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The Girl Across The Street Ch. 04

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New jobs and nude performances.
7.4k words

Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/22/2020
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This story is a continuation of the "The Girl Across the Street" series. I urge you to read the first, second, and third chapters before reading this. This chapter will make more sense if you do.

This story is a work of fiction. Some real institutions are mentioned, but they are used fictitiously. Insofar as the author knows, no real person affiliated with any of those institutions has ever behaved as described in this story. Any similarities between any character in this story and any real person are coincidental and unintended. I encourage comments on this story, both favorable and unfavorable. Thank you for reading.


Priscilla and Emile d'Ubo were generally considered the wealthiest couple in our region. Priscilla's ancestors had become the first millionaires in our town before the Civil War. Priscilla Whytmer was a very wealthy woman at birth and had multiplied that wealth many times during her career. Emile d'Ubo had come to the University from France to get his doctorate in chemical engineering. His brilliance was such that he joined the faculty immediately upon receiving his degree. Over the years, Emile invented things that became extremely valuable in various industries. While he shared the profit from those inventions with the University, Emile became a wealthy man in his own right. Emile and Priscilla had met and married over forty years ago.

The d'Ubos were in their seventies and semi-retired. While the d'Ubo name might not mean much in New York or San Francisco, they were well known here as the city's leading patrons of the arts and major benefactors of the University. Priscilla and Emile also donated generously to centrist candidates from both political parties. They were as well-connected in our city, region, and state as anyone could be. Childless, Priscilla and Emile devoted their massive wealth both to doing good and having fun.

It was not known quite as widely that Priscilla and Emile were voyeurs. Priscilla and Emile had a large estate about ten miles north and east of where we lived. It was rumored that the d'Ubos had select groups of local movers and shakers to their estate for weekends. There were two rules about sex on those weekends: (1) everything happens where everyone can see and (2) no one does anything with their spouse or regular partner. Priscilla and Emile never participated in any open sexual activity but were always there watching. Of course, those were only rumors.

When Danielle called Lucinda back, Lucinda said the d'Ubos wanted to hire someone to manage a new artistic initiative. One of Danielle's professors in the University's arts admin program had recommended her. It sounded interesting, and none of us could afford to blow off any possible job. Danielle went for her interview a few days later.

Trish and I were home when Danielle got back from her interview. "How did it go?" I asked.

"The d'Ubos have a fantastic estate," Danielle, responded, "the house is huge, there are horse barns and horses, a lake. They even have a staff to run the place."

"Ok, but how was the job interview?" Trish asked.

"There were some pretty explicit pictures on the walls in the part of the house I saw," Danielle said.

"The job interview?" I pressed.

Danielle paused, then sat down. "Well, Priscilla is the decisionmaker. She seemed to like me. She wants to meet the two of you before she makes a final decision."

"Us?" I said. "Why?"

"Priscilla said that, before she hires someone for a sensitive position, she wants to meet the important people in that person's life," Danielle replied.

"What 'sensitive position' does she want to hire you for?" I asked.

"Emile and Priscilla have created an entity they call d'Ubo Artistic Explorations, LLC," Danielle answered. "I'm being considered to be the director, the person who would run the entity with Priscilla and Emile as a governing board."

"Ok," Trish said, "we can take this one step at a time. What does d'Ubo Artistic Explorations do?"

"Well," Danielle said, "that is the issue. Priscilla and Emile have an extensive collection of erotic art. I saw a lot and Priscilla said she showed me less than half of their collection. They believe that, while visual erotic art is well-developed, there is a dearth of erotic performing art. d'UAE exists to produce erotic performing art. Priscilla and Emile think that the bad economy will make it easier to get trained dancers, singers, and actors to do erotic performances. They also see d'UAE as supporting artists who would not otherwise be working as artists in this economy."

"Where are they going to stage erotic performances around here without the cops charging in?" I asked.

"Priscilla and Emile built their own theater on their estate," Danielle replied. "Priscilla showed it to me. It seats about 100 and looks state-of-the-art. Priscilla and Emile plan to invite people to the performances. It will be on private property and not open to the public. They figure that keeps the authorities at bay. Practically speaking, no one around here is going to bust Priscilla and Emile d'Ubo for anything less than murder."

"What would they pay you?" I asked.

"A hundred and twenty-five thou a year with health insurance paid," Danielle answered.

"Ok," Trish said, "this sounds great. Why are you seem so leery about it?"

"Well," Danielle said, "if I take a job producing sex shows, will I ever be able to get a mainstream job? While she looks great, Priscilla is in her seventies and Emile is a couple years older. What happens when they're gone?"

"If Priscilla d'Ubo gives you a reference," I said, "I expect that opens a lot of doors. Would people have to know that you produced erotic shows or just that you worked for the d'Ubos and have their seal of approval?"

"Maybe," Danielle said.

"It could be fun," Trish interjected. "You're a trained dancer. Maybe you can perform in some of the shows."

"Damn Trish," Danielle said, "you're starting to read my mind. That possibility is one of the job's biggest attractions, along with the money." Danielle looked at me. "Will, what do you think?"

"I think we need to find out when the d'Ubos have time to meet with us," I said. "Trish and I are free all the time these days."

"I need to call Mom and Dad," Danielle said, "Priscilla wants to meet them too."

A couple days later, I rode with Danielle, Trish, Carol, and Bruce to the d'Ubo estate. Although not geographically far from Poplar Creek and Poplar Run, the d'Ubo estate was a different world. We turned off the road and followed a black-topped drive between two fences for about a mile up a small hill. At the end of the drive was a mansion that was several times the size of any house I'd been in before. A large, new building stood at the base of the hill to our left. "That's the theater," Danielle explained. "There's a tunnel which connects it to the main house."

We were met at the door by Priscilla's assistant, Lucinda, a raven-haired beauty whom I guessed to be about 40. Carrying a large file folder, she ushered us into Priscilla d'Ubo's presence and placed the folder on Priscilla's desk. I had never met Priscilla d'Ubo before. At age 70 plus, she was still a beautiful woman, and a commanding presence. She met us wearing a red robe with elaborate gold brocade.

As Priscilla opened the folder, she said, "we've done thorough background checks on all of you. Given the sensitivity of the position which we are considering Danielle for, I feel that I need to know what influences might be brought to bear upon her both directly and through those with whom she is close." The next three hours consisted of a probing discussion of the lives, experiences, and attitudes of Trish, Carol, Bruce, and me. The depth of information Priscilla had collected on us was scary. She knew the names of the girls I had dated in high school.

At one point, Priscilla pulled a photograph from her folder and held it up for us. It was a picture, shot from below with some sort of zoom lens, of Trish standing nude on a ten-meter diving platform. Trish looked fantastic in the picture, but she was shocked by it. "I thought cameras were never allowed into the nude swim meets!" she exclaimed.

"I'm am certain this is the only picture of you from those events," Priscilla replied. "Had there been any others, we would have found them. Please, feel free to keep that print."

Priscilla also probed deeply into the relationship between Danielle, Trish, and me. Her questions were intrusive, and some were probably illegal, but I don't think any of us even momentarily considered refusing to answer anything she asked. At the end of the session, we all knew a great deal more about each other than we had before it started. I'm not sure what conclusions the others drew about me, but my respect and admiration for Trish, Carol, and Bruce had been enhanced. Danielle was not, directly, probed during this session, but I had watched her face most of the time. She did not seem troubled by what she learned about her parents and her lovers.

When she was done questioning us, Priscilla d'Ubo sat silently for two or three minutes. I suspect that was meant for dramatic effect. "I am satisfied," Priscilla finally intoned. "Emil and I are agreed. Danielle, we offer you the position of managing director of d'Ubo Artistic Expressions on the terms we previously discussed. Do you accept?"

Danielle looked at me. I nodded my head. "Yes, I accept," Danielle replied.

"Excellent," Priscilla declared. "You will start your duties next Monday. It has been a pleasure to talk with all of you. Lucinda will show you out." With that, we were dismissed from Priscilla's presence.

Danielle getting the job was a help since Trish and I were not finding anything. Even traditional desperation jobs, like fast food joints, had vanished. I did follow the financial industry news closely in the hope of learning something that might suggest an opportunity. I did not find that, but I did learn in early October that Heartland Bank had been sold, not that it mattered to Trish or me anymore. I wondered whether Liz Rand kept her job.

Danielle had been working for the d'Ubos for about three weeks when she began getting stressed. "Priscilla wants to have a performance in November," Danielle explained to us. "She had lined up a choreographer from Germany, but the travel ban killed that. Priscilla found a woman who has some mainstream credits in New York who put together a very demanding and very sexy dance for a solo woman. I can't find anyone willing to dance it."

"You're a trained dancer," Trish said, "why don't you dance it?"

"Priscilla wants me to," Danielle replied. "The first part is just stripping. Once the dancer is nude, however, she's supposed to dance with a dildo in her before she finally lies on the stage floor on gets herself off."

"That sounds like fun," Trish said.

"I'm not sure I could dance with a dildo in my pussy," Danielle.

"What about the virus?" I asked.

"Priscilla has talked to experts and she thinks we're ok," Danielle replied. "She spent around a million bucks installing UV lights in the theater to disinfect it when no one is there. The HVAC is a closed system that disinfects the air. Priscilla intends to limit the first performance to about 25 or 30 guests so the audience can distance. The audience will have to wear masks and have their temperatures checked before entering the theater."

A couple of days later, Danielle came home from work and said, "well, I'm doing the dance. I can't find a dancer who's willing to dance with a dildo in her and orgasm for an audience. Priscilla wants to go ahead. She didn't actually order me to do it, but she made her desires pretty clear."

The performance was scheduled for the second Saturday in November. Danielle started working with the choreographer, a woman named Gretchen Smart, to learn the dance. Danielle was adamant that no one was going to watch her rehearse.

Dutifully masked, Trish and I sat two seats apart in the theater that Saturday night with about 25 other people. It seemed to be mainly an older audience. The clothing and accessories suggested it was also an affluent audience. Danielle had not told us that musicians had been hired for the event, but there were people playing electric guitar, electric organ, violin, drums, flute, and trumpet. After the house lights went down, the musicians played for several minutes before Danielle came onstage.

Danielle came onstage with pieces of blue material draped over and around her body. The material was loose enough to catch the breeze generated by her dancing, but not loose enough to be revealing. Danielle danced around the stage, presenting the image of a beautiful face above an everchanging blue shape.

About 15 minutes into the dance, Danielle began removing pieces of fabric and tossing them offstage. Over the next several minutes, she stripped to a piece of fabric tied around her chest and one tied around her waist like a skirt. The fabric was sheer enough that we could clearly see the outline of her body, but opaque enough to conceal the skin beneath the fabric. After a few minutes of tease, Danielle removed the top, allowing us to see her gorgeous breasts in motion as she danced. That was followed quickly by the skirt. Nude, Danielle did one quick spin before the stage went dark and the music stopped.

After, perhaps, 90 seconds of absolute darkness, a single light came on that was aimed straight down at a spot upstage center. Standing on the floor in that light was a large blue dildo. After another several seconds, Danielle walked, nude, out of the dark into the circle of light. With her ass to the audience, she bent over and picked up the dildo. Still in the circle of light, Danielle turned to face the audience. She stroked the dildo several times before she spread her legs a little, leaned forward, and began teasing herself. After a few seconds of that, she put the dildo into herself partway and began moving it. Her thrusts became deeper and she seemed aroused.

Suddenly, without warning, the drummer hit a cymbal and all the stage lights came on. The music started again, louder. Danielle thrust the dildo into herself as far as she could and began to dance nude around the stage. During the years I had known her and been her lover, this was the first time I had seen Danielle do a ballet-style dance in the nude. It was a sight of exquisite beauty and sexuality. I noticed the carefully choreographed way one of Danielle's hands frequently went between her legs to keep the dildo in place. There cannot have been a straight man in the house who did not get hard as Danielle danced. I certainly did.

Danielle danced with the dildo in her pussy longer than I would have expected. Knowing her, I could see that she was aroused, but nowhere close to the point of orgasm. Suddenly, the music stopped. There was another cymbal crash and Danielle melted onto the stage floor with her feet towards the audience and spread. The stage lights dimmed until there was only one light above Danielle. She began using the dildo on herself more vigorously. Through the sound system, we heard her breathing and the sound of the dildo in Danielle's wet vagina. I thought the sounds were simulated until I realized that the movements of Danielle's ribcage and hands corresponded to the breathing and other sounds we were hearing.

When Danielle began softly moaning, Trish said, "God I wish that was me!" An older, masked woman in the row behind us nodded her head in agreement. Watching my girlfriend masturbate with a dildo in front of a live audience was incredibly erotic for me. I only wished that I could be onstage making love to Danielle. Danielle's sounds when she came, amplified throughout the theater, were the most erotic sounds I've ever heard.

Danielle lay panting on the stage floor for a time after she came. The single spotlight stayed on her. Once she caught her breath, she reached between her legs and pulled out the dildo. At that point, all the stage lights came on and Danielle stood up. The audience began to applaud. Danielle took her bows, including one with her back to the audience. When she turned back around, she gestured for Trish and me to come onstage.

Trish and I walking onstage was the signal to the audience that the performance was over, which is what I think Danielle intended. When I got to Danielle, I hugged her nude body tightly. Trish joined the hug a moment later. "That was so hot," Danielle gasped. "I just wish you guys had been up here with me. If you'd been doing this with me and mom and dad had been in the audience, it would have been perfect!"

When Danielle came down a little, she said that Priscilla had originally intended to have a reception after the performance at which Danielle, nude, would meet her audience. "We couldn't figure out a way to do that with the virus," Danielle said with evident disappointment.

Priscilla was sufficiently pleased that she wanted to have a longer performance with more dancers in January. Making that happen was Danielle's job. After talking with Priscilla's epidemiologist contacts, Danielle determined that a full house, 106 people, was possible if everyone presented evidence of a negative virus test done within the week before the performance. That would also permit a post-performance reception.

Once again, Danielle's biggest challenge was finding dancers. Priscilla had already decided that part of the January show would be a repeat of Danielle's solo. Having done it once, Danielle was excited about doing it for a larger audience and put her parents on the invitation list. For the rest of the show, Gretchen had come up with a new dance for four dancers: a white couple and a black couple. "Four dancers!" Danielle complained. "I can only find one: me."

As we moved into the Holiday Season, Danielle's anxiety mounted. Priscilla had scheduled the show for the fourth Saturday in January, roughly a month away, and Danielle had no dancers. "Could you make do with people who aren't trained dancers?" Trish asked.

"What are you thinking?" Danielle asked in reply.

"Well," Trish said, "Will and I could be the white couple. I'm sure Alicia Woodruff would do it. Then, you'd only have to find a black guy to partner with Alicia."

"Let me talk to Gretchen," Danielle replied.

Gretchen was eager to prove that she could train non-dancers in less than a month. Alicia agreed, knowing she'd be asked to something sexual onstage but not knowing exactly what. None of us did. Using all her contacts, Danielle found a black man, D'Wayne Wills, who was a recent graduate of the University's music theater program. He, at least, had some dance training. Despite that, D'Wayne's last paying job had been filling potholes on a DOT crew the previous summer.

The four of us met with Gretchen for the first time between Christmas and New Year. She explained that she had conceived a one act dance that would take about 25 minutes. All four of us would be nude for the entire dance. It would start with Trish and me dancing together on one side of the stage while D'Wayne danced with Alicia on the other. Slowly, both couples would move to center stage. We would briefly exchange partners and return to our original partner a few times. Then, the couples would realign completely so that D'Wayne was partnered with Trish and Alicia with me. At that point, the dance would become very physical, starting with hands all over our partners' bodies and pelvises grinding together. The dance ended with the two interracial couples fucking on opposite sides of the stage.

Trish and I were excited by what Gretchen described. D'Wayne seemed perfectly happy with the prospect of dancing nude with two beautiful women and having sex with one. Alicia, I think, had some second thoughts, but she stayed with her commitment. I can't say whether the fact that Alicia and I had previously made love to each other was a factor or not.

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