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The Landlord's Submission Pt. 01

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The landlord submits to the renter's black cock.
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Sorry for not posting in a while, I've been working on something big. But to wet your appetite, here's a short snapshot of a new story. All characters are 18 or older that are involved in sex. Please let me know what you think. It's a futa story with male submission.


I finally did it! I bought my first house. I'm not a real estate investor... Haha, that's a bit of stretch, but once I get some renters, I'll start earning some passive income. Although, it kind of sucks that I'll have to live in the house with the renters for now. But, once I get enough money saved, I'm going to buy another house and rent it out as well. Eventually, I'll be able to afford my own house. It's only a matter of time before I'll be able to afford to buy an apartment complex. I just have to be patient.

It wasn't long after I put the ad out, that I heard back from someone. I got a call from a woman looking to rent. Her name was Kendyll Terrell. I invited her over for a quick little interview. I watched a video online on how it's important to screen your renters. Some people aren't worth the money.

When she finally arrived, I was greeted by the most beautiful black woman I've ever seen. She's half a head taller than me, but she's got thick thighs and an ass that makes my mouth water. Don't get me wrong, I'm not the shallow type, I prefer a woman with a brain over physical features, but she was totally my type as far as physical features go. She was lean as well, I could tell by those tight fitting jeans she wore and the t-shirt she had on. It tightly wrapped around her abs. She greets me with a smile. "Hey, I'm here for the interview."

"Kendyll, right?" I ask, holding out my hand.

"Yes, sir," she smiles, taking it. She has a really firm grip and those lips are lush and I can't help but wonder how they would feel against my own.

"Come in," I say.

She follows me into the kitchen. "Have a seat, do you want anything to drink?"

"Sure. I'll take water please," she says.

"Sure thing," I grab a water bottle and hand it to her as I take a seat next to her. "So, I'll start by saying, I'm hoping to fill up the spare rooms I have here. I also live here, but I just bought the house. I'm hoping to turn this into a rental property and acquire more rental houses in the future."

"Nice, sounds like you have everything planned out," she says.

"Yeah, I've wanted to become a real estate investor for a long time actually," I say.

"Really? I've always been interested in investing in real estate, but I have no idea where to start," she says.

"Well, I'm sure we can discuss it more if you'd like. I love talking about it," I say.

"That'd be great," she smiles.

"So, anyway, I should say that I kind of have a very weird schedule. I like to get up very early in the morning and I usually go to bed pretty early. Does that at all bother you?" I ask.

"No not at all, I also have a pretty similar schedule," she says.

"Great, so tell me more about yourself. What do you do for a living?" I ask.

"Well, I have my own Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu class that I instruct at a gym not too far from here. I also bartend at the Pub a few blocks from the gym," she says. "I um... I've got to say this before we go any further..."

"Okay, go ahead," I say.

"I'm trans. If you're not okay with that, I understand," she says.

"That shouldn't be a problem. I try not to judge people," I say, although I'm kind of shocked. She's so beautiful. It's hard to believe she's trans.

She lets out a sigh of relief and gives me a smile. "That's great. I'll be honest with you, I was a little worried that you wouldn't be cool with it. It's such a relief to know you're okay with renting to a trans woman."

"Hey, money spends the same regardless of who it comes from," I smile.

"That's true, I like the way you think. Business is business, right?" she says with a grin.

"Exactly. I never understood why people would deny doing business with someone based on stupid things like race or gender. If you have the money, you can stay here as long as you like as long as you respect me and the other renters."

"I know, right? It's like the bar I work for. I know they're all homophobic, that's why I never came out there. As much as I hate it, it's really hard to find a job as a black trans woman," she says. "Anyway, I think we're going to get along great. Speaking of renters, are there any others?"

"Not yet, but I'll vet all the renters so I'll make sure whoever does rent won't be a bigot," I say.

"Well, thanks I appreciate that. Does that mean you're going to let me stay here?" she asks.

"Yeah, I don't see any reason not to," I say. "I'll just have to have you look over and sign the lease agreement and pay the deposit along with the first month's rent."

"Great! Let's do it. I think I'm going to enjoy living here," she smiles. "By the way, I do smoke weed, is that okay?"

"Yeah, that's okay. I think we're going to get along just fine," I say.

After she goes over the lease agreement and signs it. She heads out to get the money and start moving in.

She pays me the agreed deposit, plus 2 months' worth of rent. I help her get her stuff moved in. It doesn't take her long to get settled in. It turns out we have a lot in common and we get along quite nicely. She's also interested in investing in real estate, so a lot of our discussions revolve around it. Turns out we have a lot of the same tastes in music and entertainment.

We both spend a lot of time hustling, but we're both big movie buffs as well. One evening after I finished going over my finances, I head downstairs to relax as Kendyll gets done with her BJJ class. "Hey, want to watch a movie or something?"

"Sure, I've got the night off. I was hoping to relax a little. That sounds good to me," she says. "I'm just going to smoke a little weed. You want to try some?"

"Well, it's been a long time since I've smoked," I say.

"So you have smoked before. I wasn't sure," she laughs.

"Yeah, what the hell, I don't have anything going on for the rest of the night."

I head into the garage with her as she pulls out her dry vape. She takes a rip and hands it to me. She blows out a few zeroes. "There's a choke right there."

"Oh, I see," I say. I take a rip from it and it was a lot stronger than I thought. I end up coughing a bit.

She laughs. "Wow, you're a lightweight."

"I told you haven't smoked in a long time."

"Okay, white boy," she smirks.

We finish hitting the weed and head back inside. After she puts her vape away, we start up a comedy and sit back. We both spend the next hour and a half laughing our asses off. After the movie comes to an end, we just sit and chill for a bit.

"That shit was hilarious," she says.

"Yeah, I agree. I bet it was partly because we're both as high as a kite," I say.

"No doubt. It's some good shit, isn't it?" she asks.

"Yeah, I've got to say, I haven't been this high since college," I sigh.

"So, tell me, what's a handsome, smart, whiteboy like you doing without a girlfriend? Are you gay?" she asks.

"No, I don't know. I'm just trying to focus on building wealth. You know? I know this is bad to say, but I just want to live a life of luxury. I grew up in the system. Never had a dollar to my name. I don't ever want to live like that. So I'm just going to work my ass off until I don't have to," I say.

"I admire that. I'm the same way. I want to be rich. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. For a long time, I was homeless. After I came out as trans, my folks wanted nothing to do with me. But fortunately, I met a woman named Bristal who changed my life. She owns a gym and took me in without batting an eye. She taught me how to defend myself because being trans isn't easy. Let me tell you before I met Bristal, I never felt safe being who I am. You never know how people are going to react when they learn the truth that I'm trans. Bristal taught me mixed martial arts and I ended up getting a black belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu thanks to her. I also got a job at a nice local bar, but I still haven't told anyone there that I'm trans."

"That's an amazing story. I've always wanted to learn some form of Mixed Martial arts."

"If you want, I can teach you," she says.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yeah, sure. For a price, of course," she smirks.

"Fair enough," I smile. "So what about you? Why is someone as beautiful and resourceful as you still single?"

"Honey, I'm not sure if you're blind or not, but I'm a black trans woman. Ain't no line of men trying to date me," she says.

"Well, it's their loss," I smile.

Her face lights up with a grin. "Is that so?"

"Yeah, you're a smart, ambitious woman who can kick ass. I'm surprised you're still single."

"I wish there were more men who think like you," she smiles. "But not a lot of men want to date a dominant black trans woman."

"Dominant?" I ask.

"Hell yeah, you better bet your ass that in any relationship I'm in I'll be the dominant one. I like my mento be submissive bottoms. That doesn't mean we can't be equal when it comes to things like financial decisions, but in the bedroom, I'm always on top. Actually, I don't mind bottoming for a man I trust, but I'm primarily a top."

"Oh, I see," I say.

"What about you? What do you prefer in the bedroom or in a partner?" she asks.

"Honestly, I have no idea," I say.

"You know what that means?" she asks.

"Huh?" I ask.

"You are most likely a bottom submissive. Because a man knows if he's a dom. The fact that you don't know what you are means you're a submissive," she says.

"I don't know about that. I mean, would submissives go at life like the way I do?" I ask, a demure grin appearing on my lips.

"Hun, your financial and social status don't mean shit in the bedroom. Besides, you're confusing submissive with simping. There's nothing wrong with being a submissive especially if you're submitting to a queen like me. No one wants a simp, but a submissive like you is every dominant queen's dream."

"But what if I want to be a king?"

"Honey, you can still be a king and be submissive to a queen. In fact, I like my submissives to be ambitious and hardworking. That's what separates you from being a simp."

"I see," I say. "Have you had a submissive before?"

"Yeah, I had one before, but he ended up being a simp. Turns out the little bitch had no discipline and had multiple mistresses. That's another thing, simps aren't loyal and will bend the knee to any woman who comes their way. Submissives will always be loyal to their dom. I've got no time for simps."

"What's so enticing about this domination stuff? What's wrong with a normal relationship?" I ask.

"There's nothing wrong with a normal relationship. In fact, for the most part, that's what I want. I want a loyal boyfriend who enjoys being with me. I just love having a sub serve me like I'm a queen. I like being worshiped. I'm not really into the whole bondage gig, I like rough sex. I like being in charge. Like you, I want to live a life of luxury. But I also want to be the boss. I want my own company. I want to be in charge. I want to fucking rule the world. That's what makes me a dom."

"I see."

"But, that being said, I don't mind sharing my wealth and power with a man who respects me and wants the same thing. As long as he's mine though. I want a loyal man who knows what he wants and works hard to get it."

"I gotcha, I feel the same way. I want to build a real estate empire. I don't mind sharing with a woman who's willing to work in the trenches with me," I smile. "Well, I should probably get to bed."

"Alright. I should probably follow suit. I had a good time tonight. It was fun," she says.

"Yeah, me too. We should definitely do this more often," I smile.


The week goes by, unfortunately, Kendyll and I are too busy to spend any quality time together. When I do get some free time, Kendyll's working at the bar, so I end up working around the house.

Mowing the lawn, taking out the trash and a few other tasks take me through into the evening. I hear Kendyll come home. "God damn it. I'm so pissed right now," she says as I walk up to greet her.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Somehow the people at my work figured out I'm trans. Now everyone's spreading rumors behind my back," she says.

"That's terrible," I say.

"I know, right? I can't catch a break there," she says.

"Would you like to talk about it? I'm here," I say.

"I don't know... My boss is such an arrogant asshole. Somedays I just really want to put him in his place. And then there's Karen. She's such a bitch. I bet she's the one spreading rumors. She's had it out for me since day one," she says.

"Karen... That bitch," I say.

She laughs. "Oh, you don't know the half of it."

"Let's discuss her with a few drinks."

"Good idea," she says.

I head to the kitchen and make us a few drinks and sit down with Kendyll on the couch. "So tell me about this Karen bitch."

"She's the most stuck up hoe I've ever met. She makes everything about her. She's always correcting everyone. She's always spouting off racist and homophobic shit. She's even got that stupid pixie dixie haircut. Worst is that she's the owner's wife, so I can't really do anything about it. I hate her."

"She really sounds like a piece of work," I say.

"Yes, she is and her husband is just as bad. I know he's cheating on her and I don't blame him. He's a total pig. He's always hitting on the wait staff. Always harassing us. I know for a fact that he's pressured several staff members into sex. He's a creep."

"You should quit. Why stay there?" I ask.

"I have no place else to work. It took me forever to get a job and I had to hide the fact that I was trans to get it. I don't have any other options. The lessons I give at Bristal's gym don't really pay anything."

"What if you had somewhere else to work? Would you quit?"

"In a heartbeat," she says. "Did you have something in mind?"

"Well, I could really use a business partner. Especially someone as ambitious as you."

"Really?" she asks with her eyes wide and her jaw gaping.

"Really. I mean, we'd have to work things out. But I think working with you could be really fun," I say.

"What things would we have to work out?" she asks.

"Well, for one we need to work out profit sharing and pay. Then we'd have to work out responsibilities and goals. There are other things we should discuss that I can't think of off the top of my head," I say.

"Well, if you're serious about taking me on as a partner, I would quit my job right now. You'll find out that I'm a hard worker. You won't regret it."

"I don't doubt it. You know what? Let's do it," I say. "I'll be honest with you, though. Revenue right now isn't exactly exuberant."

"Well, you only have 1 renter. You'll need to get more renters to bring in more money. You also need more rental properties."

"Yeah, well duh," I laugh. "And what's worse, is if my one renter quits her job and works for me, who's going to pay her rent?"

She laughs. "So, you're serious though. If I quit my job, you'll take me on as your partner?"

"Yes, I would. But we're really going to have to work hard because we really need more revenue coming in."

"Well, I can help with that," she says.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"I just so happen to know some people who are looking for a place over their head," she smiles. "By the way, I was wondering... This isn't your only gig, right? You've got a side hustle?"

"Well, back in college me and my buddies built this app and we ended up selling it for over $10 million. We split it amongst the 5 of us," I say. "So after buying this house for $150 grand, I've still got plenty of cash. But without any major source of revenue, it won't last long."

"Oh, I see," she says. "Could you build another app?"

"Well, I've been thinking about it, I don't think I would be able to do it alone though."

"I see, what about your friends?"

"They'll be no help. They've all moved on."

"Well... We should focus on the renters first and foremost. Although, maybe we can get some programmers to rent. Then you could work on another app while we expand the real estate business."

"Yeah, that's not a bad idea." We both take a seat on the couch.

"God, all this business talk is getting me all excited," she says.

"Me too. I love discussing this stuff."

"You know..." she starts... "Nah, nevermind."

"What?" I ask.

"No, it was a silly idea."

"No idea is silly, share away."

"I was just thinking, we could have more renters if we shared a room, but it was a dumb idea."

"I don't think it was a dumb idea. I mean, it's viable."

"Look, I'm just going to flat out say it, I like you," she says. "If we share a bed, there's no way we ain't fucking. I'll just say that right now."

I swallow down the lump in my throat. "Uh... Well... I uhh... How would that work out exactly?"

"Hun, I already told you I'm a dominant top. If you share a bed with me, you're going to be taking dis dick right here," she reaches down to her pants and grabs the outline of her big fat dick.

"I uhh... I've never done anything like that before," I say.

"Well, there's a first for everything, right?"

"Will it hurt?" I ask.

"Oh, it'll hurt just a little bit. I've got a big black python and you've got an untouched virgin asshole. It's going to hurt, but it'll feel real good too. Best orgasm you'll ever have," she says. "All I'm saying, if we're going to be business partners, we should go all in. I want a king by my side and in my bed."

My heart's beating so fast, it's making things hard to concentrate. All I can think about is her big dick. "Like you want to date?"

"Of course. That is if you're comfortable dating a trans woman."

"I don't mind. I like you too."

"Great, then it's settled. You're the Clyde to my Bonnie. Together we're going to rule the world, babe," she says, leaning in and giving me a kiss on the cheek. I turn into her as her lips meet mine.

She slides her hand up my cheek as her tongue slips in between my lips. She places her other hand on my leg. She pulls back and looks into my eyes. "Want to take this into the bedroom?"

"Uh... Yeah!"

"Although, before we get too hot and heavy, we should probably clean you out," she says.


"You know... If my dick's going in that tight ass of yours, you'll need an enema," she says.

"A what?"

"We have to splash some water up your butt to clean the poop out, baby," she says.

"Uhh. ohh... I've never done anything like this before. I'm kinda nervous," I admit.

"It's okay, we'll take things slow. You're in good hands. Trust, me. Once I get inside that ass, you'll love it. You'll be begging me to fuck you. I bet by the end of tonight, you'll be my hot sexy cockslut," she says.

"Cockslut?" I ask.

"Don't take it personally, I can't help it. I'm kind of a sadist. Not in a hardcore sense, I just like degrading my bitches every now and then. I'm not into, like pain or anything. Just a lil' verbal degrading when I'm on top and maybe a little humiliation every once and awhile. Not all the time. In fact, I really enjoy being romantic with the right person and I really want you to be the right person," she says.

"I guess I don't mind some verbal degradation."

She smiles and pulls me in for a kiss. "I think you and I were meant for each other, babe. You're perfect."

She stands up and sticks out her hand. "Now let's get that ass cleaned out."

I take it and follow her to the master bathroom. "So, maybe tomorrow, should I move my things in with yours? Maybe we can do a little redecorating. This is all rather vanilla. You need some style in your life."

"Sure, yeah that sounds great," I say as she pulls me into her arms.


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