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The Garden Shed Opens its Door Ch. 14

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Naked rambling in the countryside.
6.3k words

Part 14 of the 20 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 08/04/2017
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Chapter 14 - Naked on the moors

Zara had been as happy as anything at his suggestion of making a couple of days of it. Two nights in the hotel, but what did Gary want to do with the day between? Of course Gary had asked what Zara wanted. Did she want to go sightseeing? That had been the reserve plan. What Gary had really wanted to do had made Zara giggle but she had said she was game if the weather was fine.

Gary liked his naked gardening but had never really done much of a walk naked. Up on the moors mid-week he rather thought he could get away with it and have a naked ramble. And what better way to do it than with a naked teen. The necessary walking equipment was packed in the car. Gary had pored over maps and chosen a route. Should it be simply a short walk to and from a hidden pile of clothes or a more serious expedition with knapsacks with clothes just in case or perhaps if they walked to a pub for lunch.

Zara had been for the day's nudity and not even a pub. She wanted a naked picnic. Had even liked the idea of leaving clothes completely behind. "Mmmm sexy," she had said. Gary was not quite so daring, more practical and felt somewhat of a responsibility for the young girl. What would her father say if he got her into trouble - not that sort of trouble! But there was something of a connection between the two sorts of trouble - sex!

Gary parked his car high on the moors, the chosen footpath coming in from one side of the road and heading off into the distance on the other.

"Well," said Gary.

So strange standing by the car taking ones clothes off high on the moorland road, able to see both up and down the road for a mile or more each way, watching in case another car appeared. The road one way dipped down to a ford, they had come through it in the car, and was out of sight before rising again. The other way the thin grey asphalt just went on and on. There was not a car in sight and soon they were lacing up their boots with not a stitch on. The sky above them so blue. A perfect day.

Hats, sunglasses, boots and socks plus knapsacks and that so important extra thing for the naked rambler - plentiful sunscreen. They applied it to each other. The pleasure of applying it to Zara's naked body resulted in Gary's inevitable rise. What was he doing? Standing naked and erect by his car on a deserted moorland road as a nineteen year old equally naked girl, her so attractive body shining with the sunscreen, squirted and rubbed the cream all over his body, including his penis and balls.

"Another ejaculation," giggled Zara as she squirted the stuff onto him and rubbed it in.

Gary set off after Zara in fine style his penis pointing in its thick stumpy way at her bottom, his foreskin peeled back and his knob shining with sunscreen. It would not last erect very long but Gary felt such a man! Glorious to be setting off like that, both naked and erect. The path stretching ahead and a whole day of walking in prospect. Gary liked gardening naked and he was beginning to appreciate how good it might be to ramble in the same way.

The sight of the beautiful, alternately rising and falling cheeks in front of him and the knowledge that not only had he delved between the girl's thighs the night before but would, inevitably, be doing just the same again on the walk sustained him quite a way.

Hot work of course, not that they were heavily laden. They were not going camping: just a day's ramble. The path stretched before them and apart from the sheep, curlews and occasional grouse saw not a living thing. The sweat rose and the occasional light breeze was welcome. They had brought plenty of water and it was good every so often to sit on their knapsacks and let the liquid slip down their throats, slighty warmer each time. Gary suspected by the end of the afternoon they might well be drinking the water from their flasks quite warm. The sun was having its usual effect.

The moorland path lead on towards a rising outcrop of grey stone. Whilst the path actually skirted the full height, Zara was keen to reach the top and, leaving their knapsacks, they made their way upwards across and between the lichen encrusted stones. It was quite a view from the top all around. Ahead of them the land and path dropped downwards towards a stream. around them empty moorland, purple with heather. They could see for miles and miles. They were wonderfully alone in a wilderness of heather.

"What a day," exclaimed Zara."

What a day indeed! And was not Gary a lucky man to be sharing it with such a pretty and young girl, moreover sharing it naked. The glory of the view, the pleasure of the rest from walking was heightened by the feel of feminine fingers taking hold of his genitalia. High on the moor, visible against the sky for miles around Gary rose to the occasion. In his mind the thought of a group of naked ramblers erecting the men by way of ritual at the summit of a hill or mountain they had climbed - perhaps for the group photograph! The girls looking so pretty and coy, the men so 'manly.'

"How many counties can we see?"

"No idea, Zara, no idea. I am more worried by the thought of being seen than what I can see!"

"Silly man, you look very fine like that and who is going to make out we are naked and you are," her fingers moved up and down, "nice and hard."

"Binoculars," said Gary.

"Oh yes!" And the little minx crouched down and took the whole of his stumpy erection into her mouth. Bliss! Just the right way to celebrate and ascent. Forget the champagne! Forget the pop of the cork and the wine spurting from the bottle's neck! A generous spurting in a teen girl's mouth would win every time!

Gary's eyes swept the land for the flash of the glass of a pair of binoculars. It really did not matter. The hidden birdwatcher would probably be fumbling with his free hand for his fly, anxious to relieve the constriction around his own engorged penis, keen to have a wank whilst staring at Zara's pretty mouth around a penis.

"Mmmm. That was nice, shall we move on or fuck? Hold me."

And the girl reversed into him and so his hands came up and cupped her breasts as his penis slipped between her thighs. It was warm and wet there, all slippery and Gary moved his hips, pushing himself against Zara's soft bottom. It was not sexual intercourse as he was not in her vagina - but it was very close to it. Probably the hidden birdwatcher would be thinking that was what was happening, would be revelling in the sight of Zara's clasped breasts and exposed mons veneris. Perhaps already the semen would be shooting from his penis.

"I love that feeling, Gary, I love this view. What a perfect moment. Just hold still and let's savour it and remember it."

Absolutely motionless for several minutes the two of them stood high on the hill. Perfection indeed. Not just the view, not just the lovely companionship but the joy of having his erection nestled between the warm, wet lips of the girl and her breasts in his hands.

"Mmmm. Best to move on." The girl stepped away from him, his hands dropping from her breasts. She looked around. "Such a view. Um, on second thoughts, you have to fuck me first, before we go on."

"Have I now?"


And actually there was very little Gary could do to resist. The girl looked so good walking over to a large rounded rock dressed in just her walking boots and hat. Feminine perfection really. She draped herself over it, raising her lovely round bottom in such a provocative way and waggling it. The rising vee shape of her separated thighs just drew him in. Zara turned her head and looked at him, clearly waiting for him to do his thing. Gary advanced on her, erection at the ready, he pushed at her and the sexual connection was made.

When Gary stepped back from the girl there on the grey stone between her thighs was the evidence of what he had just done. The girl remained spread on the rock, perhaps enjoying its sun warmed hardness on her breasts, perhaps luxuriating in the recent invasion of her body by a remarkably thick penis, perhaps just feeling his stuff dripping from her onto the rock below. It was a fine sight. He could see his semen white upon her sex, even dripping and with a trail down onto the rock below. For a man with a very undersized cock it gave him great pleasure to see the quantity it produced. It made up for the deficiency in length somewhat. And what man, a true man, would not delight in seeing his own semen dripping from a still teenage girl? He smiled to himself. Zara would be twenty soon, a big girl!

Back down the little hill they came, picked up their knapsacks and resuming their walk. A couple of miles further on, or perhaps a little less, they came down to a hint of a valley high on the moors with a few hawthorn trees growing around a stream. The shade of one offered the perfect place for a picnic. Zara flopped down and lay still with her eyes closed.

Gary stood over her, already thinking of sex despite their recent bout on the hill. It was the keen and experienced masturbator in him. The thought of wanking away and releasing all over the prone girl. It was pleasing and he felt a pleasant stirring and up he went.

"Shall we have lunch?" the girl murmured without opening her eyes.

"Yeah, good plan, perfect spot. I'll just take a dip in the stream first."

"Mmmm, might join you. Bit sticky, you know where."

Gary knew and could see. The girl opened and closed her drawn up knees. It was all on display! Gary bent and kissed the girl right there.


He walked away licking his lips. Perhaps it was all the walking but the saltiness of his semen seemed particularly welcome. Zara might have to be careful a passing sheep did not use her as a salt lick. He had seen blocks of salt that morning on the walk for that very purpose!

It was good to take his boots off and place his sweaty and rather pink feet in the cool water. He sat in the steam which destroyed any residual tumescence he might have had in next to no time.

The sudden appearance of two walkers around the corner was unexpected. They were heavily laden, clearly backpacking across the moors. Zara and he had seen not a soul and, not being a weekend, he had not really expected to see anyone. The young men were tall and clearly fit. One light haired, one dark haired. They broke into smiles seeing him there.

"Hi, taking a bath!"

"Absolutely," he replied, "a hot day."

"Hot indeed! It does look inviting."

The two young men looked at the stream and back to Gary.

"I'm tempted to join you," said one.

"Be my guest!"

They made no move to do so at first but it was clear they were tempted. Gary moved and it suddenly became clear to them he was completely naked.

"A real bath then!"

"Well, I was on my own."


"Don't be. Plenty of room in the stream."

It did not take that much more talking before the fair one, was taking off his shirt.

The darker one was looking at Gary's boots. There was a rather obvious lack of clothes to go with them. "Where are your clothes?" He said.

Gary stood and his all over nut brown skin rather gave the game away.

"Ah, don't tell me you're walking like that... why?"

The fair haired young man was down to his underpants and stepping into the stream. "Bliss," he said clearly relishing the cool water on his feet.

"You don't really want to get those soaked do you?" commented the dark haired one, undoing his own shirt..

"Pretty soaked with sweat as they are." The underpants were indeed.

"I'm going to lay my things out on the rocks to dry in the sun. Be much nicer putting them on again."

"Suppose so," replied the other, "not exactly a public place really and all men together."

It was somewhat Gary's thing. Pleasant communal nakedness. The three men sat naked in the stream chatting. Gary revealing walking was not something he normally did naked but gardening naked was his normal state. He did not mention the wanking as well, of course.

He was soon on first name terms - Larry the fair haired and Rob the dark haired man.

Larry's presumption of 'all men together' was somewhat shattered by the appearance of Zara. Perhaps she had dropped off to sleep and been awoken by the sound of talking. Her appearance silenced the talking. Gary was amused to see the two young men open mouthed at both the appearance of a girl and her nakedness. She was, he knew so well, stunning.

Gary broke the silence, "This is Zara. We are walking together. It was the glance the two young men gave to each other. It was all about the contrast of ages between Zara and himself. Were they thinking she was perhaps his daughter or even granddaughter - "she's a friend." he said. That made them wonder!

Zara sat on a rock and talked with them. The two men, unsurprisingly, could not keep their eyes off her.

"You joining us for lunch? You can dry whilst you eat."

Gary was as sure as sure Zara was trying to ensure the two fine specimens of manhood stayed naked for her pleasure. Perhaps without the cool water the young men might have embarrassed themselves with two fine erections. The cold water had had, however, the opposite effect. The three penes had somewhat shrunken in the cold water. Like classical statues there was not a lot there to offend!

It was probably for all three, good to climb from the stream. A moorland stream is pretty icy. Good for a time on a really hot day. But only for a time.

Rob made for his clothes but Gary sure the quick shake of the head from Larry. "Let them dry."

It was very much becoming Gary's thing - communal nakedness. The two lads walked either side of Zara talking. Gary was amused. They were all of a sudden much more interested in talking to her than him. He was sure Zara's eyes would be taking in their equipment and probably itching to get her hands on them. It was more than likely at some point the two men would be walking either side of her with their erections each clasped in one of her hands. Gary was pretty sure he would be seeing both erected penes shooting their stuff sometime before the men walked on.

The men went to their packs but not for clothes, just provisions and the four of them spent a happy half hour picnicking and chatting. The boys no doubt relishing the opportunity to look at Zara without feeling self-conscious. They were talking to her, after all. They seemed particularly pleased to discover they were at the same university. Gary could not think why that should be!

What set the whole thing off was Zara letting her legs open whilst she sat on a rock. Perhaps it had been deliberate but all through lunch a slanting beam of sunlight had come through the shady tree right on her mons veneris. It was rather like a spotlight and when she, after lunch and perhaps without thinking, opened her knees the whole thing, her sex, was displayed in colourful detail - and that she had very obviously recently been fucked was rather obvious.

"Oh," said Larry.

Rob just gawped.

"Sorry," said Zara, seeming to realise what she had done but the damage was indeed done. The young men were reacting and Gary and she stared as two fine penes reared up from their respective patches of fair and dark hair. Fine indeed. They were the sort of penes a man could be proud of, Gary thought. Indeed, should be proud of displaying.

"Are they because of me? Sorry. But aren't you a big boy Larry, and isn't that nice Rob. I don't think I've seen better. Um, as you saw Gary and I have been fucking. I like fucking." She licked her bottom lip, "I like sucking."

Gary was amused to see the two penes twitch in unison.

"I like to suck," again the tongue, "I like sucking very much... and," she winked, "swallowing but... I don't know you two from Adam and nice as your cocks are - and they really are very nice, aren't they Gary?"

He nodded. They were. Certainly compared to his which had grown as he sat there but the young men had probably not even noticed the change.

"I'm neither fucking nor sucking them... today. But if you like," she waggled her hands in the air, "I do have two pairs of hands."

"B...but what about Gary," stammered Larry.

"We're not going out. My boyfriend's not here. Gary and I are just friends and he likes to fuck. don't you Gary? And I've already said I do. Well, boys are you going to come here and let me feel your lovely cocks. Come on, boys, stand up and show off."

The boys looked at one another and then stood up. Gary nodded to himself. Their cocks stood very well, one at forty-five degrees and the other curving even more sharply up to the vertical - not pointing the way horizontally or even down to the ground. These were fine items.

They came towards Zara. It was a delightful sight. Two fine young men closing in on Zara. As she reached out her hands, Gary's hand descended to his own erection. The voyeur and masturbator in him subconsciously dictating his actions.

Lovely to see Zara slowly reach and then grasp. What followed was a simply excellent demonstration of dual wanking. Zara leaning forward, her breasts a little hanging and her eyes focused on the job. Her hands did not move together but rather worked in opposition. As she pulled Larry's foreskin down, she pulled Rob's up. Her hands moving in alternate directions: up, down; up, down; up; down... Wonderfully mechanical. A delight for the young men. A delight for Gary to watch in the sunshine.

A gasp from Larry and Zara took her hands away.

"Is this one all primed," she leant in, her face inches from it, her tongue licking her lips. It was so erotic. Gary thought Larry would just spurt there and then but he held on. His 'load' retained: for the moment!

"So you boys have not rambled naked?"

"No!" Rob sounding almost indignant at the idea.

"Shall we? Come on." Zara stood and took their hands and walked them off back down to the stream.

Gary smiled as he watched the three sets of buttocks. The lads were going to remember this day for a long time. The day they walked naked and erect together with a naked girl in the sunshine. What a lovely thing to do - he knew that! He watched them down to the stream and a little way along the bank before they turned. Back they came but now Zara had a penis in each of her hands.

The young men had great big smiles on their faces. Gary could see that even from quite a way away. Pausing Zara's hands moved and lifted their balls. The hot sun had relaxed their sacks again. Gary's penis twitched as he watched Zara lifting their balls as if weighing them as they walked closer.

"These balls feel so heavy with cum. I think it needs to come out, don't you?"

The two boys looked at each other and nodded. Gary smiled broadly. Zara was so teasing them, delighting them with her rude talk.

"Would you like to come all over my tits, one to each. Have you seen each other cum before?

"No!" Rob indignant again.

"Well, you are going to. Not only see each other cum but see each other's cum, probably dripping from my nipples."

Nice to see the two penes bob with excitement.

"Shall we ask Gary to join us and cum too?" Gary took it as his cue to stand.

Four naked people in the early afternoon sunshine high in the desolation of the moors. Three male and very clearly so!

The lads looked at Gary, very obviously taking in the small size of his cock.

"Gary is deceptive. He looks small but is pleasingly thick. See, he is even thicker than you, Larry, don't you think?"

Larry nodded.

"And even though he has come once already, inside me as you've seen, he'd probably produce more semen than the two of you together. You'd be impressed. I am."

It was nice for Gary to hear that and to receive her lovely smile.

"But I think I'll keep Gary for later... and a suck and a fuck! Come on let's get you boys unloaded."

The two lads grinned, probably at Zara's term - 'unloaded.'


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