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The Grotto


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"Are you ready for this?" I ask, and she nods, her face is flushed down to her neck.

After such a long time I wasn't sure if I'd shoot or dribble, so I aimed high and the first shot lands in the hollow at the base of her neck. She tenses as the second shot lands perfectly between her tits. She gasps, and I realise she's cumming as well.

After a few seconds, her hands fall away from her pussy, but I'm not entirely done yet. Squeezing the base of my cock, I work the last of my cum up to the tip, until a large gobbet forms, and carefully I aim it, so as it falls landing directly on top of her exposed clit.

She flinches as if it burns, then groans in satisfaction. A hand moves back to rub the cum over her labia and clit. The other hand goes to her neck, and the fingertips slide through my seed, she lifts it up and plays with the sticky stuff between her fingertips, then licks them clean.

Then she rubs the rest across her milky breasts until there is nothing left to see.

"Was that OK?" I ask as she finishes.

"More than OK, that was a wonderful realisation of a long-held fantasy." With that choice of words, I can't tell if this is a one-time thing or not. Still, one time is better than none.

"Mind you, with that door open I'm bloody cold." We dress quickly, and she leaves without another word.

Closing the door behind her, it seems almost like a dream. Until I notice her bra on the floor and a damp smear on the plastic seat. Wiping it down with a paper towel, I inhale her ambrosia before I dispose of the towel.

For weeks afterwards, I keep my eyes open for her, with no luck. I was starting to get worried I'd scared her off or she was too ashamed to see me. I'd no idea where she lived or what her name was. And I couldn't think of a valid excuse to ask around the neighbourhood for a young woman with a Jack Russell. I just had to wait and see

It must have been close to midsummer's day when I finally saw her again. She was walking the dog past the front of my house and called out a friendly 'Hi.' I superfluously replied in kind, as I walked towards her.

"Are we ok, after...?" I ask.

"Of course, it was; intense, but great."

"Just after not seeing you since, I was worried."

"Sorry, I had a shift change at work. It's only just swapped back. Mind you, I wouldn't mind getting my bra back."

"Sure, should I get it now?" She looks around to see several other dog walkers nearby.

"Best not. Perhaps you can give it to me next time?"

"Next time?" I ask surprised but pleased. She nods, and then leans in closer and in a conspiratorial whisper add.

"Only next time I want to do it in the grotto."

"Seriously?" She nods, the fear of getting caught slides down into second place, behind the fear of getting my squidgy bits riddled with thorns.

"How about Thursday night, it's a full moon." She asks, and it's my turn to nod wordlessly.

It's only four days away, I thought, and I may be able to figure something out to make it less uncomfortable. She leans in closer still.

"Just save yourself up for me, ok?"

The four days seemed to take forever, and I'm sure my work colleagues knew there was something on my mind. There was, and it was going around like a hamster in a wheel.

If we got caught, technically, we were on my private property, and anyone who caught us would be trespassing. So I doubt there would be criminal charges, but it would be the gossip of the neighbourhood for years. I could block off the ends of the path, but that would raise more questions and draw attention to why I'd suddenly changed my mind after months of owning the land.

I should have said no, not a chance, but that ship had sailed. I could line the grotto with blankets to offer some privacy and reduce the risk of thorns. However, it might be the chance of discovery, and danger was what she wanted. And without a way to talk to her, I was stuck.

And then my mind circled back to the beginning again.

When Thursday evening finally came around, I waited impatiently, not even knowing when she would arrive. I'd caught her in the grotto around 10 pm, but she'd commented something about 3 am. I wasn't sure I could wait that long.

I'd been getting spontaneous erections for days and complying with her request to save myself was becoming increasingly difficult.

At 11 pm, I was staring into my fridge, wondering if I should have a beer to calm my nerves when there was a tap at the back door. It was her, and she had an excited grin on her face. I follow her without a word.

She's wearing a lightweight dress and over her shoulder is a large bag.

"What's in the bag?" I ask, and she looks back at me as we step on to the path.

"Yoga mats. I didn't want to get prickled like last time." Turning to look where she's going in the moonlight, I swear I hear her mutter 'at least not that sort of prick-led' under her breath.

At the entrance to the grotto, she drops the bag and extracts the mats.

"Give me a minute to get it ready." She disappears into the tunnel, and I resist the temptation to watch her bum, knowing I'll likely see more if I'm patient.

When she reappears, she clambers to her feet.

"One last thing. Ok?" She asks, and I nod unsure what she's planned.

In a single movement, her dress is up and over her head, leaving her entirely naked.


"Firstly, there isn't a lot of space in there to do it, plus it adds to the danger of getting caught." She replies squatting and puts the dress into her bag. "Come on, it's your turn."

She vanishes back down the tunnel as I pull my shirt off. It seems it's not only teenage boys that do stupid things for the chance of sex. My trousers and underwear next and I put them into the bag and look down the tunnel towards her.

There are two overlapping mats in the grotto and another covering the far end of the tunnel. She is lying naked on her side, the moonlight illuminating her clearly from above. Her heavy breasts, the curve of her belly and thick thighs. It reminds me of a Rubenesque painting, only in real life,

"Leave the bag at the entrance and join me." A small part of me thinks this is a stupid idea, but that is not the part of me that is leading my thinking.

In moments, I'm lying next to her, each of us propping our heads up with a hand. Now, like a teenage boy, I don't know what to do. Or perhaps I should say that I know what I want to do, but worry about taking the lead and spoiling what she's after.

"This is slightly more than we wagered, right?" I gesture to her nudity.

"True, but we saw each other naked last time. So I think that wager is void now."

Her hand reaches out, and her fingertips trace through my greying chest hair. Then they tighten and grips a tuft and tugs. It's a little painful, but she lets go, and her hand moves south. Pausing as she reaches my pubic hair. I'd heard that even men shaved down there these days, but that was not for me.

"May I?" She asks as her fingertip touches my hard shaft. Unable to trust my voice, I nod, and her fingers wrap around my hard cock. Her fingers cool against the raging heat from my flesh.

"It's nice." She comments as she slowly pulls the foreskin back and forth. Letting her explore me at her own pace, I try to relax enjoying the long unfelt sensations.

"You can touch me as well if you want." Like a thirsty man in the desert, upon seeing water, I reach for her. Tracing my hand across her shoulder, then her arm and then swooping down to touch the flesh of her breast. It's so soft and flawless, I'm fascinated.

She releases my cock and lifts her breast to offer it more fully to me. Her nipple is hard, and it presses into my palm as I try and fail to encompass her breast in my full hand.

"What do you think?"


"Really? Not too fat." Her usual confidence is lacking from her tone.

"Of course not. You're spectacular, all the more to enjoy." That seems to please her immensely.

"Anything you would like to do to me first?" That's an offer I wasn't ready for. I'd expected this to be a rerun of the last time, but already we had gone so much further.

"I think I'd like to become more familiar with your angelic bum."

"Really?" But she rolls over onto her stomach, resting her head on her crossed arms.

My hand traces down her back until it reaches the full round ripeness of her buttocks. It starts with a caress but soon becomes a massage and my unnamed partner groans as I squeeze and manipulate her flesh.

"Is this what you want?" I ask in a low voice, barely louder than a whisper. "Or would you prefer this?"

This stroke goes lower, pushing her cheeks apart as my fingertips delve between her legs, which she opens wider in unspoken answer to my question. The damp heat of her sex is impossible to miss, and my fingers slip easily along the moist lips. She squirms, and I move, so one of my legs is resting across the back of her thighs, my hard cock pressed up against the underside of her buttocks, and my head is almost resting on her shoulder blade.

As my finger work back and forth, drawing her moisture towards her clit, the knuckle of my thumb teases her opening. She makes a mewling noise, and I relent, extending my thumb and entering her core effortlessly.

She stiffens, and then pushes back against me. Slowly, twisting my hand, so my first two fingers split apart her labia and slide either side of her slit as they reach the end of their travel.

As I leaned forward to kiss her back, she grabs my other hand and pulls it towards her face. Pushing my fingers into a fist, she points my thumb up and takes it into her warm wet mouth. For a moment I think she's simulating a blow job or showing me what I can look forward to.

Then I realise it's a guide for what she wants me to do to her. So as she sucks my thumb deeper, my thumb presses deeper in her pussy. When she sucks harder, I mirror her pressure between thumb and fingers.

In minutes her moans of pleasure get louder.

"Careful!" I caution, and as if just the thought of being found could make it come true, we heard a noise at the end of the tunnel. Freezing my hand, I look back to see a dog sniffing at the bag of clothing.

It looks up, and our eyes lock, then it looks at my partner, she twists around to look over her shoulder towards the dog, and her eyes widen in shock. But her lower half seems unable to stop, her hips and crotch pushing against my hand.

Then I hear voices coming towards us.

"Did we really have to stay in the pub so long?" A woman's voice asks.

"Come on, we hardly ever go out these days," comes the male reply.

"But I have to get up for work tomorrow."

"So do I!"

"What's that? It looks like a bag." Fuck! If they take it, we're screwed, or they may just look around and find us.

"Oh, it'll just be some rubbish, leave it, I need a piss."

"I thought you went before we took the dog out?" The voices are getting quieter, and the dog finally realising he's being left behind, follows.

The thought of getting caught might excite this woman, but we need to finish this. Switching my concentration from the thumb inside her, to the fingers at her clit, I speed up.

She presses one of her hands over her mouth to suppress the noises she's making, but the liquid sound from between her thighs seems loud enough to me to be heard from the path. In a matter of moments she's cumming on my fingers, her thighs grip my hand tightly, stopping any movements. When she relaxes, I slip my hand free, and she rolls over onto her back. Her eyes show the post-orgasmic blurriness and I watch until she recovers.

"You now. Can you straddle my chest?" Looking up, the brambles overhead are close. But I'll risk a few scratches for this.

She wriggles into the middle of the mat, and I lift my knee over her stomach. She lifts her breasts, and I move until my legs are resting against their undersides. Again, I'm surprised how soft they are, and my hands drop to caress them. Milky white in the moonlight, soft and smooth, almost pillow like. She takes my distraction as a decision.

Pressing my cock down towards her breast bone, she pushes her breasts around the shaft and slowly works it up and down. Suddenly, I realise in my fifty odd years this is a first. None of my former lovers had the 'equipment' for this. It's novel and nice, and if I had a soft bed and as much time as I wanted I might be able to cum like this, but not now.

Pulling my cock free, I start to wank it again.

"Where do you want it this time?" Instantly she replies.

"In my mouth. Directly into my hungry mouth." Her hands press under my bum, indicating I should lift up.

Leaning forward and bracing one hand against the central tree trunk, I lift as she wriggles lower. Now my knees are under her armpits and the tip of my cock level with her chin. She grabs it and starts to wank me over her face.

"Are you going to give me all your yummy cum? I hope you have enough, as I'm feeling really hungry." Her technique at this angle is never going to work for me.

"Are you doing this or am I?" She pulls her hand back quickly, and I take over, my hand becomes a blur.

"You want this?" She nods. "How much do you want it?"

"More than anything."

"Well get ready!" Her mouth opens wide, and moments later, my first spurt hits the roof of her mouth.

On reflex, she coughs, and the next shot lands on her top lip. She smiles as she scoops up the stray cum and licks it off her fingertip. Once that is done, she grips my now softening cock and squeezes it like I had last time, until the remaining seed forms at the tip, then lifts her head and wraps her lips around the head. Her tongue swirls around, gathering the last of it. Even exploring the slit for any final drop.

Her head drops back as she finishes, and I climb off and lie beside her. Leaning in to kiss her, she pulls back.

"What?" I ask, concerned.

"It's just guys don't normally want to kiss after that." I shrug.

"It's mine in the first place." This time she allows the kiss.

"Thank you!" She says sincerely.

"No, thank you," I reply.

"Are you cold?" She asks, and I nod.

She scrambles onto her hands and knees and down the tunnel, leaving me to sort out the matting. As I peel it back, the expected thorns are sticking into the underside.

Working backward, dragging them down the tunnel, I emerge to see her dressed.

"You'll need some proper lighting to get all the thorns out," I say holding the mats up.

She takes them and folds them in half and starts to walk away. Leaving me naked on my knees. As I started to dress, she suddenly reappeared and kissed my cheek.

"Thanks again." She whispers and goes.

This is definitely the weirdest non-relationship I've ever been in. But as a guy, even a guy in his fifties, a blowjob is a blowjob.

Weeks passed, and while we see each other at a distance or from a car, we don't get a chance to talk or anything else.

Then a knock on my door brings her back into my life. It's almost 10 pm, and late for visitors when I opened the door to find her there.

"Do you fancy a walk down to the harbour?" She asks, I agree and she waits on the edge of the road as I locked up.

Unsure where we stand publicly, I walk next to her. Privately, I know I'm her personal kinky sex facilitator. Then she loops her arm through mine, which is nice and I notice a neighbour do a double take as he sees me with an attractive young woman on my arm. I feel like I'm walking taller and no longer feel like an old man waiting for the grave.

"You realise we don't even know each other's name? I'm..." I offer, but she stops me.

"No!" She exclaims, and then softens. "Sorry, we know each other rather intimately really, but I like that in some ways we're still strangers. It adds to the..." she falters.

"Excitement?" She nods. "Ok, no names, but I do have a question that's been bothering me. One 'a gentleman' should never ask a lady."

"You think after what we've done that I'm still a lady? You're worried about cradle snatching, aren't you? Its ok, I'm older than I look. I'm 34, is that ok?"

"Of course, and that means I'm not quite old enough to be your father."

"Oh, that's a shame; I also have a daddy kink." She looks sideways at me with a cheeky grin.

"Christ, you'll be the death of me at some point."

"Possibly, but what a way to go."

At the harbour, there are a few diehard tourists packing up their cars, a few joggers and dog walkers. My companion leads me to the end of the harbour wall. On either side of the harbour entrance are robust ten-foot tall concrete towers containing navigation lights, and over large iron bollards.

She gestures, I should sit on it as she stands to look down into the water. The sun setting behind us, the sky is a palette of rich colours. It's a view I've seen a thousand times, but there is hardly a view on the planet that cannot be improved by including a pretty woman.

As she comes to stand in front of me, I notice the look on her face, I've started to identify as trouble. She comes really close, and I move my feet to let her closer between my legs.

"You know, I must be getting forgetful in my old age." She's trying to sound innocent, but not pulling it off. "I've completely forgotten if I'm wearing panties."

"Oh," I reply, trying to sound serious. "I suppose it's my duty to check for you?" She looks away and shrugs nonchalantly, but with a hint of excitement around her mouth.

Reaching forward, my hands touch her knees and slide up her smooth skin until they vanish beneath her skirt. Assuming she's watching out behind me, I reach higher enjoying the feel and the illicit contact.

As I reach towards the top of her thighs and the skirt is getting tighter, she stops me.

"I just remembered you're a bit of a bum man, right?" Before I can reply, she turns her back to me.

In moments my fingers encounter the soft and full round cheeks of her buttocks. They feel great, and my open hands cover only a small portion. Giving them a firm squeeze, she sighs in pleasure.

"No sign of underwear yet," I comment.

"It could be a thong." She offers.

"Don't worry; I've not given up yet. If I find out you forgot your panties, perhaps I should give you a spank?"

"You never know, that might encourage me to do it again," she replies.

Twisting my hand, I push my fingertip between her thighs, and she moves her feet apart to make more room. It's warm and moist as my index finger encounters her vulva, then pushes forward, splitting her labia and ending just as it touches her clit. Drawing back, it sinks deeper, and I feel her opening. Tempting as it is, I circle it and push forward, again sticking to the outside, and then repeat, as they used to say on shampoo adverts.

"I liked what you did last time." She says, not looking back. So I have my instructions it seems.

Twisting my wrist in the confined space, my thumb comes up and like a deviant homing pigeon, finds its target unerringly. But I leave it nestling between her lips and just pressed against the opening of her sex.

In this new position, my middle finger joins the index along her labia. Curling both fingers to gather her plentiful juices and spreading them along her lips and up to her engorged clit.

She wriggles and makes a mewling sound of frustration, and I get the message. Gradually, constant pressure pushes my thumb inside, until it's as deep as it can go.

"That's nice!" She sighs and pushes back.

I wish I could claim enough dexterity, to work my fingers and thumb effectively, but alternating between the two produces the desired effect on my partner.

"Someone's coming!" She whispers, and before I can react, she sits on my lap. Trapping my hand between us.

Reaching back, she tries to straighten out her skirt, but with my hand where it is, a hell of a lot of thigh is exposed. She pulls my other arm around her stomach to make our position more reasonable.

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