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The House of Ill Repute

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Babysitting becomes housesitting, and more interesting.
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Nineteen-year-old Melanie Adams sat bored in her room, wondering whether to phone Dave to see if he wanted to come and help her out of her doldrums. The last time she'd done so, her other University flatmates had complained about the noise. Dave had certainly lifted her spirits that night. Before she could change her mind, she rang his number. Dave didn't answer. Fuck, Mel was so bored and didn't even have a lecture that day to drag her out of her room.

She missed Tom, and especially his fat cock, at times like these. He'd have been perfect for wiling away a few hours with, but being four hours away from her childhood area she'd dumped him. He was a good fuck, but not enough to keep him hanging on while she could get her kicks while away. Dan was the latest of 'friends with benefits she'd found, although him not answering probably meant he was with his girlfriend. Mel laughed to herself, remembering the last time he'd answered while with her and quickly left after Mel promised him anal, knowing his girlfriend didn't do that.

Mel knew she was getting the reputation of being a bit of a slut around Uni. She didn't care, she rarely let what people thought of her impair her decisions. She heard her phone vibrate and went to answer it. Dan had realised what he needed after all.

Mel looked at the screen and paused. Mr Dudley. That was a name she hadn't seen for a couple of years at least. He wasn't one of her special friends, Ian and his wife Sue had twins she had used to babysit before. They weren't that much younger than Mel, both must have been around eleven or twelve now.

"Hi Mr Dudley, long time no speak," she answered.

"Hello Melanie, sorry to disturb you but Sue and I were hoping you were around soon for a job," Ian asked.

"Not babysitting Paul and Katie surely?" Mel asked. Ian laughed.

"Oh no, not that. House sitting actually, we were hoping you could stay here for a week or so please?" Ian asked.

"House sitting? you'll have to explain," Mel told him.

"Ah yes, sorry. We've been offered a free holiday to the Maldives by my boss, but we've got someone coming to fit air-conditioning around the house, and it just so happens to be at the same time and they can't fit us in another time with being busy," Ian explained.

That made sense Mel thought, the British summer had been unusually warm and dry for a prolonged period now.

"I'm sorry Mr Dudley, I'm actually living away at University now, I'm about four hours' drive away these days," Mel replied.

"Oh dear," Ian said, his voice a little disappointed, "that's a shame, we were going to offer you £500 for the week too."

Mel's eyes shot open.

"£500? To live at your house for the week? When do you need me?" she laughed.

"Are you sure it won't interrupt your university work?" Ian asked.

"It's only a week, I can catch up, make sure you have plenty of my microwave pizzas in," Mel told him.

"Sue has already listed them, all the flavours and those bottles of lager you like will be sitting chilling in the fridge for you too," Ian laughed.

The arrangements were made, she was to drive back on the following Sunday and stay over from then, their flight was early Monday morning and they flew back on Tuesday after. Ian and Sue couldn't thank her enough, saying although they were reasonably well off it was the kind of holiday they would never have been able to stretch to.

Ian had explained that she would need to stay in as the workmen would be in and out a lot, which was another thing she'd helped with as if they'd not taken the holiday one of them would have needed to take time off work to be there instead.

Driving there on Sunday Paul and Katie were extremely excited to see her, almost as excited as going on the holiday itself. Ian explained that part of the reason his boss gave him the holiday was it was the twin's thirteenth birthday while they were away, and also he'd just clinched a very lucrative deal for the company.

Teens at last. Mel told Paul not to drink too much now he was turning into a man. She noticed Sue give her a funny look, but Ian was looking at her and smiling.

"It's been quite a while, you certainly have grown into a fine-looking woman," Ian told her when they were away from the others for a while.

"Four years I think," Mel answered, watching him pretend not to be checking her out.

She didn't blame him, she had filled out quite well. She'd always been slightly geeky, very slim, flat chested and had no arse to speak of until she left school. That was how Ian remembered her too. Now she had a 32C 24 34 figure that made men's eyes turn. Her hair, brunette anyway, was died midnight black and cut in a chin-length bob similar to Uma Thurman's character in Pulp Fiction. She always wore black eyeshadow to highlight her ice blue colour eyes, another winner with the men.

She'd always thought of Ian and Sue being quite straight-laced, normal and despite having two children she couldn't have imagined them having sex. Now Ian practically undressed her with his eyes, glaring like he wanted to throw her over the table and fuck her there and then. Mel chuckled at the thought. Ian looked at her puzzled wondering what had made her laugh.

They all ate together that night, Mel staying up to watch TV while the others went to bed early, needing to rise early to get to the airport. Mel was awoken the next morning having fallen asleep on the sofa. Sue handed her some money, telling her it was to phone for takeouts as she couldn't go out, or if she wanted to eat out in the evenings once the workmen had left. Ian told her the workmen had said they'd be there at around 9 am. Mel looked at the clock as she waved them off, she had three hours to kill.

She decided to set an alarm and go back to sleep on the sofa. What seemed like ten minutes later, she heard the doorbell ringing. She answered the door, two guys stood there, holding up their lanyards to say they were from the air con company.

The guy who did most of the talking was called Brian. He was around forty years old Mel guessed. He had a clipboard which he kept glancing at as he told her the plans for the job, the main one being to leave the door unlocked so they could come and go as they needed to, and they'd try not to disturb her too much.

"We've booked two jobs at the same time so we'll be between sites, but I've told everyone they need to shout out when they get here so you know they're about," Brian told her.

Mel asked how many there were of them altogether. Apart from Brian, there was John, the guy who was with him, Steve and Dave. Mel found herself hoping the other two looked like John. He was probably mid-twenties and reasonably well built, and quite tall. Mel was 5' 9" herself, John was around 6' 3" easily. His hair was thick and slicked back off his brow, proper boyband style. He was nearly the opposite of Brian who stood a little shorter than Mel and was bald on top with a short patch of hair around the sides and back of his head and a midlife stomach paunch.

She asked if they wanted a drink before she went into the shower. She made them both a cup of tea before going upstairs. Grabbing a towel, she went into the bathroom and slid off her shorts and t-shirt. She'd managed to get halfway through showering when the water stopped. Mel tried switching the power on but nothing happened. Fuck, she still had shampoo in her hair. Getting out, she grabbed the towel and wrapped it around her.

"Guys, what's going on?" she shouted down the stairs.

John appeared at the bottom, a grin on his face as he saw her.

"Sorry, we've had to switch the electric off a bit, didn't Brian tell you?" he asked.

"No, I said I was going to shower," Mel replied, "how long is it going to be off?"

"It will be on and off all day love," John answered, "the taps should still be working though, run a bath instead."

Mel ran enough water to rinse herself off and get the shampoo out of her hair, then wrapped the towel around herself and went to the bedroom where she was sleeping to get some fresh clothes to wear. Walking across the landing she paused, hearing John talking.

"Yeah, right up, could see it," John was saying, "would love a close-up."

"John," Mel shouted out, seeing him come to the bottom of the stairs and look up, "thanks for the bath idea, it worked a treat," she smiled down at him.

He smiled back, the two others with him grinning and waving. They were a little shorter than John but still around 6' tall, and around the same age. She guessed this was Steve and Dave. She waved back and walked off to her room, hearing them laughing to each other. She looked at herself in the full-length mirror on the wardrobe doors. She'd pulled the towel up higher than she'd thought, and it only reached just onto the top of her thighs. She turned and looked behind her, her buttocks slightly showing. She remembered John's words and wondered if he could have seen up under the towel.

Watching herself in the mirror she let the towel slide down off her body, imagining it was the guys watching her instead. She laughed at herself, her first day there and she was already gauging their reactions to her. She didn't want to make her flirting too obvious so pulled out some tight black shorts and a loose white vest top. Checking herself in the mirror she decided her knickers were too visible through the tight fabric so took them off, going the other way she put on a black bra, although it was lacy and see-through.

Despite her best efforts she failed to get much attention, John and Steve left and didn't return, Dave seemed to be busy in other rooms, and the only one who kept coming to talk to Mel was Brian, who seemed to be making excuses for things to come and tell her so he could have another look at her. Of the four of them, he was the one she was least wanting to show off to.

Brian stared at her tits later on while telling her they were done for the night. Mel made herself a couple of the microwave pizzas to eat, then messaged Dan asking if he fancied seeing to her needs. He didn't answer. Mel didn't text again, it had been a long shot for either of them to drive four hours to fuck, but Mel had an itch that needed scratching.

She decided to message Tom, to see if wanted to catch up on old times. Tom simply sent back "Fuck you slut". Weirdly that was exactly what Mel needed, but she assumed it was a no. That road was closed then. She went to the fridge and pulled out a six-pack of the lagers and settled down to watch a film.

She awoke to hear knocking. Loud knocking on the front door. She looked up at the time and realised she'd fallen asleep on the sofa. She quickly shot up and answered the door, where Steve and Dave stood. She let them in, Dave walking into the front room.

"Someone had a good night then?" he laughed, pointing at the six empty beer bottles.

Mel saw Steve nodding his head towards her, staring at Dave as he did so. She looked down and noticed not only had her shorts ridden right up between her legs, but also her t-shirt didn't hide her large erect nipples, Mel removing her bra the night before leaving nothing in their way.

"I'd better tidy up then," Mel smirked, before bending slowly to pick the bottles up off the coffee table, knowing the full curves of her arse were there for their viewing pleasure.

Most of the day was spent doing similar. She left on the same shorts, still wearing no knickers underneath, but swapped the t-shirt for a vest top, today no bra though. She spent the morning wandering the house, finding things to do in the same rooms as them, asking and finding out that John and Brian were working at the other site. She noticed neither were staring but did keep having sneaky glances while they thought she wasn't looking.

"I'm going to get out of your way and go sunbathe outside," she announced around midday, "let me know if you're leaving or need anything," Mel told them.

She went up to her room to find a bikini out, pulling off her vest top she thought she heard footsteps quietly on the landing. Having her back to the door she glanced at a mirror, seeing Dave hiding at the top of the stairs. Keeping her legs straight she peeled the shorts down her thighs, pretending to get them stuck around her knees, then sliding them down to her ankles and kicking them off. She repeated the process in reverse for her thong bikini bottoms, all the while delaying knowing he was watching her.

She stood to put the bikini top on, glanced in the mirror, and saw Dave rubbing his hand across the front of his jeans. Mel smirked to herself, then took her time getting the top on properly too. Finally dressed, she turned to see he had gone. Walking through the house she put earphones in, the wire stretching down to her phone, singing to herself. She hadn't actually put any music on, instead listening to their comments.

"Fuck she's hot." "Hell of an arse on her." Love to feel her mouth on my cock."

Mel smiled to herself as she walked out into the garden. She positioned a chair so it faced towards the house, and put sunglasses on so she could look up towards the windows. Now and again she'd see one of Steve and Dave seemingly take turns walking past a window to look out to where she was. Mel responded by moving her knees a little further apart. She was disappointed less than an hour later when they told her they were done for the day and heading to the other site, and didn't know if John or Brian would be over later either.

Neither came to the house, and clouds hid the sunshine too, so Mel decided it was time to go back indoors. She went up to change out of the bikini, standing naked in the bedroom facing the mirror she wondered what John would look like out of his clothes, would he have taken more of an interest in her skimpy bikini than Steve and Dave had? She knew Brian would have done, that was a certainty.

Her hand strayed between her legs, touching lightly against her wet labia, little electric shocks rushing through her body. Her mind wandered, wondering what John's cock looked like. She stopped and pulled her suitcase from under the bed. Dropping it on top and opening it up, she started rummaging through it. Where was it? She moved things around, having not taken much out of her case yet. She still couldn't find it. Finally, she started taking things out of the case and placing them across the bed. It wasn't in there.

Mel shouted at herself. Not only had she not packed her favourite dildo, an 8" realistic looking one, she hadn't put any of her toys in there. She remembered putting them into a bag to put into the case, and it wasn't there. Damn. She'd been looking forward to using it on herself, imagining it was Johns. Maybe even sliding one of the others into her arse, pretending Dave or Steve had decided to join in too. Better still, she could have put one in her mouth simulating all three of them on her.

Mel stood, hands on hips, wondering what to use instead. She looked around the room, then wandered downstairs, glancing around. Everything looked too small, or too slim, the bananas were too squishy and when she opened the fridge, the Dudleys seemed to have a thing for mini cucumbers rather than a normal one. Damn them for being too normal!

She had a thought. It would be a long shot, knowing they didn't seem too over the top, but she decided to go and have a look around their bedroom. Mel didn't expect to find anything, they seemed like a missionary position only kind of couple. In fact, if they didn't have the twins she couldn't imagine them having sex at all.

She walked in slightly surprised. The walls were all painted white, plain and simple, the wall opposite the bottom of the bed was all mirrors though. Looking around she noticed two bedside drawer units and no other furniture. She checked both, nothing out of the ordinary in them. She wondered where they stored their clothes, then wandered over to the mirrors. There were no handles, but two small square mirrors showed either side of a cleverly concealed opening. She pressed them, and both sides swung open to reveal two sets of clothes neatly arranged in the walk-in wardrobe.

Mel had a quick look around in there, then came back out and sat on the end of the bed. Maybe it could be fun to masturbate on their bed while watching herself she thought. Suddenly she noticed there was a section of mirrors along one side that wasn't open. She checked the mirrors, pressing each to see if they opened like the others. It was on the side where Sue's clothes were, so she went back and moved her dresses along the rail, revealing a small pull cord hanging from the ceiling. She pulled the cord and heard something slide open.

Going back out she saw the other section had opened up. She walked over, stopped dead in her tracks, and laughed out loud.

"Well, well, well. Who'd have thought it?" she said out loud.

The new small room had various items of clothing hanging up, ranging from leather catsuits to all-in-one bodystockings, and different costume outfits. Mel picked out a nurse costume, a french maid, and a bunny costume complete with ears amongst others. There were shelves with dildos and vibrators of different sizes and colours, including a strap-on harness set. Mel wondered if Ian let Sue have female sexual partners and that's when the strap-on got used. Maybe, just maybe, she fucked Ian with it.

Mel giggled to herself again as she started singing 'Peggy Sue' in her head, then imagined Sue singing it while pegging Ian from behind. There were drawers on the other side containing bondage tape, ropes and restraint sets, some of which were quite long to fit under the mattress, some shorter to just fasten arms and legs to the bed posts. There were also three different ballgags.

Mel sat back on the bed, staring in wonder at her find. She'd certainly see them both in a different light now, she wasn't sure how she'd be able to look at them and keep a straight face anymore. She found a dildo much like the one she owned, but this one had realistic balls and a suction cup. She noticed the bed frame was wide and squared off, perfect for the dildo to stick to. Closing the mirrors again so they faced her, she squatted over the dildo and rode it to orgasm, her mind telling her it was John inside her. Four times she orgasmed that night, each time she imagined it was John she was riding.

The doorbell rang the next morning, and with great delight, she saw John standing there, alone. He looked at her a little puzzled, a huge smile on her face that he wondered why. Mel herself was pleased that she'd slept in just her thong, a black lacy number, and hearing the door had put on a quite tight white t-shirt that barely covered her arse.

She smiled and asked John if the others might be about later, John telling her probably not until late afternoon. She made him a coffee and thought of questions as excuses to keep following him around. He'd been in the house for around half an hour when he went upstairs and Mel casually started to follow him up. She saw him go into Ian and Sue's bedroom, and then shout out.

"Dirty bitch, she must be here alone," he said to himself.

Mel got to the top of the stairs and looked into the room. She knew now what had made him shout out. The dildo from the night before was still stuck to the bed frame. John turned to her, hearing her enter the room.

"Missing your boyfriend?" he grinned.

"I don't have one," Mel replied.

"Hmm, so were you thinking of anyone in particular?" he asked.

"I may have been," Mel smiled.

John walked over to the wall and pressed a remote. Mel heard and then felt, cold air start to rush around the room.

"I need to check if the low temperatures work properly," he said.

Not that they needed any help, but the very cold air soon had Mel's nipples at full erection, John staring at them. Mel remembered how much she'd been sweating the night before, and kicked herself for not knowing the air con was working in that room.

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