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The Full Package - Wednesday

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The vacation turns dangerous.
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This is the fourth day of Dave & Lisa's (mis)adventures in the Caribbean. You may want to read the previous chapters to understand the story line and appreciate the various relationships.

WARNING: This is a long story. Period. For those of you like character build-up, a reasonable amount of realism, and some mystery, I think it will be worth your time.


When Dave awoke he groggily remembered a fantastical dream where he chased his wife through the surf but she swam away with a mermaid's tail. He had found her again far out at sea, but she was copulating with a whale with Pablo's face who whispered 'it will be the best" over and over again.

He had an even stranger half-remembrance of another dream where he was being smothered by a very large and open vagina while his own giant-sized cock was being licked and sucked. The vagina had lifted up wetly for a moment and he had looked down towards his feet between two hanging breasts to see Cody's beautiful face smiling at him - only next to it was Armand's head bobbing up and down on his cock.

Dave shook his head with a mixture of revulsion and excitement and the resulting pain wiped away any memory of the two already-hazy dreams. He kept his eyes closed as the pain faded and he gradually became aware of his surroundings. The sound of raindrops came to him from somewhere off to his right and he felt the cool slickness of satin sheets around him. His head lay on a soft pillow and he could smell the enticing aroma of eggs, bacon and coffee.

The latter smell convinced him to open his eyes to a distant ceiling with cloudy skylights. Turning carefully to the right he found Lisa's familiar face sleeping peacefully next to him. It struck him that she looked more content than he could recently remember. But that might be because she's sound asleep, came a cynical voice from within.

He sat up slowly, wincing still the pain in his head. He was on a huge bed in a spacious, nicely-furnished room with a row of windows overlooking the ocean. The clouds were thick and rolling towards them and there was a gentle rain against the windows. It seemed like a perfect morning to sleep in, but the smell of breakfast and coffee irresistibly drew his sleepy eyes to a tray at the end of the bed.

There was a note lying on one of several covered dishes.

He glanced over at his wife sleeping peacefully and decided not to wake her yet. His memory was fuzzy about the details of last night and he wasn't sure yet where his dreams stopped and reality began; he did have a bad feeling about confronting her just yet, so he decided to give her a few more minutes of blissful unconsciousness.

He crawled painfully towards the foot of the bed, noting with mild curiosity that he had gone to sleep in the nude – he lifted the sheet briefly and noted that the same was true of his wife. When he reached the tray he took a welcome sip of coffee before opening the note, which read:

"Good morning, friends! I hope you slept well and are feeling much better. I have to go to the capital for business and will be back tomorrow. Please feel free to relax and recover this morning – my servants will see to all your needs." He signed it: "Tu amigo, Armand."

Dave wondered what had happened after he had passed out – or lost his memory, or whatever it was that had occurred. With his state of mind, they (whoever it had been) had probably put him directly to bed.

He peeked in the tray to have a look at breakfast, but as the events of last night began filtering back he began to feel queasy and quickly dropped the lid back down. Glancing over at his wife again he started to hope that everything he was now vaguely remembering was just an awful dream.

He had just begun searching for his clothes when a side door opened and Cody bounced in, wearing a large white robe and smiling broadly. He quickly pulled up a corner of the blanket to cover his nudity. "Can you believe this place?" She flounced onto the bed, ignoring his state of undress, and Dave grimaced at the bouncing and Lisa groaned and rolled over. "Oh! Is she still asleep?" Cody stage-whispered.

Lisa sat up slowly, gazing blearily at the two. "Hola!" she smiled at Cody, before the sound of her own voice made her cradle her head in pain. It was a full minute before she crawled down the bed to join Dave and Cody at the large food cart, oblivious to her own nudity.

"How are you feeling?" Dave asked cautiously.

"My head's killing me…" she responded slowly, "but maybe that coffee I smell will help some." She took a sip from the mug he handed her, then removed the cover of one the breakfast trays. "That was some band, huh?" she asked, more quietly now. "I've never danced so much in my life! I feel sore all over…"

"So you remember that?" Dave asked cautiously. He watched her bare breasts swaying in front of him as she lifted one of the plates and he thought of Pablo's chest pressed against them on the beach.

"Yeah – I wasn't that drunk. We were dancing, making out, and then you…" She had just speared a long sausage link and was bringing it to her mouth when she paused.

She looked down at the sausage curiously for a moment, then her eyes drifted up, taking on a blank look as she slowly lowered the fork. His wife was looking a little pale, Dave thought.

"Are you okay?" Cody asked.

"I…I don't feel so good," Lisa mumbled weakly. Keeping her eyes lowered, she carefully crawled off the bed, affording Dave a direct view between her naked ass cheeks.

Her pussy lips and even the puckered skin around her asshole appeared raw and glistened all over with some dried substance. As she lifted her right leg to climb off the bed, her lips pulled open momentarily and Dave could see creamy white strands stretching between them like a web. He felt a simultaneous pulsing in his groin and clenching in his gut, like his body couldn't tell whether to be turned on or disgusted.

When she finally got to her feet, Lisa's face was positively green and Dave thought for a moment that she would faint. Cody got off the bed to help her, but Lisa pushed her away and lurched to the bathroom door, shutting it loudly behind her.

"I'm sure she'll feel better soon. I had to lie in bed a little while after I woke up, but now I feel fine." She shrugged and sat down in front of the breakfast trays, quickly picking up Lisa's discarded fork.

Dave shook his head, which was already feeling better, and decided to set aside the whole issue with Lisa for now. His mind was still fuzzy and he wasn't sure he really wanted to sort through reality and paranoid dream. Some of the images sporadically bubbling up to his consciousness made him very afraid of what would happen to his world if even some of them were real.

"And what about you, young lady?" Dave attempted a cheerful tone in his question to Cody, who had started in hungrily on breakfast. "Where did you sleep last night?"

Cody looked up with wide-eyed innocence. "I slept by myself in that room across the hall, thank you very much!"

"Do you even remember last night?" Dave was almost definite he had seen Cody blitzed out of her mind by the elevators.

"Sure. We had that fantastic meal, then we danced…" her voiced trailed off and she turned her head slightly, her brow furrowing.

"We danced…and then I was looking for Armand…and then…" Cody slowly lowered the fork and looked curiously down at the tray. "I don't remember," she said.

"I don't remember," she repeated, pushing away the cart. "I don't remember anything!" She looked like she was about to cry.

"It's okay, Cody. I don't remember that much, either," Dave said, putting his arm around her shoulder. He worried though, at her adamant tone, and wondered…

There was a knock at the door and the same cute servant girl Dave remembered from Armand's party the other night poked her head in. "Lo siento por la molestia. I am to remind you of flight," she spoke haltingly, as if having memorized the line. She smiled apologetically and bowed out, closing the door again.

Lisa was stepping out of the bathroom as the door closed, wiping her mouth and looking even paler than before. She looked up at the two of them but dropped her eyes quickly.

"The maid came to remind you of the flight, Lisa," Cody said helpfully.

"Oh, no!" Lisa exclaimed. "What time is it? I've got to be at the airport by ten-thirty!"

It was almost ten by the clock near the bed, so there was a quick rush to find Lisa's clothes, with Dave covering himself with the bedspread until they found another robe in the guest suite's bath. There was no sign of her dress and shoes nor of Dave's clothes either.

Dave found an intercom button by the bed and a man's voice answered. Through his pidgin Spanish and the man's few words of English, he found out that their clothes were being cleaned - something about being covered in sand – and that they would be ready in about an hour. Lisa nearly screamed when she heard.

"Hey, you can use my dress – it's in the other bedroom!" Cody suddenly volunteered, and the two girls immediately raced to get it, Lisa a bit slower and more wobbly than her sister.

"I'll just wear the robe," Dave said when they came back, Lisa tugging down Cody's tight evening dress over her hips and still-bare pussy.

"No, that's ok," Lisa responded, a little too quickly. "You two stay and relax." She started towards the door and added over her shoulder, "I'll grab a key from the concierge and I'll be packed in five minutes." She sounded almost relieved.

"But…" Dave started.

"No, really, I'm good – I've got to get going. Good luck with Armand, Cody!" And she was out the door, not even glancing in Dave's direction.


"So…did you have another fight, or what?" Cody asked.

"What do you mean," Dave replied.

"Well, she didn't even say goodbye to you. Something must have happened!" Cody flopped down on the bed, looking over with only half-hearted interest at the breakfast still awaiting them.

Dave had been about to sit down and try once more at breakfast, but a distant memory surfaced of a bathroom floor and two pairs of shoes, one behind the other, and his appetite fled again. He wasn't sure he should tell Cody what he remembered of last night. There didn't seem to be any point until he discussed it with Lisa and he wasn't even sure what had really happened anyway.

He decided to change the subject. "What about you and Armand? You seemed awfully happy this morning. Are you sure nothing went on…?" He smiled to let her know he was teasing, but then he felt a sudden and surprising pain in his gut when he pictured them together naked.

Her face seemed to cloud over briefly. "I don't think so…" She shook her head and finally picked up a sausage to take a tentative bite. When she finished chewing, apparently satisfied that she actually was hungry, she added, "No. Definitely not." She looked up at Dave and he thought he saw a glimmer of the uncertainty he had felt earlier.

He decided to drop it, and they ate the rest of breakfast in silence, watching the rain outside and slowly relaxing. It was easy to let go and not think too much, just luxuriating in the comfort of not having to be anywhere or do anything.

Dave was long satisfied and resting back against the pillows when Cody started in on Lisa's abandoned tray. "Better be careful – if you keep that up you won't fit in that dental floss you call a swimsuit…" he teased.

"Oh, really? Are you saying that I'm fat?" She raised an eyebrow at him.

"What!? Of course not. I would never say that!" he responded defensively.

"So you would never say that out loud, then?" She had put down her fork and turned towards him with a questioning look.

"That's not what I meant!" he said. She began advancing towards him on her knees with a tight-lipped glare. "I was just joking."

"About my fat?" Her eyes glinted, and Dave couldn't tell if she were being serious or just playing with him.

"There is a lot of you hanging out in that g-string, I suppose," Dave risked.

"What!!" Her mouth opened in mock outrage and she leapt on him, immediately reaching down to tickle his sides.

Half-yelling and half-laughing, he tried to push her off, but she was relentless; they rolled around on the bed, both trying to tickle the other, legs and arms flying.

"Watch out, or I'll smother you with my fat!" she yelled, before giggling took over when he reached into her robe and found her flat but sensitive belly.

She rolled on top of him, trying to hold his arms down, and suddenly Dave froze. Her bare breasts swayed just above him where her robe had fallen open. She didn't seem to notice what had happened and he couldn't help but stare for an eternal moment at her long pink nipples pointing down at him only a foot above his face.

There was a stirring between his legs just below where she straddled his waist and he forced himself not to look down to see what else was now exposed. She's practically my sister!

Sometime after he would remember that flash of thought as his last genuine effort to consider her simply as family.

Trying to ignore her vulnerable situation, he reached up and managed to get several fingers in an armpit, sending her into peals of laughter and making her lose her balance. She dropped down on him in the same moment that he rolled over, his robe slipping open when an edge caught under her elbow. She was lying on her back, still trying to tickle his waist, when he became acutely conscious that his penis was brushing against soft bare skin.

Dave's face flushed in embarrassment as he realized what had happened – rolling over from her straddling position he had simply come down in between her spread knees and now he lay - most intimately - between her open legs. Without their robes covering their sex, it was only a small push from Murphy's Law to find him staring down at his growing penis pressed firmly against her exposed pussy.

Even later in life he would remember that exact moment and the minute details of sensation coming from his stiffening cock: the hard shaft nestled between her soft fleshy labia, the sensitive tip brushing against the short strip of fuzzy pubic hair just above her clit, even his swelling balls jostling between her inner thighs. He knew immediately that if it never happened again, it was an experience to be savored and relived in every masturbatory fantasy he would ever have.

The embarrassment remained to add an edge to his excitement, but a feeling of warmth and happiness overwhelmed it just then, a feeling of "rightness" that he would later call something else… It was more than just an instinctual reaction from his sex touching hers, or from the sensual brushing of her erect nipples against his chest as he held himself just above her. It was a sensation that this was completely natural – even that they had done this before.

He looked down into Cody's suddenly wide eyes and strangely enough he thought he saw that same feeling reflected there.

For a long moment they lay like that, looking at each other and not moving, though he was very conscious that his lips were mere inches from hers – and of course that his stiffening penis was now pulsing directly against her most private of body parts.

"Dave," she finally said, closing her eyes as if to block out their obscenely compromising position.

"Yeah. Um… sorry." he replied lamely. He knew deep down that he had to stop this immediately, that even the few moments he had remained like this practically screamed his guilt, no matter how accidentally they had become entwined.

Still, he couldn't seem to make himself move. Just a few more seconds…

"Dave," she repeated, almost a question. She seemed reluctant to reach down and pull him away from where they were touching or even to simply push him off her; as if, ironically, it would be too much of an acknowledgment of their unspeakable situation.

He felt her try to shift down and away, but her movement only caused the head of his penis to pop up from where it had pressed against her; he felt every inch of the length of his shaft rub over her clit as she slid downwards, until his swollen balls rested against her soft pussy lips. Cody let out a short whine and stopped moving completely.

"Dave!" There was an edge of desperation, perhaps of anger, to her near-yell. Her jaw was now working as she gasped like a fish out of water and he felt her instinctually thrust her pubic bone up against him. The ridge at the base of his shaft was pressing down against the hardened nub of her clitoris and its effect on her was obvious.

He somehow knew that they were quickly moving past the point where they could just blow this off as an awkward accident. The longer he waited, the longer his cock pressed against her wet cunt, he thought, the more impossible it would be to play innocent. As his mind swirled around the concept of his cock rubbing against his sister-in-law's cunt, he knew it may be too late for him already.

After a tense moment, though, it seemed Cody would save them both as she bit her lip determinedly and tried to scoot out the other way; drawing her legs up to give her feet purchase on the satin sheets.

It was Dave's turn to gasp as her shift upwards and the opening of her thighs only caused the sensitive head of his penis to slide back over her vulva. For an instant it caught there at the edge of her labia despite the slick wetness now covering her… before her lips seemed to spread of their own accord and he slid down in between them.

"Ahhh! Oh god!" Cody squeezed her eyes tighter and moaned as Dave tried to hold back, his penis pulsing strongly where it was wedged just inside her slit. He could feel the sphincter muscle of her vagina squeezing just around the tip and his body seemed intent on matching it: the pulsing quickly turned into a rhythmic, involuntary jerking that began deep in his groin and resulted in the head pushing up and in every few seconds.

He realized that he had closed his eyes as well, whether in fear or concentration he wasn't sure. When he opened them cautiously, she was looking up at him in astonishment and…something more. Her lips were parted and her breathing was shallow and irregular – only partly from their recent wrestling he imagined.

"Dave!" This time her voice had a plaintive quality to it.

"I know," he answered, his voice cracking from a suddenly dry throat. It seemed impossible to imagine putting a stop to this incredible feeling. He questioned for a moment the strange familiarity of their position, and whether the sense of the rightness of being with her, between her legs, was just a product of lust and wishful thinking.

He couldn't help but wonder if she was feeling the same things or whether her reaction was simply instinctual and involuntary. She really hadn't tried that hard to end this… "situation". Not that he had either, admittedly.

Involuntary or not, every contraction of her vagina pulled him - just as every contraction of his penis pushed him - just a little bit deeper inside her. Within a few seconds, the muscles at the entrance to her vagina were gripped snugly around the mushroom head, her lips spread wide but wrapping the top of his shaft. He felt like the tip of his penis was being milked. He really wasn't sure how much more he could take before he just buried himself inside her and let his engorged balls release their load.

Cody seemed to sense his imminent loss of control, though, and through gritted teeth she whispered fiercely, "Don't you dare. Don't even think about it!" She bit back a moan and breathed out loudly through her nose. She didn't push him off though, and he thought he could barely detect a tightening of her ankles against the back of his legs.

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