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The Girl Ch. 01

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Things change, after his exam...
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All characters in the story are 20 and above.


I was completely prepared for my examination that day. I had been preparing for the course, putting in the 'hard work' that people keep telling you to. I reached the examination centre well in advance so that I could comfortably locate my seat and be stress-free. All of this would have helped me to clear my exams, if it had not been for that girl. The girl that changed my future...

I reached the exam hall at around 10 am. The exam was scheduled to start at 10:30 am.

"Good luck Rishab. Just write what you've prepared for and don't stress out" My neighbor waved me goodbye and drove away. I was getting late and so I had asked him to drop me off.

After waving at the car, which had now sped away, I walked into the centre. I was so confident that I would clear the papers this time. It was one hell of a task to get the papers cleared, especially this one.

I spotted a couple of my friends breaking their heads on a few problems; I considered walking away the best way to avoid them and so I did. I didn't need any last minute 'have you read that' OR 'did you go through this' crap. As I strolled past them, in a hurry to get away from them, I banged into her; the girl that changed everything. As a result of the bang, she had fallen down. I lent her my hand to help her get back up.

"Where the hell do you think you are going? Do you think that you can walk through me? ..." and so she went on; while I stood there, lost in the darkness of her cunning blue eyes.

"What are you looking at, pull me up already!"

"Yeah, sorry" I snapped out of it and pulled her up. I helped her with the books that had fallen down. Soon as this was over, she just walked away, not even bothering a 'thank you.'

I stood there for a while, feasting my eyes on her. I noticed that her hair was held together with a clip and her dark black hair fell a little below her shoulders. It swayed lightly from the force with which she walked away.

"What up dude? Is everything set for today?" A cheerful voice that came from behind me snapped me out of her charm.

I turned around to address the voice. "I don't know. I hope I clear it this time."

I had already failed twice.

I looked back to see her but she had gone. She was very beautiful. The kind of beauty you don't get to see every day.

"Let's go, we're getting late." Abhinav hurried me down the hallway into our examination room. For a moment I had forgotten about the exam. That was something which didn't happen to me before.

The girl had made me forget the exam in just a minute.

We got in and found our seats quick enough. I found my seat at the left end of the middle row. I took a quick look around.

The hall was big enough for someone to sneak in a cheat sheet and not get caught but unfortunately for me, the thought didn't occur to me earlier.

The examination began moments after we got settled. The question paper didn't seem that difficult to answer but the girl's image kept disturbing me. I could swear on everything dear to me that in the 24 years that I have lived, I haven't seen a girl like that. This may sound absurd but trust me.

Half an hour into the exam, I had completed one-third of the paper and decided to take a look around; to see how the others were doing. This was when I spotted the girl, sitting at the other end of the row in front of mine. Her seat was strategically placed next to the window. I couldn't help but stare; stare or admire or whatever you call it, I was doing that. She had taken off her clip and her hair fell loose; seemed to be longer than before. My eyes were now studying every little detail of her body. She wore glasses, the kind you normally see in 'teacher porn'. Her nose was a little sharp but didn't seem out of place. Her body was similar to that of an hour glass. She had nice curves.

I was interrupted by the hourly bell, which reminded me that I was running out of time. Also, the invigilator focused his attention to me. Getting back to the exam seemed the right thing at the time, while my mind went into the wild imagination state. It wasn't long before I heard her voice. She asked for extra sheets.

"She is writing the paper well and so should I" should have been my thought but instead, "wow! She has a sexy voice" was all that passed me. And so, I went back to explore her with my eyes. My focus went straight to her breasts; it caused some movement in my pants, if you know what I mean. Hers were a nice pair of 34C breasts; nice and round. Her perky nipples caught my attention when she sat straight and took a deep breath. (Now, I know about breast sizes as I did a management project on lingerie shops.)

A slow breeze that blew in through the window brought to me the smell of her perfume. It really turned me on. I hadn't had sex in months and I was on the brink of blowing my load. I went back to my exam to save myself the embarrassment. I spent the best part of the next hour writing the exam but all of that seemed Greek and Latin. I knew for sure that I won't clear my papers this time too. I don't exactly have a rational reason for why I liked her. I can recall girls who are way hotter and more beautiful, for that matter, than her but for some unknown reason; I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. It was like I was under a spell; and so, as it goes without saying, I turned back to her. This was when I noticed the most amazing thing.

She was staring at me too. Obviously she turned away soon after she saw me, but I knew she was looking.

Now, I don't want to boast myself, but I am one of the attractive guys. I'm not saying that I am a Greek God in looks but I have had a few girls come behind me. The fact that she was also taking a look made me a little more uncomfortable in my pants. I was semi-hard and was sure to become completely hard. I took a quick peek and caught her looking at me again.

Before we knew it, the final bell had rung and we had to hand over the papers. I was sure about the result but that was not my concern at the moment.

The area cleared out soon enough and finally I gathered up myself and asked her to wait for a while. She did so, and we walked out together. I learned that her name was Sonia and that she lived two blocks away from my home.

"This is convenient", I thought.

We exchanged numbers and parted ways.


That night, all I could think about was Sonia. How she looked, the way she spoke, the smell of her perfume, etc. She was all over my head. It was around 11:30 pm when my phone rang. I picked it up. It was Sonia. For a moment, I didn't know what to do. Why is she calling me now? Anyway, I didn't want to show myself as needy. So, I let it ring for a few seconds before I slid my finger across the screen to pick up the call.

"Hello?" I tried to sound casual.

"Hi. I'm Sonia, from the exam hall, remember?"

"How could I forget you, my sweetheart" I thought to myself.

"Yes. I do remember. How can I forget such a wonderful person?"

"Yeah, I wanted to know if we can meet up sometime?" she paused, probably blushing to herself. "What do you think?"

"Anything for you, you don't need to be shy, you're not sixteen anymore. Are you?" I spoke too soon before I processed it. I didn't like how I sounded.

"Ok. How about tomorrow at Hanna's Café? Around 7 pm? You're Ok with that?"

"Sure. I'll meet you there. Good night." I spoke again, without processing.

I heard the hung up sound and placed the phone next to my pillow on the bed and went back to dreaming about her. Just then it dawned to me.

She did all the things that I should have done.

"Man, she is way forward in her actions!" I thought to myself, regretting my delay in the matter.

I went to sleep. I needed to save my energy, just in case.


I woke up a bit late the next day. My exams were over and I thought I'd rest for a while. My day went normally, boring though, till about 6 pm.

"Rishab, you have a meeting with Sonia at 7 pm" Said a metallic girl voice. I had set a reminder in my phone. Toys these days...right?

So I got myself ready and left for Hanna's café. I chose to be casual and didn't go for any fancy dresses. I reached Hanna's around 7pm and I found her in a corner table, immersed in thoughts in the lightly crowded café. Again, her sexy eyes fascinated me. I went closer.

She wore an orange top that was cut low at the neck. Since she was not very tall and I was 6'2, I could see the cleavage. Her fast breathing enhanced her breasts from a viewer's point.

I took a seat opposite to hers and waited for her to notice me. While I was at it, I feasted my eyes on her.

"Hey, sorry, I didn't see you coming." She noticed me finally.

"It's not an issue. I saw that you were lost in thoughts, and frankly I didn't want to interrupt." I told her, trying not to sound very angry, for interrupting my visual feast.

"I am not in love with you, or very fascinated by your looks" she said to my face.

"That's rude!" I laughed it away.

"Now you may wonder why I asked to meet you, gave my number to you, stared at you, etc." She went on, "you see, I'm fed up with boys coming around me all the time and it's not comfortable to see a boy at your driveway frequently." She paused to check on me.

"I'm listening" was all I could say.

"Yeah, moreover, I've just gone through a breakup and don't want to get back to having boys eyeing me frequently. I just wanted to clear this with you, and I think I have." She finished it, finally.

I think you people can relate the situation. You go thinking that maybe you get lucky but this girl here wants you out of her system? I got so frustrated that I even thought of raping her. I wanted to fuck her brains out.

"Yeah, sure, just go fuck yourself" was what I wanted to say, but

"Sure. I understand your situation, but you won't have such a problem from me. We could just hang out" was what I ended up saying.

"No. I don't think you understand?" She tried to convince me.

"No. You're the one that doesn't understand" I tried my best to sound serious, "just think about it. Why did you call me when there were many more people in the room who were also involved in checking you out?"

She got speechless.

"You see, deep down you liked me but you fear the fact that I may end up in your doorstep like the other boys that you mentioned. Isn't it right?"

Again she couldn't react.

My idea was working. I didn't study management for nothing.

"But" was all she could say before I interrupted.

"Let me suggest something. We'll go out a couple of times, you see how it goes and we'll see how it goes. You'll be able to make a better decision then. What d'ya say?"

"It's not a bad idea..." she thought for a while "fine. Let's try it out."

"Excellent." Saying this, I called the waiter and ordered for a couple of cappuccinos.

"Let's Celebrate." I added.

"I see your problem got solved before I came" said a lady voice that appeared weakened due to the distance. I turned around and saw an angel, a sex bomb.

"Yeah, he's not the kind I thought he would be." Sonia explained.

The lady took a seat next to Sonia's.

"I'm Jasmine" she introduced herself, "Sonia's sister.

"Rishab" I said, trying to avoid eye contact.

Again, she too had that mesmerizing blue eyes. Maybe it runs in the family, but it was not the alone that allured me. She had one of the best lips. It was a perfectly wave-shaped one which was enhanced by her adorable pink lipstick. I just felt like pushing everything aside and kissing her forever. She was apparently fairer than Sonia.

Just then the waiter brought our cappuccinos. God bless him, or else I would have embarrassed myself in front of Sonia for eyeing her sister.

"Get us one more please." I asked the waiter.

"So Rishab, what do you do?" Jasmine questioned me, casually.

"Nothing much, I have completed my MBA and have appeared for an advanced management course. Hopefully I'll get through this one too." I answered.

"So, I guess you met Sonia there, in the exam center?"

"Yeah, kind of" I drifted away.

"We all should hang out sometime" Sonia changed the topic.

"Hey, I have a party organized this weekend. Why don't you join us, Rishab?" Jasmine sounded more than enthusiastic when she said this.

"Yes, that's a great idea. That way we can get to know each other better." Sonia supported it.

"Sure. Why not? Anyway I'm free till my results are out. I'll come." I agreed. What else do I say when two amazingly hot ladies invite to you a party? I was sure to get lucky this weekend. Just how much lucky was the question.

We finished our cappuccinos and had a small chat before we left. I made sure to get the details of the party before I left.


Saturday came soon enough and it was evening in no time. I guess time doesn't always move slowly when you're waiting. I spent enough time to choose what I wore for the party. I chose it carefully.

I was welcomed by Jasmine and a friend of hers. Both of them wore similar dresses, a silver one piece, held in place by a knot behind the neck, that fell to a couple of inches above their knees. It was backless; I could see the best of the upper half of their soft, tender backs.

I went in and soon found a nice spot to sit down. It was one of the noisiest parties I've ever been too. Actually, I wasn't the partying type. In fact, this was, maybe the fourth party that I attended. I grabbed a glass of beer and then another and so on. I had downed a few cups in no time. A couple of hours passed and no one seemed to notice me; I noticed a few girls though. Then I thought of leaving.

Just then I saw Sonia and another guy going upstairs. I got curious and thought I'd take a look. Anyway I was sitting here for no reason. I would have gone up halfway when Jasmine dragged me into a room on the way. The door to the room was halfway up the staircase.

"You so beautiful... no handsome. Why go to Sonia? You can use me." she blabbered; she was totally drunk.

"I'm sorry! You're drunk, and I don't want to take advantage of your drunkenness." I told her.

"What you say, drunnk...drrunkun...That's a funny word... (Hiccups...) You a funny man" she seemed to have totally lost her conscience.

I could use her now but I didn't like taking advantage of someone who was totally drunk. I was in a dilemma.

She pushed me against the wall with her hands placed in my chest, her loose hair on her face. Apparently, she didn't push me. She had lost her balance. She was totally out of control; she was very high. I took her and laid her in the bed, placed pillows comfortably to her head.

" wanna start with the missionary position. Let me open my legs... come on." She invited me.

I got a glimpse of her black panties. I shook off the idea and took a sheet to tuck her in. That's when I noticed.

She had no bra, and her breasts smelled like vodka and strawberry.

Just as I tucked her in, she pushed the sheet aside and pulled me towards her. I pulled away and gave her a slap. She started crying. I thought it was best that I walked away and so I did. When I approached the door, I saw a bottle of vodka, half-empty, on a side table. I paused and took a look at her. She was steaming hot.

"Ehh... what the hell" I thought, "there's a girl in front of you, drunk, in bed, who is willing to let you take her and you are still jackass!"

I closed the door and locked it from inside.

I took my shirt off and threw it on the floor. My belt and shoes followed.

She saw this and got excited. "Yeah, come on man, come and fuck me."

"You just keep quiet and let me do the work. You want me to take you, I'll take you but I want you to cooperate. You get me? I want you to do exactly what I tell you to do." I instructed.

"Just don't tell me to do anything difficult" she requested.

"This is going to be fun" I thought.

I lay down on top of her with my legs on either side. I used my hands to support my weight; I put them on either side of her. My position was like a sphinx. I pressed my lips onto hers and kissed her. She kissed back. She used her hands to pull my face closer.

"I told you to do only what I say, you bitch! You want me to fuck you or not?" I shouted, in a low tone.

"Sorry...sorry, please don't leave. I'll do what you ask." She accepted.

"Take of dirty hands of my head" I commanded. She obeyed. I was sure she must have taken some drugs. Otherwise she would have come back to her conscience by now. Whatever it is, as long as I'm satisfied, nothing else mattered.

I kissed her again. I bit her lower lip. She moaned. I bit it harder. She moaned a little louder. I kissed my way through her neck to her chest. I nibbled on her collar bones and alternated it with her ears. I kept this up for a few minutes before moving down. I put my hands behind her neck and untied the knot which held her dress in place; and peeled it till all of her beautiful breasts were uncovered. She had big dark areolas and her nipples were erect. The nipples were as big as my little finger. (I said big, not long). It smelled like strawberries. I started licking the nipples slowly which later changed to sucking. I kissed the nipples and took them slowly in my mouth, till about a fourth of her breasts entered my mouth. I sucked the whole thing and then slowly pulled out. I did the same with her other breast and kept this up for some time. She started making mmmms and aaahs. This turned me on even more and I could feel my throbbing dick ready to go in my pants. I enjoyed her big breasts; I could easily hold them in my hands. (I had big hands). I held each one in a hand and started massaging them with my hands; I added a squeeze now and then. She was not very conscious to react but I could hear her moan lightly. I kept this up for sometime before I moved lower, to her pussy. I got out of the bed and told her to get up. She was too weak to get up. I got angry and gave her a tight slap on her face. She gave out a loud cry before she got up.

"Take off your dress, just leave your panties on." I ordered.

She obeyed, quietly.

Man, someone had given her a heavy dose of drugs. All those slaps didn't get her conscience back.

I got on the bed and took a good look at her. Her brown hair fell down on either side of her shoulders and ended just above her juicy breasts. She had a little fat on her stomach. Her black lacy thongs were just a few centimeters below her belly button and I could see the outlines of her pussy lips through them. She had a pear-shaped body.

Once I had filled my head with her image, I spread my legs a little.

"Now give me a good head." I commanded. I loved giving these orders and commands.

She had little choice. She came to me and sat on one side. She unzipped my pants and pulled them down halfway. I helped her in this. The same happened to my boxers. My dick sprang up. It was all hard and ready to go. She bent down and adjusted her hair before taking it to her mouth. She kissed the head before sliding her mouth down my dick, slowly; taking it in, inch by inch, till my dick hit her throat. She was about to pull off but I held her head by her hair and made her take the full thing in. I held her head firmly and made her take it in and out a few times before I loosened the grip and she bobbed her head up and down, taking me in and out of her now slimy orifice. It felt so good. I had a good control over my dick and can hold it till my partner came; but she was giving a good head and getting it from her with some force made it so erotic and I couldn't hold it for long. Once I figured it out, I put my hands on her head to pull her up. I held her head for a moment so that I could cool myself down and not come.


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