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The Halloween Surprise

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This story is about accidental incest.
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The costumed crowd was all tightly jammed together on the balcony as they viewed the midnight fireworks display. Jake found himself pressed against the rear end of a woman in a zebra suit who was bending over the rail. He could not see her face as her costume covered her head and in the dark it was difficult, but her body was thick, her ass solid and full, and her thighs shapely. The balcony was pitch black save for a dim red light that glowed in the dark.

Clad only in his American Indian loincloth and headband he enjoyed the lush feeling of her magnificent ass pressed against his barely covered cock. Try as much as he could, he could not stop its hardening. As the crowd "oohed and "ahhed," at the fireworks, the woman in front of him twisted from left to right maintaining a firm pressure on his cock causing it to harden like a bar of steel.

He knew that she could feel it too as she began rocking back and forth and gyrating her ass against him. Boldly, he reached forward and grabbed the zebra ass and started to massage it, feeling its plump softness. In the darkness he couldn't see anything, nor could she, but he could feel her thick bottom and he knew that she could feel the turgidity of his cock.

She gave no sign of any opposition to his fondling, instead, she kept pushing back against him as he massaged her butt cheeks.

He raised the tail on her costume and ran his hand between her thighs and discovered that the costume was crotchless. His fingers encountered wet heat that steamed like vapor from a hot spring.

He played between her thighs, and she parted them in invitation. He spread her dripping pussy lips and a soft moan that was lost among the exclamations of the crowd, emanated from her mouth as she ground herself against the invading hand.

Gently he probed and found her fire-pit into which he inserted his thumb. His middle and fore fingers separated her lips and massaged her clit. To his delight, she pressed down upon his thumb, forcing it deeper into her.

Her juices flowed as he fingered her, and she shuddered with a suppressed orgasm. In an urge to satisfy his raging libido He threw all caution to the winds and in his youthful ardor, he lifted the front of his loin cloth and guided his throbbing cock between the sodden lips. She felt the blunt tube foraging its way into her flooded canal and rotated her hips helping it to breach the mouth of her steaming cauldron.

The entrance burned with friction as her pussy stretched, before surrendering to the unrelenting pressure. It took a few minutes for the mushroom head to worm its way in, as she realized that not only was it a very hard cock, but it was also very thick.

"Blake must really be horny tonight," she thought.

She gasped and grunted as it forced its way into her and when her pussy finally opened up, the cock plunged all the way up in her, jamming hard against her cervix. She cried out, but the scream was lost in the crowd noise.

"Blake sure is rough tonight," she thought, "he must not have had any pussy lately,".

When his cock was finally fully inserted, Jake stood still and pulled her back to him, seating the cock as deep within her as he could. He remained still until he felt her tunnel gradually loosen and her body relax. She started rocking back and forth allowing him to initiate small strokes.

Her mind was reeling with lust as the bludgeon filled her in a way that no other cock in her life had done. Somewhere deep in the labyrinths of her mind she knew that the cock inside of her did not exactly feel like Blake's, but the conflagration in her loins prevailed and at that moment she didn't care.

Her belly felt like it was swelling as the cock seemed to push past her available depth. She bowed her head, bombarded by another orgasm that engulfed her, rolling like the waves of a tsunami. She whimpered, hoping that the persons next to her didn't realize that her noises had nothing to do with the fireworks display.

As the final salvos of the fireworks explosions boomed in the air, the huge cock battered her, and she groaned through her teeth in ecstasy. His strokes became more erratic, and she realized that he was cumming. She curved her ass upwards, allowing for the deepest penetration, while jamming back hard on the meaty pole to receive the liquid libation.

The pulsing inside her lasted for such a long time that her stomach felt like it was bulging as salvo after salvo was fired into her smoldering cave. She was also surprised to feel no leakage of her juices and concluded that she must have been so completely filled that the cum was unable to leave her pussy.

"Oh God," she moaned, as she felt her womb swell, "I hope that he doesn't knock me up."

As the pulsations waned, the monster inside of her shrunk and finally slipped out. A torrent of cum gurgled and ran from her plundered hole, soaking the legs of the zebra suit.

Sweat dripped from her face, and she lay spent over the rail as the fireworks ended. The crowd, including her vaginal visitor quickly dissipated and returned to the party.

Finally, she got herself together, and tottered back inside to the bathroom to clean herself up. Her pussy was throbbing and still on fire. She took a damp paper towel and patted it against her crotch trying to still the quivering and tamp down the heat inside.

Never had she felt so thoroughly fucked in all of her life nor had she had such deep and pussy-quaking orgasms.

Fifteen minutes later she was still getting mini ripples in her belly.

Staggering from the bathroom, she went looking for Blake but encountered her husband instead, and after finding him, she asked him to take her home. Seeing her unsteady gait and shaky posture, he assumed that maybe she had a little too much to drink, so they left the party.

She expected that Blake would call her in a day or so to relive the experience, but she never heard from him.

When she arrived home, she was barely able to strip off her costume and fell into the bed. Naked, she curled herself into a fetal position as her body kept humming and her pussy twitching.

Before her husband could finish undressing, she was fast asleep, her cum soaked costume discarded on the floor.

She slept fitfully, with mini vignettes of what had transpired spiraling through her brain. Her pussy twitched, throbbed, quaked and wept with joy all night. When she awoke, the bed beneath her was soaked.

George had already left for the golf course, so she was able to take the soiled sheets and drop them in the hamper to wash without him asking about the carnage.

Her legs felt as if they had run a marathon, so she made a mug of coffee, filled the bathtub, and slipped into the hot water. The heat soothed her as she sipped her morning java, still struggling to get her head around what had happened the night before.


Debbie and George had been married for a little over twenty years when they attended the fateful Halloween party. They had met in college and started dating as sophomores. She was of Puerto Rican heritage. Her mother was Puerto Rican and her father from Barbados, another Caribbean Island. Her always tanned looking skin was flawless and she kept her magnificent body disguised under clothes that were never tight because she didn't like being constantly ogled. Her hair was jet black and when she brushed it, it gleamed like dog stones on a moonlit night!

George had been a fairly good athlete in college and represented the school in track. He was a brash New Yorker of Italian descent. She had seen him with many girls on campus and assumed that he was getting a lot of play, which he was.

They met at a campus party when he hit on her and was surprised to find out that she hadn't dated much, mostly because of her shyness. He was even more surprised that she didn't give it up that night as many of the other coeds had done.

He continued to pursue her anyway, and in the exultation of their graduation, she let him take her virginity in the back seat of his dad's car.

He didn't know that she was still virgin and had assumed that she was on birth control. Since she had never had sex before, it never dawned upon her to make sure that he was wearing a condom. The result of their indiscretion became evident when she missed her next two periods.

Upon graduating, they got married and named the child Jake after her paternal grandfather.

George got a job in an accounting firm while Debbie stayed home to give birth. After Jake was born, her mom offered to babysit as she wanted to work. She started substitute teaching at the local high school, before getting a full- time job teaching Mathematics.

Both of their jobs were quite demanding so when they got an opportunity to relax, they went all out. They camped out, climbed rocks, hiked trails, traveled to quaint places, visited resorts, and did everything to spice up their marriage and keep the thrill alive.

As the years went by, she and Jake became very close as he was her only child and she considered him, her "baby."

Before she knew it, he had become a teenager and she noticed that he was very protective of her, especially when other males were around. Often, she would smile surreptitiously at his antics.

George meanwhile had gotten involved in his career and although he never neglected her, the sex decreased to once a week and then every two weeks and sometimes a month would pass before he approached her. His desire seemed to wane but hers did not.

As Jake grew into young manhood, she couldn't help but notice that he was a lot like his father. He was good looking, very athletic and a ladies' man. He never was without girlfriends, but he never seemed to keep one long.

When she would ask him why the relationships were so fleeting, he would say that the girls were too immature and wanted to run around too much. When she probed further, and asked what type of girl he was looking for, he would say,

"One just like you, Mom, 'cause you are the best."

At first, she was quite flattered but slowly began to realize that he had a crush on her. It amused her and she felt it was just a phase that he would eventually grow out of when he met the right girl.

There was, however, one way in which he was unlike his father and that had to do with his cock. It was huge!

She discovered this because one evening after returning home late from school, he asked her to wake him up early in the morning as he had an early class.

At about six thirty a.m., she went to his bedroom and pushed the door open but before she could say his name, she saw him lying on his back naked. Reared up between his thighs was a humongous cock. It was easily ten inches in length and the girth, my god, the girth! It throbbed menacingly as he lay on his back asleep.

She stood mesmerized and her pussy beginning to twitch.

"My God," she thought, "What would that feel like pushing its way up into my insides? No wonder he can't keep a girlfriend, those young girls can't take that much cock! Even a grown woman would have trouble with that monster! Where did he get such a big cock from? His dad is only about six inches when fully hard. She surmised that it must be from his Barbadian grand dad, because she remembered hearing her mom tell her dad about the noise his parents made in bed."

When she realized what she was thinking, she became ashamed for her lewd thoughts and for lusting after her son's cock. She closed the door, banged on it and called his name.

"Time to get up, Jake," she called.

A sleepy voice answered back "Thanks, Mom, I'm up."

"You sure are," she thought and grinned at her double entendre.

Jake finally completed his high school years and went on to college. By then he had filled out a bit more and that bulge in his trousers had lured many a young woman to the decimation of her virginity.

Few of them hung around though, because they couldn't stand the fucking that they got every time. Not only was his cock large, but he was not in the "wham bam thank you ma'am" category. He was a long-laster and a quick recoverer and any woman who let him between her legs had to be ready for a minimum of a half hour of solid pounding and with his quick recovery several more hours of intense fucking. He was a phenom known only to the boldest girls at college.

He loved thick women and fantasized about his mom often. He loved her heavy breasts thick ass and thighs and her lips, oh, her lips he would think, they were made for sucking cock!

Unbeknownst to him, she also fantasized about that massive cock that he carried but knew that she would never cross such a line.


About twenty years into their marriage, on a night when their lovemaking was stellar and they were basking in a post coital glow, George asked Debbie if she had ever wondered what making love to another man would feel like. She was so surprised by the question that she didn't respond at first. Eventually she said,

"I don't need another man; you satisfy me completely."

"That's not the question I asked," he grinned, "have you ever wondered what making love to another man would be like?"

"Why?" she asked, "do you want me to have sex with another woman and is that why you are asking?"

"No-o-o," he responded, "I was just wondering since I was the only man that you have had, whether or not, you had ever imagined what making love to another man would feel like?"

"Do you want to see me having sex with another man?" she queried.

"Oh, I don't know, I have wondered what it would be like having another person join us in bed, but its nothing more than just a fantasy," he explained.

"I don't think that I would want that," she replied, "you are enough for me."

As they dozed off, she couldn't help wondering what was in his mind.

Two weeks later while at work, she overheard one of her colleagues talking about swinging and how much fun she and her husband were having.

Surprised, she sat silently acting like she couldn't hear them, but her ears were pricked on every word.

The woman that she was talking to, asked,

"How long have you and your husband been doing it?"

"About five years now," she told her.

"How did you guys get started?" her friend asked.

"Well, my husband asked me if I had ever thought of having sex with someone else, and at first, I thought that he was looking for an excuse to fool around, so I said, no.

After a while I discovered that he really wanted me to have more experience. Since he had been with many women, he felt that I should at least have an experience with one other man beside him.

At first, I didn't want to do it, but he convinced me that it would be fun, and I wouldn't go to my grave wondering what being made love to by more than one man felt like. Finally, I agreed to try it and it was wonderful."

"How did you all go about it? Her friend gushed.

"For about six months, we checked adult sites on the internet until I agreed to meet this one guy with him. He was about ten years older than we were and quite experienced. We had dinner with him on several occasions and when he asked me if I wanted to get more intimate, I agreed.

He was very patient with me and when we finally did it, it was the most enjoyable thing having two men pleasure me simultaneously.

I was so nervous and excited that when the guy finally put his cock in me, I started cumming right away. He was not as thick as my husband, but he was a lot longer, and he knew how to use that thing. He reached areas in my pussy that had never been explored before. I came about twenty times that night," she giggled.

Debbie was aghast overhearing the conversation, but it gave her a lot to think about.

Several weeks later she and her husband were watching television after dinner and she said to him,

"George, do you remember asking me about having sex with another man?"

"Yea-ahh," George replied hesitantly, not knowing where she was going with the conversation.

"I know that you really want me to do it, and I'm not sure that I want to try it, but if we were going to do it how would we go about it?"

George's heart leapt with hope, and he had to take time to calm himself down before responding as he did not want to say the wrong thing and ruin the opportunity of her actually doing it.

"W-e-e-l-ll," he said, "first it won't be anyone that we would know because running into them later might be awkward."

"I agree," she murmured, "I wouldn't want it to be with someone that we know either."

"I hear that there are swinging sites on the internet," he continued, "we could take a look and see if anyone appeals to you. If you see someone that you like, we could meet him, have a drink or dinner and see if you are attracted to him in person. If you aren't, no harm would be done but if you are, we could see how it goes."

"That sounds like a reasonable way to find out," she added, "but I am not sure that I really want to do it yet."

He noticed her ending with "yet," and smiled as she had inadvertently let him know that she was seriously thinking about it.

George began adding fantasies to their love making. He would come up with varying scenarios. Sometimes he would describe them having sex naked on a beach or in the woods. He encouraged her to participate and slowly she joined in the creation of these scenarios.

Later, he added another person and then another couple and then a group situation to their fantasizing. To his surprise she joined in and added her take to the scenarios.

About six months later while they lay in bed talking, he told her that a friend had recommended and adult site and wondered if she wanted to see it.

She agreed, but only to look.

After weeks of "looking," he asked her if she would mind if he posted some sexy pictures of her on the site.

"As long as you don't want to post nude pictures of me or show my face," she answered.

"I will show them to you before I post them and only post what you okay," he assured her.

For the next few weeks, he photographed her in short dresses with low necklines, often showing the tops of her large breasts. Later, he included bikini shots, and some of her dressed without panties displaying glimpses of her bare ass. True to his word, none showed her face.

When he began posting the pictures the responses began pouring in like a deluge, but she never indicated any desire to do more than look and read the replies.

One evening as they scrolled through the responses, she said to George,

"This guy here seems like a nice man. From his response you can tell that he is a gentleman and knows how to treat a woman."

George's heart leapt, and as calmly as he could, so as not to show his excitement, he said,

"Is he someone that you'd like to meet?"

She paused and the said,

"I don't know if I want to meet him, but I wouldn't mind talking to him."

"Well, there's no phone number here, but maybe I can email him an see if he would like to talk to you."

She caught her breath as she realized that this was a new step in their relationship but thinking that he probably wouldn't get a phone number she said,

"He might not be interested in talking."

They perused a few more responses before logging off and George didn't ask her anything else.

The next day he sent an email to the guy whose name was Blake, telling him what he was looking for and that, if he didn't mind, his wife wanted to talk to him to see whether or not she wanted to go further.

Blake was thrilled and responded with his phone number.

Two days later, George called him and filled him in on the details and arranged a time for him to call.

The next evening after George and Debbie had dinner and were watching the TV in the family room, the phone rang. It was Blake.

Nonchalantly George answered and turned to Debbie, handed her the phone and said,

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