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The Hive

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Mei learns about Demons from Satsuki and falls hard.
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Mei waited nervously at the train station for the girl from the school. Although she was ethnically full blooded Japanese, she'd been born and raised in the US, and as a result her Japanese language skills were marginal at best. So she waited quietly, trying her best to blend in.

Satsuki was beginning her senior year at University, and had come up a little shy in the tuition department. She'd been approached about taking on a roommate, helping her with her Japanese, and the modest stipend was enough to bridge the gap. She really hadn't had to think twice about it.

She pulled into the train station parking lot just as the train was departing for its next destination. Her intention was to have arrived a few minute before the train was scheduled to arrive, but one thing had led to another as was so often the case with her. Still, the crowd had thinned and Mei wasn't hard to spot over by the luggage claim area.

Satsuki sized her up from across the platform. A skinny Five-two, straight dark brown hair kept short and neat. Simple white blouse and skirt with knee socks and flats. Cute little nose and full, slightly pouty lips. Classic. She made her way over to the girl as the platform emptied out.

"Hello" Satsuki said. "You must be Mei."

"And you must be Satsuki. Nice to meet you, and thanks for picking me up here!" Mei replied.

Mei looked at the older girl. She was at least half a head taller than Mei, long black hair gathered in a ponytail, athletic build with C cup breasts, and an air of self confidence that Mei immediately admired.

Satsuki grabbed a couple of Mei's bags and ushered her out of the station and towards her car. Throwing the bags in the trunk, the two women climbed into the car and Satsuki started the short drive back to the campus dorms.

The dorm was comprised of small efficiency apartments. Each having sleeping room and a common room with a small kitchenette on one side, and a bath with a shower on the other. The bedroom had two futons on the floor with a couple of dressers in between on opposite walls. Satsuki's futon was against the far wall, underneath the single window that looked out over the campus.

"Cozy." Mei said.

"You'll get used to it." Satsuki replied.

Once she had her things unpacked, it looked a little less austere. In fact, she was quite pleased with the way things were shaping up.

"You have a boyfriend?" Mei asked.

Satsuki looked shocked. "No!"

"Take it easy. I was Just asking." Mei assured her new roommate. "You're really cute, and I figured if there were times, you know. I could make myself scarce."

"I see." Satsuki replied. "You'll be the first to know."

She was.

Things had gone extremely well the first couple weeks. Satsuki would stay out late with friends a couple times a week, but other than that, they'd had plenty of time to get to know each other, and things seemed to be nothing other than normal, verging on dull.

The night that all changed, it did so in an instant. Mei had been studying for an upcoming exam, and had stayed late at the library. Out of respect for Satsuki, she entered the dorm as quietly as she could. Without turning on the lights in the bedroom she instead relied on the indirect lighting from the hallway. As her eyes adjusted, she could see Satsuki naked on top of her futon. She was trembling and twitching as if in a dream. Only. She was covered in something.

Mei drew closer to her roommate's bed. Satsuki's eyes were half open but blank. There was a sweet smell with a musky overtone. At least a quart of a viscous substance covered most of her face and body. It was white and runny. It was jizz, Mei concluded in shock. Lots and lots of jizz. More jizz than a whole baseball team could produce.

Satsuki appeared to be slowly regaining her faculties, and she squinted up at Mei. "Hey baby Mei, how's my girl?" she slurred.

"Satsuki!" Mei scolded. "I don't know what you got into. Or what this stuff is, but you're a mess. How do I straighten you back out?"

"No worries, baby Mei. I'll be fine in a while. I got a fine fine load tonight." Satsuki said in a sing songy voice, gathering up some of the jizz from her tummy and bringing the fingers to her mouth. "It's the best, baby. You should try some."

"Ugh. No thanks!" Mei said with revulsion. "Let's get you cleaned up."

She helped the older girl to her feet. Satsuki was covered in jizz, and ropes of it flowed from her pussy and anus. Mei tried her best not to touch any of it, but that proved to be impossible. It was the source of the sweet musky odor, and although the appearance was gross, it was also admittedly fascinating. Mei guided her as they staggered into the bathroom. Mei started the shower and then helped Satsuki in, steadying her until she felt she was okay alone.

Mei returned to the bedroom to try and clean things up. There were puddles of jizz on Satsuki's futon as well as on the floor. Out of eyeshot of the senior, Mei gave in to a momentary curiosity, and gathering a dollop of the substance on her finger, she raised it to her nose and gave it a good sniff. It smelled, in a word, delicious. Sweet, musky, tangy and earthy all at the same time. She slowly stuck a little bit of her tongue out and licked her finger.

It tasted even better than it smelled. Like all her favorite decadent treats combine together into a superbly delicious essence. She tried some more savoring the flavor fest that was dancing off of her taste buds. Gradually she became aware of another feeling. It was narcotic, but in a good way. It made her feel funny, in the same way that kissing that boy last summer had made her feel only times 100. It made her feel....soft and pretty.

She shook her head and fought back to clarity. She finished cleaning things up and went in to check on Satsuki. She was looking a lot more steady and avoided Mei's gaze as much as she could.

"Oh my God, Mei," Satsuki said unsteadily, "That was not supposed to happen. Ever. I am so sorry. I can't even begin..."

"Forget it, roomie." Mei said trying to lighten the atmosphere up. In the back of her mind still feeling the effects of the jizz she had ingested, she couldn't help but look at her nude roommate with a little lustful appreciation. She was hot, even as messed up as she was, Mei admitted to herself.

In a typical fashion the girls went several days before the subject was brought up. They had decided to splurge a little and Satsuki took Mei to one of her favorite local sushi bars. As usual, the food was delicious, and the girls decided to take a walk down along the river.

"So. What was that all about the other night, Satsuki? I've been trying to figure it out, all that jizz and stuff." Mei started quietly.

"No who, but what is the correct question." Satsuki said. "Do you really want to know? Because there's nothing other than to tell you the whole thing once I start down the rabbit hole."

"I think I want to know." Mei whispered.

"You tried it the other night." Satsuki stated. There was no wiggle room or room for doubt in her inflection.

"Yes, just a little bit. How did you know?" Mei asked astonished.

"Listen. I'll explain." Satsuki intoned. "You know that Japanese mythology is full of tales of supernatural beings, demons and monsters? And you know that I belong to a club that is interested in that type of thing."

"It sounds pretty exclusive the way you've talked about it before." Mei admitted.

"Oh! It is. But my Mom was a member, so I got a chance to join when I was a freshman like you are now." Satsuki stated. "And the substance you tasted the other night, is part of it. After a while it's like how one bee can always tell other bees from its own hive by the way they smell and taste, or so it has been thought. So. We kind of refer to our collective self as The Hive."

"I suppose that makes sense." Mei offered. "Is that stuff your honey?" she ask, half joking.

"Kind of. But not exactly." Satsuki said seriously. "There is something metaphysical we all have in common with each other once we join with the hive. Call it a sense of awareness, or even a bond of sisterhood. At any rate, you can almost always tell another member of the hive. You just know for all the reasons you are interconnected."

"I'm not sure I quite understand." Mei said.

"There is something like a collective consciousness we share together. This is reinforced through the substance you tasted. Although just a small part of it, you could feel me in ways you would otherwise call abnormal. You sensed and reacted to my essential state in a way that wasn't quite....voluntary. Am I right?" Satsuki asked, knowing that she already knew the answer to that one.

"Yeah, well I guess in the moment I thought you were hot. But then you also had jizz running out of all your holes and you were pretty faced. Are you a prostitute or something? That was more jizz than a a whole room full of guys could throw down in one session. I just don't get it." Mei said.

"You were feeling some of my sexual energy through the...jizz." Satsuki tried. "There was a certain connection that we made for a minute or so, and NO. I am not a prostitute. Thanks for that one!"

"So, what did that to you?" Mei implored.

"I guess you could call it a demon. Although, truthfully it's not evil, or good for that matter. It just is what it is!" Satsuki said matter of factly. "You never really see them, except for the tentacles. They're good at avoiding humans unless they're drawn to them."

"And what draws them?" Mei asked in disbelief.

" first." Satsuki replied. "Afterwards, it's more from a sense of familiarity. Maybe mutual need. We're just glad that it works that way."

"So all that jizz gets you pregnant?" Mei asked in amazement.

"Sorta, not really." Satsuki explained. "More like it prepares your body for them. And then if you're lucky...then come the eggs." She sighed wistfully.

Satsuki stopped in front of a park bench that overlooked the water. Sitting down, she pulled Mei down onto the bench next to her. The two girls faced each other slightly and Satsuki had not let go of Mei's hand.

"What are these eggs you're talking about?" Mei wondered.

Satsuki went on to explain that the demon picks a woman to mate with. When it feels the host is ready, it places it's eggs in her womb where they grow inside for the next nine months. She said it was the most amazing thing, feeling them moving around inside her feeling her tummy bulging as they grew. And then laying them at the terminus of the gestation period.

"What does it feel like?" Mei wanted to know as she watched Satsuki's free hand unconsciously rubbing her tummy as if she was remembering.

"It's kind of like nine months of nonstop heavy petting." She finally answered. "It felt amazing and exhausting at the same time. In the end it made me stronger. Strong enough to birth the four eggs in one go."

She went on to explain that some women never got eggs but were still part of the hive. The ones who had produced their brood held a special status. But it was a one-shot deal as far as the eggs went. On the other hand, the fucking continued indefinitely. Anytime she needed it she could call one of the Other's and it would come to her and pleasure her and fill her to overflowing.

"But what about boys?" Mei asked.

"Irrelevant." Satsuki stated. "Once you've experienced the Others, there's not much a guy's gonna be able to do for you. Only a sister of the hive understands that completely."

Mei thought about the few fleeting experiences she'd had with boys in high school. There had always been expectations. There had always be disappointment after the fun. She had always chalked that up to not having found the right guy, but maybe there was more to it than that.

"Why were you acting so high afterwards?" Mei cautiously inquired.

"In the juice; the jizz as you call it. It produces hormonal secretions meant to prepare you for breeding. These are a necessary part of the act, and quite frankly, it allows you to fully immerse in the experience and achieve maximum pleasure without harming you physically." Satsuki explained. "Plus it feels really hot."

Satsuki leaned in until her lips were close to Mei's ear. "Do you want to be there next time? You could watch. I think it would be... educational."

"Mmm Hmm." Was all Mei could manage in the moment nodding once sharply. She felt Satsuki's lips against her ear as her teeth found Mei's earlobe and she murmured sensually as Mei trembled in reaction to the kiss. Once, Twice, Three times just to be sure. Mei's resistance melted like a freeze pop on an August sidewalk.

Mei was confused by her conflicting feelings, and over the next few days Satsuki became emboldened by Mei's submissiveness. She made a point of kissing Mei full on the mouth whenever she felt like it. Caressing the younger girl making it clear that her flirtations were in earnest. If Mei's mind was having trouble getting a handle on this new dynamic, her body was having no problems at all with it.

Mei finally came to terms with the fact that Satsuki was going to be sexually aggressive, and Mei was going to become increasingly aroused when she did.

Friday night she came back to the dorm after an evening class. The lights were dimmed in most of the efficiency. A single light was on in the bedroom. Mei dropped her backpack on the Sofa, and entered the bedroom. Satsuki was on her futon, naked, with her eyes aglow with an unrelenting lust.

There was something in the dimness of the room. Something in the corner by the foot of Satsuki's bed. It was vague and shifting like a dark cloud. Mei couldn't make out what it looked like, but she did see the tentacles as they emerged from the shape.

At first just a couple of them, but then more and more. Black with spear like tips and suckers, they wrapped around Satsuki's ankles. Then a couple more finding her wrists, binding her gently but firmly on the bed. One more emerged from the cloud to hover above Satsuki's head. Mei watched in fascination as Satsuki reached up with one entwined hand and slowly drew it to her lips, kissing it passionately and taking it into her mouth.

Mei saw Satsuki's back arch as three more tentacles emerged and one by one entered the pinioned girl's pussy. Satsuki continued to suck and lick the tentacle in her mouth as the other three writhed into her loins. Yet another emerged and gently but inexorably penetrated her ass. The jizz had begun to flow in earnest now. Satsuki's mouth was overflowing with the gooey issue.

Spurts of the cum shot from various tentacles and Satsuki's tummy distended slightly as the monsters writhed inside her. Mei was transfixed by the spectacle, as she watched her roommate moan and squirm with pleasure as the creature filled her over and over again with its transformative issue. Finally, after almost an hour, it had spent itself. The tentacles retracted back into the amorphous cloud. She could see and hear a river of cum splooshing from Sasuki's orifices, as she continued to writhe as the aftershocks ran through her as the creature dissipated into thin air.

Moaning softly, Satsuki reached out towards Mei who rushed over to her side. Satsuki pulled the smaller girl down and kissed her hard. Her tongue pushed globs of the sweet tangy cum into Mei's mouth. At first she was shocked and surprised, but then a warm feeling began to flow through her and she was kissing Satsuki back with a hunger that suddenly welled up through every fiber of her being. She felt more turned on than she ever could have thought possible. Her clit felt as big as a cherry and ready to explode at any second.

Mei kissed and licked her way down Satsuki's body, cleaning her with her hungry mouth. And when she arrived at Satsuki's pussy her tongue didn't hesitate for a millisecond plunging as deep as she could and feeling Satsuki contract her muscles, pushing out glob after delicious glob for Mei to consume.

Finally, both women, spent, collapsed in each other's arms, exhausted but elated. Sleep engulfed them and Mei's last feeling was of Satsuki's soft warm breasts pushed against her back.

Mei almost didn't want to open her eyes as the first light of dawn started to reveal the familiar objects in the bedroom. She lay there silently, fearing that moving would break the magic of waking up with Satsuki. Eventually she felt the older girl stir and then she felt a hand on her hip, pulling her close. Then Satsuki's warm breath in her ear as she felt the hand slide down to part Mei's moistening pussy lips.

Different from the feverish gymnastics of previous evening, the girls made love to each other slowly and intentionally. The weekend stretched out before them, and they used each second to cement their bonds with each other.

Mei was changing, and she knew that with Satsuki by her side, she was going to make the absolute most of it.

The next couple of weeks passed by clumsily. The two girls stealing moments when they could. The futons were now pushed together at Satsuki's end of the room. Thursday night Mei was sitting quietly in the kitchen when Satsuki got home from class.

"I was thinking about watching you with the Other." She said to her Lover. "Why did it just disappear like that into thin air?"

"That's what they do." Satsuki answered. "Nobody exactly knows, but they seem to have some kind of power to shape shift and even become mostly invisible at will. It may be self-defense. Or maybe they're just shy."

"It was so sexy watching you. I kinda put myself in your place. Trying to glean what you were feeling." Mei admitted.

Satsuki became quiet. When she spoke again a minute or so later, it was to change the subject. It was the next evening when Mei returned from class that she found Satsuki sitting cross legged in the bedroom. The futons were once more at opposite ends of the room.

She pulled Mei down next to her and began to speak.

"I've been giving this a lot of thought and I think you want to find out first-hand what it's like. So, if you want me to, I can make this easy." She said, producing what appeared to be a small vial of amber liquid from underneath her pillow.

"What? What's that?" Mei asked, staring curiously at the vial.

"Take it, Mei." Satsuki instructed. "Take it, and open it carefully."

Mei followed the directions, still obviously not clear what this all was for.

"Put a small dab of it on your fingertip, and rub it on your inner labia. This will call the Other to you. The rest just takes care of itself." Satsuki assured.

Mei hesitated for a few seconds. If she did this, she knew there would be no turning back. Satsuki was offering her a generous gift to share this with her. But part of her was fearful too. She looked at the amber droplet resting on her fingertip, and then pulling back her panties, she slowly trace that finger through the furrow of her cleft.

"Now what?" she asked nervously.

"Take off all your clothes and lay down on the futon and wait. It won't take long." Satsuki promised.

Mei did as she was told, and was starting to wonder if anything was going to happen when she sense it's presence at the foot of the futon. She peered into the corner of the room, but couldn't make anything definite out. Then the first tentacle slid slowly out from the darkness and coiled around her ankle. She had expected it to feel slimy. She was not disappointed. But it was a warm, silky feeling kind of slimy.

Rather than feeling revulsion, she felt an almost overwhelming anticipation. Four tentacles had her in their grips now and they seemed to be secreting something that Mei was absorbing transdermally. She felt horny as hell, and when a fifth tentacle coiled around her neck and paused above her panting mouth, she knew what was to come next.

Two more tentacles had attached themselves to her nipples and she could feel their suction as if they were methodically nursing on her tiny boobs. It felt exquisite. The tip of the tentacle around her neck approached her mouth, and rubbed itself tenderly along her parted lips. She could taste it on her mouth and then it entered her mouth, filling it until Mei gasped for air. The flavor varied from moment to moment, sometimes musky, sometimes sweet, sometimes like sexy sweat. She sucked on it and kissed it over and over as it played with her mouth, fucking it and then pulling back only to return a few seconds later.


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