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The Girl in the Casino at Work

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The girl in the casino men's room at work.
3.7k words
Story does not have any rosa-blanca.ru

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 08/26/2023
Created 11/13/2022
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A few weeks ago, I'd stumbled into sex with this redhead at the casino, and we'd hooked up again when I'd come to her town on business.

The business - we were looking at buying out this little company, and I went over there and talked to their management. They knew it was going to get out as a rumor, so they decided to have a meeting and tell everybody what was going on. Whatever, it's their ballgame, and it's not like they're a publicly traded company or anything.

They had a company meeting in their auditorium, and invited me on stage to say "hi" once they'd told them what was going on. I was telling them what a great opportunity this was - synergy, that sort of thing rather than duplication of effort and layoffs - and looking around the room when I saw her, Sue, the redhead. For a second I lost my train of thought, so I coughed to give me a chance to check my notes, then got back to it.

When we were done, they said I'd be coming around to meet people, and everybody dispersed.

I excused myself to take a phone call and called HR.

"So here's the thing," I told our HR director, "I might have had a fling with one of the girls here."

"OK..." she said.

"And she's married."

"Ooooooo... Kkkkkkkk..."

"She said it's an open thing."


"What should I do?"

"Well," she said, "just carry on. We haven't set anything in stone yet, and we can just make sure she's not going to be one of your direct reports. Or we'll put her in the first round of any layoffs."

"That seems unfortunate," I said. "Isn't there a better way?"

"Let's see what happens, but for now you might want to just be nice to her and see what she wants to do."

"Thanks," I said, maybe a little bitterly, "you've been outstanding."

The local boss, Sam, tapped on my door. We'd agreed I'd have this office to myself, and that people would have to be allowed in so I could hide away anything they shouldn't see.

"Come on in," I called - I hadn't got anything out of my locked drawer yet.

"I was going to introduce you around," he said.

"Great," I said, faking enthusiasm I didn't really feel. "Let's do this."

We went around and met people. Some were dead eyed drones, but some were really smart seeming, enthusiastic people.

When we got to Sue's department, Sam introduced me first to Emily, who said "hi," then I said "hello Sue."

Sam looked confused. Sue seemed nervous.

"We met at the casino," I told Sam, and we moved on.

When I was finished meeting everybody, Sam walked me back to "my" office.

"Anything else you need?" he asked me.

"Actually," I said, "I'm going to be here by myself, any chance you could see if Sue would want to meet up for dinner?"

"You know she's married, right?"

"Of course," I said, "she can bring him if she must."

"On it, boss," he said giving me a mock salute.

Whatever. I went to work, looking at spreadsheets and statements.

I'd been at it for maybe 10 minutes when somebody knocked on the door.

I started shuffling everything out of the way, calling out "just a moment."

I opened the door and it was Sam and Sue.

"Come in Sue," I said. "Thanks, Sam, I'll let you know if I need anything else."

She came in and I closed the door behind me.

"What's with the note on the door?" she asked.

I pointed out a chair to sit down and sat behind the desk.

"I'm working on some confidential stuff that I need to put away. I know this is awkward," I said, "bearing in mind our... history?"

"Yeah," she said, "I figure I should probably find another job."

"Oh no," I told her, "it's not a definite thing that the... merger... goes through. And if it does, I doubt I'll be here very often. If at all."

"Even so..."

"Let's just have fun and see what happens. I'm really looking forward to meeting your husband."

"Ah," she said, "about that. He can't get here until later, so I was thinking I'd go home and get ready for the evening."

"Nonsense, we could go back to the bar in my hotel and pregame."

I looked at her properly.

"What have you got on under that," I asked her.

"My work stuff, tights."

"Show me?"

"This skirt is too tight to pull up."


"Uh, we're going to need to go shopping and get you something nicer to wear then. We have time, apparently."

She just looked at me.

"Go back to work," I told her, "and we'll meet here at the end of your day, OK?

She nodded at me and got up and left.

I got all my documents out and went back to work. There was a lot of data to crunch, and I lost track of time.

There was a tapping on the door.

I called out "coming," shuffled everything away then opened the door.

"Sue, just give me a minute."

She came and I went and closed my laptop. I put it in my bag along with the other stuff.

"Let's go," I said. "We can take my car, then Dave can drop you back later or something."

We walked down and dropped stuff at her car, then walked to my car. I opened the door to let her in, then climbed and and we set out.

We parked and walked to the hotel.

"How about I leave you here while I drop my stuff," I told her in reception, "otherwise if you come up, we might miss your husband."

"Um, OK," she said. "I'll be over there."

I went and dropped my stuff off in the room, then headed back down.

"OK, boss, where now?" she asked.

"Well," I said, "there's a lingerie place not far from here, so we should start there, eh?"

Google truly is invaluable.

She stood and I took her hand heading out to the street. I took her to a women's clothing shop.

We were working our way towards the back when the saleswoman noticed us. She waved from the register and came over to us.

"Hi," she said, "is there anything specific you're looking for?"

"Lingerie," I said, "I think Sue needs something sexy to wear."

"This way, sir," the lady said, ushering us towards their lingerie section that we'd been heading towards anyway.

We got there and the saleswoman asked "did you have anything in mind?"

"Something small and sexy, and I reckon in black," I said.

"Tops and bottoms, stockings? Garter belt?"

"I don't think we need stockings."

"I think I'm a bit pale for bare legs with this skirt," Sue said.

"Hmm," he said, "what about opaque black thigh highs? Oh, and a push-up bra?"

The saleswoman looked Sue up and down, then went and collected a couple of items.

"Here you go," she said, handing them to me.

I looked at them, and said "sure, you want to try these on?"

"I thought we could just go back to the hotel and I'll put them on," Sue said.

"Nah, try 'em on."

She took the lingerie, handed me her bag and we set off to the changing rooms.

"Come on," I said to the saleswoman, "I'm sure we'd like your opinion too."

Sue went in, taking off her jacket and hanging it with the underwear on the hook. She turned to close the curtain but I held the curtain open.

Sue didn't argue. Facing the wall, she unbuttoned her blouse and draped it on the bench.

She unhooked her bra and dropped it with her blouse.

She went to pick up the black bra, but I said "not yet." I wanted to see her naked first.

She unzipped her skirt and took it off. It landed on the bench.

"That is dull," I said, looking at the pantyhose as she pulled them down.

She kicked her shoes off and pulled her feet out of her pantyhose. She slid her panties down, taking them off. They, and her hose, ended up on her pile of clothes. She was naked.

"Let's see you first," I said

She turned to face us, holding her arms apart, then grabbed the thong. She took it off the hangar and pulled it on.

I liked it. It was tiny.

"Turn around," I said, and she faced us.

"No, the other way... I want to see it up your ass."

She kept going until her back was to us.

"Bent over," I said. She bent forward, keeping my knees locked like a good girl.

I grabbed her ass, holding her cheeks apart.

"Hold it like this," I told her.

She held her cheeks apart and I arranged the strap between them.

"OK," I said.

She stood up again and put the bra on.

The saleswoman arranged the straps, then ran her fingers under the cups.

"That's the right size," she said, stepping back.

Her tits looked huge.

"I like that."

She rolled the stockings up her legs. The saleswoman arranged the lacy tops, then stepped back.

"That's great," I said. "We'll take them."

She went to unhook the bra, but I said "she'll wear them out."

She picked up her blouse and put it on. I liked the way it stretched out between her tits.

She put her skirt and shoes, then picked up the rest of her stuff. She took her bag from me and I handed the saleswoman my credit card.

"You don't need to pay," Sue said.

"It's my treat," I told her.

I thanked the saleswoman and led Sue to the door.

"Where now?" Sue asked.

"Shoes," I said. "Those are too practical."

A few stores up there was a shoe store, and I took her there - we headed for the formal shoes.

"I was thinking some high heels, maybe something cloth or suede to match your stockings?" I told her, and she went and started looking.

A young salesman came to help her.

"Can I help you ma'am?"

"We're looking for a platform spike heel with a peep toe and an ankle strap in a finish to match her stockings," I told him.

"I think we have just the thing," he said and went to hopefully get them.

I pointed her to a chair where she sat down to wait. The salesman came back with a box, and pulled one of the fitting stools over. He lifted her foot onto the platform, and removed her shoe. He put a shoe on her foot - a black velvet platform, with a little strap by the ankle.

"Does that fit OK?" he asked her.

She nodded.

He went through the process again with the other foot.

I helped her stand up. She walked to the end of the aisle, turned around and walked back.

"Doesn't that make her calves look great?" I asked the salesman.

We looked at her legs.

"Go ahead, feel them," I told him.

The salesman ran his hands up and down her calves.

"And her ass, doesn't it look nice and taut?"

He looked at me enquiringly, and I nodded. He ran his hands up the back of her legs and squeezed it.

"Splendid," I said, "we'll take them. And she'll wear them out."

"Let me get these," she said, bending over to pick up her bag.

"Nonsense," I said, "these are for me to enjoy."

The salesman put her old shoes in the box and we went to the register.

I took the bag, thanked the salesman and we left.

"Dave shouldn't be too much longer," Sue said. "Where did you want to meet up?"

"Let's go and see if your friend Jody is around," I said, pointing to the restaurant.

She texted her husband, then I grabbed her hand and we headed up there.

It was empty when we went in there and the hostess came over.

"Table for two?" she said.

I said "table for three tonight, please. Somewhere discrete."

She led us to the same table at the back.

"Am I joining you?" she said sort of flirty.

"Make that four, if that's the case," I said, "but Sue's husband is joining us tonight."

Sue sat and moved around to the back and I followed her in.

The waitress, not Jody, brought three menus and silverware.

"Can I get you two something to drink?"

"Gin and tonics," I said, "two, please."

She nodded and went to get our drinks.

"We should get you ready for your husband," I said.

"How so?"

"Well, I think he's going to like your new underwear for a start."

"Uh huh."

"Why don't you take off your jacket?"

She took off her jacket and put it on the seat.

Her blouse was stretched tight by her tits.

"That button's doing a lot of work, don't you think?"

I reached over and undid it and the blouse popped apart.

"Well that just looks silly."

I undid the buttons above that one.

"Here you are," said the waitress, dropping off our drinks and disappearing.

"Let's pull your skirt up a bit so I can see your panties," I suggested.

"It's not that kind of skirt, it's too tight to get past my hips."

"I guess we'll need to lose the skirt then."

She leaned forward and unzipped her skirt. I helped her slide it down and she put it with her jacket.

I looked at the menu.

"So what are we having?" she asked.

"I thought we'd have the taco salad," I said.


Somebody came in the front door.

"There's Dave," she said, waving towards the man by the door.

I got up and shook hands with Dave when he got to us. I was a little bit nervous about meeting him, based on me banging his wife.

"So you're one of the guys who's been fucking my wife," he said.

"So you're the guy who's been letting me fuck his wife," I said.

Dave slid in on the other side of Sue.

"Where's your skirt?"

"Oh," I told him, "we got her some new underwear. Let's show him."

I undid the remaining buttons on her blouse.

I pulled one side of her blouse towards me, and Dave took the hint and pulled the other towards him, exposing her bra and panties.

"Ahem," said the waitress.

We all looked up at her. She looked like she thought it was funny.

"We're a... discrete place, but if anybody complains... anyway. Would you like anything to drink?"

"Uh, I'll have a Coke," Dave said.

She left us to get Dave's soda.

"So this is where you came last night?" Dave asked.

"Yup," Sue said.

"And is that that waitress?"

"Nope, I guess she's not working tonight."

I put my hand on her thigh, stroking my skin.

"Is this OK?" I asked Dave.

"Of course," Dave said. "You and her was my idea."

"Really?" I asked. This was news to me.

"Yeah, I left her alone at the casino bar to see what happened. When I saw you join her at the bar, I texted her to say she should fuck you."


"Yeah," Dave said.

Sue nodded, looking embarrassed.

"That's cool," I said, and slid my hand higher up her leg, along the edge of my thong.

"Ahem," said the waitress, putting Dave's Coke down.

"Have you decided what you'd like?" she asked.

"Oh yes," I said.

The waitress snorted, and waved her pad at us.

"Are you ready to order?"

"No," Dave said, "I haven't even looked at my menu yet. Start with them?"

"We'll both take the taco salad, with chicken," I said.

"I'd like a steak," Dave said, "which one do you recommend?"

"I like the sirloin," she said.

"I'll take that then, medium please."

The waitress took our menus, made some notes on her pad and left us.

"So," Dave said, "you sucked him off here yesterday?"

She nodded.

"Are you going to suck him off again tonight?"

"Well, I was hoping to get fucked," she said.

I was all in favor of that. I slid out of the booth and held my hand out to Sue.

"C'mon," I said, "we can be quick."

She took my hand as she slid out, and I helped her stand. She was trying to hold her blouse closed.

Dave passed her her phone.

I was still holding her hand, so she let go of her blouse and took her phone.

We headed back to the restrooms.

"Hi," I said to our waitress as we passed her.

We went into the men's room.

Her phone started ringing, and she answered a videocall from Dave.

I took the phone and held it up to face her, framing her nicely.

"Blouse," I said, holding out my hand.

It was just draped over her, and she let it slide down her arms.

She handed it to me and I draped it over my shoulder, backing us towards a stall.

I moved to the side to let her in and closed the door. I locked it and hung her blouse on the hook.

I held her phone out to the side and shot us French kissing.

I put the phone on the toilet seat. I leaned her forward with her hands on the cistern, so she was bent over the phone, and pulled her thong down.

I left it tight against her thighs then unbuckled my belt and unzipped my fly.

I rubbed my dick along her pussy, then slipped it inside her.

I held her hips, getting into a rhythm, then reached up, massaging her tits through her bra.

She leaned forward, putting her forehead on one hand, and shortly afterwards she was cumming.

I had stopped thrusting, just grinding against her until she stopped shuddering.

She wiggled against me for a little bit.

"Here," she said, "take the phone and I'll sit down."

She stood up, picked up her phone and handed it to me.

She sat down, looking up at me.

I pointed the phone at her, and she leaned forward and licked the head and shaft before sucking my balls.

I was getting close, and she put the head on her tongue. She was jacking me off, holding my balls with the other hand. When I started to cum, she slid my dick into her mouth.

I pulled my dick out of her mouth and stroked her hair.

I lowered the phone, and she pulled up her thong and stood up.

"Shall we go and have our dinner?" I asked her.

I grabbed her blouse and opened the stall door.

She followed me back to our booth and rushed into her seat.

I slid in next to her, dropping her blouse with her skirt.

"It was cool watching you banging my wife," Dave said to him.

"Here we go," said the waitress, putting plates down in front of us.

"Enjoy," she said, looking at Sue, sitting there in her underwear.

We ate and chatted about our experiences with Sue.

The waitress came and asked us if everything was OK.

"Everything's going great," I said.

"Can I ask you something?" she asked Sue.

"Uh, sure?"

"Are you the chick from yesterday?"

"The chick?"

"The chick that was in here yesterday?"

"She was in here yesterday," said Dave.

"Are you the guy she sucked off at the table?" the waitress asked him.

"No," he said. "That was him."

He motioned to me.

"Huh," she said.

"She's going to suck me off tonight," Dave said.

"Cool," she said. "I'd like to see that."

"Me too," I said.

Dave looked at me.

"I've not seen her in action yet," I said.

"How about now?" Dave said.

She turned to him as he got his dick out, and I helped by undoing her bra.

"Oh my," the waitress said.

She took her bra off and I took it from her, dropping it with her other clothes.

She was bent away from me - I could see her head going up and down but nothing else, so I slid out of the booth and slid in the other side. I picked up her phone and started taking pictures.

I watched her bobbing up and down while Dave controlled her head.

"Don't swallow," he said quietly and I could see he was cumming.

Mouth full, she sat upright again. I put the phone down again.

"Show her," he said.

She opened her mouth.

"Now swallow."

She swallowed, then opened her mouth and showed us her tongue.

"Thanks," she said, "that was great. I can't wait to tell Jody I've met you."

She hurried away.

I got up and went back to my seat. Sue sat there topless as I picked at the remains of my salad.

We were casually chatting about work, and I told them I didn't want her to quit. A young bus boy arrived and started clearing the table. He made a lot of noise, clanking the plates against each other because he was trying to see her tits.

"Just show him," Dave said.

She uncrossed her arms.

"Fuck me," he said, then piled the plates up and left.

Our waitress appeared again. "Dessert?"

"No thank you," Dave said, and she headed off.

"Can I get dressed now?" Sue asked.

"Sure," said Dave, "we're almost ready to head out anyway."

I passed her her bra, then her blouse. She was buttoning it up when the waitress came back.

"I'll get it," I said, handing her a card before she even put the bill down.

"Thanks," they both said.

The waitress left, and I handed Sue her skirt.

When the waitress arrived, I signed the check, and we all shuffled out of the booth. Sue put my jacket on, and we headed towards the door.

"Do you want a ride back to the hotel?" Dave asked me when we were outside.

"Nah... I'll walk. The fresh air's good for me."


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