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The Girl Next Door

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All he wanted to do was fix his deck. She had other ideas.
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I noticed her right away. Not that I had been trying to peak over the wooden fence mind you, but it had been luck that I had noticed her that day lounging in their back yard. Her golden blond hair, bright intense eyes and fit yet sexy body clothing in no more than a bikini as she tanned in the sun.

I had caught myself looking maybe a bit too long and had turned away, my focus back to working on my own back yard. I've been replacing some of the old boards in my deck and returned to measuring one of the new boards before cutting it to the appropriate size. Well, I tried to focus on what I was doing but the thought of her beautiful body kept sneaking back into my thoughts. After cutting the board I lifted it on my shoulder to carry to the other side of the deck and I couldn't help glancing over for another quick look, only to meet her eyes glancing over her sunglasses. It was hard to tell from here but I could have sworn I saw her eyes moving up and down over my body. My shirt was off at it was quite hot and while I'm not a body builder I am in rather good shape. She smiled and all I could think to do was smile back. Then she settled back down, sliding her sunglasses back in place but somehow I got them sense her eyes were still on me.

That night after a shower and dinner I walked out onto my deck with a glass of bourbon to enjoy the evening air and decided to glance into the next yard even though I was sure she would not be there. To my shock however, she was and even more surprising she was not only lounging in their hot tub but the privacy fence they usually had in place was retracted. She had likely moved it so she could enjoy the view across their beautifully landscaped back yard as the sun set and just never put it back up. It gave me a very open view of something just as beautiful as that sunset, or more accurately, someone.

It was hard to tell but I was pretty sure she was naked, not that much could be seen with the water jets on but the sight was still extremely alluring. I knew I probably shouldn't be watching but my deck lights were off and with the lights in her yard on I was pretty sure I could not be seen and I found myself enjoying the view. After a couple minutes I decided to head back inside but as I was about to turn, I saw her lean forward. Was she getting up!? I knew I should look away but I was powerless to do so. I watched as she leaned forward and rather than standing up, reached over for a glass on the side of the hot tub. Long stemmed I gathered it was some sort of bubbly sweet or perhaps dry white wine. She sipped and then returned the glass but rather then laying back down she adjusted her position in the tub and moved so she was leaning on the side, giving me the slightest glimpse of her perfect breasts as she did so.

Curious, I continued so to watch gently setting my glass on the railing as quietly as I could. I saw her eyes slowly close and she appeared to take a deep breath, giving her lip a light bite. All at once I realized what she was doing and the thought instantly produced a reaction in my manhood. I knew it was a stupid idea, I knew that if anyone saw I would be in big trouble to say the least, but my better judgment was fading fast as I watched her face fail to hide the pleasure she was feeling. I gave one last glace around but as my house is the last in the curved row with nothing but and grass field then woods behind it, I knew that the only way I could be seen was if someone else entered her back yard and even than they would have to shine a light my way. Cursing my own logic, which was obviously being influenced by my arousal, I carefully and quietly opened my jeans and that let arousal stand tall. Looking down I could see she had adjusted herself, no doubt to get a better angle, and now her breasts were above water and rising rhythmically with her breath. She looked like she was getting close but it had not taken long for me to catch up. Soon I was on the brink and slowed my pace as to not go too soon. Suddenly she gasped, threw back her head, and let out a surprisingly loud moan considering her position, yet it seemed as though she could not help it. Nor could I. I suppressed a grunt like moan as I shot hard between the railing, letting it fall to the grass below, as pleasure and release filled my hardness and flowed through my abdomen. Opening my eyes I nearly started as I saw she was looking directly at me. I froze. She could not have seen me in the dark, not with all the lights in her back yard. Still she was looking straight at me and I was sure I was busted until I took a closer look at her face. It was one of unmistakable post orgasmic bliss and I realized she was not looking at me but instead I happen to be where she happen to be staring off into space, likely not even registering what she was seeing. Even so I waited unmoving, save for my hardness receding, until she sat back in the hot tub with a nearly comically large grin of satisfaction and closed her eye. Fast and as quiet as I could I closed my jeans and slipped through my back door.

As close of a call as it had been, I was still quite happy I had waited to go back inside.

Today I went back to working on the deck, only a few boards left to go I was finished by early afternoon. Just as I finished screwing down the final board I heard a voice calling from the next yard.

"Hi there!" she said "Sorry to bother you but do you have a minute?"

I walked over to the side of the deck to find her standing near the fence looking up at me with a beautiful smile. Today she was in a light sundress that flowed in the occasional breeze but still somehow showed off the curve of her hips. Gorgeous.

"No bother at all." I said trying to sound casual "Did you need help with something?"

"Well, it's a bit embarrassing but, I'm trying to clean out my upstairs storage and, I'm a bit too short to reach the last box. You wouldn't be able to give me a hand would you?"

"Sure, no problem." I hear myself say even though my mind is saying I probably shouldn't "I take it your husband is not around?"

"He's off on a business trip." she said "I was hoping to surprise him with by taking care of the storage like we have been planning to but after I started I realized I can't reach everything."

"I'll be right over." I hear myself say.

What are you doing, my brain yells as I make my way through my house. At least I take a second to put a shirt on before I head out the front door.

A moment later she is opening the front door of their house and with an inviting smile, letting me inside. Was that a look of disappointment at my shirt? Couldn't be. Maybe? Never mind.

The house is beautiful and bigger than mine by about a quarter if I had to guess with a nice décor and a collection of houseplants giving it some nice character.

"It's upstairs." she said turning to lead the way, her dress swirling cutely as she does so. "Thank you so much. I really appreciate this."

"Happy to help." I say as I follow her upstairs.

Just as nice as the downstairs she leads me though the hallway to another short staircase and a moment later I find myself in what seems to be a furnished attic or loft of some kind. Very nice but filled with boxes and random older furniture. A fine layer of dust covers everything.

"It's this one over here." she says walking to the far side of the room. As I follow, I can't help but notice the sway of her hips and the smooth effortlessly sexy flow of her movements. Stop it, I tell myself. You took enough risks last night.

"That one," she said "would you be able to bring it down for me?"

Looking up I see three boxes on a high shelf that I should be able to reach but just barely.

This corner of the room is small and I will have to move very close to her to get by but she makes no sign of moving as I approach. With a smile and nod I move past her, not touching but close enough to smell an amazing perfume.

"That one." she says standing on her toes next to me and pointing.

I reach up towards the box and suddenly feel a genital touch in my shoulder.

"No, not that one." she says, her hand gently turning me, her body, seemingly by coincidence gently pressing against mine. "That one there."

I try to ignore her soft touch as reach up, lifting the box and lowering it. A fine dust sprinkles down but I am able to turn away slightly as to not get any in my eyes. She is still close so to me that I once again brush against her as I move. Lowering the box, I manage to step back enough to bring it down between us but it was not a very large box so we still were very close.

"Thank you." she said "is it heavy?"

"Not really." I say.

"Well, not for you I'm sure." she said. Reaching up, she slowly began tracing her hand over my arms, desire in her eyes as she looked over my body.

"Where would you like me to put it?" I ask.

She blinks in surprise for a moment then smiled realizing I'm referring to the box.

"Right over theh, there." she said with a sudden hitch before adding "Oh. Oh I think I need to sneeze."

Have you ever had a moment were someone said something very plain and normal but there was something about how they said it that made it sexual just the same. All she has said was she needed to sneeze, but she made it sound as though she was announcing a pending orgasm to a lover.

On top of that, weather on purpose or coincidence her face filled with the same beautiful desperation and anticipation it had shown seconds before her orgasm in the hot tub.

After a pause she finally sneeze and then twice more, letting out a sensual moan after the last one, again mimicking the sounds she made last night. The sneezes seemed to completely posses her, bending her over and making her breast jump in a very enjoyable way as she righted herself.

"Oh fuck." she said "Sorry. It's the dust."

"Bless you." I manage with what I hope is a calm voice. Turning, I place the box down and realize I need to leave. Her little accidental display had instantly reminded me of last night and I was about to have trouble hiding that fact.

"Thank you. I....Oh." I hear her say as I turn back around. "Oh my."

Her eyes are not looking at my face but definitely lower.

"I Uh, I'm sorry." I say starting I turn "I should probably go."

"No, wait." she says gently touching my arm again "don't go. You really don't need to be embarrassed. It happens. Sometimes we just can't control our reactions......or our desires."

She steps closer and I once again smell her amazing perfume as slides her fingers down my arms till she touches my hand.

"Even I have trouble controlling things sometimes." she said, no longer hiding the desire in her voice.

Guiding my hand she pulls it downward towards her "flower" while sliding her dress upwards with her free hand. I know I shouldn't. I know I should pull my hand away, I should be able to easily, but somehow I can't.

My hand is met with warmth and ample evidence of pure lustful arousal as she let out a soft sensual moan. Her breathing was getting faster and her face was flush with a shade of pink that somehow made her even cuter.

Her hand left her dress and began fumbling with the button of my jeans. I knew right then that if she opened them and reached inside it was over.

"What about your husband?" I ask as a breathless last effort.

"We haven't fucked in almost a year and I can't take it anymore." she said her voice a mix of sadness and unfulfilled need "I saw you watching me and......I need this. I need this so bad it fucking hurts."

"You saw-" I begin to say but I am cut off by her passion filled kiss. Instinctively I kiss her back and just as my mind caught up with what was happening she finally succeeded with the button. I feel her hand slip inside and I let out a ragged breath as she gripped my hardness. She squeezes, not to pint of pain but just before, then begins sliding her hand up and down sending pleasure coursing through me. With a run of her finger, she finds the precum I am profusely leaking and rubbing it up and down my length, doubling the pleasure. Shit. She is almost too good at that and if she keeps it up I am not sure how well I can hold back. My hand still on her flower I begin to return the favor, gently teasing her clit with my finger tip and she jumps as her own pleasure blooms. Looking down I see her bite her lip as she lets out an even louder moan and I get the impression I am not the only one trying not to finish too quickly.

Suddenly she tenses and takes a step back. I think for a moment she has changed her mind but just as I am about to ask if she wants to continue, she answers by pulling down my jeans and turning around. My eyes instantly go down as she sexily slides her sun dress up and over her curved butt while slowly bending over. She is wearing lace panties with flowers embroidered but I only get a short look as she nearly rips them off. Pressing herself backwards against me, my hardness pushing against her beautiful curves and she begins to rotate her hips, grinding against me.

"I can't stand it." she moaned. "Inside! I need you inside! Do it! Fuck me!"

Reaching back she begins fumbling for my hardness to guide it in but I save her the trouble. Moving back only slightly to get the angle right I shift forward and am instantly enveloped in soft, wet pleasure. She is absolutely soaked and gripping me so tightly I have to pause after sliding in to keep from emptying myself into her right then. She moans and tries to pull forward but I quickly grab her hips and hold her back.

"Slowly." I say breathily and she waits, seeming to understand. I breath for a moment, trying to calm just a bit. She needs this and so did I, I realize, and we shouldn't end it too fast.

Suddenly she tensed and squeezed her flower. Pleasure rippled through me and I tensed as I somehow held back. She tensed again. What was she doing? We were holding still, she couldn't be about to-

"Don't cum yet!" I say "If you do I won't be able to hold back."

"I can't heh help it!" she says her voice equal parts lust and desperation "I'm gonna-HAH!"

I start to pull out, I don't have a choice. If she has an orgasm, I will would cum for sure. But as I try to move she suddenly back up and I find myself pressed against the wall in the tight corner of the room we both shared.

"No!" she moans "I want it! I want it inside! Please! Fill me up!"

She turns her head back to look at me as best she can and I see the pleading need in her eyes mingled with the desperation of trying to hold back what had to be a colossal orgasm and I finally gave in completely.

Grabbing her hips I pull her towards me, pressing as deep inside her as I could go.

She cums.

Her flower tightens around me so hard I can feel every wave of her ecstasy. Amazingly, I hold back for a second or two longer before all that had been building and building inside me suddenly shoots out with a strength I didn't know was possible. Pleasure overloads every nerve as I shoot deep into her flower. She moans loudly as I feel her flower continue to clench rhythmically and I knew she has either cum a second time or her first never stopped. My hips start to move on their own, pumping in and out as hard and fast as I can. Still moaning she begins to match my rhythm and the room is filled with that district clapping sound that could only be made by passion filled fucking.

"Don't stop!" she moans "Don't stop, I'm AH I'm gonna cum again!! Fuck me! Fuck me!! FUCK ME!!!"

Somehow I pick up speed doing my best to give her just what she is begging for. To my shock I feel another orgasm beginning to build.

"Fuck, I'm gonna cum!" she moans again.

"Me too!" I is all I managed to grunt before I amazingly shoot for a second time.

"I'm cuming!" I vaguely hear her scream as we once again visit heaven together.

The waves slow and began to subside. Moaning she slides forward and half collapses on the floor. I try to catch her but instead find myself sliding down the wall to the floor. I'm not sure I've ever cum so hard my legs gave out.

On amusingly wobbly legs I see her trying to stand and eventually she manages to get upright.

"Fuck...." she moans trying to catch her breath "Fuck I needed that."

"Glad I could be of service." I say with a grin and she turns back with a smile of her own. Her face is one of release and relief as the wonderful feelings of afterglow flowed over her.

I slowly stand and instantly find myself wrapped in her arms. We kiss, still passionately holding each other close. When she finally pulls away I instantly miss her touch, not only on my lips but everywhere, even my hardness which to my surprise after two climaxes is making a valiant effort to get hard again. I have an idea that with this woman, I will be ready for another round in no time.

"Would you like to-" I begin but stop as I notice her eyes were not staring at me but rather past me as a look of horror fills her face. I turn and see she is looking out the window at a large pickup truck that is pulling into the driveway. I instantly know what had caused her horror.

Snatching up my jeans I am already moving towards the door. She is right next to me, straightening her dress and fixing her hair.

She runs ahead, guiding me through to the second floor, snatching a bottle of perfume out of the guest bathroom we pass and giving herself a quick spray. At the top of the stairs we both freeze as we hear a key beginning to turn in the front door.

"Out the guest bedroom window!" she breaths pointing the way. "You can get down to the back yard and over the fence. I'll distract him."

It's stupid I know but I grab her and give her one last kiss then run, keeping my steps as light as I can as she starts down the stairs, seeming to make her own steps as loud as she can to cover mine.

Running to the guest bedroom I find the window and try to open it as quietly as I can. I hear muffled voices coming from the floor below but they sounded calm, not shouting or yelling.

Wondering how I had ended up in this position but at the same time thinking it was most definitely worth it, I climb out the window and do my best to slide it closed behind me. This part of the house has roof under the window so I can slowly walk around to the side and back of the house. I keep my feet light as to be as quiet as possible, eventually reaching an area over the back yard where the roof is low enough to chance a drop. Lowering myself carefully over the edge I let go and drop to the ground, rolling out to lessen the impact. Thank all that's good I've kept in shape. On the ground and after a quick glance to make sure I am not passing any windows I run for the fence and scramble over the top into my own yard. Once there I quickly go inside and then out onto my porch where I casually look in the direction of my neighbor's house to see if there is any signs of commotion. Everything seems calm. Have I actually gotten away with this? Maybe I have.

That night as I lay in bed, despite the very satisfying activities of the day, I still find myself thinking back on them and I am as worked up as a horny teenager. I wonder if my wife will notice or not as she comes out of our bathroom and climbs in bed next to me. Glancing over with a knowing smile she slides her hand under the blankets and runs her hands over my naked body until she founds what she is looking for.

"Hmmm. What do we have here?" she says playfully "You're not still worked up are you?"

Grinning I pull the blanket aside then reach over to her, sliding my hand under her body and rolling her atop me.

She lets out a playful yelp as she comes to rest on me, her breasts pressing pleasantly on my chest.

"It's your fault." I say playfully "You're the one who wanted to play out that crazy fantasy. Nice touch with the blond hair dye. I remember you saying you wanted to try dying it but damn did you pick the right time. You were getting pretty comfortable over there. How was the hot tub?"


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