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The Girl in Red Panties

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Red panties trigger a change in my life.
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I reached the wise old age of 22 before realizing that I hated my life. I was living the life I had planned. But it was very boring, very few risks, and very few rewards.

Dating Josh was going to change all that. I just knew it.

Josh was a bit older. He was good looking and had a good job. He was confident, funny, smart, and worldly. He knew how to have fun and enjoy life. I was sure that Josh was what I wanted.

We met through some common friends. All of us were out one Friday night clubbing and having a good time. A week earlier I had dumped my previous boyfriend and I was on the prowl. I knew I had a sexy body, a pretty face, fabulous eyes, and a dazzling smile. I could catch any man's attention, and keep it. That night I set my sights on Josh.

Josh and I chatted a bit. He bought me a drink and asked me to dance. My moves on the dance floor appeared to impress him. I could see the expression on his face and the lust in his eyes. He wanted me. I sensed he wanted to take me home. But, alias, he had driven to the club with friends, as I had also done, and neither of us could go off and leave our friends. Josh asked for my number, but I wasn't going to appear to be too easy. I played the game and delayed, which had the intended effect of making him try harder to get my number. After some extended teasing, I gave in. I knew that I would as I wanted him to call me.

Sure enough Josh called me the next morning to ask me out on a date that night. I was impressed with his choice of a popular new restaurant. Of course I said yes. After dinner and clubbing, we went back to his place. I never intend on having sex on a first date, but for Josh it was easy to make an exception. I stayed all night. By sunrise the next morning both of us had enjoyed multiple orgasms. He was especially gifted and very talented with his fingers, his mouth, and his above average sized cock. I felt for sure I had met the man of my dreams.

Josh was equally smitten with me. He called me regularly for dates. He took me out in style to some of the better restaurants and clubs. And we always ended up in his bed. Never before have I had so much great sex on a regular basis.

However, as we got to know each other better, I began to see a different side of who Josh was, and what he wanted. He became more adventuresome in bed, wanting to try different sexual positions, some I had never heard of before. He wanted to role play with light bondage, using handcuffs and a blindfold on me. One time I agreed to the role play, but I was startled by how he then took advantage and dominated me. It scared me and I said never again. He even asked if I was interested in a threesome, either with another woman, or with another male. I was shocked and told him 'Absolutely not'.

These refusals didn't stop Josh from suggesting other outrageous activities. He enjoyed showing me off to his friends and co-workers. He asked that I wear more revealing dresses, and shorter skirts. He suggested that it would be fun, for both of us, if I would flash my tits or my panties, at his friends and at strangers in public. One time while driving on the highway to a weekend getaway at the beach, Josh suggested I flash my tits at a truck driver as we passed his rig.

"No! I'm not going to flash my private parts at your friends, and not at strangers." I told Josh bluntly.

"But Nikki, you wanted more excitement. I know if you try this, you'll love it." Josh pleaded with me.

My life with Josh became an emotionally trying time. I loved our dates, the restaurants, the movies, the clubs, and the occasional weekend trip to the beach. I really loved the sex, or at least most of it. But I was troubled by his efforts to make me do things I was uncomfortable doing.

And I was becoming unsettled by a new set of feelings. The more Josh talked about me exposing myself to others, I began to feel a different sort of tingle, a good sort of tingle deep inside. I sensed that maybe there was an exhibitionist inside me that wanted to be released. These thoughts scared me, and also excited me. I knew I couldn't let Josh know about these new feelings.

- - - - -

A turning point in my life occurred one day without my planning. Or at least I didn't conscientiously plan it.

My job was located close to a large shopping mall. Once a week or so I visited the mall during my lunch hour. Sometimes I had shopping to do. And sometimes, like this day, I just hit the food court for a bite to eat. I was having a late lunch, so I was there after 1:30 and there were relatively few people in the mall.

That day I was wearing a cotton T-top and a pleated print skirt that fell to a couple of inches above my knee. This skirt had been purchased at Josh's request, even though it wasn't as short as he really wanted me to be wearing. Underneath I wore a plain white bra and a pair of pink panties with cute little hearts on them. I like cute panties even if I never intend for anyone else to see them. If Josh had his way, I would only wear a G-string, or no panties at all.

I bought a light salad and took a seat at a small bistro table on the outside edge of the dining area, right by where the mall traffic walked by. I enjoyed watching the people as they passed by. Occasionally I caught some man staring at me, as men do with pretty young girls. I enjoyed the attention and considered it flattering.

Something stirred inside me and I felt a new desire to try something I'd never considered before. Turning in my seat, I pointed my knees out toward the walkway. As nonchalantly as I could, my hands pulled my skirt higher as I slowly spread my legs a bit. I wasn't completely sure if anyone could actually see my panties. But the thought that I was exposing myself, and that someone might see my panties, had my body tingling.

Initially none of the people walking past appeared to take notice. I waited for a young man to approach and I shifted again in my seat, spreading my legs a bit more, and pulling my skirt a bit higher. The moment I saw him stare at me, an electric jolt raced out of my pussy and up my spine. I quickly closed my legs and pulled down my skirt. He smiled and nodded his head towards me as he continued to walk on by.

I was embarrassed by what I had done. And at the same moment it felt exhilarating. My heart was beating fast and my pussy was throbbing. 'What an incredible rush!' I thought to myself. 'Maybe Josh was right.'

Over the next fifteen minutes I practiced my new exposure methods. I tried to shift in my seat in a natural manner so as to not call attention to myself by the other diners at the other tables. I nonchalantly moved my skirt different ways. I moved my legs, open and closed as I targeted different men walking towards where I sat.

I had some failures, people who didn't see anything, or if they did, they never let on that they had seen anything. And I had some successes. Some men clearly took notice, even stared up my skirt and smiled. I wondered what they were thinking. Did they think I had mistakenly exposed myself to them? Did they think I was deliberately playing with them? Did any have naughty sexual thoughts of what they wanted to do to me?

Every time a man reacted, with a smile or a nod of his head, I felt another jolt of excitement. With each failure to illicit a reaction, I felt disappointment. And I was determined to try harder, to have more successes and fewer failures. I was becoming obsessed with men looking up my skirt and enjoying it. This was all so new to me. It happened suddenly and totally unplanned by me. I wondered why I so quickly felt addicted to my actions. Why had I become an exhibitionist?

But I really wasn't prepared for what happened next.

I had been totally focused on the men walking by, not the women, and none of the people seated around me. My attention was caught by another young woman, about my age, sitting alone at a table facing me. She placed her hands on her thighs, spreading the fabric of her skirt smooth across her legs as she slightly pulled the hem of her skirt higher. She began to spread her legs towards me.

I quickly looked about. I was certain she was flashing someone and I didn't know who. As I looked over one shoulder and then my other, I was aware that she had closed her legs and pulled her skirt hem back down. There was no one behind me, either at another table or walking along the walkway.

It dawned on me. She had been flashing me. I felt embarrassed and excited all at the same time.

I turned back to the mystery girl and she again pulled her skirt tightly over her hips, pulled it up some as she opened her legs again for me. I quickly could see the shiny red fabric of her panties. I couldn't stop staring. 'What am I doing?' I asked myself.

Just as quickly as she flashed her red panties at me, she closed her legs. I looked up at her face and she was staring at me, with the most precious smile on her face. I watched as she took a card out of her purse and wrote something on it. Then she stood and walked over to me, dropping the card on my table as she continued to walk on by.

I was stunned. I had been intentionally flashed by another woman. And I had watched. I couldn't understand my own reaction.

I picked up the card. The front was printed with the name and logo of Tabu, a lingerie store in the mall. On the back was a hand written message. "I can give you some tips." And she signed it "Ashley".

I knew of the store. I had shopped there for some of the bras and panties I wore. It was in the direction that Ashley had walked. I assumed she worked there and want me to come find her.

The message on the card appeared obvious. She had some tips about flashing. She had watched me, and my clumsy flashing attempts flashing the men that walked by. And she appeared to want to help me.

On one hand, I desired to be a better exhibitionist. I was completely hooked. On the other hand, if I went to Ashley, I was admitting to a stranger that I was an exhibitionist who enjoyed showing my panties to strangers.

My lunch hour was over. Indeed I was going to be late getting back to work. If I was to see Ashley, it would have to be tomorrow, which would give me time to think about all that had happened in the past hour.

I stood and headed back to my office.

The rest of the afternoon I thought about my lunchtime experience, and specifically about Ashley. What was with her? Why did she flash me? And what tips might she have to offer me? And did I really want to be an exhibitionist, flashing my panties at strangers?

I knew the answer to that last question. I felt addicted to the thrill. I knew I had to do that again, and I had to get better at my game. Maybe I did need to see Ashley. She might help, and I figured it couldn't hurt.

- - - - -

That evening Josh came over, primarily for some sex. However, he was sensitive enough to see that I was distracted.

"What's up, Nikki? Something happen at the office?" Josh asked.

"Something very strange happened at lunch. I was eating a salad at the food court in the mall. This young girl, about my age, flashed her panties at me. A GIRL! FLASHED ME!" I told him.

"Really? That's hot!" Josh replied, eager to know more. "So what did you do? Flash her back?"

Suddenly I realized I couldn't tell him my part in the encounter, so I lied.

"I didn't do anything. I was just sitting there eating my salad." I gave a different version of what happened.

"Why would a girl flash me? I'm not into girls." I added. This part was true. I was still bewildered why a cute young girl would flash me, even if she had seen me flashing some men.

"I've been saying that you should try that." Josh encouraged me. "I understand it is really exhilarating, for both the flashee and the flasher."

"I'm not going to do that." I replied. However, I knew that I was seriously thinking about doing exactly that.

We had sex which was very satisfying to Josh. I didn't had an orgasm as I was still distracted, thinking about Ashley, the girl in the red panties.

- - - - -

The next morning I knew I had to go back to the mall and find Ashley. I arranged for an early lunch hour and by 11:30 I was making the walk from the office to the mall. I went directly to Tabu, the lingerie shop where I was certain Ashley worked.

Walking into Tabu, I looked around for Ashley. The only person I could see was a gorgeous woman, in her mid thirties, standing behind the counter located near the front of the store.

"May I help you?" the woman asked. Her name badge said 'Maggie' and indicated she was the manager.

"Is Ashley here?" I asked, hoping that this was the place I could find her.

Maggie smiled at me.

"Ashley is in the back, preparing to restock the display shelves." Maggie said while waiving her hand at the doorway at the back of the store. "Feel free to go on back and see her. We're not real busy right now."

I walked to the back, past the dressing closets, and into the storage room. Ashley was there, her back to me as she was busy with inventory.

"Hello." I said, trying to not startle her.

"Oh. Hello. It's you." Ashley said as she turned to face me. "I wasn't sure I would see you again. I thought you might follow me back to the store yesterday."

"I had to get back to work myself." I replied.

"Yeah. Work happens." Ashley said as she held up her arms to indicate all the boxes in the storage area.

"Let me introduce myself. I'm Ashley." She began. "What's your name?"

"Pleased to meet you Ashley. I'm Nikki." I replied. "I work in the office building across the street."

"That's cool." Ashley said. "Are you here to buy some lingerie? Or here because I watched you yesterday?"

"How much did you see?" I asked a bit nervously.

"I saw you sit down with the salad. Did you enjoy that? They make great salads." Ashley answered, taking the discussion in a different direction.

"Uh, yeah. I come by about once a week. I like their salads." I replied before adding, "And the people watching."

"You were doing more that watching the people." Ashley said with a smirk.

"You were there the whole time? I didn't see you." I replied, a bit surprised.

"You didn't see me because you weren't looking at me, or anyone sitting down, or any females. You were concentrating on the men, weren't you?" Ashley asked, hitting the nail on the head.

"Guilty." I said as I shrugged my shoulders.

"Tip number one, be aware of everyone around you at all times." Ashley answered. "Mall security frowns upon what we were doing. They won't arrest you, but they will escort you out of the mall."

Ashley's note on the card said she had some tips for me.

"May I ask if that was your first time?" Ashley asked. Apparently she knew me very well.

"How did you know?" I responded with a question.

"Actually I wasn't sure." She answered. "Initially you acted very much like a newbie. But I could tell that you were judging the feedback you were, or weren't getting from the men. You changed your tactics and were getting better."

"You could see all that?" I was surprised how well she could understand what I was experiencing. "How do you know so much?"

"I've been an exhibitionist for almost two years" Ashley explained. "That seating area in the food court is a great place to flash people. And I've seen a lot of other young girls like you."

"Really? Others?" I replied. Ashley was opening my eyes to things I never expected.

"Yeah, I see one or two newbies a month." Ashley explained. "Some I help, and the others I likely frighten away. When you didn't follow me back, I assumed that I frightened you away." Ashley chuckled as she said this.

"You certainly startled me." I told her. "No way I expected a girl to flash me."

"You were certainly staring at my panties. Did you like what you saw? Or just curious?" Ashley was asking some pointed questions. "Please be honest, with me and yourself. Being an exhibitionist is a big change. And to fully enjoy it, to be really good at it, you have to be honest with yourself."

"Is that Tip number two?" I asked, avoiding the questions.

"It's one of my tips." Ashley confirmed. "But please answer the questions. Did you like what you saw?"

"I was mesmerized. I couldn't turn away and I didn't understand why I couldn't." I stammered out the words. "It startled me, almost scaring me."

"Good. Good." Ashley replied. "Remember that feeling. One way to be an effective exhibitionist is to capture your subject in a way that they cannot look away. I guess that is Tip number three. For me there are several pieces of this. First is the art of the tease. You don't just open your legs and fully expose yourself. You do it slowly, you show a bit, then hide it all, only to show a bit more. Keep them guessing, and hoping to see more. I also find that red panties work best. Just like a bull fighter uses a red cape, the color red has a certain property that attracts the most attention. We sell these red satin thongs here in the store. I always wear these. I own a dozen pair."

As Ashley said this about the red panties, she raised her skirt to reveal that indeed she was wearing what appeared to be the same panties as yesterday. I had to admit they looked comfortable and were quite appealing.

"Do you often flash other girls?" I asked, very curious about this.

"All the time." Ashley continued. "Exposing my panties works on men and women. Part of the thrill is just doing something so naughty. That doesn't matter if viewer is male or female. Another part is watching their reaction. Again, doesn't matter if it is male or female. They may respond differently, but they do respond to a properly done flash. And part of the thrill is not knowing what the viewer is thinking. Do they like what they see? Do they want to see more? What other things might they want to do with you? How naughty are their thoughts? Again, be open to what the women are thinking, as well as the men."

"Oh my gosh! I haven't thought of any of that." I remarked. "When I sat down yesterday in the food court, I never intended to expose myself. I still don't know exactly why I did it. But once I started and got some reactions, I couldn't stop."

"It is an addiction. Harness the addiction." Ashley replied.

"Is there more?" I asked, already having learned so much.

"Know where the restroom is." Ashley advised.

I looked at her with a quizzical look on my face. "Why?" I asked.

Ashley looked at me with a serious look on her face. "If you've done things right, you will need some private space to . . ." She paused abruptly, not sure how to finish her thought. "You'll want to take care of your needs."

I was still puzzled. I continued to stare at Ashley with my quizzical expression.

"Girl, I get so horny that I have to Jill-off." she blurted out.

"Oh my god! Really?" I asked.

Ashley appeared a bit embarrassed. She smiled and nodded at me. At that point Ashley picked up a box and lead me out to the showroom.

"Do you want to buy some panties? You look like my size. Do you wear a small? We have these red thongs, three for twenty dollars, but I can give you the employee discount, half off. Three pairs for ten dollars."

"I'll take six pairs." I responded as I pulled out my wallet.

Before I left the store with my purchase, Ashley and I exchanged phone numbers. I felt I was developing a new friend.

- - - - -

The next day I wore a pair of my new red panties under a short pleated skirt. Just putting the panties on that morning, knowing why I was wearing them, made me tingle. I couldn't believe I was getting so excited by the thoughts about flashing my red panties at other people.

All morning long I sat at my desk thinking about being an exhibitionist. Why was this activity so addicting? Was it just my being naughty? Was it a sense of control over others? Was it the wondering what the men were thinking, what their sexual desires were for me?

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