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The Games People Play Pt. 02

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Helen's story.
4k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 08/21/2019
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I guess I always knew that my boyfriend was a bit of a rogue so it wasn't really a surprise when I found a map that looked like part of a plan for a bank robbery.

I suppose it was stupid of him to have something like that written down but that was Nick all over. It never occurred to him that anything could go wrong and that the map would be pretty incriminating in the wrong hands.

Of course when I raised the subject he denied it. Eventually I persuaded him to reveal all by saying how exciting I found that kind of thing. He was so easy to manipulate.

Apparently four of them were to be involved. The map basically showed details of the interior of the bank with the positions each of them was to take up and the escape route afterwards.

I asked Nick about his role and he said that he was to keep an eye on the customers to make sure they didn't cause any problems. He seemed slightly embarrassed and there was obviously more to tell so I pressed him.

Finally he told me that it had been agreed that the best way to control the customers was to make them strip down to their underwear.

Well that interested me quite a lot. I suppose I've always been something of an exhibitionist and there's also a bit of the submissive in me as well.

Of course Nick didn't want me involved. I could see his point but for me it was just too good an opportunity to miss.

In the end I won the argument and it was agreed that I would be in the bank when the robbery took place.

All I had to do was choose what to wear.

I selected a brown jacket, blue jeans and boots. Underneath I had a white lace bra and skimpy white panties, sexy underwear but still fairly respectable.

The day of the robbery arrived and I went into the bank about ten minutes before I expected Nick and the others.

I didn't join the queue at the counter because it would never do for my business to be complete before the robbery. Instead I concentrated on reading a few of the leaflets that were on display. I noticed a man gazing at me and thought to myself that he was going to have a treat.

There was a sudden disturbance and shots were fired. I'd known what was going to happen but it was still a shock. The robbers were all wearing masks but I could recognize Nick and then I heard his voice.

"Take of your clothes. Down to your underwear."

This was the point of the exercise and the moment I'd been anticipating but still I was nervous. There is just something so intimidating about being threatened by guns.

I took off my jacket and folded it neatly on the ground. Then came my boots before I started to fiddle with my belt.

Nick was watching me closely and out of the corner of my eye I could see that the man who had seen me before was doing the same thing.

I finished with my belt, opened the button to my jeans and started to pull them down, feeling a frisson of excitement as I revealed my panties. After my jeans it was my shirt which left me in my bra and panties.

I could feel the cold but also a kind of primeval fear that came from my near nakedness. It didn't really matter that I'd planned for this. I was completely defenseless and that frightened me.

I just stood there for a moment, trying not to catch anyone's eye but very aware that one man, despite his own state of undress, was gloating over me.

"Down on your knees."

I hadn't expected that but was quick to comply.

Down on the floor I found it easier to relax and started to look around. A couple of the men avoided my eye and it was obvious that they had been checking me out. That wasn't a problem since the reason I was in the bank was the opportunity that it offered me to get down to my underwear in front of a bunch of men who were strangers.

The robbery itself didn't take long and soon the four gang members left us. After about a minute one of the male customers stood up and suggested that we get dressed.

The bank manager came out from his office and apologized for what had happened and told us that the police were on their way.

I dressed fairly quickly well aware that, with the danger passed, pretty much all the men were enjoying the spectacle.

The police arrived and took our names, addresses and an initial statement. We were asked to report to the police station within the next couple of days to provide a proper written statement.

I went home and was there when Nick arrived. He asked me what kind of day I had had and I told him.

I was anxious to repeat the experience but Nick was wary. There was a serious risk I would be recognized by one of the other gang members and there was no saying how they might react.

Nick promised to think of something and eventually came up with a solution.

"Why don't you pretend to be a cocaine addict. I know someone who would supply you. All you have to do is pretend you don't have enough cash. Just leave the rest to him."

So that was what we agreed.

Nick went to meet his contact and I followed him later. I had settled on wearing a pair of white cotton trousers which I love. The material is so thin that in a certain light my panties are visible straight through them. If I am feeling tarty then I wear black panties with those trousers but on this occasion I wanted to play a different role so I wore white.

Nick reckoned that when it was obvious that I didn't have the money then the dealer would suggest some sexual favor himself. If that didn't happen then Nick would make the suggestion.

I was determined to put on some airs and graces, to come over as an arrogant bitch, so that my humiliation would be all the greater. Black panties would have been just too obvious.

I arrived at the dealers flat and knocked on the door. The guy answered and I realized that Nick couldn't have chosen better.

The guy was just the definition of a sleazeball, greasy hair, unshaven, unkempt clothes and a strange smell about him. I was confident that he didn't get much female company but that made him ideal for our purposes.

I walked into the flat and acknowledged Nick who was standing there. The dealer had worked out how thin my trousers were and when he followed me he was obviously trying to position himself to get a good view of my VPL. It was degrading to know he was looking at me like that so I gave him a look of disdain. This was a genuine response to his attitude but also intended to establish that, so far as he was concerned, I was off limits.

I came straight to the point.

"So do you have the stuff?"

"If you've got the money."

I pulled the notes out of my pocket and handed them to him.

"This isn't enough."

I looked at Nick.

"But you said."

He was irritated.

"I told you how much."

The dealer interrupted.

"Maybe there's another way you can pay."

"What do you mean, you creep?"

"I mean what are you going to do for us? That's if you want the stuff."

"Do you want me to tidy up? This place sure could use it."

"That's not what I mean. I think you know exactly what I mean."

Of course I did but I had to pretend.

"I don't get you. What can I do for you?"

"Some girls who are short of money. They give me a little treat you know. I'd appreciate a treat from you."

I looked shocked as I appeared to realize what he meant.

"I suppose I could take off some clothes."

"You can take them all off."

"I want to leave my panties on."

"OK if you want."

There was no reason to delay so I kicked off my shoes and loosened my belt. I knew this guy and I knew that after my previous attitude he was determined to humiliate me so everything I did was with a great display of reluctance. I was having fun so there was no reason why he shouldn't.

I let my trousers drop around my ankles, loving the way that he licked his lips as I revealed my underwear.

I pulled my vest over my head so I was down to my black bra and white panties. I deliberately hesitated, just to tease him.

He knew that he was in control though.

"OK, you need to take off the bra."

I dropped the bra on the ground and covered my breasts with my hands.

"Actually I want the panties as well."

"But you said."

"Your choice darling."

Well I wasn't bothered, but I made a show of reluctance before I made my choice.

He made a comment about my being natural and then demanded a blow-job.

The prospect of grovelling to this guy while he put his penis in my mouth wasn't a problem for me but I was starting to wonder how far this was going to go.

I was down on my knees and undoing his trousers in a moment. I wasn't worried about Nick. He's often said that I'm full of myself and I knew he would enjoy seeing me humiliated.

I pulled down his underpants and took him. His penis was scarcely erect but once inside my mouth I could feel it becoming larger and larger. I jerked my head back and forth very aggressively so that he quickly came.

We were finished so I dressed hurriedly and took my leave, not forgetting the cocaine which was the supposed reason for my visit.

Nick arrived home a couple of hours after me and I gave him a blow-job just so he wouldn't feel left out.

We discussed what we should do next. Nick was very cautious but eventually suggested that I should get myself arrested so I could be strip-searched. I wasn't keen because he wouldn't be there to see it and in any case a woman would do the search. It just isn't the same if you have to undress in front of a woman.

Nick mentioned the possibility of my being handcuffed and I changed my mind. He always knew how to get round me.

So I parked my car illegally a couple of times and then ignored the tickets. Then I took Nick out for a drive and deliberately went too fast.

We were stopped and two policemen approached. One of them ordered me out of the car. He was looking a little nervous and for a moment I imagined myself as a master criminal.

"Hands behind your head."

I just loved hearing those words. I felt a real thrill in my surrender as I placed my hands carefully behind my head. I could sense the relief in the policeman's voice.

"Now turn your back and keep perfectly still. I need to frisk you."

I followed the instruction and turned to see that a small crowd had gathered, obviously pleased to see a young woman submitting to a frisk.

I couldn't see the policeman but that just made it more exciting to feel his hands inside my ankle boots, running rather unnecessarily up my bare legs and then around my shorts.

He put his hands in my pockets and suddenly I felt his right hand feeling my panties. It could only have been for a couple of seconds but he definitely had his hand inside the waistband, close to my most intimate area. He moved his fingers away, as if he had just been teasing me. I started to think how much better this would be if he had taken my shorts off.

I was a little excited and started to wriggle to force him to hold me closer until finally he had a good grip on my breasts.

After the frisk was over he pulled my wrists down behind me and I heard the click of the handcuffs. If I had surrendered to him by putting my hands on my head then his handcuffing of me was the moment he accepted my surrender. I was certainly now a completely helpless prisoner and it rocked.

As the policeman led me away towards his car I began to struggle in the cuffs, mainly to draw the attention of the crowd to them. He pushed me into the car and sat down beside me.

He had been playing with my panties during the frisk and I wondered if he would take advantage of the position I was in when I was safely in the car.

He was next to me so I started to wriggle to try and get some reaction, hoping that he would restrain me. Frustratingly he paid no attention so I gave up and settled down to await the rest of the "arrest experience."

Unfortunately it was very disappointing. We arrived at the police station where I was released from the handcuffs. My details were taken but that was all. I was issued with a fixed penalty fine for the speeding and told that all fines had to be paid within seven days. I even had to wait around for a couple of hours for that much to happen.

Nick was outside the station and I told him about my disappointment at not being strip-searched.

The overall experience was good though, the submission of the arrest made up for a lot and I thought that it was worth repeating.

I remembered wishing that the policeman had taken off my shorts in front of all those people so I mentioned it to Nick.

We discussed it for a time and agreed that it was probably best that I didn't actually take off the shorts, much better for there to be some kind of wardrobe mishap. I didn't want it to be too obvious what was happening.

The problem was that the shorts wouldn't just fall down of their own accord. Fortunately I had a skirt, fairly loose fitting and a size too big for me. If I loosened the belt and wriggled my hips it just fell down. I entertained Nick for the evening by practicing this.

A few days later we went out for another drive. I was wearing the skirt but the side button was undone and although the belt had been carefully threaded through the loops around the waist it had been unbuckled. None of this was a problem while I was sitting in the car seat.

I was soon speeding. We heard the inevitable siren and stopped the car.

I was frustrated to see that it was a policewoman approaching me.

"Get out of the car."

I opened the door and carefully got out of the car, holding the waistband of my skirt as I did so.

"Turn and face the car. Place your hands on the bonnet."

I turned and as I moved my hands towards the car I wriggled my hips and my skirt immediately collapsed around my ankles, revealing my black panties.

I stood with my legs spread and hands on the car in the classic position of submission that police forces the worldwide use to control and humiliate their suspects. I wondered how many of those suspects were in their underwear.

The policewoman was close behind me.

"What's going on?"

I didn't answer. I was concentrating on the crowd that had now gathered, bowing my head in my shame and feeling more aroused by the second.

The policewoman started to frisk me, disappointingly above the waist and it was soon over. Then she pulled my hands behind my back and cuffed them.

I was led away towards the police car, loving the feeling of helplessness. People were staring at me and obviously enjoying my humiliation so I wriggled a little in my handcuffs just to entertain them.

The policewoman pushed me into the car and followed me in. I noticed that she was holding my skirt.

I was away from the public gaze but at least there was one person who could see me in my panties.

"So why did your skirt fall down?"

I didn't answer and she started to check on the skirt.

"There's nothing wrong with this."

She didn't say that I was a common little slut but, with the look on her face, she didn't need to.

I didn't expect her to touch me in the way a male officer might have done but I knew I could make her look at me.

I began to move the lower part of my body around in the car seat, drawing attention to my exposed panties.

"Sit still."

I continued to fidget and breathe heavily drawing a look of contempt from the policewoman. I wasn't bothered by that. I was the one in my panties and I was learning to enjoy her contempt.

We arrived at the police station and I was disappointed to be taken in through a rear entrance. I had been hoping that they would parade me before the inevitable crowd at the main entrance but no such luck.

Fortunately there was a number of male officers there and they were all very obviously interested in me. I started to drag my feet and when the policewoman tried to pull me along I lost my footing and fell to my knees.

I was loving it on the ground in front of all those people but one of the policeman helped me to my feet and I was led towards the custody officer.

"Why is this girl not wearing her skirt?"

The policewoman answered.

"It came off during the arrest."

"You should have given it back to her. You can't humiliate a suspect like that."

I was so pleased at the look on the policewoman's face, even though I had created the situation deliberately.

The woman took off the handcuffs and passed my skirt back. I thanked her demurely before pulling the skirt back on. I took as long over this as I dared but all too soon my panties were hidden away again.

The custody officer told the policewoman to search and I was taken to a separate cell for privacy. I couldn't see the point myself, given that I had been wandering around in my underwear, but I suppose they had their procedures.

We were left alone and the woman issued an instruction.

"Take off your skirt."

I could hear the hostility in her voice but couldn't resist baiting her.

"Haven't you seen all that before?"

"Get on with it."

So I took off my skirt and handed it to her.

"Now your shirt."

I passed over my shirt, followed by my bra so that I was left in my black panties. I was expecting to have to take off those as well but she passed the bra back to me.

After I had put it on she demanded my panties and I realized that procedure probably dictated that I couldn't be naked.

I handed over the panties and stood there for a moment with my "lady-garden" on display. I am not a shy girl and this didn't bother me although I wasn't certain what was going to happen.

There was a knock on the cell door and a man wearing a white coat entered. He looked like a medical man.

"Put your hands on your head and stand with your legs apart for the doctor."

I was certain that I could hear a sense of triumph in her voice as I complied.

The doctor poked around my mouth and felt through my hair but it didn't take long for him to get to the point by pushing a finger into my vagina.

I let out a little gasp and stood on my tiptoes in an apparent attempt to get away. He pushed another finger inside and I fell back onto the flat of my feet, forcing him further inside. I wriggled my lower body so that, whether he wanted to or not, the guy was masturbating me.

The policewoman was watching as I started to breathe heavily and then grunt increasingly loudly.

"Shut up, those noises."

The doctor was clearly embarrassed and finished his inspection. The woman told me to get dressed which I did.

Before I left the police station I was told that I would have to appear in court in a few weeks, although I could be released in the meantime.

Nick was waiting for me and I told him all about it. He warned me we would have to try something different next time.

A few days later we were alone in the flat. I was wearing a pink t-shirt that barely covered my black panties. We were waiting for a pizza delivery and I whiled away the time rolling around on the floor in a fairly provocative manner. Nick wasn't paying enough attention so when the doorbell rang I went to answer it without covering myself up, just to teach him a lesson.

I opened the door to see three guys, one of them holding a gun. He gestured that I should go back into the room. I was nervous about him using the gun so I raised my hands to make sure he had a good view of my panties.

We all joined Nick and I was alarmed to see how concerned he was. There was a short discussion during which it became obvious that the three guys were Nick's associates from the bank robbery and that they weren't impressed with my involvement.

I was taken into the bedroom by two of the guys and thrown onto the bed.

"We're going to teach you a lesson bitch. Maybe you won't play games in future."

With that my shirt and panties were pulled off and the guy was inside me. He was far too strong for me so I didn't even try to resist. After the guy was finished he was followed by his friend.

It didn't last long and then they were gone. Nick came to try and comfort me but I couldn't even look at him.


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