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The House Sitter

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Laura invites Damon over while her boyfriend is away.
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I could hear the faint sound of music emanating from behind the door as I made my way down the hallway. Each step brought me closer as the music became louder and louder. I listened intently as I closed in, but could not make out place the song or the band, writing it off as one of the many independent, no-name artists that Laura always listened to. Stepping up to the closed door, I raised my fist and gave the hard wood three sharp raps, hoping the brisk knock was adequate to be heard above the blaring music. A few seconds passed before I raised my hand again to repeat my knock, when the door swung open.

Before me stood Laura, smiling enthusiastically as she held a glass of wine in one hand as her other moved from the doorknob to rest on her hip in a blatant attempt to strike a provocative pose.

"Hellooooo," she beamed, flashing me a broad, sexy smile in her usually manor of greeting.

I smiled back, my eyes quickly drawn downwards to the short, white mini-skirt that barely covered her legs to mid-thigh. As the scanty, provocative garment would have been more at home on a female of smaller proportions, I was surprised to see such an item adorning Laura's soft, curvaceous features. The tight fitting t-shirt she was wearing, however, was more characteristic of her usual style with a plunging neckline that emphasized the cleavage between her substantially large, round breasts. Her dirty blonde hair was fashioned in her usual preference, swept to one side and tucked behind her ear, allowing a few strands to hang down one side of her smiling face. The amorous tone in her voice combined with the rosy hue reddening her blushing cheeks told me that the glass of wine in her hand was not her first of the evening.

"Hi," I greeted back, my voice raised loud enough to emphasize the volume of the music.

I stepped into the apartment and closed the door behind me as Laura sauntered off down the hall, motioning for me to follow. The narrow hall soon opened into a moderately sized room which I stepped into just as she was turning down the music. Turning back to me, she smiled, her cute, cherubic face flashing her usual, broad, exuberant grin.

"Care for a glass of wine?" she offered, her voice taking on a characteristic tone, which although meant to be seductive, usually struck me as more comical than anything else.

"Sure," I answered with a smile and a nod as I slipped my shoes off, brushing them against the wall with my foot.

Laura downed the rest of her wine before skipping into the kitchen, her miniskirt bouncing against her thighs. A substantial period of time had passed since our last encounter, but I was nonetheless surprised at her overt display of excitement. In our previous phone conversations I had been given the impression that her interest in me had pretty much passed. After meeting at a bar one night, we had shared a few pleasing encounters before Laura had left for six months in Australia. And although she had been back in town for almost another half year, she had made very little effort to reconnect. In fact, every time I suggested the idea, she had blown me off. That fact made it even more surprising when she had called me up earlier in the evening with an impromptu invitation.

"So when did you move into the city?" I asked, tilting my head slightly as she bent over to retrieve the bottle of wine from the bottom of the fridge, allowing her tiny skirt to creep up the back of her thick but muscular legs.

"Oh, I'm still living with my parents," she shouted back, her head still buried in the crowded fridge.

"Oh," I shot back with a startled expression. "Then whose apartment is this...?"

As Laura's head popped up above the refrigerator door she shot me a mischievous smile before spinning around and placing the bottle of wine on the counter. My eyes narrowed with suspicion at her ambiguous response.

"Laura?" I pressed, my curiosity growing as I crossed my arms and rested my shoulder against the wall. "Who' this?"

"It...belongs guy that I know."

"A guy that you know?" I answered back, my tone growing more accusatory.

Laura looked back over her shoulder, casting me a guilty, slightly embarrassed look.

"Yeah...," she continued cautiously as if trying to pick the right words. "A guy that I'm kind of...seeing."

I let out a brief scoffing laugh as I shook my head.

"You invited me over to your boyfriend's place?" I asked, as she spun around to face me, a full glass of wine in each hand.

"Does that bother you?" she asked, pursing her lips together in an adorable pouting expression that forced me to break into a playful smile.

"No," I answered back, accepting the glass she handed me. "I guess not."

"Good," she purred in her characteristic 'phone sex voice' as she stepped closer to me, her mischievous, child-like smile fading into an intense, sexy stare.

Her sparkling blue eyes fixated on mine as she brought the glass to her mouth and took a sip before licking her full, pink lips in a conspicuous attempt at heightening my arousal.

"As long as he's not coming back anytime soon," I added promptly causing her to break into smile once again.

"Oh don't worry," she said laughing as she walked past me. "He's out of town for the week. I'm staying here because it's a lot closer to my work."

I nodded in understanding. Laura lived with her parents in a suburb outside the city, which presented her with the unenviable task of driving over an hour to and from work.

"Place is kind of small isn't it?" I added, turning to look over the tiny bachelor suite which consisted of one moderately sized room that functioned as both bedroom and living room.

"Yeah," Laura agreed, sitting down on the bed and crossing her legs allowing her skirt to slide further up her exposed thighs. "I guess rent is pretty high around here."

Following her lead, I turned and sat on a black leather couch opposite the bed, reclining back as I took a drink.

"So how was Australia?" I asked, breaking the brief awkward silence with a little light conversation.

"Oh my god!" Laura exclaimed, her eyes growing wide at my inquiry. "It was amazing!"

"I bet," I muttered, taking another drink in a futile attempt at catching up to her level of intoxication.

"Yeah," she continued, sipping from her glass. "I want to go back as soon as possible."

"Really?" I asked with a grin. "That doesn't have anything to with a 'special someone' down there, does it?

"Maybe...," she answered, looking down with slight embarrassment as her cheeks flushed an even deeper shade of red.

"Oh yeah?" I said with a laugh. "Any interesting stories you'd like to share?"

"Trust me," she countered, tossing her head back to throw a strand of hair out of her eyes. "You don't want to hear about it."

"Oh I wouldn't be so sure of that," I shot back before taking another drink. "It's okay. I know how girls get when they go on vacation."

Laura's eyes narrowed at my statement.

"And just how do girls get?" she asked, leaning forward in anticipation of my response.

"Come on," I said, fixing my eyes on hers with a knowing glance. "We all know girls get a bit more...promiscuous, when they travel."

Letting out a guilty laugh, Laura leaned back reaching out to prop herself up with one arm. "Well?" I pressed. "Am I right?"

"I plead the fifth," she responded, taking a nervous drink from her wine glass, as her eyes darted back and forth in avoidance of my accusatory gaze.

I decided not to press the issue, but instead sat back, reveling in Laura's apparent discomfort. Although she portrayed an outgoing, flirtatious personality, she had been extremely sexually conservative in our two previous encounters. Secretly, I took immense satisfaction in the hope that she had since broadened her sexual horizons.

"Nice skirt but the way," I blurted out suddenly, changing the subject of conversation. "I don't think I've ever seen you wear one before."

"Thanks," she countered with a smile. "I've been wearing them a lot lately."

"Another welcomed product of your travels abroad?" I asked, growing cockier in my manner of speaking.

"However did you guess?" she spoke, her face taking on an expression of mock surprise.

"Did I ever tell you how much I love white mini-skirts?" I asked, feigning seriousness.

"No," she replied, continuing our jesting banter. "I don't think you did."

Instead of answering back, I cast Laura a knowing smile, portraying my interest as my eyes drifted back down to her naked legs peeking out from under the meager garment.

"My friends all hate this skirt," she stated briskly, uncrossing her legs and rising to her feet.

"Really?" I asked with genuine interest. "Why?" Laura shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know," she said. "They just hate the color white."

"Well, I for one..." I began, raising my glass in salute. " white clothing on girls."

"So does that mean..." she said, taking a few steps towards me. "'re going to want me to leave it on for the rest of the night?"

I pondered the question as Laura made her way over to me, her eyes glinting with amorous intent.

"I guess you can leave it on," I replied, staring up as she stood over me. "As long as everything else comes off."

Laura's intense, sexual stare softened into a cute smile as she lowered one knee to rest on the couch against my thigh. Moving my legs together, she straddled my lap, sliding into position on top of me as she pressed her hips into mine. She paused momentarily studying my expression intently as she pressed her breasts against my chest purposefully in an attempted tease. I maintained my composure and awaited her next move.

A few agonizing seconds later, her lips were pressed against mine as Laura aggressively grabbed the back of my head and pushed her warm, wet tongue into my accepting mouth. I could taste the wine on her lips as she closed her eyes and kissed me with increasing passion. With one hand precariously gripping my wineglass, I moved my other to her lower back before gradually migrating downwards. Her massive, ample tits heaved against me as she moaned into my mouth and grasped with clutching fingers at my hair. Slipping my hand under her skirt I felt her bare skin before finding the thin string comprising her skimpy panties. As I traced the outline of her underwear it gradually disappeared between the fleshy cheeks of her ass, my finger sliding down the silky smooth string.

"Mmmm," she purred, wiggling her ass against my exploring hand as she pulled her lips from mine. "Let's move this over to the bed."

"You mean your boyfriend's bed?" I asked with a cocky smirk, as Laura smiled in response.

Leaning back in, she planted her soft lips against my neck sucking gently before moving up to nibble at my earlobe.

"Why?" she gasped softly into my ear. "Don't you want to fuck me on my boyfriend's bed?"

Laura's tantalizing words brought a smile to my face as I closed my eyes, feeling my dick expanding in my pants. Turning my head I brought my eyes in line with hers locked intensely in a sensual gaze as I responded.

"I'd love to fuck you in your boyfriend's bed." Giving me one more quick peck on the lips, Laura crawled off me grinning intently as she quaffed back the remaining contents of her glass. I followed her lead and finished my drink as well, standing up as she stepped back away from me.

"Hey," she said, as if an idea had just entered her mind. "Want to watch a porno?"

"Uhhh," I stammered, surprised at Laura's out of character request. "Yeah, sure. I guess."

"Okay," she beamed her face lighting up with a child-like excitement. "I think there's a bunch on the computer. Have a look and pick something."

"Okay," I answered, as Laura turned and hurried off down the hall towards the bathroom. "Any requests?"

"Something dirty," she shot back, casting me a provocative glance over her shoulder.

I shook my head with amazement as I made my way over to the desk that held a laptop computer. I had never thought Laura would be into watching porn movies, but I was beginning to realize that her little trip to Australia had changed her more than I had previously thought. As I sat down I noticed the computer was connected to the big screen TV in the corner of the room, so that it was able to display any movie that was played on the laptop. Leaning over to turn on the TV, it soon flashed to life, showing an exact representation of the computer screen.

Locating a file on the desktop labeled 'movies' I clicked on the icon opening up to display a wide variety of movies, although none seemed to be of the pornographic variety. Scrolling down, I scanned the titles looking for any that struck me as particularly 'dirty' as per Laura's request. Located at the very bottom was a nondescript looking file labeled simply 'L'. For some reason it peaked my interest and felt inclined to open it. A quick double click later and the icon opened to reveal a single video file. I then clicked 'play' and a window opened as the clip began.

At first I was confused. The video showed a still scene of a small room focusing on a large bed with a green bedspread. It took me a moment before I realized that the room in the video was the room I was sitting in. I looked over my shoulder at the bed behind me, then back to the computer. I noticed, sitting atop the screen, was a webcam tilted towards the bed. My eyes widened as it all started to make sense.

The video cut out and then back in, now showing two people lying on the bed making out. I realized quickly that one of the figures was Laura, completely naked except for a pair of skimpy black panties clinging tightly to her curvy hips. The other, I could only assume, was her boyfriend.

"What the fuck?"

I was startled by Laura's surprised voice as she re-entered the room to see herself displayed half naked across the large TV in the corner of the room.

I turned to acknowledge her with a smile as she stepped towards me, her eyes glued intently to the screen.

"You have been naughty," I teased, turning back to the salacious scene.

"Oh, I wasn't the one being naughty," she returned, standing over me. "I had no idea Matt recorded us."

"Really?" I asked, watching as the pair on the screen began stripping off their remaining clothing.

I kept waiting for Laura to shut off the video, but to my surprise she remained motionless, her attention fixed on the TV as she watched herself proceed to treat her boyfriend to an enthusiastic blowjob. It was odd watching her lips sliding up and down some other guy's dick, but for some reason it was turning me on.

"Are there any more of these on here?" she asked with curious concern.

"I don't know," I answered. "This was the only one I found."

"Well, see if there are any more on there. I don't want any videos of me appearing on the internet."

"Be my guest," I said, standing up and relinquishing my control over the computer. "I'm going to get another drink."

Laura quickly sat down and took hold of the mouse. To my dismay, she shut down the video and began frantically searching the computer for other homemade recordings that may have been taken without her knowledge. I made a quick trip to the bathroom before returning and pouring myself another glass of wine.

"!" Laura blurted out, causing me to hurry back to the computer.

In a file labeled deceptively as 'Journal Articles' she had uncovered a number of video files, each titled with the name of a different girl. I chuckled quietly as she began flipping through the files, previewing each one.

"Seems like your boyfriend is a bit of a player," I said with a laugh, as Laura opened the last file.

"Yeah...," she began before stopping suddenly as an image appeared on the screen. "What the...?

"What?" I asked, glancing at her stunned expression, then back to the screen which showed her boyfriend on the bed with a skinny dark haired girl.

"His shirt...," she muttered, her voice trailing off as she continued staring intently. "He...bought that shirt last week."

"Yeah, so...," I started to blurt out before I realized what she was saying. "Oh!"


A moment of awkward silence followed as I struggled to find the appropriate words to say. "He fucking cheated on me! He cheated on me and videotaped it."

"Well, to be fair...," I reasoned, amused by the situation. "You were just about to fuck me in his bed."

Laura slowly turned her head to look up at me as her angry, stunned expression gradually transformed into an intentful, mischievous smile.

"Oh, I'm still going to fuck you in his bed," she said, reverting back to her sultry, sexy voice. "In fact...I think I'm going to fuck you in his shower and in his kitchen...,"

As she spoke, Laura stood up and gently began pushing me back towards the bed, her face beaming with the lustful anticipation of an impending revenge fuck. As the back of my thighs came in contact with bed, I fell back, holding my glass aloft to prevent it from spilling.

"Ummm...," I stammered, looking over at the television which was still prominently displaying the image of Laura's boyfriend's infidelity. "Are you going to leave that on?" "Huh?" she asked with a puzzled look before glancing back at the TV. "Oh. Yeah, I guess I should turn that off."

"Actually," I called out as Laura turned and skipped back to the computer. "Why don't you put your video back on?"

Slowly turning to me, I smiled as she cast me an exaggerated open mouthed surprised expression.

"Now who's the dirty one?" Laura teased before turning back to the computer.

I just laughed as she shut off the current video, bending over the desk as she searched the computer. I tilted my head downward, trying to sneak another peek as her little white skirt slipped up the back of her bare thighs.

"This is what you want to see?" she asked as the image of herself and her boyfriend once again appeared on the large television screen in the corner of the room.

I nodded as I finished the rest of my wine and placed the empty glass on a nearby shelf. Laura's eyes remained fixed on mine as she sauntered towards me, staring seductively as she closed the distance with each step.

"You want to watch me getting fucked?"she pressed, staring down at me as she pushed my legs apart with her spreading knees.

"Actually...," I began, motioning over to the television. "That doesn't look like you're getting fucked."

Laura glanced back to see the image of herself nestled in between Matt's legs with her lips sliding ups and down his fully erect dick.

"No, it doesn't," she agreed, letting her eyes linger for a brief moment before turning back to me with a mischievous smile. "Well, then...Do you like watching me suck my boyfriend's cock?" I couldn't help but grin widely at Laura's blatant sexual comment.

"Well, I'd like it better if I you were doing it to me," I said, leaning back in expectation. With a quick and knowing glance down at my crotch, she smiled before lowering herself down to her knees. My dick was already pulsing as she reached out and unzipped my pants, captivating me with her sexy smile as her slender hands began undressing me. Pulling my jeans down my legs, her eyes brightened as she noticed my underwear slowly expanding over my growing bulge.

"Hmmm," she hummed with a widening smile as she quickened her pace, tugging my underwear down as I lifted my hips in assistance.

My cock sprang free and fell against my stomach with a 'slap' as Laura tossed my boxers aside and moved in with eager hands. Wrapping her fingers around my shaft, she lifted my dick and pressed my swollen head against her soft, inviting lips. As her smiling lips slowly parted, she looked into my eyes as she slipped my pulsing cock into her warm, wet mouth. Feeling her tongue sliding down the underside of my dick, I let out a subtle moan as she took me in, wrapping her lips around me. Laura's eyes closed and she gripped my dick with a steady hand as she descended, her soft pink lips sliding down before pulling back, leaving my shaft glistening with a spit-soaked sheen.

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