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The Gilded Cage Ch. 01

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Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 05/12/2022
Created 01/24/2005
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Tammy entered the house with her sense of disbelief still very much with her. It had looked gorgeous from the outside but the façade did not prepare her for the incredible interior design and space. "As work-packages go," she thought as she walked from room to room, "this one would take some beating."

Tammy placed her suitcase on the living room floor and sat down on the sofa. She had to make a call, she suddenly remembered, and this seemed as good a time as any. Reaching into her pocket to retrieve her mobile phone Tammy was completely unaware that she had been watched since arriving at the airport, eyes that were now watching her retrieve a number from her phone's memory.

In another place Bastion was sitting at his office desk, surrounded by monitors and controls that made the room look more like the bridge of a space station. He ensured that the feed from Allison was clean whilst, aside from the main transmission, he double-checked all the other cameras in her apartment.

"Bastion, this is Noskova. Who are we watching here?"

The voice came from speakers that sat discreetly on every darkened wall.

"Good evening Noskova. Let me firstly welcome you to the Guild and extend my congratulations on your promotion. The lady in question is Tammy Squires, a new player who has just flown in from Chicago. All her biographical details can be accessed via the icon at the top left of your screen"

"How complete is the coverage?"

"It goes well beyond the house. She has accepted a job in one of our corporations, with the house rented to her at a heavily discounted rate. Not only do we have sound and audio at all the static locations she is likely to visit but we also have mobile capacity as well. As with everyone, she unwittingly banks with us, has our credit lines, drives one of our cars, shops with us and uses our communication systems. In short, Noskova, the coverage is as complete as you would expect the Guild to make it."

Bastion pressed a button and sipped from a hip flask containing rum. It was going to be a long evening, he knew, for fresh players always generated the most interest.

"I have both sides of her phonecall available for listening now. Click the telephone icon at any time to hear it."

A new voice interrupted him before he could speak again.

"Bastion, it's Goldfish. Give me a better view of her breasts please."

"With pleasure, Goldfish. It's nice to talk to you again. I have a zoom available and will send it to your secondary window now. Tell me when to stop."

Bastion centred the output for Goldfish on his screen, closing the camera angle tight on Tammy's white blouse before slowly zooming in on her breasts. As they began to fill the screen Bastion felt himself becoming softly aroused and he smiled to himself.This truly was the best job in the world,he thought.

"Perfect Bastion. Hold it there please. I take it a highlight section will be added every 12 hours as usual?" Goldfish said eventually.

"Of course. It would be a shame for anyone to have to choose between beauty sleep and the beauty of this fine lady."

Tammy finished her phone call as Bastion spoke. She was pleased that she had managed to reassure her mother that she was safe and well, without overstating her excitement at the opportunity that had unexpectedly presented itself. A little over a month ago she had been a PA in a dead-end office and yet now, thanks to a headhunting organisation literally ringing her up and offering her the world, she was about to become PA to the CEO of a major international oil company.

Tammy decided to explore all the levels of the house before she began to unpack. She went upstairs and was thrilled by the three bedrooms and two bathrooms that awaited her. By the side of one of the beds was an introductory card which informed her that a maid, charged to the company, would call each day to clean and tidy for her.

Downstairs in the basement yet another wonderful surprise awaited her. A small but fully equipped private gymnasium, complete with shower, filled the entire level. Another card told her that a complimentary personal fitness instructor was at her disposal and that she could arrange his schedule from work tomorrow.

"Bastion, it's Goldfish. The Guild has really gone to town on this one hasn't it? I've never seen them grant such a grandiose home to a mere player before."

Bastion took another sip from his hip flask as he watched Tammy ascend to the upper floor once more.

"She's worth it. Her psychological evaluation showed she is immensely body-proud and we know she had a strict gym routine back in her old life, so we threw the gymnasium in there to ensure she'd not stray into a public one. It not only allows easier surveillance but also will be a conduit for us to introduce her personal trainer, a gentleman we intend her to take as a lover. He's been coached on her favourite conversation subjects, her mannerisms and her known sexual tastes. He's also physically within 2% of her ideal, based on the boyfriends she's had since the age of 14."

Tammy took a small bag from inside her luggage and entered the bathroom whilst the screen showed a view of the outside of the door only.

"Bastion, its Noskova. Why haven't we got a view inside the bathroom?"

"I'm sorry Noskova but C does not allow us to show subjects in the bathroom, with the only exception being one camera in the shower. We cannot activate that unless she's using the shower and my equipment shows she is not," Bastion said apologetically.

"That's a stupid rule. Why does C not allow us to view the bathroom?"

Bastion took a deep breath and allowed the question to hang for a second. Then, with the patience of a parent who is softly threatening as well as informing, he spoke deliberately back.

"Noskova, it is against Guild protocol to question the decisions of the full Guild members. To do so is to invite sanction. Please refrain from questioning the decisions of C any further. With a little patience I am sure Miss Squires will satisfy us all before the end of the night."

The silence that answered Bastion was answer enough in itself.

Everyone waited patiently for Tammy to reappear. To fill in time, Bastion looked over the display panels for any sign of malfunction. It was purely a procedural act for he knew all too well that every system created by the Guild had built in redundancy. He cycled through the hidden cameras within the house with the satisfaction of a master-craftsman admiring his own creations.

Bastion thought it best to explain to his audience how he anticipated the evening to go. It would not only help fill in the wait but also allow them to have a better idea about their new plaything.

"I am sure it will not be long now, gentlemen, for Miss Squires is a stickler for routine and she'll be keen to arrange things ahead of work tomorrow. I think she'll order in some food whilst she relaxes with the television for an hour or so, then check her laptop for emails and the notes she's made about her new position. You can all access her laptop and emails at any time, of course, via your control panel."

As Bastion finished speaking an idea formed in his mind. He congratulated himself just a little too much on his creativity, revealing the inflated ego that was one day going to destroy him.

"Of course, we have ensured that the house has numbers for every conceivable take-away she may wish to eat tonight. Whichever she chooses will be delivered to her in exactly 15 minutes, giving us time to place any substance you may like her to consume within her food. Have you any thoughts on what you may like to do to her?"

"Bastion this is Noskova again. I think I'd like to make her aroused in the hopes she will put on a show for us tonight. Can you arrange that?"

"I can certainly have her food laced with something that will make her very aroused Noskova but, of course, what she chooses to do about it will be down to her. She certainly has a dildo and a vibrator with her. If it amuses you to read we have placed her therapy notes online for you. Within there Miss Squires admits to being sexually adventurous and to masturbate heavily, so she may well live up to your hopes before she sleeps tonight."

As Noskova finished Tammy emerged from the bathroom and went downstairs to the living room. As she walked she was watched by many pairs of hidden lustful eyes, each of which cycled through the different views of her body that excited them. To some it was enough to simply watch her walk, others tightened the camera to track her ass or her breasts as they moved in beautiful symmetry. Some of the more crude simply switched the cameras into x-ray mode and were already admiring the green-overlaid view of her underwear. They all had one thing in common however other than Tammy Squires and the Guild, they gained more sexual satisfaction from utterly manipulating her than they ever could gain from the women in their own lives.

Once downstairs Tammy lived up to Bastion's prediction. She went over to the telephone and began to read the numbers for local fast-food outlets. She eventually ordered some Chinese and settled down in front of the television whilst she waited for it to arrive.

Bastion watched her through the television set and thrilled at the power he had over this woman. The Guild members were his prime concern, of course, but they only got the second-hand thrill of being interactive voyeurs. Bastion knew he could make this woman rich or poor, famous or infamous, a queen of Hollywood or a $30 whore, sucking cocks to feed her addictions. He could have her raped, tortured or killed without any sanction or simply erase her name from every file in the world. All this he could do on a whim, yet here she was staring blindly at him without the slightest idea that he existed. It made Bastion feel like God himself.

When the Chinese food arrived Tammy set it out on plates in front of the television. She lay on the sumptuous carpet and ate carefully whilst unknown to her Bastion zoomed in tight, up her skirt. The main viewer filled with the slightest of glimpses of her black silken panties and the pleasures that awaited underneath.

"Bastion this is Goldfish. Nice touch my friend, that is a lovely shot."

"Thank you Goldfish. A good show is about good editing as well as having the best cast. Glad you like it."

Tammy ate her food and then cleared away what was left. She settled down to the television again as Bastion began to do some quick calculations. After a moment he made a general announcement.

"Ok gentlemen. The substances we placed in her food will take full effect in around 20 minutes. We've placed a large dose in there but had to make it a slow absorber for fear of too great a shock to her system. If anyone need to grab a break I suggest they do so now because Miss Squires is about to become more interesting."

Bastion could see some of the members indicating they were away. Bathroom breaks all round to be sure but he knew most of them would return, dicks in hand, to see if Tammy would perform for them. It was time to spice up the anticipation with a little more information on their latest sex toy.

"I'm sending through to each of you edited highlights of Miss Squires talking to her therapist. We replaced her existing one with one of our own around 2 years ago and covertly recorded everything. As you will see, our therapist was a woman and so was able to gain her trust completely. In the highlights you will get to see Tammy talking bluntly about her entire sexual history. Enjoy."

Bastion sat back and watched the highlights himself as Tammy sat on her sofa. Soon he could see from her movements that she was becoming very aroused and he wondered how long it would take her to seek release. Sure enough, some 22 minutes after she had finished her meal, Tammy began to stroke her thighs in an absent-minded manner. Bastion knew she would take things a lot further and silently alerted the Guild members to return for the show.

Tammy moved her fingers slowly up her thigh as she spread her legs apart. Her skirt was soon a mere bystander as she pushed it onto her hips, a silent witness which had joined the other more sentient ones as they waited for their first glimpse of her pussy. Bastion remembered from her therapy records that Tammy was inherently shy when it came to her sexuality, preferring to dress conservatively and proud that only a few special men had ever seen her naked. It thrilled him to know, as he watched her push her panties to one side, that she had now become unwittingly corrupted. She was now a porn-star with literally hundreds of men violating her with their eyes.

Bastion was an entertainer by profession, a games-player by choice and a sadist by nature. In creating his show for the Guild he had brought all three elements together into diabolic symmetry, granting power not only over his victims but also the hundred of men he so ably served. He knew that they were there, captains of industry, politicians, law-enforcement and the like and that they were now all slowly masturbating. Bastion did not know their names or faces but he knew he had them by the balls. He could not possibly know however, as he sat there and worked his console, that they were sowing the seed of his destruction.

Tammy had begun to stimulate herself using soft, circular motions as she lay down on the sofa. Her eyes were closed and she was lost in a delightful fantasy about the man she had sat next too on the plane. Her mind allowed her to be the sort of woman that she often wondered about, wanton and unashamedly dirty, whilst she was able to continue to feel pure inside when it was all over. In her fantasy she had taken the man's hand, ignoring the fact that his wife was asleep on the other side of him, and had placed it on her crotch. As he turned in startled arousal, Tammy quickly rested her thumb on his belt whilst the rest of her hand went to work stimulating him.

Bastion began to feed statistical data onto the screens of the Guild members although he knew few would read it until later. He recorded the average number of circular movements that Tammy made with her fingers in ten seconds and cross-referred it with the other women that had featured on the programme. He created and edited series of mini-windows, showing each and every woman as they had been recorded masturbating, and placed them in ranking order from the fastest to the slowest. Bastion also updated a running commentary on each woman's personal technique to include Tammy. He rated her highly when compared to most of his other victims.

Back in her fantasy, Tammy was mixing in as much of what had actually happened as possible in order to make it feel more real. She had talked to the man and discovered he had two teenage children but his wife had been cold towards her, perhaps taking offence at how her husband had looked Tammy over. Tammy had thought then that it must have been a long time since his dick had been loved, judging from his partner, and she had felt sorry for him because he was such a handsome and charming person. Tammy's mind now allowed her to use the scarcely populated aircraft in a way her heart could never have done in reality.

As Tammy played with herself on the sofa she imagined her hand massaging his crotch, feeling his excitement as his erection slowly began to build and strain through his trousers. She granted it freedom by unzipping his trouser and unbuttoning his boxer shorts. Tammy gasped as his cock burst forth, begging for liberation from it's marital loneliness whilst it's owner shot a worried look at his wife. Tammy could see the excitement in his face whilst the danger also scared him to the core. She thought it best to check how far he wanted to go with this so she whispered softly into his ear.

"Does your wife suck you well?"

The mere mention of the act registered an anticipatory thrill on his face. He turned her head and whispered back.

"No, she refuses to suck me at all. She says it's something that only hookers do and she's got more self-respect."

The response figured to Tammy. She thought that his wife had looked like the kind of selfish woman who would demand oral stimulation yet refuse to grant it in return. Her feelings of compassion for him were almost as strong as her newly found desire to get revenge on that selfish bitch for what she denied her husband.

"I'm no hooker and neither is any woman who wants to please their partner. I am going to give you what she denies you but you have to do something for me in return. Firstly, though, is she a light sleeper? I do not want to endanger you too much."

He pointed to his wife's drinks tray to show Tammy the empty gin and tonic glass.

"She's not only had two of those but also a mild sedative. She hates flying. She should be out like a light for around an hour yet."

Tammy whispered to him again.

"Ok, well in that case we can have some fun but you must do everything I say without question. I want to please you but I also do not like the way your wife spoke to me or treats you. I think a little harmless revenge is in order. Whilst I go down on you I want you to lift her skirt and push her panties to one side. Show me your wife's pussy."

Before he could argue she took his cock into her mouth and began to suckle, feeling his body relax into the sensations with greed born from starvation. She watched as he softly exposed his wife for her, showing Tammy the barren prize that she knew was used mainly to control and not to please.

Tammy continued her motions on the sofa as she imagined the feel and taste of his penis in her mouth, enjoying at least one part of her life that even the Guild could not penetrate whilst every other part of her life was currently thrilling them. Bastion received several requests for alternate camera views on her, indicating a strong and active interest by his masters, and he smiled as he gladly facilitated their lust.

Back in Tammy's fantasy she was imagining the husband's soft moans as she sucked and licked on the head of his cock. His lack of self-control began to concern her as she did not want him to climax in her mouth, for no other reason than she had better things planned for him, so she stopped suddenly and began instead to stroke his shaft with one delicate finger. Tammy leant into him again and whispered.

"I am not denying you release, honey, quite the opposite in fact. She's given you grief about other women ever since you were married hasn't she?"

He nodded his answer.

"I bet you have never strayed once have you? Well if she's going to treat you like you that anyway, I think it's right you do the crime as well as the time. There is no-one back of us to see, so I am going to swap seats with and you move the armrest back. I am going to go into doggie-style and I want you to make love to me whilst looking at her. Compare my tender pussy to her dried-up cunt, my firm breasts to her sagging chest and my giving nature to her closed heart. Keep thinking 'fuck you' whilst you fuck me, ok?" He hesitated for a second before silently standing up. In barely a minute he was behind her, admiring her naked ass as Tammy smelt his wife's perfume.

Bastion saw Tammy stop in mid-circle and it threw him for a moment. She was clearly enjoying herself too much to deny herself an orgasm so what was she doing? A thought entered his head and he was almost too pleased with himself as he guessed. She had clearly been fantasising about intercourse and she needed her dildo to heighten the sensation. That would give him a chance to try something new and he made an announcement to the Guild members.

"Gentlemen, if I am right, Miss Squires is about to go to her luggage to retrieve her dildo. She will use the one our therapist recommended and that opens up something new for us tonight. Tammy bought the dildo on-line from one of our suppliers and we were able to switch it with an exact duplicate that has certain, shall we say, special extras."


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