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The Interview

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A job interview with a few surprises.
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I'm 28, like cycling, good company and watching movies. Normal guy.

That is until I went for a job interview a couple of weeks ago that changed my life around.

My girlfriend and I enjoy a good sex life and I've been with her for over six years. We like doing it outside if we can and in the car and at home we are fairly relaxed about our bodies, often being naked most of the time. She has a cracking ass and the most beautiful tits with nipples so perfect and firm most of the time, little diamonds.

I'd hit a few bad jobs in the past years where I was 'last in- first out' and so I had been doing a little bit of food delivery on my bike around the city just to earn some cash..

But this job had caught my eye and I really wanted it. It was working in a studio office designing adverts for a company making products for the men's grooming industry.

I like to take care of my body and I'm shaved all over so to be part of something that would benefit the Smoothies out there as well as the Hipsters, would be great.

I dressed in a pair of dark grey socks that had shades of grey stripes running up and down them, my black Derby suede lace-up casuals, a charcoal grey suit with a pale lilac shirt and a grey tie, and a pair of black boxer trunks.

I took the train to the interview and casually walked into the offices announcing that I was there to meet Mr Marks, for an interview at 4.30.

The very fit blonde receptionist had the greatest smile as she led me to the waiting room and once seated she left me, but I noticed her very quickly glance down at my crotch area, which really made me smile inside as the boxer trunks I'd chosen do highlight my bulge a little.

I waited perhaps fifteen minutes before the door to an office opened and a guy about my age came in and shook my hand,

"Hi, you must be Craig, my 4.30? Sorry I'm a bit behind schedule. I'm David and I'll be interviewing you today so why don't you come into my office and we'll begin?"

Once inside he offered me a seat opposite him at his desk and then he apologised again for running a little late. "Sometimes," he said. "I have some fascinating people to interview, I get a little carried away with the time."

I said that was ok and I didn't mind waiting as I had nothing to rush away for, so he could take all the time he wanted.

He smiled a really cool, cheeky lad's smile that made me relax. This was going to be a good interview I thought, I had no idea how good!

We chatted about my past working history and he asked me what challenged me, why I chose them to come for an interview with and what I would contribute to their business if I got the job.

With regards to choosing them I told him that as a man who took care over his own body, especially because I cycled, I was excited with being able to add my perspective, of what I would like for my own body, to their ideas and concepts for a blossoming market.

"Cool," he said, "So Craig, what is different about you and your body care than any of the other people I've seen today?"

As he said that, he shifted in his chair and put his folded hands on the desk, leant forwards and looked directly into my eyes.

I was a little taken aback by his stance, but hopefully didn't show it and realising this was possibly one of his interviewing tactics, I decided to sit a little but further forward in my chair as well, as I told him about cyclists needing to have smooth bodies all over and some of the products out there were a little abrasive around delicate areas and a lot weren't masculine enough in their look or selling points. Whereas being a modern Hipster was getting a lot of media attention, I'd not only be able to help them develop that side but I'd be able to offer advice on Smoothies and maybe as a company they could become trend -setters for those who don't want much body -hair, an untapped market?

He nodded kindly all the way through my answers as we chatted some more and we began to develop quite a relaxed banter, with lots of smiles and laughter going back and forth.

It turned out that he was a swimmer who had been on the edge of an Olympic career but illness and family matters had changed all of that, but he did understood the need for certain men needing smooth bodies.

His buzzer went and I recognized the voice of the very fit receptionist, "We are about to close David, do you want me to shut down or wait until you've finished, as most of the other office staff have left?"

"Fuck is it that time already?" he replied to her, then immediately apologized to me for the use of the 'f' word.

I told him not to worry I wasn't offended as it was just another ordinary word nowadays.

He thanked me for understanding and then asked Rachel, to step in.

She entered the room with a clip board in her hand and put it down next to me giving me a reassuring smile.

"She's smiling Craig, because that's my signal to Rachel that I've chosen my candidate and so she's she brought in some papers to sign, should you want the job that is?"

"The fuck yes," I replied a little too enthusiastically and went to apologise, but David just smiled and brushed it off, "After all," he said "it's practically an ordinary word nowadays!"

I laughed.

Rachel left with a big grin on her face, "I'll see you tomorrow David" she replied as she closed the door.

"So welcome to the company Craig, all I need you to do now is to sign some papers and I can get the ball rolling. Do you have any other commitments that effect you starting?"

"No, I've just been doing a few deliveries of food on my bike, so I can drop that at any time."

"Cool. There is just one other thing you'll see in the paper work. I'm looking for someone that not only can help me with our advertising but that might be interested in being in those adverts themselves so cutting down the cost of spending money on a modelling agency, and I think you have the perfect look for that, but before you signed anything I wanted you to be aware with that of course?"

I was a little surprised by his announcement, knowing that I have a good body but only having my girlfriend and a couple of mates tell me, and I went a little red.

"Oh," he said, "I didn't mean to embarrass you Craig. I just think you have the whole package, the looks, the body, the experience and the personality I'm looking for, and that's why I want you, here," he smiled.

"Erm no, no, I'm not embarrassed, well maybe a bit but I've never had someone say that in an interview before. I just wasn't expecting it," I laughed nervously, "so could you tell me more about what you're looking for."

"Well, I need a guy who would look great topless as we modelled his chest and stomach, with our products showing what a smooth look can be achieved, and the legs of course so either a campaign showing you in just boxers shaving etc. I know that's prominently a female market right now, but I agree it's one that men haven't tapped yet and if we could be the first to launch this idea, then who knows. And you'd look great in pair of boxers." he smiled again, that laddish smile.

"Um, thank you for saying so but I'm not sure that showing off my body to the world in advertising campaigns is something I've thought of."

"That's ok," he said, "Let me help." and with that he buzzed his telephone. "Rachel, can you step back in again please?"

I was surprised to learn Rachel was still in the building but as she walked through the door, there was that amazing smile again.

"David?" she asked

"Ah yes, Craig is a little concerned about showing off his body in our advertising campaigns and I thought you might like to show him how easy it is?"

"Yes of course," she said giving me the funniest smile.

I was not sure what was going on and felt a little apprehensive.

She went over to a bureau and picked up a remote control.

David just smiled at me. "You'll see, don't worry" he said.

The remote brought down a screen from the ceiling and Rachel closed the blinds as David, clicked some buttons on his lap top and an image of Rachel flickered onto the screen. She was in a bikini and was using a razor to shave the tops of her thighs. It was purely an advert tastefully done but watching her on screen and having her in the room with me, I have to admit I had a little tingle begin in my boxers.

I tried to concentrate, but the more I watched a series of adverts featuring her, the hotter, in that small room, I became.

When the show had finished, David clicked a few more buttons on his lap top and the screen went blank, Rachel sent the screen back up to the ceiling and opened the blinds again.

"Well?" asked David, "Nothing to it see? Do you think you can do that? Rachel is my Personal Assistant, but she also helps with our successful female products and that's all I'd be looking for you to do too? Saves me money and you'd get extra cash from the royalties etc.?"

I was still a little surprised at my reaction down below, to what I'd just seen and I could only look at them both for a bit.

"Craig, you have a great look, and if you're as smooth as you say then this will be a great opportunity for you. Working on the designs, controlling them for yourself, knowing what you would or would not prefer. It's all perfect, unless you're shy of course. Though I don't know any shy cyclist. Those outfits you wear reveal everything to the public anyway. I'm sure there's been many a spectator who's had a good look at you."

I still just stared not knowing what to say.

"Look," he said getting up from behind the desk, "if you're still a little nervous and are a little worried about showing off that body, here, let me help you with that some more."

And in saying that he began to strip off in front of me and Rachel. She just smiled at me and rolled the controller around in her hand.

He first unlaced his shoes and put them on the desk. Then he slipped off his black socks and put them in his shoes.

"Erm, it's okay David, " I stammered, " you don't have to," and I quickly glanced at Rachel.

"Oh, it's ok, we're seeing each other so she's seen all this before," he grinned taking his tie off, having draped his jacket over the back of his chair.

"But you don't need to do this." I said

"No, I know I don't but I want to show you that I trust you and that it's just a body, we'd even cut off the head shots if you didn't want to be a recognisable poster boy," he laughed gently.

He was unbuttoning his shirt, and for some stupid reason the tingles came back. I reddened again as he slipped the shirt off his very muscular arms and revealed his incredibly fit, smooth chest, with such well-defined pecs and nipples.

He held his arms raised out at the side and said "See, nothing to it Craig, now you try?"

"Sorry? What? Me? But, " again I did a quick glance at Rachel.

At that he smiled at her and raised his eyebrows.

She slipped out of her high heels and began to unbutton her blouse. What the fuck was going on.

I just sat there watching her, as my breathing quickened.

Once her blouse was off and she revealed her small pale bra hiding and supporting her tits, David spoke again, "See Craig, we're not worried here. We're quite happy with our bodies and we think you should be with yours!"

" I... I am ok with mine, but this is a little weird David, you must admit?"

"Ok," he said, " yes it maybe, you're right. Rachel would you mind waiting outside please. I'll call you when I'm about to leave."

We both watched as she walked out of the room, her back the perfect shape, her slight wiggle very intoxicating.

He sat down again with his feet up on the desk, laying back in his chair and crossing his hands again. He looked at me for a little then he said.

"I'm sorry if that was unconventional of me. I just wanted you to know I trusted you and what more trust can you have than to be naked with someone."

I wasn't sure why he'd said naked but I just looked at him and nodded slowly.

"And." he continued," I realised it was the wrong kind of message to have Rachel here, too sexual perhaps and that is my fault and I'm sorry if you felt uncomfortable."

Finally getting my voice I said " No, it's okay, I just wasn't expecting that from an interview. I'd love to work for you David and I like everything you've told me about the company, I just didn't know you were looking for me to model too?"

"Take your shoes off" he said


"Take your shoes off?" He smiled again.

"Ok!" I bent done and unlaced the left shoe and slipped it off my foot and put it on the floor.

"And the other one," he smiled.

When the right shoe was off he said "There's that's better, a little easier to breath for you, yes. So, I know I didn't say at the beginning that I was looking for a model too, and as soon as I saw you outside sitting there, I knew I was going to offer you the job if the rest worked out, because you have the right look for me. When you said you cycle and are a Smoothie, I think you called it, I loved that concept and want to use It in the ads. And I'd love yours to be the body to help us achieve that. It looks so fucking good, Craig."

"Erm, Thank you" I stammered.

"So Rachel is gone, take your socks off."

"Again, sorry?"

"She not here to embarrass or arouse you," he smiled raising his eyebrows, "just you and me and I want you to see what potential you have here. So, take off your socks."

I looked at him then slowly bent down and hooked my socks off and left them on the floor.

"Good, good Craig, see, no harm done, nothing to get aroused by, just taking your clothes off for a shoot."

"Erm, ok."

"So, in the campaign I see the guy getting up in the morning, shot on his legs and chest, then goes and showers again, shots of legs, chest, maybe bum, showing the water running off smooth skin, then him using our new product to lather up, legs and chest and abs, and having a quick shave. Next shot him trotting off to work feeling great, or going swimming looking great or cycling pulling on the suit and a back shot of him going off into the distance."

"Yes "I said hesitantly, "Those were the kind of ideas I was going to be looking at with you, but .."

"But, didn't think I'd want it to be you?" he leant forward and gently massaged his toes.

Here was this guy who moments ago was interviewing me for a job, now bare-chested with shoes and socks off, and me not knowing why the fuck this had caused my cock and balls to tingle. I was so confused.

"Look, Craig, I'm open, I like you, Iike what you've brought to me today."

"Cool, I like your ideas too David, and I really wanted to get this job, but this interview is so damn weird, I'm not sure what's going on to be honest and here I am in bare feet wondering what's coming next. I've never done an interview like this David, I like you, I thought you would be a good boss to work for as soon as you introduced yourself, but this bit is really odd?"

He brought his feet up off the desk and leaned forwards again, his pecs just above the top of the desk and his nipples, just there. I was unsure of where to look, so I just stared at his eyes.

Smiling that boyish smile again, he stood up and began to undo his belt.

He slipped the catch out of the buckle and open the belt up.

I just watched him do it, tingling beginning again.

He unhooked the waistband on his dark blue trousers and began to pull the zipper down.

I was mesmerised. I couldn't help it. He did it so slowly. The zipper came down so slowly.

Then he sat down again, and smiled that laddish smile at me once more as I pulled myself together, and simply stared at him again, my reddened cheeks throbbing with guilt.

"See," He said, "the power of advertising."


"The visual, if done well will always attract it's audience, in more ways than just sight. You have the perfect body to attract hundreds of clients to our products"

I needed time to take this all in. My cock was tingling, I had taken off my grey striped socks and my shoes for this guy without much fuss. He was semi naked and his assistant Rachel, had virtually gone topless on us earlier.

This was the strangest Interview.

"David," I said, " I really appreciate your compliments, I'm not sure what is going on. You're there with virtually no clothes on and I'm barefooted - at an interview for a job I'd really like to have. Where is this going and what do you want from me?"

"Craig that's a brilliant question. Let me answer it in full. I have no problems with what I wear or don't wear with any person that comes into this office. Rachel's the same as are most of my staff. They have all gone through similar interviews with me. It's part of what we do here. They get a job working for a good and modern, and hopefully successful company, but I also get them to model our products, which as I said earlier, saves me money. I'm usually a good judge of character and can tell when I have the 'right' person for the job. I believe you are the right person for this job and I think you'll make a great model for us. I think you are quite comfortable with your body, and I just want to employ that part of you into this company and this role. I have no problems in stripping off for you so that you see there is nothing to it and that I wouldn't ask my staff to do anything I'm not willing to do myself. Saying all of that it was reasonably easy for you to take off your shoes and socks for me ... why?"

He said it all so calmly and it all made sense and I knew I wanted the job, the semi-naked thing had thrown me but more, the tingling I'd felt as he'd stripped.

A memory of my past student days came back to me. Three of us, close mates now, getting drunk and somehow agreeing to a strip poker game. That same tingling between my legs as Col, had gotten down to his boxers and was slightly erect. We pulled the game after that, all a little embarrassed and all a little drunk to remember the next day.

"As I said David, it threw me a little, sorry. At home my girlfriend and I don't usually wear any clothes most of the time, but in this set up, here, I obviously wasn't expecting this. However, I ... like what you are offering ... I like the job description of the advertising side ... and I guess I'm happy to be part of the campaign from a visual point of view too."

"Great" he said," standing up suddenly from his desk and leaning over to shake my hand enthusiastically. So enthusiastic that as he shook my hand his suit trousers slipped down his legs.

He laughed and simply slipped out of them. He was wearing contoured black boxer trunks like mine but clearly a more expensive brand. The outline of his cock and the bulge of his balls, defined against the material, he was a big lad.

"Welcome on board Craig, I hope you have many years of success with us, oh and sorry about the trousers!" he laughed.

"Thank you, thank you David, I hope I can be a good asset to you and the company , and don't worry about the trousers, you look very good without them." and as soon as I'd said it, I kicked myself. What the fuck was I thinking.

"Ha ha, thank you Craig, pleased you appreciate it, you'll probably see more like this as once a month we have a dress as you like day and most of my staff like to just wear underwear on that day. It's always quite interesting and I hope that won't bother you?"

"Erm it's a little different but I'd be ok, I think."

"Cool, well that's all settled then, now all that's left is for you to show me that cyclist body of yours so I know that I've definitely, chosen well."

"Erm sorry?"

"Let's see the body Craig, You've seen mine, only fair as your boss that I see what I'm truly getting from you."

"Erm, okay, I think?"

So slowly I stood up and slipped of my jacket. I draped it over the back of the chair and then loosened and slipped off my tie.

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