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The Fucking Machine Party

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Audrey organizes the first one.
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Author's note:

This is the fourth story in the 'Audrey Chronicles.' As before, they are loosely coupled so it's not necessary to read them all if you don't want to spend the time. However, the ladies' sophisticated sex toys have some interesting qualities and it might be a little difficult to understand all of this story without reading at least a portion of the first in the series called "Birthday Surprise." If nothing else, read the italicized section that starts about half way down the first page. That will give you enough info about Audrey's birthday gift to follow what's happening in this story.


Audrey had been fretting about the first fucking machine party for quite some time. She had volunteered to host the first one because she had owned Rex, her android fucking machine, a couple of months longer than the girls had owned theirs.

The 'girls' were four friends, including Audrey, who had been together since the first grade. They went all through school together, often in the same classes, and then off to college as a group. Inseparable for over thirty years, they now lived within a mile of each other and got together several times each week. All had married men who liked one another so the four couples had been very close for many years. Audrey, the attorney, Nina the bank vice president, Melissa the stock broker, and Kendra the marketing executive made up the foursome.

Audrey had received her android as a birthday gift from her husband Eric and she was thrilled beyond measure with its performance. After only one weekend exploring its potential, Audrey invited her friends over to take the machine for a spin. The evening was a smashing success.

After watching several videos of Audrey's birthday night encounter with her android, the women took turns with the machine. Each episode was digitally recorded. Nina, Melissa, and Kendra each had two orgasms with only a few minutes of attention from the android and all three decided on the spot that they were going to acquire fucking machines of their own. Audrey, who originally had no intention of taking a turn, became so aroused watching the android fuck her friends that she changed her mind and took the final ride of the night, demonstrating use of the machine in the female-superior position, much to the delight of the other ladies.

Armed with video copies of their encounters with the android, Audrey's friends went off to entertain their husbands. Within a single day, all three households had fucking machines on order.

The idea for some sort of group sex encounter involving their husbands and the androids had originated with Nina, the most impulsive and least inhibited of the group. After much discussion, Audrey suggested they keep it simple by having the women take turns hosting a party in their homes using their own androids. Her approach was adopted and the girls turned their attention to the problem of convincing their husbands to cooperate.

Recognizing that it would be difficult to convince the men that group participation was a good idea, the women decided to show their husbands a composite version of the videos that featured each wife's session with Audrey's fucking machine.

The men reacted in a highly predictable fashion. When shown the video, each husband was aroused, fascinated and appalled. Aroused and fascinated watching the machine fuck three woman he had known for years but had never seen naked, and then appalled when he realized that his buddies had watched his wife being expertly fucked by the android.

After a fit of temper, Eric settled down and finally agreed to discuss the fucking machine party idea with his friends. Reluctant agreement among the guys was eventually reached, particularly from those who got a first-round bye. Audrey and Eric would be first out of the gate.


By volunteering for the first party, Audrey had gone out on a limb more than just a little bit. Having no real idea about how to proceed, she announced to the girls that she would let everyone know when she had figured everything out.

Now all she had to do was get her act together. The success or failure of the whole idea rested on her shoulders. She soon realized that she needed to do something unusual, something dramatic, to ensure the first gathering met everyone's expectations. Eventually, Audrey began to have serious second thoughts about the venue they'd chosen.

After several days of scratching her head, she finally hit on a solution. It would certainly be unusual, dramatic, and completely unexpected by everyone involved.

"I rented a theater," announced Audrey as she and Eric were finishing their evening meal."

"A movie theater?" asked a very curious Eric.

"No. You know that tiny little community theater on the street behind our condo complex?"

"Sure, the one that has been boarded up for a year or so."

"That's the one. I had to pay the back taxes, which weren't all that much, and then got a six month lease for a dollar with an option to buy at the end of the lease."

"How did you manage to get such a sweet deal?"

"The owner was in hot water with the city for the taxes and was anxious to get out from under. Doing occasional legal work for the city didn't hurt my cause so we were able to put the deal together quickly. Everyone was happy. The city got paid, the owner is in the clear, and I have what I want."

"Well, good for you," Eric said with a grin. "Now, why a theater?"

"I decided that neutral ground is better. Except for that night when I introduced the girls to Rex, the only sex that has ever occurred in our bedroom has been between you and me. I'd like to keep it that way. I don't want to turn it into a porn studio again, unless of course it's just you and me making the porn," Audrey said with a wink.

"I agree. I've been a little uneasy about having it here since the beginning. Do the girls know about the theater yet?

"We're going to lunch tomorrow and I'll show it to them when we're finished."

"When can I see it?"

"How about right now? Let's clear the dishes and go."

Ten minutes later Audrey turned her key in the lock and switched on the lights in the tiny vestibule of the building. Two curtain-draped doorways led into the theater itself, one on the left and one on the right, each flanked by a small restroom. Taking Eric's hand, she led him to an entrance, pulled the curtain aside, and gestured for him to enter.

"This is smaller than I expected. I'll bet it can't handle more than thirty or forty people," commented Eric as he surveyed the small seating area.

"Thirty-six to be exact. Four rows of nine seats each. Pretty cozy, and there's not a bad seat in the house. I'm going to have the first row of seats replaced by three loveseats. The other rows will remain as they are for now."

The little theater had an interesting configuration. The stage, elevated no more than a foot above the floor, was slightly rounded in the front. At its deepest point in the center, only about three feet of the stage surface was visible in front of the heavy red velvet curtain, barely providing enough room for a master of ceremonies or announcer should there be need for one. Near the edges of the stage, no more than a foot of the surface was exposed. The stadium-style seats were elevated enough so that all spectators looked down onto the stage. Spectators in the first row loveseats would be only about fifteen feet from the center of any performance.

"What, no orchestra pit? No balcony?" Eric asked with a grin as he looked about the room.

"If we need an orchestra, you can play the kazoo," Audrey replied, poking her husband in the ribs.

"At least there's a wet bar," he said, pointing at the small bar to the left of the stage. An equally small sideboard occupied a similar space to the right side of the stage.

"Stay put a second," ordered Audrey as she stepped up onto the stage and disappeared behind the curtain. Moments later, the curtain opened silently on well-lubricated rollers.

A secondary curtain across the back of the stage defined the performance area, which appeared to be twenty feet or so in width and about the same in depth. Sudden illumination highlighted the stage from overhead as Audrey activated the lighting controls from somewhere back stage.

Stepping out from behind the secondary curtain, she beckoned Eric to join her and then took him by the hand once again.

Back stage was roomier than Eric expected. Curtain and lighting controls took up a small three sided booth to the left. A small dressing room with a lavatory and shower was on the right. The remainder was filled with a large selection of stage props, consisting mostly of furniture and movable wall sections, all on small rollers to facilitate rapid scene changes. Decorating accessories occupied every available flat surface.

"I'm impressed!" Eric exclaimed.

"You should be. Almost everything we might need is already here. There is even a king-sized bed. And there is another entrance in back so the androids can be brought inside without being seen.

"Have you decided yet what your performance is going to be?" he asked, knowing she had been pretty secretive up to this point.

"I'm going to do a rape scene." A few weeks earlier, Eric had programmed one of Rex's owner-defined modes to rape Audrey in their living room after she had spent a frustrating day in court. She loved it. Since then she had been raped several times by the android, deriving great pleasure from each encounter.

"By the way, I need you to make some changes. I want state-of-the-art audio equipment and a large flat screen monitor installed in the corners at either side of the stage. Angle them down so they face the loveseats. I'm sure we'll be using cameras to highlight whatever is happening on the stage. Set everything up so any camera can be routed to either monitor from the control booth."

"It'll look like a sports bar out there," Eric said, laughing at the thought.

"You're right, but I promise you the audience will appreciate it. Also, you'd better install a couple of small monitors in the control booth so the occupant can see what the audience is seeing on the big screens."

"This theater is really cool, but it seems like overkill for an encounter that will last about fifteen minutes or so with a rape scene even if you drag it out. I don't think Rex has ever taken more than ten minutes to rape you, even when you resist."

Audrey looked at her husband for a long moment.

"I hadn't thought of that," she answered. "You'll have to program Rex to continue to fuck me in some creative way for several minutes after the rape to make the show last longer. I won't mind the extra orgasms. But you have an interesting point. Maybe I'll suggest to the girls that we each do a scene with our own androids on opening night."

"How do you think they'll react to that? Eric asked, "The guys have been pretty laid back thinking they have a long time before they're put on the spot."

"Nina and Kendra will probably sign up immediately. As you might expect, Melissa will object but then fall in line." Melissa had always been the most cautious member of the group.

"With four performances, the entire evening should last a couple of hours, allowing for intermissions and scene changes," Eric said. "Probably just the right amount of time.

"Can you guys handle two hours watching each other's wives being fucked senseless by extremely handsome and sexually capable androids?" Audrey asked with a wicked grin.

I think we can handle it, but you girls can count on getting your brains fucked out again when we get home," Eric answered with a grin of his own.

"If we do it right, we won't have any brains left after our performances," Audrey replied, smiling brightly. "I'm going to propose to the girls that we make a night of it. I think they'll go along. By the time you get the electronics installed, they'll be comfortable enough with the idea and will have gained a lot more experience with their machines. Have you shared any programming info with the guys?"

"A little, but I'm keeping the best stuff to myself. They have the same owner's manual we have and I told them about the internet forum so it's mostly up to them to get smart about the programming. They are pretty sharp guys so they'll catch up fast. It'll be interesting to see what they come up with."

"Well, the girls are pretty creative, particularly Nina, so if the guys can handle the programming, we'll see some interesting scenarios. In fact, I'm getting a little worked up just thinking about the possibilities. I suggest that we go home and practice some scenarios of our own."

"With Rex or without him?"

"Just you and me tonight. Are you up for it?" Audrey asked with a smile, pointing at his crotch.

"I will be," answered Eric, grinning from ear to ear.

"Good. I haven't had an orgasm all day."


"Look at this place!" exclaimed Nina. "It's fabulous! But why did you rent it?"

"This is where we're going to have our fucking machine parties," said Audrey, receiving stunned silence for a few moments in return. Then everyone began talking at once.

"What a great idea!" squealed Kendra. "We'll have our own little porno palace."

"I'm not so sure," offered Melissa.

"What are you talking about Melissa? This is so much better than trying to cram everyone into our bedrooms at home," countered Nina.

"I have more to show you," announced Audrey as she led them back stage.

"Oh, this just keeps getting better and better!" exclaimed Nina when she spotted the stage props. "Look at all this stuff."

The women spent the next half hour carefully examining the props. Even Melissa warmed to the idea after a few minutes. Audrey could almost see the wheels turning in their heads as they began to visualize performances in the little theater. Nina kept walking back and forth between the stage and the props, probably forming a scenario in her head. Kendra kept smiling to herself. When Melissa started looking pensive, Audrey knew she was on board.

"I have a suggestion," Audrey announced. "How would you all feel about doing a complete show on opening night?"

"What do you mean?" asked the ever-cautious Melissa.

"Instead of me doing just the one scenario and then calling it a night, let's each do one. Anything I do with Rex will be over in less than a half hour. Maybe much less. If we all do a performance, the evening will last a couple of hours or so, including time for scene changes. It would be a four-act play."

"Count me out!" Melissa declared. "I was supposed to host the last party."

"You can still go last," Nina said, grinning. "I think it's a great idea. We'll all be working up to the evening at the same time rather than holding back while all the pressure is on Audrey."

"Count me in," said Kendra, "but David and I will need a little extra time to get ready. Can we hold off on opening night for a couple of weeks?"

"Sure," Audrey answered, "there is some work I want Eric to do. I'll have keys made for each of you so you can practice putting your props in place on the stage after you figure out what your performances are going to be. When you're ready to go, let me know and we'll pick a date for opening night."

"What's your performance going to be?" asked Nina.

"None of your business," answered Audrey with a smile. "I'm keeping it a secret. You should keep yours a secret too."

"I was planning on it," said Nina, "as soon as I decide what I'm going to do."

"Me too," said Kendra.

"Melissa?" asked Audrey with raised eyebrows.

"I don't have a clue, but I guess I'll go along with the rest of you."

"Okay then, since we're all keeping things secret, we need to let each other know when we plan to be working in the theater so we can keep our stage scenes private until opening night."

All the women were nodding their heads as Nina made the last suggestion of the afternoon.

"Let's go find some wine."


The next few weeks saw a flurry of activity in the theater. Eric made several camera installations. Having already learned to appreciate the unique perspective provided by a similarly placed camera at home, the first went into the headboard of the king-sized bed. Another was installed on a bar of stage lighting directly over the center of the stage. Three others were installed in accent pieces that would fit nicely into a variety of stage configurations. Several more were held in reserve for creative applications that might be needed as scenarios were developed.

The large flat screen monitors and sound system were installed as Audrey had requested. All the electronic equipment had been wired into the backstage booth where everything could be monitored and controlled. A hand-held remote was available to control the curtain and make basic lighting changes from outside the booth if needed.

The other husbands were also pressed into service by their wives. Much effort was expended keeping each couple's opening night preparations a secret, which turned out to be a monumental task among four women who had rarely kept any secrets from each other over the past thirty years. All four had to be constantly on guard so they wouldn't inadvertently blurt out details of the scenarios they had planned. As time progressed, sheet-covered piles of stage props began to appear in the backstage storage area as each couple accumulated the items to be used in their set design. The women could hardly contain themselves. All of them were dying to peek under each other's sheets.

One by one, the women announced that they were ready for opening night. As expected, Melissa was the last to report. When she finally told her friends that she was ready, the ladies met over lunch to establish the date and iron out a few details.

"I think we should do it on a Saturday night," Nina offered. Audrey, Kendra, and Melissa nodded in agreement.

"We need to make sure our androids are set to respond only to our voices. They all answer to 'Rex' and we don't want someone to start giving commands and have four fucking machines spring into action at once," Kendra said, drawing laughter from the other three women as they all formed the same mental picture.

"My performance will be completely programmed into my android. I have a small speaking part, but other than that I hope the only sounds anyone hears from me will be screams of orgasmic ecstasy," said Nina with a grin, causing all the women to laugh.

"Mine too," said Audrey. "I'll have a script, but no verbal commands will be involved."

"I haven't decided yet," Kendra said.

"I'm not telling you guys anything," Melissa announced, producing more laughter.

"Let's choose a date," encouraged Nina.

"Why wait. Let's do it next Saturday night," suggested Audrey. "Let's gather at the theater at five, have some wine and light hors d'oeuvres, and then I'll start my performance at six o'clock or so."

All the women concurred. Opening night was only days away.


Saturday arrived in the blink of an eye.

"Aren't you a little nervous," Eric asked as they arrived at the theater a few minutes ahead of the other girls and their husbands. Rex sat motionless in the back seat of the car.

"I'm a wreck," Audrey declared, her voice shaking. "Up until this morning, this whole thing seemed like an academic exercise. Now reality is setting in. I was able to deal with the knowledge that the other guys have seen the video of me with Rex. But a video is one thing and a live performance in front of them is scaring me to death."

"We can call the whole thing off if you like," offered Eric as they entered the theater, leaving the android in the car.

"No we can't. I shot my mouth off and volunteered to go first. Now I have to go through with it," Audrey answered as she stared at the small stage just a few feet away.

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