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The Gilded Cage Ch. 02

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The Schizoid Man.
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Part 2 of the 6 part series

Updated 05/12/2022
Created 01/24/2005
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They entered a very impressive office complex that spanned the entire 15th floor. Everyone deferred to John as he walked by and it was clear he was in complete control of those who worked for him. Tammy noted that most tried to avoid eye contact as he walked to his office.

Once inside the office the noise outside vanished. Such was the soundproofing that Tammy thought she could be inside a library vault. Whilst there was a panoramic view from the window she noted that no one could see into John's office from outside. Clearly he valued his privacy.

Bastion made a comment for the daily digest.

"John Green will begin innocently enough but he will become blatant by the end of the day. We hope that she will play along in order to safeguard her position, allowing Guild members to vote on how they wish Mr. Green to humiliate her. Mr Green can get instructions from me via a carrier signal beamed into his inner ear. We of course have total coverage for that across the entire floor."

John sat down and asked Tammy to dictate a letter. Once complete, he looked over to her with the smile of the serpent.

"One small thing Tammy, and it's probably a failure of communication on our part, is dress code. You have come dressed to be a PA to an important man which, in itself, is fine. I, however, prefer a more informal dress code. I am away from my wife for many days sometimes and I enjoy the presence of a beautiful woman such as yourself, especially if she is dressed in a manner more befitting my tastes. Is that ok?"

Tammy was taken aback but keen to please on her first day.

"Sure, John, whatever pleases you."

"Good to hear. We will take care of that later, in the interim I could do with a coffee please."

Bastion watched her prepare the coffee as he talked to Green.

"Ok John, take it slow for another hour or so. Keep it light and boring then hit her with the first stage at about 11."

John silently nodded to show he had understood as Tammy came towards him with his drink. For the next whilst Bastion saw John make Tammy relaxed. He told her of her fine future with the company, hinted at a substantial bonus at the end of the month and generally motivated her to want to keep the job. Then he pounced.

"Ok Tammy, stop that letter for the moment. Your dress today is beginning to grate with me so what say we arrange for some new clothes to be delivered here, at my expense of course?"

It seemed like a fair request.

"Ok John, that's fine."

John reached into his draw and took out a tailor's tape measure.

"Ok Tammy, I am going to need to measure you in order to make sure everything fits perfectly. Come here please."

She reluctantly went over to his chair. Hoping to deflect him she said, "I know my measurements, John, there really is no need to bother yourself."

John's smiled became more fixed as his tone became more clipped.

"It's no bother Tammy because I need measurements you may well not know off hand. Come over her and face me please."

Tammy stood in front of John as he got out of his chair.

"First things, first, your waist measurement. Turn around please and remove your jacket."

Tammy turned and removed her jacket. She could feel John's breath on the back of her shirt as he took the measurement, using it as an excuse to hold her as he did so. He held her so tight that, to her horror, she could feel his erection dig into her buttocks despite all the layers of clothing between. She froze, scared and unsure of what to do but feeling like a tiny girl inside.

When John released the hold she thought it was over but he replaced it with his hands, feeling all round her waist like a pawing bear.

"I find I am a good judge of a lady's size Tammy. I like to verify the tape-measure with my own personal intuition. Hold still whilst I check you."

Green continued to feel her waist for a good minute until he appeared to be satisfied. He leaned forward and whispered in her ear in a manner that terrified her.

"Now for your chest measurement. Arms up please."

Tammy placed her arms up as John took the measurement. Then, as before, he placed his hands on her. This time he settled with one hand cupping each breast through her shirt and bra.

"I am a little uncertain as to your chest measurement, Tammy. I am afraid I shall have to ask you to strip to the waist in order for me to verify it."

Tammy tried to fight back in a way that did not seem like she was arguing with the boss. "But that would expose me, John, and I am sure you would not want me to do that now would you? We can guess it, surely?"

John stepped back and Tammy instinctively turned to face him. He looked angry as he spoke. "Look Tammy, we all have to sacrifice a little if we want to get ahead in this game. I have no desire to see you exposed but I simply have to have a PA who is in tune with my sense of dress. I have a lot of power and am capable of rewarding dependable people handsomely, making them for life. I also have the power to punish undependable people so that they never work again, except maybe frying burgers. Don't make me think you are undependable so soon Tammy, just co-operate and we can get this over with. Please."

The threat was clear and Tammy suddenly felt very vulnerable. If she lost not only this position but also the chance at another, her life would collapse under her debts. She needed time to think about how to counter all this but at the moment she needed to play along.

"I am sorry John. Forgive me."

Tammy turned her back on John again and then stripped to the waist. Her attempts to maintain any modesty were shattered, however, when John came over behind her again and cupped her naked breasts in his hands. All he needed to say was expressed by the slow, deliberate way he molested her.

"Ok Tammy, now for your buttocks. Turn and face me please."

Trying again to save some dignity, Tammy asked "Do you want me to put my shirt and bra back on first?"

John's tone returned. "No, we do not have time for all that. Just turn please."

As Tammy turned, John kneeled to ensure his eyes were at the same level as her breasts. He did not even bother with the pretext of the measuring tape this time before he placed his hands on her buttocks. John feigned concern.

"You work out which is good but this skirt is getting in the way of a proper measurement. Take it off please, facing me all the time."

Tammy felt cold inside as she removed her skirt for him. She could see John's eyes move from her breasts down to her pussy, which was barely concealed under black satin panties. John placed his hands on her thinly clothed buttocks and felt their firmness with delight, becoming more breathless as he slowly lowered himself a little before pulling Tammy towards him. He was rewarded with a full-face and up-close view of her pussy, silhouetted by the dark satin.

Tammy was terrified about where this was going to lead but she hoped, against hope, that simply seeing her naked would be enough for him at the moment. She had no doubt at all that he would ask her to remove the last of her clothing shortly.

John threw her with his next question.

"Do you shave your pussy Tammy? I ask simply because I prefer to see a clean-shaven pussy and, given that we will be away on business a lot, I expect I will see yours accidentally from time to time."

The brazen nature of the enquiry, let alone the inference for the future, shocked Tammy even though she was already reeling from the current situation. She knew he was about to see anyway so lying was pointless.

"Yes, I do"

"Show me. Remove your panties please."

There, it was said. Tammy was beginning to recover herself slowly and her impatience at wanting to get this over caused her to snatch her panties down in a sharp motion. John did not seem to care at all for he was lost in his desire for her.

"You know, Tammy, some women shave well and some don't. It's often a fine line between the two but to a man used to the best things, like me, it's important. The only way to know for sure is by touch. I don't mean fingers either, for they are not sensitive enough, I mean the face. It's important to me that my PA shaves her pussy well."

Before Tammy could comment John gave her an order. It was an order, not a veiled-order like before, but a quietly aggressive demand.

"Sit in my chair and open your legs to me."

As Tammy sat in the chair, her legs open, she feared rape. She was reassured to see, however, that he approached her fully clothed. He knelt down before her and began to silently give her head. Despite her fear, Tammy had to admit that after a minute or so she was beginning to enjoy it. Here was the CEO to a major oil company, a very powerful man, on his knees attempting to pleasure her. She scolded herself but nonetheless could not help enjoying the situation, whilst still hating the circumstances that had created it. John was very talented and within 4 minutes Tammy came with a yelp. John stood over her.

"You see Tammy? I can be very generous to my PA's if they prove to be reliable. I think you are going to work out just fine and your pussy has passed inspection. There is only one more measurement to take before we are done and you can get dressed again."

The words sent another cold shiver through Tammy that overpowered the warmth of her afterglow.

"Stand up and let me sit there please."

Tammy stood and allowed John to sit down, still wondering what else he wanted before he would leave her alone.

"I need new underwear as these boxers of mine are too tight. I fine it hard to judge you see, never having measured my penis when it is erect. We can order some new ones for me when we order your clothes, Tammy, but I need you to measure my penis first. You will not need the tape-measure."

John stripped and exposed his erection to Tammy. She figured he wanted her to "measure" it with her hands and so she knelt and began to stroke him gently. John closed his eyes for a second to enjoy the sensation before speaking again.

"That's good Tammy but I've found that ladies measure a penis best with their mouths. Isn't that the way you usually do it Tammy, measure up a boyfriend I mean, before you let him fuck you? It's with your mouth. Measure mine like you measure theirs, with your mouth and tongue, and start slowly but then build. Take measurements until I say to stop."

As Tammy began to blow John in his chair he decided to make a call. It soon became clear that he had called his wife and he chatted to her whilst watching. Tammy felt sick to be made to be a part of it. A part of her remembered her fantasy from last night and she felt ashamed to have ever found it erotic.

Eventually John came and allowed her to get dressed again before sending her to lunch. She cried in the elevator as she descended to the car park, intent on driving to a nearby park to think about what she should do. Bastion watched her with satisfaction because he thought that the weeping was a positive sign. He continued with his commentary for the digest.

"Miss Squires is no doubt off somewhere quiet to think about things. The tears seem to indicate she is not about to rebel, though time will tell."

Bastion was so intent on his commentary that he failed to notice the man as he approached Tammy. The first he knew was when this well-dressed individual greeted her from off-camera, forcing the mobile unit to pan in order to show who owned the distinctly British-accented voice.

"Hello sweetheart, thought I'd surprise you as I caught an earlier flight than I expected!"

As the man spoke he rushed over and embraced Tammy with real warmth and affection, turning her startled form ever so slightly so that her body blocked his hands from the mobile unit's camera. Only Tammy could see that he had drawn a pistol from his pocket and that the pistol was pointing at her stomach. As she froze in terror the embrace almost became comical but this individual was clearly practised at making the unusual look normal. He hissed into her ear.

"Miss Squires, there is no time to explain and this is not the place. I assure you that I am here to help you but I also assure you that unless you come with me, right now, I will kill you where you stand."

He took Tammy's arm in a casual manner that belied the steel grip it endowed before half marching her to a waiting car. He opened the passenger door and bundled her into it, all the while maintaining a breezy monologue about how busy the flight had been, before hurrying around to the driver's side. Getting into his car and starting it with almost one motion, they were so practised, and by the time Bastion could regain his senses the car was already racing from the parking area.

As the car began to speed away Bastion acted with the cool detachment of the professional hitman, evaluating the unexpected whilst at the same time calculating a way in which it could be channelled to suit his plan. He opened private channels to the forces he had at his disposal.

"Mobile One, stay with them but keep your distance. We can use conventional CCTV to keep track if the need arises. Mobile Two stay loose around One and cease filming. Your mission is to pick them up when they stop in case they have somehow identified Mobile One as following them."

Bastion as interrupted by a signal

"Bastion, this is Aegis. I am watching the show and wondered if you needed any assistance?"

Aegis was more than just another Guild member to Bastion, although they both occupied the same seniority, he was the nearest thing he had to a friend. Even though they knew nothing about each other outside of their professional contacts they trusted one another implicitly. It made the request a sincere gesture, as opposed to the breach protocol that one watcher stepping on the territory of another it would otherwise have been. Bastion could not help smiling despite himself

"I did not know you were a fan of the show my old friend. No thanks, I am sure it's nothing and we have it covered. Stick around and see how it works out."

Aegis laughed

"It should certainly liven up the daily digest if nothing else. I'll leave my offer on the table and then, of course, defer to your own expert handling of situations like this. Have fun Bastion."

Inside the car Tammy had regained her composure a little but it was clear that she had no way out of this, not least because of the speed at which the man was driving. She thought it best to try to strike up a rapport with him in the hopes she might live long enough to seize her chance.

"I don't suppose you have a name do you?"

It was an aggressive question to fire at a stranger who had just kidnapped her but it was the best she could do without thinking. He kept his gaze on the road as he replied, "What name do you most like, Miss Squires?"

It was not the response she had anticipated but it was said with politeness and not a hint of malice or aggression. Tammy shrugged

"There was a boy at school once called Connor. That always seemed a nice name."

"Then you are in luck Miss Squires for my name is Connor."

She caught the half-smile on his face and decided not to argue. The one thing this man seemed, apart from an expert driver, was friendly. She took it that he simply did not want to share anything he did not have to.

"If it's not too obvious a question Connor, why have you kidnapped me at gunpoint?"

Connor laughed in the restrained manner indicative of his nationality.

"Not obvious, straight and to the point. I am afraid Tammy, if I may call you that, it was the only way to give us a little space from those who were truly holding you captive. You have from now until the time it takes for me to drive you home to make the most important decision of your life, namely do you trust me? If the answer is no then I will let you go and you shall never see me again however, after you have seen what I have to show you, I hope you will say yes and in so doing liberate yourself from an early grave."

Tammy did not know what to say and so she said nothing in reply, just stared at the road ahead. Connor opened a compartment in the car dashboard.

"Inside there you will see a mini-computer that is much smaller than the commercial laptop you could buy down the mall but, I assure you, just as functional. I have pre-set it to receive a certain Internet signal and I just need you to retrieve the unit and activate it. The console is self-explanatory and I want you to assimilate as much of the data as you can in the next 10 minutes. Say nothing, just watch and learn. Then give me your comments."

Tammy retrieved and activated the computer. The initial shock of seeing the live feed from the Guild's programme, the rear of the car she was in as it ducked and weaved, was as nothing compared to the ice that gripped her soul soon afterwards. She read her own therapy notes, saw her life laid bare in the most intimate details and saw highlights from the previous night's show which included how she had helped to masturbate hundreds of men. She read about the job offer, heard the decision to make John Green sexually harass her and saw the numerous camera angles on her humiliation from this morning. She had been given everything she ever could have needed but her mind was reeling too badly to think straight

"Who are you Connor?"

"The most important first step for you Tammy is to know who they are, who the bastards behind that programme are and what they want from you. Have you ever heard of the Illuminati?"

"Yes, some secret society thing that's meant to control the world isn't it?"

"They go by a lot of names and have a lot of agendas but, fundamentally, you're correct. Everyone thinks of them as group which is plotting to take over the world but that is old-hat, for they already have taken over, give or take the odd influential individual. Their main function now is to prevent anyone from realising it, stirring up the masses and challenging their grip with a popular uprising. They are men, by and large, and therefore they also use that power for sexual dominance and recreation, of which that show is the centre-point. You are, I fear Miss Squires, the star in an all-too real reality show from which you are unlikely to escape without my help."

"Why can't I just go to the cops or jump on the next plane out of here?"

Connor talked with the patience of one addressing a small child.

"Tammy, they are more than just the police and there is nowhere, absolutely nowhere that your plane could take you that they would not find you. If you are seen to run they will know you know about them and they will kill you. Nothing is more important to them than maintaining secrecy and if a breach is ordered by a watcher, every resource on the planet is available to that watcher to close down the leak."

Tammy looked puzzled

"A watcher?"

"The Guild has very few full members but quite a few partial members. In between those levels are a select few whose mission is primarily to protect the interests of the Guild. They are distinct to other Guild members because they are given names associated with defence, with the highest watcher being the only one to also be a full Guild member. He is simply called C, in deference, but I can tell you that the one we need to worry about most is called Bastion. He fancies himself as a master-entertainer and has gained special dispensation from the Guild in exchange for providing shows like the one you are part of. If we are to ever liberate you then we must close down Bastion once and for all."

The car was rapidly approaching Tammy's house.

"Why are you helping me Connor?"

For the first time in their brief acquaintance, Tammy thought she saw a look of genuine vulnerability flash on Connor's face.

"I've never been a fan of the Guild and have locked horns with them before however I recently lost someone close to me. She died in circumstances that were innocent to the police but that smelled like a Guild occurrence to me, so I began to dig. I found and killed a Guild member in the hope that his computer might give me clues. It did more than that, it showed me how they had put her through this so-called show before becoming tired of her after four days. I assumed the identity of the Guild member, for the show at least, and I have been getting live-feeds ever since. When I saw they had a new victim I decided to act, in her memory and in the name of common decency."


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