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The Hunter's Wife Pt. 02

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Damien finds out the whole family enjoys having him as a toy.
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Thanks again to Mike for editing and all of you for reading part one. Part 2 definitely ups the ante. I hope you all enjoy the ride ;)


After Rex and Venus finally left Damien alone in the secluded cabin to get settled in, Damien spent an hour just sitting on the sofa. He reflected on what had just happened and thought about calling Madeline before he made any more bad decisions, but he hesitated to reach for his cellphone. He had come out to the cabin to relax, to get away, and to remember the good times he spent with his stepfather. Damien really didn't want to return home to a fight and negate the'mental wellness' purposes of his vacation.

Rex had told him to come up to the ranch by seven and that there was no way he could miss it, that there was an orchard out front of the ranch house and stables outback. He told Damien to bring his bathing suit, that

'The girls will probably want to get into the hot tub with him,'

Damien had decided that he would do what he needed to to survive his stay. It was obvious to him that Rex and Venus were perverts and psychopaths. He would have accepted them just being perverts, but didn't take well to having been threatened with a knife and a shotgun within the first few hours of his visit. The couple didn't seem malicious on the surface, but Vee's words echoed in his mind, the last thing she had said to him before Rex barged in.

'How good are you at being hunted?'

He could only imagine what she meant by that. Vee's aggressive and dominant nature did make her synonymous with a predator in Damien's mind, but she wasn't after him; she was after his cock.Did that make him her prey?

For a brief moment, Damien thought that he may have stumbled into aMost Dangerous Game' scenario, but convinced himself otherwise. Since he hadn't booked the cabin for a hunting retreat, he didn't pack a rifle or any kind of weapon. It would have been hell flying if he did. Still, Damien was wary.

After taking a moment to compose himself and clean the dried semen from the couch and floorboards, Damien retreated to the shower in the master bedroom. The cabin was cozy, the master bedroom and main bathroom within it, a half bath, and a very small bedroom that had an old futon that he remembered sleeping on when he stayed at the cabin some fifteen or so years ago. When he peeked inside that second bedroom on his way to the shower, Damien noticed that the futon had been replaced with a Murphy bed that folded down from the wall and wished he had that over sacrificing his lower back to the vicious metal springs of the futon when he was fourteen.

The hot water of the shower poured over him and Damien savored the relaxation it brought that temporarily dissolved all the stress that had gathered in his shoulders as tension. His mind replayed the events that had just occurred a few hours earlier and he could feel his cock responding to his memory the same way it had responded to Vee's wanton manipulation. Surprised that he could get hard again so quickly after that ordeal, Damien finished washing himself and ignored the erection. He wasn't in the mood to deal with it and part of him knew that he wouldn't have to. As he stepped out of the shower, it occurred to Damien that the old woman who rented the cabin always had a gun stashed in the master bedroom. After a few minutes of looking, he found it in the bottom drawer of the dresser, undisturbed despite the renovations. Damien made sure it was loaded, dressed, and decided to take the 9mm with him.

Just in case.

The sun went down under the tree lined horizon and Damien made his way to his truck. He knew he had to attend the dinner party that Rex had invited him to or he was asking for more uncomfortable and dangerous encounters with the backwoods couple. He made sure that he had his cellphone and the handgun which he stashed in the glovebox. The ranch wasn't that far from the cabin and Damien could already see the clearing before the orchard trees and two young women holding baskets in their hands dressed similarly to how Vee had been.

Damien wondered if that was their uniform and chuckled as he pulled into the elongated gravel driveway that led all the way up to the stables tucked behind the ranch house. Before he could get his head together and step out of the truck, he could see in the side mirror that the two women were already making their way toward him. Damien took a deep breath before he grabbed his phone off the passenger seat and stepped down from the truck with a false smile to greet them.

"Hey there!"

The brunette spoke first, her thumbs hooked into the front pockets of her shorts. She was a tiny lady, just like Vee, but she had a more toned body, Damien presumed was from doing work at the ranch. She reached out to offer Damien's hand, which he shook reluctantly.

"I'm Sonia, Rex and Vee's daughter,"

Sonia flashed Damien a smile of nearly perfect white teeth. The other woman that had followed behind Sonia also approached to shake Damien's hand, her ebony hair woven into a neat French braid that ran down to the middle of her back. Both women were petite and fit, their figures more boyish and hardened than Vee's soft feminine figure, but they had their own beauty. Damien felt like he had just stepped onto the set of a porn film. Rex and Vee never mentioned having any kids.

"I'm Persephone, Vee's sister, and Callie is inside helping with dinner, Rex's little sister. They told us all about you, city boy,"

Persephone winked at him as Damien shook her hand. Both girls were carrying baskets of apples in both of their hands and Damien thought to be polite and offer to help carry them inside. They were botyrelieved when he grabbed the two other baskets that they had left by the trees when they came to greet him and led him to the storage shed next to the stables. Damien could see where both of them had become so muscular. One of the baskets felt like it weighed twenty pounds, filled to the brim with ripe Red Delicious apples. Damien noticed that Sonia was more quiet and shy than Persephone or Vee and estimated that she was probably eighteen or nineteen, which meant that Vee had to have had her when she was around the same age, as she looked to be at least five years younger than the time weathered Rex who had flecks of gray throughout his lumberjack beard.

The girls sat their baskets down inside the storage shed and Damien followed behind. The entire shed was stocked with crates containing apples and other produce. In the back of the shed, he could see that there were two large stills surrounded by barrels and crates containing mason jars. He could also see half empty crates of apples next to one of them and something that looked to be a large crock pot with a press. Persephone saw that he was eyeballing the back of the shed and smiled.

"Ever tasted apple jacked moonshine?"

She asked and walked over to a shelf that lined the back wall and pulled a mason jar from it. Persephone screwed off the band and lifted the metal slat, inhaled the brew within, and handed it to Damien who stared down at the off-color liquid inside that smelled of grain alcohol. Sonia giggled at him and yanked the jar from his hands before he could respond, tilted her head back, and chugged the moonshine like it were water. When she had finished over a quarter of the jar, Sonia released a masculine burp and handed it back to Damien with a sheepish grin. Her cheeks had flushed and Damien could see that the mixture was strong just by looking at her dilated pupils.

"Go on, it won't kill ya. Just don't chug it like Miss Congeniality over there. Girl, where are your manners? Did we teach you to behave like a goddamn heathen in front of guests?"

Sonia didn't reply to Persephone's scolding. She was watching Damien drink the moonshine with a devious smile that very much reminded Damien of her mother. After the first swig, Damien coughed and sputtered. The moonshine felt like liquid fire traveling down his throat into his gut where it exploded until a strange sensation of warmth that came with the subtle after taste of apples. He almost gagged on the intensity, but he was surprised at how good it actually was.

"You get used to it,"

Persephone laughed, her breasts jiggling freely in her loose top, and took the jar back from his hands to enjoy what was left. Damien was already drunk off that swig. He should have known. He made a mental note to himself that he wouldn't drink much more that night, but he knew that that was probably going to be impossible. Persephone capped the empty jar and walked it over to a recycling bin by the door. The smell of moonshine was still strong in the air and Damien couldn't shake the taste from his mouth. Sonia was still staring at Damien with a twinkle in her hazel eyes, which made him somewhat uncomfortable.

"Shall we head in and introduce you to Callie?"

She suggested and Damien nodded with an unexpected burp. The girls laughed despite his embarrassed apology and showed him back to the sprawling ranch house.

The smell from the kitchen hit Damien first, sweet and savory, it reminded him of when his mother would cook back at home. Sonia had split off down an adjacent hallway while Persephone led Damien into the large kitchen that was decorated and stocked like that of a five star restaurant. Rex was peeling potatoes over a bucket and tipped his red trucker hat in greeting while Persephone led him through to where Callie and Vee were arguing by the stove. Callie was the only woman that looked out of place among them. She had platinum blonde hair and was a bit older than the other women. Despite being Rex's 'little' sister, she was also taller than the other three, their height obviously being something that ran in her family. Callie turned to Damien and wiped her hands off on a dish towel before hugging him instead of shaking his hand.

"Glad you could come! Welcome! I'm Callie, I already know who you are,"

She giggled as she threw her arms around Damien's shoulders. She was of a fuller figure than Sonia and Persephone, similar to Vee, except she had longer legs and obvious Botox done to her face that made her somewhat expressionless. Damien returned the hug, though Callie held on longer than he liked, and took that opportunity to press her humongous breasts against his chest, even bigger than Vee's. The smell of her sultry perfume lingered behind long after the hug ended.

"Hey, sugar, oh shit, I can smell that moonshine on you already you naughty boy,"

Vee was the last to greet Damien and did so with a gentle kiss on his cheek that left a smear of pink lipstick that he quickly wiped off with the back of his hand when she turned back to the stove.

"Want to hear what we got on the menu for tonight? I know you're going to love it,"

Vee asked as she tapped a metal spoon against a cast iron skillet.

"We got dirty mashed potatoes, collard greens, cornbread, pulled pork sandwiches and burnt ends with Rex's special recipe barbecue sauce,"

She stated proudly and turned back to Damien. His stomach had started rumbling just from the luxurious smell that wafted throughout the kitchen.

"Get comfortable, have a drink or two, this will be ready before you know it,"

Vee smiled. Damien just wanted to eat and get the hell out of there before something happened he couldn't talk himself out of again. Persephone had left the room and returned with another jar of moonshine to offer Damien and wouldn't take no for an answer. Though he accepted it, he only sipped on the jar and followed each drink with a sip of water to keep the pace and to stay somewhat sober.

Damien chatted with Persephone and Rex once Rex had finished helping with the meal out on the front porch. Rex and Persephone both had glasses of moonshine in their hands, but Damien had opted to bring the water out with him and left his glass on the counter before they had headed out the door.

"You used to rent this place from my mamaw?"

Rex had asked and Persephone flashed a grin at Damien after he explained that his stepfather had recently passed and they used to come down and stay at the cabin when he was a kid.

"Yea, she was really nice. I didn't realize it was a family owned operation,"

When the words came out of his mouth Damien suddenly wondered what made his stepfather come back to that specific cabin. Was it truly a family operation? Had Rex's great great grandmother been as wild as Rex and his wife? Persephone chimed in as if she had been reading Damien's mind.

"Rex's great great grandmother married our uncle,"

She stated, casually. This confirmed Damien's thoughts about the women being very young when they gave birth. He wondered how old Rex's great great grandmother really was. The kind older woman that had greeted them at the cabin back then was noticeably aged, sure, but he would have never expected her to have more than one 'great' attached to her title, if any.

"The old swamp witch still had some magic in them titties even in her old age, bless her heart,"

Rex offered in between spitting into a small styrofoam cup tucked into the front pocket of his hunting jacket. Damien and Persephone laughed. He had just started to loosen up, but a tiny voice in the back of his mind screamed at him to be cautious. Something wasn't quite right. It wasn't as if the memory of earlier had been instantly washed away with the moonshine. He could see Vee's mouth wrapped around his cock in his mind's eye as clearly as he had seen it with his own eyes just hours earlier. He wasn't ready to get too wrapped up in the family just yet.

"Did she pass away, Corina?"

"She moved up to Arkansas about seven years ago. She may be my mamaw and a 'great great' one, but Corina is only in her mid-fifties and has taken care of herself. She bought a horse ranch out there,"

Rex replied. His cup was finished and he started to stand, but Persephone stopped him.

"I'll get it, sweet pea, can I get you anything, Damien?"

"I'm fine, thank you,"

"Okay, dinner is probably almost ready too,"

She said as she slipped through the glass slide door into the kitchen which left Damien alone with Rex who was fishing for more chew in his back pocket. When the slide door opened again it wasn't Persephone that came out, but Sonia, wearing a tiny black string bikini that barely covered all the necessary areas. Damien turned away from the door the second she came out and stepped onto the deck with bare feet.

"I'm going to jump in the Jacuzzi. Mama says it's gonna be another hour. Wanna come with me?"

Sonia turned to Damien with a seductive grin.

"We got swim trunks in that white shed by the Jacuzzi. "

"You're welcome to use em',"

Was all Rex said. It was obvious to Damien that the man had no qualms about an older man going off with his daughter. In retrospect, Damien didn't know why he thought Rex would have qualms about anything like that.

"I really shouldn't.."

Damien stammered,but Sonia had her mother's genes. She reached down for Damien's wrist, grabbed it, and yanked him up so hard that he thought she would pull his arm right out of the socket if he didn't follow through.

"She's vicious. Gotta watch out for her,"

Rex warned as Sonia trotted off across the back lawn with Damien in tow. The sun had all but disappeared, but tiny solar powered tiki lights began to trigger on in the low light which helped show the way to the Jacuzzi, which looked like a large, round, wood paneled above ground swimming pool until one could see over the side and get a view of the swirling water and massage jets. Sonia dragged Damien toward the tiny white shed with an outdoor shower cubicle attached and showed him inside. It was just a small dressing room for changing and bathing that they had stocked with spare bathing suits for guests. Damien tried to pick something modest. Rex may not have a problem with a grown man spending time with his eighteen years old daughter, but Damien had a problem with it and hoped that it wasn't Sonia's mission to make it hard to resist, like her mother.

When Damien came out of the shed in a pair of borrowed trunks Sonia was already in the hot tub. Her chestnut hair was loose and created a veil that spread around the back of her head. Sonia's small breasts bobbled on the surface of the bubbling water,barely contained by two triangle shaped patches of black fabric that were sewn together with silver ring accents. Damien had noticed before that she wasn't wearing makeup and had natural, understated beauty, which allowed her to get away with it and still look well groomed and beautiful. She had her head leaned back into the tubing that surrounded the edge of the hot tub and provided a cushion for one to lean back against and enjoy the jets. Damien took a deep breath and slid in. The warm water and pulsing streams against the soles of his feet and lower back instantly relaxed him and there was enough space for him to sit comfortably away from Sonia. Sonia just watched him become acclimated in the tub with a drink in her hand she had been sipping through a straw, her hazel eyes focused on Damien.

"So, you go to college?"

"Haven't started yet,"

"Good for you, what do you want to study?"

"I think I want to be a veterinarian, but..I'm not sure yet,"

Sonia's responses were nonchalant like Damien expected a teenager would be. Even though she had practically kidnapped him from the deck, she seemed shy and stand-offish. Damien thought if he didn't speak that they would have just sat there in silence until someone came and got them for supper.

"What do you do?"

Sonia asked as she played with the plastic straw on her tongue. Damien averted his eyes from her but she kept hers on him as she sucked on the straw and pulled it in her mouth in a seductive and playful way.

"I'm an investment broker for an investment firm,"

"Sounds boring,"

Damien chuckled. She wasn't wrong.

"It is, but it pays the bills and keeps food on the table,"

He shrugged. Damien was starting to really relax. The jets of the hot tub had caught him in the perfect spot and any pain he had felt before he had slid in had almost instantly dissipated. He could feel his eyes wanting to close, his eyelids had begun to droop halfway over his eyes and he noticed that he felt lightheaded and that feeling only got worse if he tried to force his eyes open and focus on something. Out of the corner of his left eye, he could see Sonia raise her arms and fold them behind herself before she sat up and slid toward Damien. He watched her bikini top float away toward the edge of the tub and before he could react, Sonia had floated over to him and was almost straddling him with her tiny body pressed against his. Damien could smell a combination of whatever perfume she wore, apples, and moonshine that lingered in her hair.

"I'm sorry you have such a boring job. Does your wife take good care of you when you get home?"

Sonia asked as she looked up at him with an innocence about her that was more convincing than what Vee had tried to portray earlier. Damien could feel his hand slide up on her hip against his own best judgment. He had already fucked up today, may as well make it official. For the life of him, he didn't understand why the women kept throwing themselves at him.

"She does.."

Sonia flashed those brilliant white teeth at him that he had noticed before and her hands rose up his chest to settle on his shoulders, her slim fingers and palms pressed into his neck and she began to massage down his neck and shoulder line, working the tension from his muscles with her small, yet accommodating, hands.

"Tell me about her. What is she like?"

Her voice had become softer and she had shifted to be closer to Damien so she could reach lower on his back. Her breasts pressed into his chest, her tiny pink nipples were hard and Damien could feel them graze his chest as Sonia hovered on his lap.

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