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The Garden Shed Opens its Door Ch. 15

Story Info
Gary engages in three in a bed sex.
5.7k words

Part 15 of the 20 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 08/04/2017
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Chapter 15 - taking Heather

Gary had not missed his ex-wife one little bit. It had been just a relief when they finally broke up and he found himself on his own again after, to be fair, some happy but mostly unhappy years. It had been such a mixed up time. Relief yet depression had set in at how it had all gone so wrong, how he had seen it in some way as his fault in losing her. Losing her? In retrospect it had been the best of things but there was still a twinge of sadness: sadness at all those wasted years.

Despite the bad experience Gary, occasionally, thought that the companionship of another would be pleasant. It was sometimes lonely in the house. Nice to have someone to share holidays with perhaps. But he had been shy of starting a new relationship with the failure of his marriage so recently behind him - and he had not met the right woman. The arrival into his life of first Zoe and then Zara had certainly been more than pleasing. Sex was important to a man and whilst he had liked being friendly with his hand and had spent many happy hours in his shed and in his imagination, it had been fantastic to be interacting and doing things for real. Finding occasional further interactions - Heather and Melanie - had added to his happiness. None of these friendships were, though, companionship. They were friendships with plenty of sex, undoubtedly, but not a romantic relationship or one involving being together as a couple.

Having any sort of romantic liaison was, unfortunately, likely to result in the termination of the sex with Zoe, Zara and all. It was unlikely his new woman would really take kindly to Gary having other activities on the side even if she found he had more than enough seminal fluid to spare - which was likely! Gary did not want to lose the other liaisons - he appreciated they would not last forever, but whilst they were extant he did not want to give them up. On balance he was happy being the lone, naked gardener mostly content with his own company.

Perhaps the best solution would be to have a live in friend. Another man with similar interests. Someone to talk to, have a drink with, perhaps holiday with: not, though, to have sex with - that was not Gary's scene at all. Well, actually to be accurate. that depended on how you defined 'with.' Gary would have been happy to garden naked with the friend, sharing a mutual interest in gardening and liking to be au naturel. Happy enough to erect together and talk about sex. Perhaps or probably even wanking together but, importantly, separately even in the garden shed - he would need a second chair - exchanging erotic ideas and perhaps more importantly sharing Zoe, Zara and any others.

The two of them perhaps waiting in Zoe's garden to inseminate her after Tom had done his thing, two men waiting with raised penises to help her out; perhaps other times taking Zara in turns as she sat on the table in the shed, he rather suspected she would be game for that; feeding the fish at Heather's - he was sure Heather would be happy having a penis for each hand. Perhaps standing three in a row with Melanie watching Kirstie and Vegard on the bed, perhaps inducing her to take them in hand whilst their fingers met within her. Nice to sit with the friend in the evening, sharing a bottle or two of beer and companionably talking about this and that and any of the girls they had enjoyed that day, probably freely erecting together at their thoughts and comments. perhaps even communally masturbating, watching each other climax and asking how it had been for them before going to their separate beds,. 'With' but not 'with.' Friends, sexual friends even, not partners!

Gary did not have such a friend. His experience with Harry had been somewhat along the lines he was thinking of but Harry was very happily living with Melanie. The idea did not look very likely to come about and, in any case, Zoe might not actually be happy with having a second man helping her get pregnant, Zara might well not be as, strangely, happy with the new man as she seemed to be with Gary's fifty nine year old body. Melanie might take fright. Heather, though, would probably go along with it!

But what if a new woman came along; what if Gary met someone and it clicked? Well, he would worry about that when, or rather if, it happened.

Gary pulled up in his car outside Heather's and got his gardening gear out of the boot. He had been thinking about relationships. He looked at Heather and Mark's house. Now there was an odd relationship. A remarkably relaxed attitude to extra marital relations. In his trousers he felt a stirring. Heather was rather fine!

Another woman was there with Heather as Gary came around to the back of the house and plonked his spade and fork down. There was no reason why there should not be but, even so, he was taken aback. Not that he was yet undressed for gardening or anything, his trousers were not 'tenting' in anticipation of sexual play with Heather. Not that they ever 'tented' very much given the length of his erection: a one man tent rather than a marquee!

He was introduced to Keely Thompson with a, 'have you met Rafe Thomson up at the golf club?'

The woman was tall with dark hair hanging down across her shoulders. Somewhat smartly dressed, Gary thought, just for popping around for coffee, in a red trouser suit. Her long legs were crossed over the other and Gary could see she was wearing high heels which seemed somewhat unnecessary. When she stood up she seemed almost to tower over him, and Gary was not a short man, and the thrust of her chest towards him in a simple rounded neck, held back by her red jacket, impressed him. There was power and authority in her and Gary felt it. Height always helps and perhaps that was the reason for the heels, the broadness of her shoulders aided by the jacket, to say nothing of the thrust of her chest, added to the effect. Gary felt intimidated, that did not normally happen, he was an ex policeman after all.

She did not stay long, leaving Gary to drink his coffee alone with Heather.

"You liked her didn't you?"

"Yes. Um," attracted to perhaps more than liked and he had to ask, "is she one of your, err, swinging friends?"

Heather smiled, "yes, actually, she and Rafe do join us for our little parties. Stunning isn't she? So tall. Why? Did you want to fuck her? If I'd have known I'd have asked. I'm sure she would have been happy to oblige."


"Oh, I'm sure she would but... she's gone and there's just me here. You should have been undressed, Gary, and then we could have played with your cock together. Wouldn't you have loved that red lipstick around it? Or was it her chest?"

"Her brassiere did seem, um, shaped."

Heather laughed, "She does seem to have a penchant for those old fashioned shapes."

"They, her breasts, seemed well separated and..."

"Rather pointed?"

"Well, yes. They reminded me of old Doris Day films."

"It's what is called a bullet brassiere. I should have asked her to show you but actually she was in a bit of a hurry, a board meeting or something. She's CEO of something or other."

Heather seemed amused by it all. She went on:

"She wouldn't have had time to fuck actually, or even let you cum over her tits. Another time, perhaps. Come on, Gary, get your clothes off, I want to wank you, I want to see you cum, I want to see your spunk coming out of your penis."

"Oh, well, right."

Heather did surprise but there again so did most of his female friends these days. His ex-wife would never have said something like that. Would never have simply asked to play with his cock. Gary was, of course, hard as anything as he pulled his clothes off, exposing himself and offering his cock to Heather.

It would have been nice to have had both Heather and Keely playing with his cock. The idea of them sitting there and just examining, touching, stroking and fondling his cock whilst he stood naked was just a bit exciting. Perhaps as he was slowly wanked, Keely might have taken off her jacket and blouse and showed him her brassiere, perhaps he might have been inserted under the strap between her breasts and held tightly between her two mounds. Perhaps he might have been permitted to undo the bra. and fondle what they hid. Perhaps, after a time, he might have been released onto those breasts. It was a lovely thought, Heather wanking him right onto her friend's breasts. A strangely erotic thought. Gary sighed, as Heather tugged gently on his foreskin, what a thought - two women bringing him almost to release time and time again and then finally one of them making him cum over the other's breasts.

Women in control of his penis! Her friend was no longer present but Heather reached nonetheless and tugged gently on his foreskin. Gary was happy enough having just Heather in control.

"Oh, Gary, so thick, yum! I've just got to suck it. I've just got to."

And she did, her lips wrapped around it and pushing and pulling it in and out of her mouth with enthusiasm. She pulled off with a loud smacking noise.

"Shall we fuck?"

Just like that. Straight out with it. Heather raised her white dress revealing no panties at all underneath, just skin and lovely fair curls.

"Mark's just fucked me before work. I'm still all sticky with him. Do you like that, Gary, taking over from another man, feeling his spunk on your cock?"

Should he mention he was not unused to such a thing, not with Zoe's insistence on Tom having come first before he attempted to make a baby?

"It doesn't worry me one bit, Heather. Do I like it? I don't know but I'm not averse to the thought or feel. I'm happy to try!"

"We are going to fuck, Gary, but should it be now or another time. I don't know. I do want to see you come. I really do, but I'd like to fuck as well. But I can't have both. Wank for me, Gary, wank but don't come - yet!"

Gary wanked as Heather slowly pulled her white dress over her head, he wanked as she slipped her brassiere from her, he wanked as she began to play with herself, he wanked as he saw the white semen on her fingers and he stroked the harder when he saw her bring those fingers to her mouth - and then he stopped dead. Almost, almost but not quite. He could feel it, just an almost ejaculation rising up his erection but slowly and so different from the real thing. As he watched there was the gradual appearance from its tip, a gentle oozing of a growing bubble of white cum.

"Oh, Gary, yes! So sexy! May I, A may I?"

She got down on her knees, her tongue extended and was pushed into the little creamy pool. Such a delicate touch just to the urethral opening.

"Gary, wank again. Make some more, make some more!"

Her eagerness, the brightness of her eyes, the closeness of her face and her nakedness was more than a little encouraging. Gary wanked again. A delicious danger that he might just find himself coming all over her face. What man does not like that idea? Being able to take a slow wank and release his stuff all over a pretty woman's face. A woman or perhaps girl seen on the 'Tube,' on a bus or in a street: the momentary thought of how pleasant it would be to decorate her with one's own semen.

Again that feeling, the slow progress of a little semen, pre-cum up the urethral tube and out into the open. Such a pleasant feeling - one tug short of a full ejaculation perhaps.

Again Heather's wiggling and pink tongue but this time it was too encouraging.

"I'm going to come."

"No, you're not."

"Yes, I AM!"

Heather had not moved away or anything. Her mouth was right there in front of Gary's penis as it began to spurt its stuff. There was no escape from it for her. It was rather clearly what she wanted. It exploded - perhaps an exaggeration - but it certainly did not simple ooze out onto her tongue tip!

It did not simply go in her mouth. It went everywhere! It was not Gary who needed to go and clean up. It was not Gary who had to take a shower and get the shampoo out!

He watched Heather's retreating naked bottom. She had not picked up her clothes. She had his stuff on her hands as well as her face and it had been dripping down her breasts. It looked, and Gary thought this a little smugly, like she had been in a bukkake session with several men: not just a single, getting on a bit, man.

Later, on her way out to go shopping and then on to friends, Heather mentioned that, "We're going to the beach Saturday - if it's fine. Want to come?"

Gary had nothing planned and he was sure that 'coming' would be a part of the day! It was not quite as he had expected, in fact.

"Pick you up at your place. Eight o'clock?"

They were there on the dot and, of course, they wanted to see his garden. Heather paused at the French Windows, "Am I a bit overdressed for your garden, Gary?"

The implication was obvious. Gary shrugged and smiled and they all undressed before stepping out into the garden.

"It's lovely Gary, simply lovely.

They walked up the lawn, Gary pointing out plants he was particularly pleased with.

"You are certainly going to look the part on the beach, Gary."

He looked at Heather, puzzled.

"It's a nudist beach we go to and with your all over tan you'll fit in so well."

"Oh, I don't usually..."

"Surely you've been?"

"Not for a long time."

"Mark always gets worried about having an erection, though we have only spotted a very few over the years - not Mark's though. He likes me to empty his balls before we go just in case. I haven't done that yet and thought perhaps you'd like me to do you at the same time?"

She did not wait for an answer but reached and took hold of the two penises and began to stroke.

Gary was very happy showing off the finer points of his garden and what nicer way than naked, now erect and in a pretty girl's hand. Not unpleasant being able to see Heather working Mark as well.

She smiled as she recited.

"Mary, Mary, quite contrary,

How does your garden grow?

With silver bells and cocks-a-plenty

And pretty maids all in a row."

"I don't see any maids, Heather," said Mark, "though I expect there are plenty of tools in Gary's shed!"

Gary did, indeed, even show them his shed. He was tempted to invite them in and suggest Heather hopped up on the table and Mark and he deposited their semen in Heather.

"Are there fish in your pond, Gary?"

It was nothing like as impressive as Mark and Heather's pond but there were goldfish in it. Gary knew, though, the question was not simply about the fish. He knew what Heather's intentions now were and, indeed, he was quite correct.

Standing looking at the pond, Heather's tugging became more insistent, her fingers were really working the two penises.

"Right boys, let's see your cum fly. I want to see nice big spurts, empty those balls!"

Mark and Gary obliged. A strange, shared sexual experience of being wanked off by the same woman at the same time not onto her face, tummy or breasts but into the air and out over a pond. The two penises shot, almost in unison, white over the pond - but, of course, Gary's was the more prolific.

The day on the beach proved a very good one. The sun was out the whole day, the sea was not too cold and what with ice-creams, fish and chips sitting on the promenade and afternoon tea they made quite a day of it. To explain they did have the ice-creams on the nudist beach but drove on in the mid-afternoon to the nearby seaside town for their lunch and later afternoon tea.

It had been pleasant being the public nudist for the morning. Gary had liked the fellow feeling and, because he could not disassociate nudity with sex, enjoyed seeing many of the naked bodies. Some very fine young and not so young women and, indeed, some fine looking men. He would have been very happy to watch sexual activity between some of the better looking girls and boys and men and women but it was not that sort of beach! It was very much a family nudist beach though, to Gary, whilst seeing young children running around naked and building sandcastles seemed perfectly natural he did think it must be rather strange for the older children. The strange awareness of their bodies at puberty and, normally, a sudden embarrassment about them and nudity. There again, they were no doubt used to the idea having grown up like that.

Not a hint of an erection though. Heather's work in his garden seemed to have done the trick or perhaps it was the thought of public embarrassment. Nor did he see so much as a hint of engorgement on Mark's part - or any other man for that matter.

They stayed late. Even having an evening meal in the town. Driving back Heather said, "Why don't you come home with us tonight, Gary, you won't need your pyjamas!"

"Come on and sleep with us, added Mark. We've got a big bed."

They had. Gary had never seen one so wide.

"Bath or shower first?" Asked Mark.

Gary had a momentary vision of the three of them in the bath. 'Rub-a-dub-dub, three men in a tub,' well not quite three men! But Mark chose the shower and Heather was doing something in the kitchen

It was strange - he had visited couples before but then he had (of course) been given the spare room to sleep in. He might have seen them in their pyjamas but this was completely different. Heather came into the bathroom as he came out of the shower and there they all three were together and no one was wearing anything.

Teeth brushed, Gary found himself standing naked by the big bed with Mark already in it. He put down his glass of water and paused. He had never got into bed with a man before and it felt somewhat strange particularly as Mark was not wearing pyjamas or anything at all.

"Come on Gary, don't get cold."

It was stranger getting in. He kept to the other side.

"I won't bite," said Mark, "just suck you a little."

He laughed at Gary's worried face. "Only a joke. I'll let Heather do that!"

Somewhat of a relief, really, when the woman entered. No nightie, no pyjamas, just her naked self. Her skin pink from the shower - and perhaps the sun on the beach. Sand and salt from their day at the sea washed off. A relief for Gary having her clambering over him to get to the middle of the bed separating him from Mark. Her lovely patch of fair curls momentarily inches from his face as she did so. He did not resist looking up at her sex.

"Well, here we are!"

A hand on his penis.

"Neither of you hard and I've got into the bed with you? Not a good start. Not what I expected. Didn't you wind each other up? Let's see what I can do."

Heather disappeared under the duvet. Gary let out a sigh. A mouth had just absorbed his penis.

Mark grinned, "See?"

The lovely feeling of a warm, wet mouth gently fellating him was delightful. A movement under the bedclothes and the mouth left him and clearly moved across to the other cock in the bed.

"Did you enjoy your day?"

"It was great, Mark, all of it."

"Any of the girls take your fancy?"

Lovely to lie there in bed discussing woman and sex with Mark whilst down in the bed Heather was pleasuring their penises.

Gary described a tall statuesque woman with long dark, shiny hair. He had thought her possibly Italian and had tried to overhear conversation. Normally he preferred women unshaven but her completely denuded and pronounced Cleft of Venus had rather caught his imagination particularly when he had glimpsed between her legs as he had walked past.

"Yeah, yeah, remember her and that big husband of hers. Wouldn't have liked to be on the wrong side of him but I'm sure Heather would have been happy to have him on top of her whilst we had her."

"What about you?"

"I took to that black girl with the ankle bracelet."

Gary knew exactly who Mark meant. A family of five. Husband and wife plus two daughters and a son. The clearly elder daughter had been very fine indeed. Gary had certainly watched her coal black breasts moving and delighted in her dark curls when she turned into the sun and they were not hidden in mysterious shadow. He would certainly have liked to show her around his garden and take her into his shed but...


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