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The Great Outdoors

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He's invited to enjoy a public fantasy to help cure his blue
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An Erotic Adventure
By Seamus Madigan




"So, how goes single life?" my best friend Cole asked me over the phone. He had said he called to shoot the shit, but I knew he was checking up on me since the break-up.

My ex-girlfriend Lindsay had dumped me out of the blue about two weeks ago, and I was feeling particularly depressed with our first anniversary coming up just two days hence. I did not really feel like talking about it, but I knew Cole would come by if I did not answer the phone, and I wanted less for him to see me.

"It's a blast," I said deadpan. "You know how it is; parties every night, bitches out the wazoo. I don't know why I stayed with that slut for as long as I did."

Of course, that was the anger and depression talking; I did not really think Lindsay was a slut, and I was still in love with her. I had gotten more serious about her than any woman I had ever been with and I could not imagine getting over her. She and I had even talked about moving in and getting a puppy.

Regardless, she made it clear that she had fallen out of love and that we should move on.

"Dude, I'm worried about you," Cole said. "This hit you a lot harder than I thought it would."

"I appreciate your concern, but I'm not really ready to talk about it."

"No worries, mate. I'm here when you are, though."

"Thanks," I replied.

"Sure. However, you need to get out. Tomorrow night, we're going partying for real."

"I'm not interested."

"Tough shit. I'll pick you up at nine o'clock sharp. Where black and make sure your shit's clean. You're going to have an adventure you won't ever forget."

"Fine, whatever." I hung up without saying good-bye and went back to masturbating to internet porn.


The next evening, Cole arrived a few minutes before nine o'clock. Like me, he was dressed in all black.

"Are you ready for an adventure?"

"Not really."

"Suck it up, puss-pants."

Cole drove. He said it was so I could get smashed, but I am not a big drinker, and I did not really want to add a hangover to my already depressed state.

"What's Amanda up to?" I asked. Amanda and Cole got married this past summer, about four months ago. It was a very laid-back wedding by the river. It made Lindsay so hot that she pulled me into the bushes and had my fuck her. We had sex three more times once we got back to my apartment. That was a good night...

"She's having a girl's night tonight," he responded. "One of the local strip clubs has an all male revue tonight, and she and one of her college bitches are going to spend all my dollars. Horny nympho sluts, I tell ya. Every last one of'em."

"Even Amanda?"

"Especially Amanda. That woman wears me out."

We did not really speak for the rest of the short ride. I suspected that Cole was thinking about sex with his wife. I was also thinking about sex with his wife; Amanda is hot.

We arrived at a lounge about fifteen minutes from my apartment. While there, we did typical bar things; played pool, shot darts, had some beers, spoke with people. It was not special, and part of me wanted to leave and head home for more masturbation.

We had been there about an hour when Cole told me it was time to go.

"Let me pay my tab."

"Don't worry about it, I got it," he said.

"Dude, I don't need you to do that."

"Don't worry about it. You can get me next time."

Once to the car, I asked him, "Can we go home?"

"Hah! Two games of pool and a beer does not adventure make."

"I'm kinda tired."

"Tough shit. Look, just trust me, okay?"

"Yeah, fine, whatever." He shot me a look. I had been using that phrase a lot the past couple of weeks.

We drove about half an hour out into the country.

"Where exactly are we going?" I asked.

"Trust me, remember?" he said with an evil smirk.

A few more minutes and we pulled onto a dirt road. We drove several hundred feet before parking off on the side.

"Take this," Cole said as he handed me a flashlight, "and stay close." We climbed out of the car and I followed him into the woods.

The October night air was getting chilly enough to see my breath, and the clear sky and nearly full moon directly overhead illuminated our way even without the flashlights.

We traipsed wordlessly through the woods for several hundred yards before coming to the edge of a clearing illuminated by the full moon. Cole crouched down in some bushes and motioned for me to do the same.

"What now?" I whispered, not entirely sure why.

"Now, we wait."


We did not have to wait long. An SUV pulled into the clearing, turned around as if to leave, and then stopped. From our vantage point, we could see the driver's side rear quarter.

A man climbed out of the driver's seat and walked to the rear of the vehicle, where he met a woman who had emerged from the passenger's side. They talked in hushed voices before kissing passionately for nearly a full minute. The woman scanned the edge of woods as if expecting to see someone. I stayed still fearing what would happen if we got caught.

Within just a few minutes, this night had transformed from quite mundane to very interesting and I could feel my adrenaline pumping. One of my favorite styles of pornography was voyeurism, and I was extremely excited at the prospect of watching these two going at it here in the woods.

The man was a normal guy, not too short or too tall. He had a crew-cut and appeared to be in shape, at least as far as I could tell considering the jacket he was wearing. He was wearing blue jeans, a leather jacket, and working-type cowboy boots.

I was not paying very close to attention him, anyway, because the woman had my attention. She was also of a typical build, but with large breasts and an ample rump. She was wearing a knee length dress, high heels, and a short cardigan sweater.

The man said something and the woman nodded, and they kissed again. He opened the tailgate and grabbed a satchel in the back. He opened the satchel and turned back to her to kiss again. He lovingly pulled the sweater off her shoulders and down her arms while they kissed, exposing her arms, shoulders, and upper back to the brisk night air. Her dress, it turns out, was strapless.

The show took an expected and somewhat frightening turn when he turned her towards the back of the SUV, grabbed her arms, and bound them behind her back at the wrists with a length of rope he pulled from the satchel. He collected another length of rope and tied her arms again, this time at the elbows, nearly pulling them together behind her back. The action forced the woman's back to arch and breasts to protrude, and she gasped in response. I was not sure if this is what she agreed to, but she did not scream for help and she did not try to escape.

The man retrieved a head harness from the satchel. He turned her around to put it on, and I noticed that it included a ring gag for her mouth. She opened her mouth for him to place it on her.

He turned her around again to face the open boot of the SUV, pushed her against the bumper. He gently pushed her over, forcing her to bend at the waist. He retrieved two more lengths of rope from his satchel, tying one end of each to an upper thigh and the other end to the tow-hooks on the bumper. This configuration forced her legs open and prevented her from closing them.

He retrieved yet another length of rope from the satchel. He tied one end of this rope around the wrist bindings and the other end he threaded through the gap between the tailgate and body before tying it the luggage rack. This action pulled her arms off her back and stressed her shoulders, preventing her from standing up.

He folded the hem of her dress over her back, exposing her under-things to the night. These consisted of thigh-high stockings, garter straps, and a garter belt. She wore no panties.

He retrieved one last length of rope from has satchel and tied it to the back of the harness, letting it hang free for a moment. He then pulled out a large hook with a ball instead of a point on the hooked end, which he lubricated and inserted into her exposed anus. He tied the free length of the rope attached to her head gear to the loop in the exposed end of the anal hook and pulled it to arch her back and lift her face off the carpet of the SUV.

He took a moment to adjust himself. His penis was bulging inside his pants and I knew he was somewhat uncomfortable; I was feeling the exact same way.

He slapped each of her arse cheeks a couple of times and fingered her pussy. She squealed and moaned in response. He continued his manual intentions on her pussy for several minutes. Her moaning grew in volume and intensity, and soon she had an orgasm.

Once he had pulled a long orgasm from her, he set up two boxes, one on either side of her, and hung a sign from the tail gate. I could not quite read the sign from my vantage point.

The man grabbed a flashlight, and disappeared down the road the SUV had pulled in on. Not two minutes later, a car down the road started up and drove off. The woman was left exposed, bound, and helpless, free for whatever abuse anyone, or anything, wanted to inflict.


"Dude!" I whispered to Cole.

"Shhh. Just watch. It gets even better."

"But she's stranded there," I pleaded.

"Just relax," he said. "This is all part of the role playing. She's perfectly safe. Trust me, remember?"

About that time, a dark figure emerged from the perimeter about fifty feet away. From the way that figure moved, I took him to be male. He was dressed all in black with a black hoodie. He slunk up to the back of the SUV, continuously looking over his shoulder as if someone were chasing him.

Arriving at the helpless woman in the back of the SUV, he touched and massaged her buttocks for less than a minute. He knelt down so that his face was at her exposed areas. I could not tell if he sniffed her or licked her; possibly both. He did not pleasure her orally, though, because he immediately stood up and pulled out his penis. He fumbled with it for a second, probably donning a condom, and then pushed into her.

She grunted with the intrusion but was unable to respond otherwise. He pumped her roughly and rapidly, taking only a few minutes to reach orgasm. He arched his back and moaned as his orgasm peaked. He did not waste time after his orgasm; he immediately zipped up and slunk away into the woods from whence he came.

The woman barely had time to rest before her next workout. The second interloper was also dressed in black with a black hoodie, but moved like a woman and carried a bag. She did not slink like the previous guy, but walked up quietly and confidently. Her walk seemed vaguely familiar.

When she reached the bound woman, she spoke to her. I could not tell what she said. She continued speaking to her while she intermittently rubbed and smacked her ass. After a few minutes of this treatment, she squatted down similar to the previous guy, but she did more than sniff or lick.

The interloper brought the bound woman to orgasm within a couple of minutes, as evidenced by the bound woman quivering and groaning. The interloper did not relent once the orgasm was ended. The bound woman wriggled and squirmed, fighting the restraints, trying to protect her clitoris, which by this time was likely super sensitive.

She was knelt down with her face at the bound woman's playful parts for the better part of twenty minutes. She brought the bound woman to orgasm thrice in that time, each more intense than the last.

Alas, the interloper's tongue and jaw exhausted her stamina and she stood after the third orgasm.

The interloper spoke to the bound woman while she dug through her bag. She pulled out what appeared to be a large penis on a harness. The appearance was confirmed when she strapped it to herself. At the distance, I could not get a true estimate of the its size, but it looked significantly bigger than a typical penis. The interloper unceremoniously pushed the dildo into the bound woman, appearing to bury the giant cock to its full length on the first push. She fucked the bound woman for another ten minutes, forcing a fourth orgasm from her before withdrawing.

When the interloper finally withdrew, she smacked the bound woman on the ass and sauntered off into the woods.


"Do you want to go now?" Cole asked once the female interloper had disappeared.

"I don't know. This is sort of scary."

"Suit yourself. I'm going," he said, and he stood up to go.

He was halfway there when I remembered he was married. "Wait!" I whisper-screamed. He did not stop. I cursed as I stood up to chase after him.

He had already reached her and was rubbing her bum when I caught up.

"Isn't it pretty?" he said before I could say anything. "So round and inviting."

"I don't know about this," I said.

"Come on. She's here for the fucking. And she wants it, don't you pretty girl?" He smacked her on the ass, hard.

She jumped within her restraints, but made an affirmative sound.

I reached out and touched her ass. It was cold and riddled with goose pimples. I watched myself as my fingers moved from her buttock to her crease. I was mesmerized by it; I massaged the area between her anus, filled with the hook, and her slightly parted pussy. My finger continued down over her vaginal opening to her swollen clit.

Cole was smiling at me. "You know you want it. She does, too. It's why she's here." I flicked her clit with my fingertip and she jumped.

Fuck it, I thought, and I unzipped my pants and pulled out my dick.

"Rock on, bitch! Mind the sign," Cole said as he climbed past the woman into the back of the SUV.

"CONDOMS REQUIRED FOR VAGINAL INTERCOURSE," read the sign. One of the boxes beside the woman was a carton of condoms. I grabbed one and put it on.

Meanwhile, Cole was wriggling out of his pants. Once free of them, he sat in front of the woman's face with his cock at her mouth. He grabbed the back of her head and pushed it onto his cock.

About that time, I was ready to fuck. I placed my hands on her buttocks and spread her pussy open with my thumbs, then pushed into her.

Oh my; she felt good; I almost came with that first thrust.

I had not had sex since about three weeks before Lindsay and I split up, and no amount of masturbation can take the place of real sex. I took my time and savored the feel of her warm pussy around my aching cock. The first several thrusts were slow and deep, and I withdrew completely after each thrust. When I was sure that I would not cum in three thrusts, I accelerated my pace to a regular relaxed rhythm.

Every time I would bury my cock, she would twitch. She could only make gurgling sounds with her mouth filled with Cole's dick. We fucked for a full ten minutes before she came again, making this her sixth of the evening. Her pussy clamped down on my dick with her orgasm; I could barely move when she did.

Not long after her orgasm, I could feel mine coming on. I knew I could not stop it, so I did not even try. I emptied what felt like the entire contents of my testicles in five fierce thrusts.

I almost fell over with exhaustion once my orgasm was done. I pulled out and removed the condom, carefully placing it in the trash bag beside the box of fresh ones.

Cole was still fucking the woman's face. He did not last much longer, though. He came holding her head on his cock with both hands, filling her mouth with cum. He sat there, with his spent cock in her mouth, for another minute. I could see her head moving; she was trying to suck his dick clean, but was having a hard time because of the ring gag.

He let her clean his penis before pulling out and squirming back into his pants again. He climbed out past her, kissing her on her head as he passed. Once he was out of the SUV, he felt her bum again and fingered her pussy.

"Okay, let's head back," he said, and we made our way to the edge of the clearing.


Our actions had not sunk in until we were back at our vantage point. "Dude, what did we just do?" I whispered at him.

"We had a fucking good time is what we did. At least I did. Didn't you?"

"Yeah, but now I feel like shit."


"She couldn't get away."

"She didn't want to get away."

"How do you know?"

"I just know. Trust me."

"You keep saying that, but that trust won't mean anything if we're in jail."

"We won't be going to jail."

"What about Amanda?"

"She won't be going to jail, either."

"You know what I mean! You just cheated on her! You've only been married four months."

He snickered but did not respond. Instead, he said, "Shhh, the show isn't over yet."

His comment was prompted by headlights in the distance. A car approached but stopped before we could see anything else. The driver killed the headlights and engine. We heard a car door shut and soon the driver of the SUV strolled up.

He inspected the bound woman, testing her restraints. He climbed halfway into the back of the SUV and spoke to the woman in tones we were unable to make out. After a couple of minutes, he climbed back out and dropped his pants. He grabbed her by the hips and buried his cock in her. He fucked her for several minutes with a steady, almost mechanical rhythm until she came, number seven if my count was correct.

After her orgasm, he pulled out and carefully removed the anal hook and set it aside. He repositioned himself to fuck her more. I could not tell for sure, but I believed from his repositioning and the change in noises she was making that he was fucking her up the ass. He was not gentle at this point, and his orgasm was feral and violent.

Once his orgasm was over, he withdrew and sat on the bumper lazily wiping his genitals with a rag he produced from somewhere unseen. He used the rag to wipe her arse and pussy and then untied the length of rope to the roof rack.

He continued methodically and lovingly untying her. After releasing her restraints, he helped her stand up and steadied her so she would not fall. She turned to him once steady and pulled him in for a long, passionate kiss.

He walked her to the passenger side of the car and helped her in. Once situated, he came to the driver's side and climbed in, and they drove away.


"Show's over," Cole said. I started to get up, but Cole waved me back down. "Let's watch for just another second.

The moon was no longer directly overhead and the way was a bit darker. Cole pointed to an area across the clearing showing me the light from a flashlight. We stayed for another ten minutes or so and saw no less than fifteen different flashlights. Apparently, this was quite a show we saw. I was blown away. We made our way back to Cole's car and climbed in.

"Let's get some food," he said. "I'm always famished after a good fucking." We headed back to town.

I did not talk on the way. I was rather upset with myself for my actions that evening. I had never taken advantage of someone that way before. I have fantasized about it, especially since Lindsay left me, but I never thought I would actually do it. I kept telling myself that the woman in the woods was a willing participant, that the actions she took, along with those she failed to take, proved it. But I could not get passed her bound and gagged, unable to say no or fight back; I was bothered.

And Cole! I knew in my heart that his actions would put his fledgling marriage in jeopardy. How could he do this? How could he include me in on it? How was I going to react the next time I saw Amanda?


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