting from one to the other, her mind spinning with lust. She reached her hand down between their sandwiched bodies and undone his trouser button, slipping down the zipper and reached into his pants. The feel of satin boxers greeted her and she smiled, she was right. He was a boxer man.

She slipped her hand under the waistband and cupped his hard flesh, he moaned and paused for a brief second, then he returned to his licking and sucking of her nipples.

She began to slowly stroke the foreskin back and forward, slowly teasing the smooth skin of his glans. He let out a sigh, and pressed against her, she felt him swell in her hand.

"Oh my" she gasped.

He moved lower down her body, trailing kisses over her flat stomach and waist. He headed lower still, all the time kissing, flicking and nipping her flesh, his touch bringing a fine trail of goose-bumps to her skin. He then lifted his body away from her and gently hooked his fingers into the waistband of her black silk panties. He pulled them slowly down and placed kisses on the new revealed flesh, making her squirm and sigh with delight.

The panties continue their journey down her shapely legs and then over her feet, making their way to the floor. He lifted her calf and kissed the smooth skin around her knee. A tremor shook her, no one had kissed her there before and the feeling was incredible.

Her legs parted slightly as Andy began making his way back up her leg, darting little kisses and bites from one leg to the other.

She ground her ass into the mattress as his tongue danced across her flesh, driving her higher and higher, she was now soaked, she could feel the sticky moisture on her lips and a fine veil of sweat broke out on her forehead. He moved higher still, licking and biting her mid thigh, teasing her, exciting her like never before. She'd had guys lick her before, but never like this.

Andy moved against her, his firm hands reaching upward, touching and teasing, pinching and swirling, feeling his way. He then gently stroked his hand across her mound, she almost leapt off the bed,

The feeling was so incredible. She gasped and bit down on her bottom lip, out of passion and an effort to keep from squealing.

She felt his fingers part her outer lips and he heard him whisper

"Very nice luv, " in a hoarse voice. Then his tongue struck her clit like a lightning bolt from a blue sky.

"Oooooh god," she moaned, hardly recognising her own voice, her passion had made it so much deeper, huskier than ever before. "Don't stop."

Andy trailed his tongue lengthwise through her wet pussy, licking upwards and downwards, tasting the bitter sweet nectar of her on his tongue, sharp and clean like fine wine. He rolled the tip around her erect clitoris and down her little furrow to her opening. He darted his tongue into her like a little rapid penis, feeling her squirm her firm ass against the bed, her hips rocking to his rhythm.


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