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The Hand-Off

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A shy man encounters changes at his massage provider.
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The Hand-Off

By Ms. Pamela Lightener

The nondescript office on the first floor of the nondescript professional building said, "Suite 130." It was part of the address as well as the name of the business. If low-key was worth its weight in gold, the proprietor could have retired to the French Riviera a long time ago. But since it isn't, Suite 130 had remained in business--by appointment only.

The same could be said for Martin, who screamed nondescript. Which is clearly oxymoronic, so let's just leave that there.

Martin was a pleasant-looking man, astoundingly typical in almost every way, and completely unmemorable. Months ago he actually asked the same girl out twice within 3 days, and was turned down both times, without her recognizing him from the first attempt. He was going to try a third time, just for fun, but he reconsidered because it might make a bad impression. As if that was even possible.

After having a few drinks he once toyed with the idea of becoming a bank robber, since no one would be able to recognize him in a police lineup. He dismissed that immediately because he wasn't stupid. In fact, he was a bit above average intellectually. He was just, well, nondescript.

Martin was a regular client at Suite 130, with a twice a month routine, and they recognized him and welcomed him each time. It was one of the many things he liked about going there. Gina impressed Martin as particularly pleased to see him, and when they chatted she would sometimes pat him on the shoulder affectionately, or play hit him when he made a silly joke. He wondered if she was seeing anyone. She never talked about that.

Gina peered at him through the peephole when he knocked, and smiled as she let him in. A stunning, shapely brunette, Gina always wore short skirts that showed off her luscious legs. He could never work up the courage to ask her out, and didn't want to make things awkward if she declined. So he let it go. "Hello, Martin, so nice to see you! How good of you to be early, as usual. Jeanne always talks about how considerate you are. Would you like a coffee or soda while you wait? I have my home-baked cookies too. I made them knowing you'd be in today." "Oh, nothing to drink, but are those peanut butter cookies? With the fork marks? I love those."

They both had a cookie while Gina asked how he had been, and if he was coming in for anything specific. "Just a little soreness in my lower back," said Martin. "But more just the usual...uh...treatments." Martin seemed a little embarrassed. "Yes, I quite understand. I manage the client records, of course. They are most detailed because we always wanted to make sure all our clients were never disappointed." He wasn't sure if she winked at him there. "Oh, yes, of course." He wondered about her use of the past tense. Maybe it didn't mean anything. Gina smiled, perhaps a little wistfully, wished him a pleasant session, and then led him through the door to the back.

"We're closing early after your session," said Gina. "I'm going down a few doors to Kofi's Coffee for a bit after that." Martin chewed on that awhile.

Two doors down the hall from the reception area, and on the left, Gina announced Martin as she let him into the largest of the treatment rooms in the suite. "Jeanne, Martin's here," she sang, and an attractive late-middle-aged brunette came up to meet him with a smile and a warm hug. "Please have a seat next to me on the sofa, Martin. I have some news for you, about certain changes."

Martin was not fond of change, and liked things at Suite 130 just as they were. He was one of Jeanne's first clients, and they knew his preferences and idiosyncrasies well.

"First the bad news. My doctor had forbidden me from performing any more treatments, especially massages. My bad back, you know. It's very stressful and has become consistently more painful this year. So I'm afraid that I cannot be your therapist any longer. In fact, I'm closing the business."

Martin's face could not hide his disappointment. Jeanne had gotten to know him so well over the years to the point where they hardly had to speak during his sessions. Even when she tried something new, she could immediately tell if it pleased him, annoyed him, or if he was undecided. They had a true connection. But no more. He began to feel a little uneasy, a little untethered.

"So I wanted to make your last visit special. My niece Elsa has been with me for the past two years, and I'm sure you have seen her occasionally in the hall. You know, short, blonde, about 5-foot-two, and quite petite. But she's surprisingly strong for her size and quite a more than capable technician. Although she's only 24, she has trained in Denmark, Japan, and for a short time in Hawaii. Then she got tired of the nomadic life and decided to stay here awhile. I'm sure you will get along famously. She will be handling you today, and after that she's off to Dublin to settle down with her girlfriend and open an office much like this one.

"But rest assured, I will personally supervise the whole session. Please don't worry about a thing. I will make sures she takes care of everything the way you like it."

There was a knock on the door. "Come in, Elsa," said Jeanne loudly, and she entered, dressed in crisp, turquoise scrubs -- very professional. She spied Martin and her smile put him at ease, in spite of his trepidation. She strode over confidently, and took both of his hands in hers. Those hands were warm and soft. Martin relaxed just a little. "So, you're the famous Martin. Jeanne has often mentioned you as one of her earliest and favorite clients. She has instructed me to take the best care of you, and that I will!"

Martin was a bit shy with all the attention, and stammered, "Nice to meet you...uh...Elsa."

Jeanne was a bit emotional when she said to Martin, "We will try to make your last session an exceptional and memorable one. We will do our best. And as a gesture of my affection, there will be no charge."

"Thank you, Jeanne. I am terribly disappointed, of course, but that is generous of you."

"Now, Elsa," began Jeanne, "We have scheduled a special extended final session with Martin today, so you can become familiar with him and especially with his body. As you know, this is the final appointment for Suite 130." Jeanne choked up a little. "One thing I can tell you is that he has always arrived on time, and regardless of the treatment we are performing, his hygiene and grooming are first-rate." Martin blushed at the compliment. "Even if I am going to be bathing him, he comes in squeaky clean from head to toe." Martin turned a deeper shade.

"So, let's get you out of your things, and let Elsa have a look at you."

"Now...right here?"

"Of course, silly, said Jeanne. You are here for a treatment, aren't you?" Both women chuckled and waited for Martin to undress. Sitting on the sofa, he removed his shoes and socks, and then slowly stood and began to unbutton his shirt. "Just leave everything right here on the sofa, Martin."

Off came the shirt, trousers, and since there was no alternative available, Martin's underwear came down and was set with the rest of his clothing. Both woman were seated, taking it all in, and Elsa broke the silence. "You were certainly correct, Aunt Jeanne. His genitals are quite handsome and well above average in size. And he trims his public hair very neatly. A very good impression." Looking up at Martin, "May I?" And before he could reply, Elsa had taken his penis and testicles in hand, hefting them, and feeling the texture. Martin had no idea what to do.

"These are quite heavy," said Elsa, weighing his balls. "Have you been refraining from masturbation, Martin?" "Well, uh, Jeanne has asked me not to between sessions because-- " "Yes, I understand perfectly. Well done, Martin. I see why Jeanne thinks of you as one of her very favorites. Now turn around for me. Yes, very nice," said Elsa as her hands felt his legs and bottom, teasingly running her fingertips up the insides. "So, a nice scrub then?"

The short blonde led the taller, naked man to an open shower enclosure in the room. "Wait here while I get the water warm for you." Martin stood by, and then she took his hand and helped him step in. "Is that a comfortable temperature?" He nodded.

Elsa took the hand shower and wet Martin down, from his shoulders, spraying him all over, and touching him between his thighs to get him to open wider. She sprayed his privates, and then spread his butt cheeks and squirted him here. This wasn't Jeanne. These were the hands of someone he didn't know, and he felt more naked than usual while being bathed. He was so used to Jeanne, who just stood by, watching.

Pumping a huge amount of body wash into her small hands, Elsa reached up to work up a rich lather on Martin's shoulders and back, instructing him to raise his arms so she could get under, which tickled a bit. Washing him thoroughly to his midsection, Elsa turned Martin around and soaped up his chest and stomach. She noticed his penis becoming firm as she rubbed and Jeanne watched approvingly.

"Now let me get him," said the young woman as she applied more body wash to Martin's cock, firmly stroking it. Not neglecting his balls, she took far more time than it required to get them clean. Then reaching between his legs, she soaped up between his bottom cheeks, finding his asshole, and giving it a bit of attention too. Now his cock was erect.

"Oh yes, very nice," smiled Elsa. "This would do very well for any girl, don't you think, Auntie?" She turned and winked at Jeanne, holding Martin's member as if it was a prize to be admired. Elsa finished with his legs and feet, and then turned him around. "Not done with that bottom yet," and more soap and teasing fingers found their way to his backside, then up and down his legs, using her fingernails at last on the insides, and brushing his balls.

Rinsing followed, and Martin felt soothing, warm water all over his body, along with Elsa's hand brushing away the soap, and once again tickling his bottom and genitals. Jeanne looked on approvingly, and he felt a little odd with someone just watching. But not displeased.

Standing on a huge, soft mat, Elsa patted Martin dry, taking her time, seeing to every crevice. When she finished, she smacked Martin playfully on his backside.

"All right, up on my table, young man," said the younger woman. Naked and semi-erect, Martin climbed up on the massage table. "Wait just a moment before you lay down," said Elsa. She reached between his legs and gently pulled his penis and testicles back through, so that they were accessible when he was on his stomach. "There you are," smiled Elsa, as Jeanne nodded her approval.

"Let's begin with some relaxing Swedish strokes, so just let your mind wander, Martin. Your body is in my hands now."

Applying oil all up and down the back of his body, Elsa started with the large muscles of Martin's back, with medium pressure. Jeanne approached the front of the table, and after a look at Elsa, who nodded, Jeanne began kneading his shoulders. This wasn't too difficult for Jeanne's back, and finding four skillful hands tending to his naked body, Martin released an involuntary groan, and stretched out, in a world of sensuous pleasure.

Elsa set to work with professional dedication, starting with expert techniques blended together from her wide-ranging experience and instruction. Her goal was both therapeutic and sensual, and Martin would feel the benefits for several days. Jeanne moved to his feet, a specialty of hers, and Martin was transported by her skills in foot massage. Sometimes Elsa playfully abandoned professionalism and ran her fingertips all over Martin, knowing the effects it would produce. Down his sides, between his legs, up between his ass, lingering at the sensitive spot, Martin squirmed at her touch. "Accidentally" brushing his cock and balls, she again elicited a quiet, happy sound from him.

Then back to business, with Shiatsu techniques, not Martin's favorite, but Elsa knew the benefits. She went easy on him, not wanting to spoil the mood.

Finishing with something she had only learned about recently in Hawaii, the long, fluid strokes of Lomilomi were a pleasant surprise to Martin, as truly full-body massage continued without pause, up and down his entire body. No rush here. Clients seldom tired of wave after wave of caring and smooth touching.

After a length of time he couldn't estimate, Martin was done with the massage of the back of his body. Elsa produced a large, warm, wet towel, and cleaned off the excess oil, and then dried him off.

"Time to turn over, Tiger," said Elsa, patting his bottom. "I'll try," replied Martin, as if the treatment had left him too relaxed to move.

His front side took less time, and included more tickling of his privates. "Such a nice set," teased Elsa, as she took him in hand and again admired his genitals. "Does he usually deliver a huge load when you finish him, Jeanne?" Martin closed his eyes as the women discussed what was obviously going to be happening soon. "Oh my, yes. I like to hold his balls tightly as he comes, and feel the pulsing. But you have to aim him carefully unless you want to be cleaning the wall -- or the ceiling -- too." They both laughed as Martin was both embarrassed and excited by their banter.

"Well, then," concluded Elsa, "I had better get this tiger under my control then. Up and over again, Martin, hands and knees, there's a good fellow." Martin obeyed, as he always did.

"More like a horse than a tiger, isn't he?" said Jeanne. "That big cock and balls hanging down." "You're right, and those balls are full, I could tell. Martin did just as you asked and kept his hands off himself, and now we are going to reward him for that.

"Martin, do you want to shoot a huge load of cum for Jeanne and me?"

"Yes, please." Whispered their extremely stimulated client, on his last day at Suite 130.

Jeanne stroked Martin all over his body, with loving affection and sexual intent. "I've so much enjoyed you as my client all this time, Martin," whispered Jeanne in his ear, kissing him lightly. Her hands brushed by all his sensitive parts.

"You're going to have a huge cum, Martin. Squeezing those big, handsome balls, and milking that fat cock dry."

Martin's eyes rolled back. He had to concentrate on remaining balanced on the table. Jeanne randomly caressed and excited him. Elsa reached between his legs from the back and her left hand fondled his balls, while her right hand stroked his cock from the front. Slowly and then faster and then slow again, teasing his testicles and then taking them in a firm grip, Elsa varied her expert manipulations. She knew just when to stop. Martin desperately wanted to cum, but never wanted it to stop either.

Gina had been watching, out of Martin's view, since Elsa had put him on all fours. After about 15 minutes Gina was amazed at Martin's endurance and control. Most men would have shot their load during the bath, she thought.

Elsa tilted her head, and indicated Gina should come over...and then take over! Gina smiled and nodded eagerly, and although Martin noticed a delay and something a little different, didn't suspect. Jeanne continued her fingertip stimulation of Martin all over, while Gina held his balls and ran her fist up and down his hard erection.

"Martin?" Gina said in a quiet voice. Martin was confused at the new voice. Gina? What?

"It's all right, Martin. I have you now. I asked Jeanne if I could finish your treatment today. I've liked you a lot since you've been coming here, but I know you're shy. Well, I'm not. And I want you to cum for me now. Shoot all of your cum, baby. Empty those beautiful balls in my hand. Let me see it.

"Because the next time you cum it's going to be up inside me."

All three women had never seen an orgasm of that intensity and volume. Jeanne and Elsa made sure Martin stayed on the table and didn't fall. They hugged him, and cleaned him up, and helped him dress.

A short time later over coffee, Elsa and Martin arranged dinner at Gina's tomorrow night. She told him him to bring an overnight bag. The perfect hand-off.

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Cyberweasel89Cyberweasel893 months ago

That was pretty good. I agree with Anon though, could've done with a bit more detail.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Interesting premise.

But not enough teasing/edging of his cock and balls.

Needed more dialog during the 'massage'. How did it feel? How close was he to cumming? Did he want to cum? He needed to tell her when he was getting close.

Needed more teasing of his asshole.

Needed at least discussion about whether he was attracted to her body. What about it was a turn on?

Did he watch porn? What kind?

Three stars.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

A beautiful short read that speaks volumes!

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