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The Jezebel of India Ch. 05

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The Rani's enemies move against her.
3.7k words

Part 5 of the 14 part series

Updated 04/07/2024
Created 02/25/2024
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Chapter Five.

Ghadnar Singh swore with impotent rage. His regiment of sepoy soldiers was now dispersed, and only nine of the mutineers stayed with him, more for the safety in numbers than any real loyalty. He had seen the way the battle was going, and his innate sense of survival made him abandon his men and run. Now, two days later, he skulked in a small sand-swept village that his men had subjugated quickly through force of arms and now, he had separated the women and children in one hut and the few men that remained into another. He had stationed his meagre forces as guards and installed himself in the best of the wattle and daub houses and sent one of the men for the prettiest of the village women and stood waiting for her to be brought in for his entertainment.

"So this is what I am to be now?" Ghadnar sighed, he was nothing but a brigand now, and he had decided to settle into his new role. He could raid the villages for food, and pick whichever woman he wanted and then before any help could be fetched, he and his men would disappear. India suffered bands of ex-soldiers and brigands and little was done to police the borderlands and Ghadnar knew it. His musings were interrupted by a slender young woman being pushed through the wooden door and cast upon the floor. Her captor, a burly heavily bearded former corporal looked at Ghadnar and the girl.

"When you have had your pleasure, she will be mine to use but be quick!" His tone was a challenge, Ghadnar looked at the man and then nodded. He was not afraid of him, but division within the remaining soldiers would not serve him or aid in their continued survival. Besides he would have his pick of other women in the village and then move on. Now he looked at the young woman, her dirty green homespun saree now being held tight to her body.

"If you do not want to have your saree torn from you, you had best accept your situation and take it off. I will use your body, either way. Decide now!" He walked towards the woman. The poor woman whimpered and looked at the door, but it was shut fast. She looked up at Ghadnar, who was already loosening his jodhpurs and then pulling off his drab sand-dirtied shirt.

The woman, a bride less than three months, knew what she would have to do and knowing there was no escape, began to untie her saree blouse. With her eye cast downwards, she felt the heat of shame on her face but knew the inescapable situation she was in.

"Now, my pretty, let me see how to suckle a man's prick, for mine is a true man," As he pulled off his remaining clothes and stood naked before the terrified woman, "Now, show me what your husband taught you!" He crossed the distance quickly and grasped the kneeling woman, who had just pulled off her blouse, letting her medium coffee-coloured flesh spill from the tight blouse. Ghadnar cruelly caught her head, and then levelled his erection at her face, "Now suckle me well, or I shall seek out your husband, father and mother and kill them all in front of you. Give me a pleasant time, and I will allow you all to live," The woman had no choice and opened her mouth and licked at his member, and Ghadnar smiled with his eye on her ministrations, imagining that it was The Rani.

"Argh!" The woman was soon gagging on the length of Ghadnar, not inconsiderable size as he pulled her head onto his length, and she struggled to accommodate his bulbous head battering the back of her throat.

"I see your poor husband hasn't done his duty and stretched your throat out! I shall teach you to swallow a prick, you poor little bitch and then I will teach your cunny to take me!" He chuckled at his joke and savagely thrust his prick into the gagging, spluttering woman's throat. Her dribble coated her naked breasts and when he did pull out from her throat, his hands grasped at her breasts, squeezing her nipples hard, causing her to moan in pain. Once He felt her submission was complete, he dragged the now-naked woman to the pelisse bed on one side of the house. He held her by her arms, his grip tight and then forced his mouth onto her and snaked his tongue into hers,

As he broke away, the woman tried to struggle, tried she pulled away. She knew he would penetrate her and her shame was unbearable, but then Ghandar's temper flared and he cruelly slapped the woman across the face,

"You will submit to me, you bitch!" He pushed the woman to the bed, turned her over onto her hand and knees, and he slapped her buttock hard and levelled his prick at her cunny, "Now learn what a man's prick needs from a bitch, Rani of Jhansi!" The woman, her face streaked in tears, didn't understand what he said for the Rani was far away, but as soon as she felt his prick inside her, she forgot the words. For several minutes, Ghadnar abused the poor woman, using her cunny most cruelly, first on her knees and then making her mount him as she savagely grasped her breasts leaving nail marks upon her upturned breasts. Finally, once again on her hands and knees, he pushed his wet prick near her asshole. The woman struggled and yelped, unwilling to surrender to his lusts, but Ghadnar placed his foot on her head and held her fast.

"Please...please I will do as you ask..." The pinned woman screamed and Ghadnar relented and allowed the woman to right herself and prepare for his prick by spitting on her hand and smearing the thick salvia on her anus.

"Good! You see if you do as you are told, it will hurt less and you might even enjoy it!" Ghadnar had no concept of a woman's enjoyment of his attentions. His whole life had been cruel, his life was one of imagined slights and envy. His desires were twisted and even now, the woman that trembled could not enjoy what he would do to her.

However, before he could press his swollen head into the tight puckered hole, the door of the hut was kicked down. The burly corporal entered, his dagger drawn,

"That woman is mine now. Release her!" The threat was obvious, and Ghadnar turned to look at him.

"Out! I am not finished with this bitch!" He snarled, reaching for the flintlock pistol, that he had stolen lng months ago from the house of the Garrison Commandant after he set the fires to cover his abuse of the white women.

"You are now!" The Corporal stepped forward, "Put your dirty prick away!" Ghadnar stood, comical with his prick at full erection and the pistol in his unseen hand. The corporal didn't even see Ghadnar's other hand cock the lever and fire. The shot was clean and precise, the corporal's forehead split as the musket ball passed through and he fell to the ground in a dusty heap.

"I will say when I am finished!" He spat upon the body. He looked down at his wilting prick and then at the woman who had scrambled away to the corner of the hut, "Wait here, I will return!" With that threat hanging in the air, he walked out of the hut, dressing as we went. Once his jodhpurs were tied, he took his satchel, and loaded the pistol once again, watching the other mutineers and brigands running over to him. One of the men looked into the hut, saw the huddled naked woman and the dead corporal,

"What happened? The was our corporal!" The man turned in shock.

"Then bury your corporal! I am your Captain; he wanted the woman. I was willing to share but he would not wait. He came upon me and I defended myself and it is plain to see. We leave at dawn, so take what you want from this flea-infested village, then put it to the torch. We will march on Orchha town, near the city of Niwari in Madhya Pradesh province. I know they need good men to fight for them and will pay good coin for them. Your corporal disapproved of that plan too!" The lies spilt easily from Ghadnar's lips, blackening the dead man's name, " He did not want to take you. He wanted to return to the fields!" The implication was clear; to disband and return to their native villages. The assembled men murmured and gasped at the awful idea! To disband was unthinkable. Without their weapons, they were little better than the peasants on which they now prayed, "I have heard that the company's allies are hiring again, and we can play the victims of the fort mutineers and take the English pay again! We will be rich and if they attack Jhansi, we will have revenge too! Now, I have business with the bitch in there!" He thumbed the hut behind him and the assembled men nodded and chuckled and went back to their evil.

As the men sauntered off to the handful of huts to pillage and abuse the captives Ghadnar went back inside and looked at the trembling woman. As the other brigands pulled their victims from the throng and dragged them away for fresh abuse, Ghadnar's victims screamed.

"Scream all you want, bitch!" He chuckled and pulled her to him, " Now, suckle me again and make me stiff!" The woman groaned, once again having to arouse her abuser.

By the time the villagers' fate had been discovered by the Rani's patrols, the band of mutineer brigands had made a rapid progression to the northern towns. The news had been sent by a succession of couriers, set up by The Rani to ensure dispatches reached her as quickly as possible. Modelled on the 'Pony Express' in the Americas, dispatch riders were supplied with fresh horses and or even passed on dispatches to other riders. As the Rani sat upon her throne, her son; Damodar Rao by her side, listened to the dispatches that had been from the border posts, she had ordered built to warn her of any unrest or possible attacks. The attempted coup only months ago had made the Rani cautious. She still abided by the letter of the East India Company, validating her stewardship of the Jhansi district and intended to keep to it, ensuring that her son would continue after her death. But more of her advisors commented on the British rule, and how they might be better off as independent princedom. Gobinder, as always was stoic and his lips silent, the Rani ruled this court and it was her wisdom that had kept Jhansi safe, but even he feared for the future.

As more dispatches came in, the news grew darker still. The actions of brigands were becoming more of a problem and the torching of a small village caused consternation at the court. The short, but fierce Nome of the Western Marches shook his head in sorrow,

"The villages are set upon by brigands, it is clear and many are killed, if not all of them. I have not the number of soldiers to police the Marches! Great Rani, I fear the perpetrators have made for the safety of other lands, and I still find small bands of former mutineers in the rural parts, should they be dispatched as criminals?" The suggestion of immediate death was customary, but the Rani shook her head. I will reinforce your soldiers with patrols of my guards, they will capture and return the brigands to my justice, "She ordered, and the assembled men nodded and applauded their leader.

As the day wore on, and heat came again, the news of one particular band of brigands came to the Rani's attention. Gobinder had sent for Deewan, fresh from installing new cannons atop the repaired fortifications of the former Star Fort of the Company. He came encrusted with the dust of the road, a shameful appearance but the Rani dismissed it, as speed was of the utmost import in this matter,

"Deewan, your work on the fort has been exemplary but I have a new task for you, "The Rani smiled graciously. Indeed, Deewan had been of great help, the sepoys that had been set to work had taken to his command and now were loyal to him and the Rani. Her forces were now impressive, even more than under her husband's command. Cavalry, infantry and the cannon. The fort was now a great bastion of fresh iron and brass, and the powder magazine had been replenished. The security of the land was now set firm, as a great tree, but she needed him again.

"It is the Rani's wish that you scour her lands for mutineers, that have fallen to brigandry. She wished them returned for either punishment or if you feel they can be disciplined back into an effective force to use for the defence of Jhansi," Gobinder's tone was grave and heavy with importance.

"I serve the Rani, until my last breath," Deewan bowed. His loyalty was absolute to his Rani and to his love, Lady Tara. After the audience had been dismissed, Lakshmi called a private council. Gobinder sat to one side of the Rani, the newly promoted General Deewan, the Lady Tara; now elevated to a 'lady' and now betrothed to The General and a newly assembled escort of the most effective and dependable warriors: Commander Khuda Bakhsh Basharat Ali, Gulam Khan, Dost Khan, Lala Bhau Bakshi, Moti Bai, Sunder-Mundar, Kashi Bai, and Deewan Jawahar Singh.

The Rani looked at her formidable war council and sighed slightly,

"My loyal warriors and the Lady Tara, I must relate to you that I have sent letters to the East India Company relating my intention to continue as their ally, and will continue to manage the districts that I rule in the stead of my son, Damodar Rao, but I have received no reply and now, allies of the Company are massing troops on the southern borders, Orchha and Datia seek to divide our lands between them and buy off the Company with our treasures. We will soon be under attack for a second time, and my heart is heavy. I fear that the British will allow their allies a free hand now. I have asked for British armed reinforcements, but they have not replied and I must resign ourselves to defend our territory alone. If the reports from our scouts are true, then we will be facing a battle.

"Excellence, the fort is secure. We have the new heavy cannon and can fire upon the town and beyond into the countryside. We have a good infantry with improved muskets. We drill them every day, and Deewan has three platoons of sharpshooters. In addition, we have six full squadrons of well-trained cavalrymen and your own horse guard to boot. We are formidable. We are ready!" His tone was serious but upbeat. In truth he felt the defences were more than he thought possible but then his manner changed, "but we cannot defeat the British for long." He knew all too well, the strength on which the East India Company could draw upon, even before asking for the red-coated army of the King.

The Meeting broke up, and the Rani took Tara to her bed-chamber and settled down on the cushions at the balcony.

"You look so troubled, my Rani," Tara's voice was heavy with concern.

"The world is sharpening its swords against us, but I did not want to talk about this, let us put those worries aside and talk to me of your mighty Deewan," She smiled slyly. The two women chuckled and found their friendship again. They talked for an hour and soon the mood was heavy and sultry and Tara knew what her mistress would want. Indeed she had gambled upon it, despite being in love with Gobinder, the Rani had also enjoyed Tara's attentions and now Tara wanted to pleasure her and gain something most precious. She wanted the Rani to grant her permission to marry her Deewan, it was a huge favour to gain but she craved him now, like no other man. Tonight, if she was sweet, skilful and most of all attentive, she might have the Rani in the palm of her hand and beg a favour.

"My Rani, he is such a man to me. His love is powerful and his touch is unlike any other man I have known," Tara smiled. The two women sat close and Tara suddenly all shy, looked down but Lakshmi brought up her chin with her finger, their gaze was intimate and potent. Lakshmi pulled her to a kiss. Their lips met and Lakshmi pushed her tongue into Tara's mouth. It was as if they were young girls again, let alone in the women's quarters for hours, learning about their growing bodies. Lakshmi and Tara had been inseparable as friends but also as young women learning the sensitive love places of their bodies. Lakshmi penetrated Tar's mouth again and the old feelings, kept still were ignited again. Tara cradled Lakshmi's face with her henna-painted hands and they gave into their passion. Within moments, Lakshmi's tongue had found Tara's perfumed neck, bitter to taste but in her loins, the familiar stirring. Tara pulled down Lakshmi's loose bed attire to reveal the crowing nipples of Rani's breasts and suckled upon them.

"Oh..yes...gently Tara," Lakshmi smiled and held her lover to her breast. Tara licked her erect dappled nipples and then used her lips to suck them tight, Not to be outdone, Lakshmi slipped her hand down, between Tara's saree pleats and found her lush pubic hair, perfumed and found her friend's flower petal folds, already wet from her arousal. Lakshmi, remembered well, how they would dance for each other. They would dance as for their prospective husbands who would soon marry them and tease them with their dances, before they would lay down, open their legs reveal their cunnys and finally surrender to their pricks. They would dance, and undress, and show each other their growing breasts, tender nipples and finally they would lay back, and show their tender dark cunny lips to each other. Their young tight cunny lips would be soon parted by a husband's rude prick, but now they shared their own scents and the pink tender flesh as Tara would open her cunny for Lakshmi to smell, touch deftly with her finger and finally lick at her friend's sex. As Laskshmi's mouth probed the soft, delicate folds, she would slide a finger into the cavity that formed for her, and explore the tightness of Tara's cunnyhole. She found the curious ribbing on its roof, and the curious bump that swelled under her touch. Once they had realised the pleasure the swelling could bring, they became quick experts at finding it, for each other, every night, in their later teenage years. Once Tara had quivered, moaned and finally succumbed to the waves of arousal, she would tense suddenly and stifle a scream, with her saree and her sex flower would open and a hot trickle of juices would flow out of her cunny, sometimes splashing her lovers face, causing a chuckle of excitement. Tara's first orgasms, at the hand of her princess's lips and fingers, were so intense that she felt that no one else would stir these feelings but she. Of course, all too soon, they would know the touch of a man, but secretly longed for the playful times in Lakshmi's private apartments,

Now, as an experienced woman, Tara settled between her Rani's legs and lapped at her trimmed pubic region, as a puppy lapping milk. As with her cunny, Lakshmi's sex leaked her love juices upon the satin sheet and her lover's lips. Tara licked the mucky love juices and then return to flicking her friend's swollen bub, newly released from its hiding place, and slipped in two fingers, settling on her swollen spot on her cunny's roof. Tara beckoned her Rani with her fingers and soon, then suddenly Lakshmi would trash and buck, her body jerking uncontrollably as she reached an alarming orgasm, that would make her delicate cunny spill a torrent of hot wetness. Tara knew how Rani's delicate sex spewed forth more love juices than she did and waited to capture the stream in her mouth. Lakshmi twisted and writhed, now fixed at the point of her orgasm, but Tara prolonged her agony, with deft fingers and her playful tongue, Tara held her. She had the power now, the power to bring forth the torrent of physical crowning,

"Oh Tara...please! Please...." Lakshmi intoned, but still, Tara kept her lover on the knife edge of her orgasm, doubling the power of the impending climax,

"Let me marry my General.... Then you shall have your end!" Tara asked, feverishly thrusting two fingers in and out of the shuddering cunny, careful to lift her middle finger against the large swelling on the cunny's ribbed roof,

"Please Tara.... please...." Lakshmi opened her eye and looked between her legs to see Tara smiling and fingering her cunny. The scent of both their sexes was overpowering. Her black hair now matted with sweat clung to her face and body. Lakshmi's nipples strained with each one being tweaked savagely by Tara's cruel fingers and then finally, before her body would climax, Tara asked again,


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