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The Hunter's Wife Pt. 01

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A city boy meets southern folks who LOVE to share.
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NOTE: Thanks to Mike for editing and proofreading! This is part one of a two part orgy out in the swamp. If you enjoyed part one, keep an eye out for part two next week. Thank YOU for reading!

PART 1- The Cabin In The Woods


The last time Damien had visited the weathered log cabin out in the swamp was when he went with his stepfather on a hunting trip as a kid. His real dad didn't ever bother taking him out for any sort of bonding experience, but his stepfather earned the title of 'Dad' whether that was his goal or not.

His stepfather had just passed away in the midst of a tornado of positive progress that Damien had been so swept up in he didn't realize how dire his stepfather's condition was until he received the call that he had passed away. The news came only a few days after he proposed to his girlfriend of two years, Madeleine, who accepted, and a month after he received the partnership promotion at his firm he had been working so hard for for years.

Neither accomplishment would make it to his Dad's ears before he succumbed to stomach cancer, something he had been battling for longer than Damien realized. Damien felt so guilty and detached.

Of all the optimism that had propelled him forward, the news of his death pushed him down the rungs of the emotional ladder much more quickly than it took him to climb up to a state of elation.

He booked the flight as soon as he received the news about the funeral and thought to check and see if the cabin they had rented when he was a little boy was even still standing.

To his surprise, it had been renovated and restored, listed as an Airbnb by a new owner and was free for him to rent for the last three days he had in Florida. Madeline was a flight attendant and was starting a European tour, so Damien booked the stay at the cabin as his own private vacation. She knew he was down south in Florida for the funeral, but she had no idea about the cabin side trip. Damien didn't see any reason to tell her, either. As a lawyer, he was good at keeping his various lives separate from each other, and his private life he intentionally maintained as private.

Besides, he thought, it's not like I'm staying at a Miami Beach Resort.

Damien did not think Madeline would enjoy the cabin, 50 miles away from the nearest town, stand alone except for other cabins, Hunter's lodges, ranches, and farms scattered throughout the rural swampland just outside of Juniper Springs. She was a city girl that enjoyed city life. Really, so was he, but the cabin brought back fond memories of his childhood that only he would appreciate.

Damien parked his rental truck alongside of the cabin and began to unload his luggage when he saw the screen door open and a young woman stepped out of the cabin. He couldn't help but stare. She was petite but rugged with a voluptuousness that was the exact opposite of Madeline's lean, sculpted physique. Her long dirty blonde hair was pulled back into a messy bun with wisps that framed her naturally tan face, wearing cut off jean shorts that hugged her hips and accented her perfectly rounded ass cheeks.

A loose flannel shirt hid the rest, but his imagination could easily fill in the blanks. She was naturally sunkissed with striking blue eyes, a far cry from the old woman he remembered as their landlord from when he was a kid.

*Howdy, I'm Venus, but everyone calls me Vee. You must be Damien?"

The girl walked toward him, extending a tiny hand for him to shake with naturally long manicured fingernails. Damien reached out to place his hand in hers, and nodded, a bit confused. When he booked the cabin, he swore that he was dealing with a Rex Roy. As if she read his mind, Vee answered him.

"My husband, Rex, sent me out here to greet ya. He's been real busy since the last hurricane came ripping through here, digging out trenches and repairing fences. Our ranch is just ten miles east of here,"

"Nice to meet you, Vee. Never thought I would meet the incarnation of the Goddess of love and beauty,"

"Is that your way of flirtin' with me? I'm just playin. My husband would kill ya. My parents weren't fans of giving their kids common names. I'm Venus, my sister is Persephone, and my brother is Apollo,"

"That's unique. I love it. Did you happen to know the elderly woman that owned this cabin twenty years ago?"

"Mmhm, that would be Rex"s great great grandmama, Corina. The property has been in their family since before I met him,"

While they chatted, Vee had grabbed some of Damien's luggage and had begun to carry it to the front door. Damien's eyes drifted to her swaying hips and how the cheeks of her ass seemed to defy gravity in the tiny pair of shorts she was wearing. Damien knew he shouldn't be looking and cursed himself, but damn if Vee's mother hadn't named her appropriately. He followed her inside and placed his bags next to where she had sat the ones she had carried in, both of them walking back out to the truck to get the last of them together.

"Your husband a farmer?"

"No sir, my husband is a hunter, a good one too. He leads hunting groups around these woods, guided hunting trips. Lots of rich folk like yourself comin down here from the city looking to get themselves a little trophy."

Vee dropped the last bag in the foyer of the small cabin and turned to Damien. A smile played on her plump, glossed, pink lips.

"Is that you, city boy? Come to find yourself a trophy?"

Damien's eyes widened, following the trail of Vee's index finger and the long nail that now brazenly teased his chest. Vee stared up at him innocently, as if she wasn't playing a dangerous game. Damien couldn't believe what was happening. He could feel his face getting hot and sweat beading along his hairline. He had never been a cheater or a player. He had never been actively seduced or pursued by an aggressive female before, either.

Damien gently took her hand in his and lowered it, Vee was resistant and her fingers curled around his palm. Damien looked her in the eye and said sternly,

"No ma'am. Just here to live out the good old days. I was never a very good hunter, to be totally honest with you,"

"How good are you at being hunted?"

Vee tightened her grip on Damien's hand and raised it to her lips where her tongue shot out to pull him into her mouth with a smile that made Damien shudder and his body reacted against his will despite his best effort to maintain his composure and resist Vee's strong advances.

"I think you should go.."

Damien stammered, but Vee walked over to the cabin door and pushed it all the way closed until it latched. She locked the door with the deadbolt and turned to him with her arms crossed just underneath her large breasts, her nipples poking through the thin fabric of a lavender camisole that was only revealed to him now that she had managed to shrug down the loose flannel shirt that hid the rest of her body from him before.

"I think I should stay. I think you should just get more comfortable."

"I have a fianceé. You have a husband. A husband that I'm sure owns an arsenal. Why don't you go to him? I'm sure...I'm sure you can get the reaction you're looking for from him,"

"I don't want him right now. I want you."

Vee advanced on him again but Damien pushed her away forcefully and that did not go over well. Faster than Damien had seen a woman move, she whipped a switchblade from the back pocket of her jean shorts, and lunged at him. With the cutting edge against his Adams apple, Vee forced Damien to the edge of the couch until he had no choice but to sit. He could feel the knife cutting into his flesh. Damien had never harmed a woman. He was never brought up that way, and admitted to himself that he never foresaw himself being raped by one either.

Was that what was happening here?

He thought to himself. His cock had swollen in his pants and was now throbbing painfully against the tight denim jeans. He didn't deny that he desired her, but he knew that that desire had been manipulated and carefully summoned from him as it was the response Vee had hoped for.

Vee still sported a devious grin when she slowly mounted him where he sat on the sofa, careful to keep the knife at his throat as she pulled her camisole up over her head. Her large, natural, almond toned tits fell against her chest and in Damien's face, those tiny pink nipples millimeters from his mouth. He clenched his fists and jaw. Vee's smile never wavered. She could feel his cock pulsing against her ass and thighs as she straddled him and that just encouraged her.

"Tell me you don't want me and I'll stop, Damien Jones."

Vee's southern accent also made his cock twitch. Damien had always had a thing for accents, particularly the southern variety. He had never been with a girl that looked and sounded like Daisy Duke. Hell, she looked better, he thought as Vee's nipples brushed against his lips. The fight in him was beginning to die, but he wasn't ready to give in just yet. He forcefully grabbed her by the hips and pushed her off his lap. Vee was caught off guard and fell back on ass and hands. Her eyes followed the blade as it clattered across the wood panel floor and hit the wall on the other side of the room and she pouted up at Damien with that same playful demeanor.


Damien growled at her as he rose from the couch, his cock stood fully erect against the zipper of his jeans, which made him hunch a bit. Vee noticed this and just smirked. She blew loose strands of hair out of her face before she crawled toward him, her tits swaying and bouncing noticeably until she reached his booted feet. She rose up on her knees, that innocent look upon her face again as she reached for his zipper. She licked her lips and looked up at him with puppy dog eyes.

"Let me help you with that, baby,"

"Get the fuck out of my cabin!"

Damien roared, ready to grab the persistent slut by her hair and haul her out. Something else caught both of their attention at the same time. The screen door had swung open. Damien heard it smack up against the side of the cabin with force. This, followed by loud pounding at the bolted door.

"Vee, honey, let me in."

Another male's voice called from the other side of the thin, wooden door. Damien's heart sank, but his cock did not. At this point, nothing was going to kill the persistent, throbbing hard on that Vee had deliberately given him. He knew that that voice was most likely her husband's. Damien thought that they were both fucked.

"Now look what you did,"

Damien grumbled at Vee, who only giggled. Her hands dropped from where they were playing at his zipper and she stood up from the floor. Before she turned to head toward the door, Damien grabbed her wrist hard, digging his short, jagged nails into her skin until she yelped.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

Damien whispered to her, his voice low and angry. The pounding continued and he feared that Rex would make his way in one way or another if he kept up with it. Vee just glared at Damien and wiggled her wrist free with a furious scowl. She made her way to the door and turned back and looked at him where he stood, uneasy.

"It will be fine. Damn, you really need to chill, city boy,"

Vee laughed, mocking Damien with her expression as she released the deadbolt and turned to the door lock. Damien searched the room frantically for anything he could use to defend himself once Rex saw the situation was exactly how it looked. Next to the fireplace was an iron poker which he was able to lunge for before Vee let Rex in.

Rex looked exactly how Damien imagined him. Taller than him, burly, muscular, with a full beard and a shotgun in his hand. Damien raised the fire poker in front of himself, ready to beat the giant down if he had to. Rex looked around the cabin and at Damien, who he fixed his dark, beady eyes on and showed no emotion. Vee wrapped her arms around her husband, pressing her bare breasts into his chest as her lips locked onto his. Rex pulled Vee into a passionate, sloppy kiss that made Damien cringe. His brain was wrought with confusion and sexual frustration. He could see their tongues pulsing in between their lips as they kissed, totally ignoring him standing in the living room with a throbbing erection and a fire poker raised for self defense. The couple finally broke their kiss and Rex spoke first, his voice hoarse and baritone.

"What's the matter, sugar? Is he not playing nice?"

"No, Daddy, he won't let me even suck him,"

Damien's ears perked up. He couldn't believe that Vee had just said that in a pouty, complacent tone, almost childlike. Rex turned toward Damien who brandished the fire poker as Rex set the shotgun on him.

"Do you have a problem with my wife?"

"N..no, Sir...she.."

"Do you not find her attractive? Them big tits and that perfect ass?"

Rex slapped Vee's ass to punctuate his question. Damien clenched his jaw as his cock pulses and leaked precum into his boxers.

"Sir, there's been a misunderstanding, I..I have a fianceé.."

"Where's she at? I don't see another woman here."

Rex pointed out, looking around the room for emphasis. He then lowered the shotgun to be level with Damien's blatant erection. Damien gulped. His palms were sweaty and the fire poker was hard to grip tightly because of it.

"It looks to me that that hard cock of yers is all my wife's doin'. So why don't you let her take care of it? You some kind of homo?"

Damien's head hurt, but he thought it had just as much to do with his painful arousal as it did with the situation. The fire poker fell from his hand and Rex responded by picking the shotgun up. He placed it on the table and walked toward Damien with his hand up as if he had surrendered.

"You..want..your wife to..?"

Damien couldn't complete his sentence before the gruff man laughed, hearty and deep.

"I could never keep my girl in line. She's always wanting to fuck. I figured I let her do her thing so long as she comes home to me at night. Now, we can do this the hard way. I can tie ya up, beat ya, threaten ya, or you could give my goddess wife the attention she deserves- nah, that she has earned - I just want to watch."

Rex rolled his tongue over his lips and reached for his belt. Damien was beyond fighting with them now and figured that he may as well surrender himself. Rex was right. He wanted Vee, and there were now two of them and one of Damien. His cock reminded him that it was still aching for release, throbbing again in his jeans. Vee kissed her husband on the cheek and walked over to where Damien stood in the living room, looking into his eyes once again as she reached for him with her palm facing outward to grab the shaft of his cock through his jeans. Damien couldn't help himself. He moaned. His eyes closed, but even with his eyes closed, he could hear Rex in the kitchen, fumbling with his clothes, grunting softly.

"Let me,"

Vee whispered and pushed him back into the sofa again and Damien did not fight her this time. His eyes locked on her bouncing tits when she dropped to her knees on the floor. She smiled up at him and found his zipper with her dexterous fingers, pulling his aching cock free from where it had been painfully curved and confined by his boxers and jeans. As soon as her fingers touched his flesh, his cock greeted her with a twitch and precum, bubbling up to his bulging mushroom shaped glans, swollen and red. Damien leaned back into the sofa cushion and relaxed, exhaling deeply in another pained moan as he felt Vee greet his cock with her soft, sticky lips and tongue.

"Mmm, that's right, baby, show him what he's missing,"

Rex grunted out from the kitchen, actively coaching his wife, but Vee hardly needed encouragement. Damien could feel her tits now pressing up against the shaft of his cock as it fit perfectly into Vee's luxurious and soft cleavage. Only the head of his cock poked through from between her breasts and she used her hands now to push them together. Naturally, Damien bucked his hips up into her, fucking her cleavage, as Vee's mouth engulfed the head of his cock, that warm, wet sensation he had longed for since Vee had given him a taste when she sucked his finger. When Damien opened his eyes just a bit, he could see that Vee's face was flushed and she was sucking him with an ecstatic expression, her own eyes closed so she could savor the moment, opening a bit just long enough to catch Damien's stare. She responded with a cute smile and lifted herself up on her knees, moving her body up and down in time with Damien's eager thrusts.

"Suck his cum right from that big dick, babe, that's it,"

Rex groaned in a low whisper. Damien had never considered himself to be 'big' or well endowed, but he knew he was a bit bigger than average. He glanced over to where Rex stood in the open kitchen, his own denim jeans down around his hairy legs, and his cock buried in his fist. Damien could only see the head as Rex frantically stroked and realized that Vee's husband was considerably smaller than him. He couldn't help but grin, sympathetic to the woman that was so eager to please him. Vee popped up and turned to Rex,

"You like watching me suck a real man's cock, Daddy? Mmm, I can't wait to feel him stretch my tight little pussy," then, turning to Damien, "I haven't fucked a man your size since before I met Rex. Just thinking about it has me sooo fucking wet"

It was her words that inevitably set him off and Damien couldn't stop himself before grabbing the back of Vee's head. He pushed down on her, forcing her to brace herself on all fours so that she could swallow him whole, his hips thrusting upward and driving his cock deep into her throat. Vee began to sputter and gag, her whimpers mixed with Rex's moans and grunts that had increased in volume.

"I'm cumming, baby, fuck"

Rex announced from the kitchen, breathless. Damien ignored him and leaned down as far as he could to whisper at Vee whose face had turned red in response to his cock plugging her throat.

"I'm cumming too. I'm looking forward to watching you swallow my load, my good little cum slut,"

Never in his life had he said anything so profane and offensive to a woman during sex, but Damien realized when the words came out in a seductive, commanding growl, that he had overcome Rex as the alpha and was now about to make the young, voluptuous, Vee, Rex's wife, his own. Damien's fingers intertwined in her hair and used the messy bun at her crown for leverage as pushed her down just a little further. Vee squealed. Her hands reached up to grab at his but it was too late.

Damien groaned, his cock twitched and pulsed, shooting globs of viscous white cum down Vee's spasming throat. Damien's head fell back into the cushion of the coach and his hand stayed firm on the back of the girl's head until his cock spurted the last few strands of cum and stopped convulsing in her mouth. When Damien released his grip on her, Vee slowly raised her head from his lap, her tongue adeptly curling around his cock to lap up any cum that clung to his shaft until she pulled away from him, a string of cum and saliva dripping from the corner of her mouth as she leaned back and looked up lDamien with a satisfied smile. Damien panting like a dog on the sofa, suddenly exhausted. Movement in front of him made him open his eyes to see where Vee had gone, but instead, he was greeted with a cold beer can offered to him in Rex's thick hand.

"That was a hell of a show, my man,"

Vee had wandered off to the bathroom and Rex plopped down next to where Damien sat on the couch, his semi-erect cock still still poking through the open flaps of his boxers, glistening in the overhead light. Rex cracked open his own beer and took a sip. He had already cleaned himself up and managed to make it look like nothing odd had happened. Damien was still in a state of shock, but he cracked open the beer and took a sip, unsure of what he would say if he had anything to say about anything. Rex turned to him,


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