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The Inspection

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The Landlord finds something he shouldn't.
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"I didn't know you had anyone else staying here Dan?" my landlord shouted from the living-room. It was time for my inspection, which had rolled around like clockwork, three months to the day since the last. I didn't think I had anything to worry about; even if I could have afforded a pet, I wouldn't be allowed to keep one. I didn't smoke, and I had been brought up house-proud, so I was pretty sure everything was clean, tidy and in its place.

"What do you mean?" I shouted back, casting my eye over the bedroom. I knew it was perfect, but it was always nice to make sure. You never know what secret things you might inadvertently leave lying around!

"These clothes? They aren't yours are they? You know I don't allow subletting without agreement..."

I didn't even hear the rest. My heart was beating a mile a minute and my mouth had dried right up. I'd obviously missed something!

"Hold on a second," I yelled back, trying to calm down. I needed to get a grip on myself; I'd done nothing wrong; I had nothing to be ashamed of; I just needed to go out and face him! Steeling myself, I gave my bed sheets a final straighten, and then headed in to face the music.

As I opened the door between the two rooms, John, my landlord, was exactly where I expected him to be. He was standing over by the window, puzzling over the things I'd forgotten about. I guess I was just so used to them being around they didn't seem out of place to me. As he heard the door swing open, he looked up, a curious expression on his face. Even though he was edging on 40, nearly 20 years my senior, I'd developed quite a crush on him. He had an amazing body for his age; hell, for any age! He was muscular but not ripped, and the tight t-shirts he favoured suited him perfectly; I was able to ogle whenever his back was turned. Of course, with his back turned, I always had to make the choice about running my eyes over his broad shoulders or down to his fantastic arse; usually I was quick enough to get a glance at both! The ruggedness extended to his face, and the combination of short brown hair and piercing blue eyes made my heart melt and my pulse quicken every time!

"What's up John," I said, trying to be as nonchalant as possible. There was a slight quaver in my voice, but hopefully not enough to notice.

"Who do these belong to Dan?" he replied gruffly, holding up a tiny pair of pink lace panties; they were one of my favourite pairs if truth be told, and were always either on me or in the wash, waiting to be worn next. That's probably why I didn't notice them drying on the radiator; I was too used to them being around. "I don't mind if you have your girlfriend over, but three pairs of knickers lying around suggests she's moved in!"

"No John, it's not like that," I replied quietly, "it's just that...well the thing is...they're...mine,"

I know how foolish it must've sounded to him. I'd always done my best to come across as the nice twenty year old lad, quiet and a bit introverted; the perfect tenant in his eyes. But I had a whole other life when he wasn't around, one I'd been cultivating and growing into for years. I liked to cross-dress! There was nothing more I loved than throwing on something sexy and going out clubbing with my friends. Although that wasn't quite true; the perfect night actually ended with me finding some big-dicked guy to take me back to his and ravish me at the end of the night!

"Bullshit," John muttered, "You expect me to believe that? If you were honest and told me you had a girl move in, that would've been fine! But I don't like being lied to!"

"I'm not lying," I retorted, probably a bit more hotly than I'd meant to; no-one takes being called a liar well! "Why would I lie about something like that?"

"To get out of conning me? To get out of the extra rent you should have been paying? How should I know?!"

"Oh yeah John? Does it look like I'm lying?" I almost shouted back, before turning my back to him. With a swift motion I pulled one side of my tracksuit bottoms down, knowing full well the lacy green thong would prove my point to say the least! Don't ask me why I did it, because I can't explain. It seemed like a good idea at the time!

I must've been standing there for a good ten seconds, one smooth cheek exposed to my landlord, before I realised what I was doing. I reached down and pulled my bottoms back up, before turning around to face him, my cheeks bright red with embarrassment.

"I shouldn't have done that John," I whispered, "It's just that..."

"No Dan...fuck...no I understand completely; I shouldn't have said what I said; I shouldn't have spoken like that..."

I looked up and saw his cheeks were as flushed as mine under his tan; he looked adorable! I couldn't help but smile.

"It's ok John," I murmured, "I think we were both kind of in the wrong; let's just leave it there."

I left him to it and headed back into the bedroom, leaving him to it. I think we both needed our space for a few minutes; I know I did! I tried to do a bit more sorting in the bedroom, and was so lost in thought I didn't hear John come in

"So...you like wearing that stuff then?"

I was startled to say the least, but quickly regained my cool before I turned to face him.

"Yeah John; I've been doing it for years now. Don't ask me why; it just feels right."

"I'm sorry again...I shouldn't be so nosy," he muttered, eyes drifting from the floor to meet mine, then quickly back to the floor again, "It's your own business Dan; it's not my place to intrude."

"Don't be sorry," I replied, smiled coyly, "I'm glad you're curious. Some people are less than complimentary."

"Well they're just cunts. You do whatever feels right to you."

"Those are good words to live by John," I grinned, before deciding to push my luck, "Say, do you want to see?"

"See what?" he replied warily.

"Me. Dressed up. You seem curious?" I replied sweetly, moving over to him and resting my hand on his muscular forearm.

"I don't know," John replied nervously, "Are you sure?"

"Of course," I giggled, moving a little closer to him, "I always like showing off. The trouble is knowing who wants me to show off for them!"

"Well...if you want to..."

"Why don't you just wait on the sofa," I smiled, giving him a playful push towards the door, "Give me a few minutes to...freshen up."

Still grinning, I turned and headed into the bedroom. I'd already made sure to tug my bottoms down a little, and I knew he'd have a nice view of my green whale-tail! I made sure to put an extra bit of swing in my hips, just to make sure I drew his gaze to the right spot!

Once in the bedroom, I shut the door and rushed around in a tizzy; I couldn't believe I was doing this. My t-shirt and tracksuit bottoms quickly came off, but I left the thong on. I knew it looked good on me, and it didn't show off too much, unless I wanted it to; I didn't know what the deal was with John yet, and I didn't want to scare him off! I quickly found the matching bra and threw it on. The outfit was then finished off by a pair of black hold-up fishnets and a pair of green heels; they weren't too high, but I knew they made my ass look fantastic and they matched my lingerie perfectly; I was a stickler for colour coordination!

I evaluated myself critically in the mirror; I was already perfectly smooth, and my pale skin worked well with the lingerie. Most people assumed I had my hair cut in some emo fashion. Little did they know, with a few flicks it turned into a sexy pixie-style bob. Now all that was needed was a little make-up! I didn't want to leave my landlord waiting too long, so I did what I could. A little eye-liner and blusher was good for now, followed by my favourite red lip-stick; I was good to go!

I opened the door slowly, and gradually revealed myself, smiling broadly as I watched John's reaction. His eyes trailed slowly up my long, slim, stocking-clad legs and over my panties. I made sure to pose in profile, so he could appreciate the curve of my smooth arse. As his eyes continued upwards, I turned and strutted towards him, hips swaying as his piercing blue eyes met mine.

"Well?" I smiled seductively.

"Wow," John replied, his eyes travelling back up and down my body, "I was not expecting this Dan!"

"How about Danielle for now?" I cooed. By now, I was standing over him, and took a chance by perching myself on my landlords waiting knee. I made a show of crossing my legs as slowly as possible, while I ran one hand slowly up his thigh.

"Can I ask you something John?" I breathed, my fingers softly brushing along his leg.

"Of course," he replied, eyes fixed on the expanse of my thigh above my stockings. I'm pretty sure he was getting a good view of the bulge in my panties too.

"What's your deal? I've always imagined you being straight as an arrow?"

He smiled softly. "I'm bi actually. It's been awhile since I've been with a guy. But then again, it's been a while since I've met someone like you."

"So I take it you approve then?" I quipped, my eyes still on his as my fingers strayed further up his thigh. It felt like there was something sizeable growing in his jeans!

"Yes...Danielle. Definitely. I'm a big fan," he replied. His hand was on my stockinged thigh now, sending shivers up my spine, "Have you got a nice collection?"

"Oh yeah John...I like a bit of variety," I breathed. It turns out my hunky landlord might be a bit of a lingerie fan! "Do you want to pick out something for me?"

His smile broadened as his fingers brushed against my bare skin "That sounds like it could be fun. Do you want to wait here while I go choose?"

"On one condition babe. You've already seen so much of me...it's only fair that I get to see some of you." As I spoke, my fingers slid up his torso, slowly tugging his t-shirt up, first over his toned belly and then up above his muscular chest. He lifted his arms playfully as I finally jerked it off. I couldn't help but run my nails back down his tanned body as he lowered his arms, his hands resting back on my thighs.

"Fuck you've got a great body," I purred as my fingers traced the lines of his six-pack.

"Not half as good as yours Danielle," he replied as he grabbed me by the hips and lifted me off him, depositing me on the couch before heading straight into the bedroom.

"The wardrobes open hun!" I shouted after him, spreading my legs slightly to rub myself through my panties. I was already so fucking horny; it was shaping up to be a much more fun morning than I had expected.

John didn't take long, and when he returned bare-chested, he grinned down at me. "I've left something on the bed for you; I think you'll look perfect in it Danielle."

I couldn't contain my excitement, and practically leapt up to get in there, but not brushing as close to John as I could, with one hand brushing over his muscular chest again.

"I'll be back as quick as I can," I whispered before softly kissing him on the cheek.

Once I got back into the bedroom, I grinned in happiness. John had obviously taken a shine to the panties he'd found earlier; they were lying on my bed, alongside matching hot pink stockings and a lacy pink basque. I quickly changed, pulling the gorgeous material over my skin. Everything was see-through, and the panties could barely contain my throbbing cock. I finished the outfit with my favourite shoes; a pair of Perspex platform heels. I could barely walk any distance in them, but I knew I didn't have to go far, and I wanted to look as fuckable as possible.

"You've got fantastic taste John," I announced as I swayed through the door. The way he looked at me when I showed myself made me fall even deeper in lust with him; his eyes were ravaging me, and he looked fucking gorgeous, sitting there waiting for me in just a pair of jeans.

He didn't take his eyes off me as I made my way back to him. Rather than aim for his lap, instead I kneeled on the couch beside him, one hand trailing down his flat stomach as I leaned in close to him.

"You like how I look John? Do you like how I've dressed up for you?" I whispered softly in his ear as my fingers found his belt-buckle, undoing it deftly.

"Fuck yeah Danielle" he breathed as he turned his head to meet mine. Our lips touched ever so softly as I finished with his belt and went to work on the buttons of his jeans. I could feel him straining for release.

"It feels like you do honey," I purred, "It feels like you've got something special for me as a reward."

My pink lips brushed against his again as his jeans finally came undone. He was as impatient as me, and lifted his hips to tug his jeans down around his knees. All that was left were his silky blue boxers, and my fingers nimbly slipped inside and wrapped around his cock, pulling it out from its confines. I didn't need to glance down to know I found something very special, and slowly ran my fingers along the length as he breathed out in pleasure. His scent was intoxicating. Our lips pressed together again, and he was more insistent now, pressing back against me as I leaned forward. I could feel his soft lips parting, and his tongue darted out against my pink lips. My fingers sped up around his cock, and I marvelled at its thickness as I met my tongue with his. Within seconds, our chaste, soft kisses became more wanton; his tongue fought against mine, and we were both panting softly as his fingers wrapped themselves in my short hair to hold me against him.

My hand left his cock and pushed against his chest, softly forcing him away from me. I licked my lips seductively, and without saying a word, I began kissing my way down his neck and over his smooth broad chest. I was kneeling on the couch now, and my tongue trailed down the outline of his abs before I finally got my first good look at him.

"Jesus..." I moaned softly, not believing how fantastic this day had become. He was perfect; John's dick must have been nearly eight inches long, and nearly as thick as my wrist. I lay my head against his belly as my fingers eased his foreskin back; he had a massive bellend, swollen and purple and glistening with precum. It looked fucking beautiful!

I couldn't help myself, and softly wrapped both hands around his thick meat. Slowly stroking, my head dropped closer to marvel at him. My initial plan was just to look, to tease, but I couldn't resist, and my lips brushed against the tip of his fabulous cock, making John moan softly above me. His hands were roaming across my back, urging me on silently, and who was I to refuse. I was planting kisses all over his massive helmet, savouring the taste of his sticky precum. My tongue darted out, running circles around his bellend as one hand found his big swollen balls. I squeezed them softly, eliciting a groan of pleasure that spurred me on. Pushing his hands off me, I sat up suddenly and threw myself at him, nails raking down his chest as I shoved my tongue into his mouth. I couldn't help myself; I was like a child in a sweet-shop, and just wanted every inch of him. Luckily for me, John seemed feel the same way, and his hands ran down my back before they found my roud ass, kneading my firm cheeks as we kissed hungrily.

"You've no idea how long I've dreamed of this John," I whispered as I pulled away from him again, standing just long enough to drop to my knees between his legs, "you're even more perfect than I imagined."

"You've seen what you've done to me Danielle," he replied breathlessly, "no-ones had this effect on me for quite some time."

"Well I'll have to sort you out then, won't I?" I replied softly. Keeping my eyes locked with his, I lowered my head again. As my lips met his gorgeous cock-head they parted slowly, welcoming his purple bellend into my mouth. He tasted amazing. One hand was wrapped around the base of his shaft as I took more of him inside me, and I began stroking softly as I began to bob on his huge cock. I loved sucking dick, and John's was something special. He seemed to get even harder inside my mouth, twitching slightly as my tongue flicked against his slit, drawing out silky pre-cum for me to savour. Every so often, I'd pull him from my lips just so I could lick every inch. My tongue trailed over him as he stroked my hair, moaning softly as my mouth made love to him. All I wanted to do was make him happy.

As I took more and more, Johns breathing became shallower and harsher, and he was moaning my name constantly, throwing his head back and thrusting slightly upwards to meet my mouth. All it did was spur me on, and my mouth went into overdrive; I was drooling around his shaft as I took him further into my mouth, squeezing his beautiful balls as I did my best to devour his thick cock.

"Oh fuck yeah...Danielle...fuck yeah...I'm so close..."

Nothing at this stage could've stopped me, and I sucked harder and faster, my own cock straining against my panties as I felt his twitch in my mouth.

"Oh god baby...do you want me...do you want my cum?"

Eyes wide and mouth full, I nodded up at him. It was all I wanted; I needed to taste him. My bright pink lips pulled back to his bellend, and my tongue lashed at the tip as he groaned in ecstasy.

"Jesus baby...Danielle...Oh fuck yeah...here it comes...I'm cumming!"

He finally erupted, panting heavily as I felt the first drop of his seed on my tongue. Rope after rope of thick salty cum erupted from his twitching cock, and I swallowed it down hungrily, keeping his fat dick in my mouth as he leaned back on the sofa, breathing hard and grunting softly. Once I was sure the last drop was mine, I swallowed it all down, relishing the texture and taste as it slid down my throat. It was only then when I let him free, and allowed his bellend to slip out from my lips. God he was still rock-hard! I stood slowly, trying to balance on my heels. I needn't have bothered though; I wasn't even upright before Johns arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me down onto him. His mouth instantly found mine, and he kissed me hungrily as I straddled him. His cock was resting against my panties, right between my cheeks. I loved the feeling.

"Fuck me John that was a big load. Were you saving it up for me or something?" I whispered, mouth close to his.

"No Danielle...I never thought this was going to happen...never in my wildest dreams. It's been a while since I got lucky, that's all. I hope you didn't mind?" he replied, his cheek brushing against mine.

"God no baby," I purred, kissing him softy again, "it was exactly what I needed...and from the feel of things, it looks like you might have some more for me too?" I quipped, pressing back against his raging boner.

"I want you so bad Danielle," he murmured, kissing me again as he pulled me tight against him, "how about we take this into the bedroom?"

Without waiting for a response, he stood quickly. I was so shocked my legs and arms wrapped instinctively around him. My heels dug into his back as we kissed again, with John slowly carrying me to my bed. I could feel his huge dick still bobbing against me; I needed it inside me soon!

John practically threw me onto the bed, standing over me as he ravaged me with his eyes. "Roll over Danielle," he grunted softly, towering over me. I was only too happy to comply! Within seconds, my tiny tight ass was in the air, and I was fully expecting to feel John rip my panties off before he pushed inside me. Instead, I leaned my head against my duvet as I felt his mouth on me. Ever so slowly, I could feel his lips work his way from my heels and over my stockinged feet, kissing softly, barely brushing against the sheer material. I groaned softly in appreciation as his hands trailed up and down my calves, soon followed by his eager mouth. His breath was so warm against me, and I arched my back in anticipation as his mouth moved up the back of my thighs. At the same time, his hands had reached my firm arse, kneading gently as the occasional fingertip ran down my panty-clad crack. He had a magic touch, and was making me shiver in pleasure. I slowly pushed back against his hand, wanting more and more. Soon I felt his fingers slip under the lace of my tiny panties, pulling them to one side just as his soft lips moved up over my arse. I was breathlessness, face pressed down against my duvet as his magic touch drove me wild. John's lips travelled over my pert bum before I felt the warm wetness of his tongue; he had a hand on each cheek, and was easing them gently apart as his tongue travelled down my crack. I was in fucking heaven! It seemed like my horny older landlord wanted to give me a rim-job, and who was I to refuse!


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