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The Legend of Dave Ch. 01


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My smile faded when I looked down at the wide-eyed, staring corpse near the fire. This is not going to be pretty, I thought ruefully as I tied the purse to my belt and pulled my knife free. An hour later, I was standing before Deputy Willem, presenting him Garrick's head from within a bag I'd made from his cloak.

Willem's eyes gleamed in the moonlight when I presented the dismembered head. "Well done, knight! You have exceeded expectations! Please, take this as a reward." He handed me a soft bundle, which unfolded into a dark cloak.

Does this guy ever sleep? The voice said suddenly. Or does he just stand there all the time? I frowned. Come to think of it, I hadn't seen Willem away from his post since arriving at the abbey. In fact, I hadn't seen anybody around here move from where they stood, except for the women I'd dallied with. Pain wracked my brain, then, as if I'd been struck in the head by lightning. Bellowing, I fell to one knee while the world shifted colours, blurred, went grainy, then returned to normal. The pain ebbed as my sight righted itself. It had taken only a heartbeat, but it had felt like minutes.

"Are you well, knight?" Willem asked me, concern in his voice. "Perhaps you should see one of the priests for healing."

"I'm fine," I assured him before hurrying away in the direction of the abbey.

What the hell was that?" the voice demanded. That hurt! Did you do something?

No! I told it vehemently. Everything was fine until you appeared in my head! Who are you, anyway? And why are you here? I've a mind to ask one of the brothers to exorcise you from me!

That won't work, the voice said confidently. I'm not a demon, and you aren't possessed. I'm Dave, if you must know.

Dave? That name sounded uncomfortably like my own.

Yes, Dave. Now let's go hand in these candles to McBride so we can visit this 'Milly.' The excitement in his tone was plain. I found myself offering no resistance to his idea, and so made my way to McBride to hand over proof of the latest mass killing of kobolds. McBride was suitably pleased, and handed me some coins as a reward, then went on to request delivery of a letter to a Marshal Dughan in Goldshire, a nearby town.

Interested at the prospect of seeing someplace new, I set off immediately, but the voice -- Dave -- made a suggestion before I hit the abbey steps: Perhaps you should visit Brother Sammuel. He may have some new things to teach you.

Valid point, I replied, spinning on my heel and making my way deeper into the abbey. Brother Sammuel was in his usual place, and he hailed me as I came closer. It happened that the voice was right: I spent the next hour learning the ways of new abilities called Judgement and Blessing of Might.

The former was a way to expel the energy of the Seal in one powerful burst, while the second was a short-term increase to my strength. Both abilities invoked the same tingling power in my loins. Again, I kept my silence on this, lest Brother Sammuel believe me cursed or possessed.

The sky was turning to pre-dawn grey when I left the abbey armed with my new powers. Hoping Milly was awake, I rounded the large stone building to find her by the stables, as Willem had said. Standing next to an empty cart, she was a pretty woman in simple country clothes, with short, dark hair and dark eyes. When she saw me approaching, she offered a friendly smile.

"Hello!" she greeted warmly. "I'm Milly. Milly Osworth." Her eyes changed, though, when I got close enough for the Devotion Aura to envelop her. The look changed from friendly to... considering.

"Well met," I replied, putting my hand out. She took it readily. "Deputy Willem sent me. There is something you need help with?"

Milly's expression darkened, and I listened carefully as she explained about the Defias bandits and the skirmishes with the Northshire guards in the local vineyards. Her grapes were being destroyed more by the day, putting her in danger of losing her livelihood.

"If you could help with this," she finished finally. "I'd be most grateful..." Biting her lip, she eyed me coyly through her lashes.

I grinned. "As grand as your gratitude no doubt is," I began earnestly. "I would help anyway."

At that, she pouted. "Does that mean you don't want my 'gratitude?'"

You do! Dave crowed in my head. You bloody well do!

Aloud, I said: "There are only so many things a man can say no to, Milly Osworth, and I don't believe this is one of them."

"Good answer," she purred. "I anticipate your return, Daveparty." In a more serious tone, she added: "Be safe out there, yes?"

"I will," I replied. Feeling chivalrous, I took her hand and bent to kiss it -- much to Dave's disgust -- before turning and heading for the river, where I would once again be tangling with the Defias Brotherhood.

Should be easy enough, Dave remarked. You're on great terms with the Defias. I grimaced; that statement would get me arrested, around here. Morning had well and truly broken when I reached the bridge. Surprisingly, there was no Defias guard on the other side. In fact, I couldn't see anyone between the river and the near-distant fences of the vineyards.

Wondering if perhaps the bandits had moved on already, I crossed the bridge slowly, keeping my eyes peeled for any movement. My back foot was still on the last thick plank of the bridge when two masked figures stepped out from behind trees, long knives in their fists. Both female, they wore the colours of the Defias, though I could not recognise them.

"Halt!" One called. She went to say more, but the other one nudged her and whispered something to her, pointing at me.

"Daveparty?" the first one asked. Her voice sounded familiar.

Wondering if I was about to be attacked, I answered hesitantly. "Yes."

The two women suddenly relaxed and sheathed their blades. "You are free to come across. You are welcome among us, knight."

Well, that's a nice development, Dave said. Does this mean we'll get to fuck them all again?

Quiet, I told him as I approached them. "I have been sent to collect the grape harvest, or as much of it as can be saved," I told the women. They kept their masks on, but there was a twinkle of fond memory in their eyes. One was tall and slender, the other a head shorter and almost round enough to be plump. "For a friend at the abbey."

The women exchanged a quick glance before the taller one jerked her head backward, indicating me to follow. They led me to the edge of the closest vineyard, the wide patch of ground bordered by barbed wire strung between thick timber posts. A wagon stood nearby, loaded with grapes.

"We were planning to take this ourselves," the shorter woman said, nodding at the wagon. Her voice was slightly deeper, and a little husky. "And press it into wine."

"It isn't yours," I protested. "You can't just take it." That got me two pairs of raised eyebrows. The tall one whistled sharply, and suddenly a dozen more figures appeared, dropping down from tree branches or rising up from behind bushes and grapevines. I was effectively surrounded. None had drawn weapons yet, but there was a definite tension in the air. I scanned around for Darina, who may have been some help, but she was nowhere to be seen.

"And what are you going to do about it?" the tall one asked quietly. She sauntered closer and ran a fingertip along my jawline. Oh, my god! Dave hooted with glee. It's happening again!

Wishing he'd never found his way into my mind, I tried to ignore him. "I was hoping we could come to an arrangement of some kind," I answered, trying to sound certain. I had no idea what that arrangement might entail, but I didn't want to go back empty-handed.

"Does that mean you're going to let us cut your clothes off again?" The curvy one asked. Laughter rippled in a circle around me. Oh, no! Not again! This was all too close to what had happened earlier. Not that I hadn't enjoyed myself, but still...

Just let them do it, Dave said. We'll fuck them all senseless again and take the whole bloody wagon! My immediate response was to reject his idea, but I paused. Was it such a bad one? Summoning the Seal, I traced my finger along her jawline. She shivered. "Perhaps you won't have to cut them off, this time."

"Hold it, sisters!" I pulled my eyes away from the slender woman's to see Darina strolling up. She stopped in the centre of the ring, turning to regard all present. "As you were. I will take it from here." Obediently, the other women all dispersed. Where are the men? I wondered idly.

Who cares? Dave replied.

Darina's eyes were trained on my face as she approached me. I couldn't see behind her mask, but I thought she was smiling. Whether that was to my benefit or not, I had no clue. "You may take what you wish from the wagon," she said graciously. "But in return, you will give to me again what you did before." Her eyes dropped lower for a moment, leaving no question as to what she meant.

I was happy to comply -- Darina was an attractive woman -- but I made sure to confirm a couple of things first. "You will let me leave alive? With as much of the grape harvest as I want?" When she nodded, I added: "No tricks?"

"No tricks." At that, she turned and walked away, leaving me no choice but to follow her. Five minutes later, she stopped in a secluded area between four huge trees. The ground had been cleared, and blankets had been laid down. What really caught my attention, however, was the ring of naked women kneeling around the blankets. They turned to eye us expectantly.

"In our sisterhood," Darina explained as she rounded the circle and stopped opposite me, "we create our bonds by performing the most intimate of tasks together. Garrick knew this and used it to slake his own lusts without thought for others." The two women closest to her rose smoothly and began to remove her clothing. Darina's eyes stayed on me. "Now, we must use this time to reaffirm our bonds, to make them what they once were without the corruption of men like Garrick." She lifted her feet one at a time so her boots could be taken off.

I gave a start when two more women stood and came for me, one short and pale, the other tall and dark, but they just gently and wordlessly began to undo the leather straps of my chain shirt. At least they weren't cutting it off, this time. Once the shirt came away, the pale one took my hammer and laid it carefully on the ground nearby, while the dark one peeled my undershirt over my head. Despite the oddity of the scene, I was beginning to grow hard. By the time they pulled my chain leggings and britches off, my cock jutted out proudly, drawing no few eyes from the ring of women.

I lifted my feet as Darina had, so my boots could be removed, and then my socks. I gasped as the two women who had unclothed me then pressed themselves to my sides. Their warm bodies felt wonderful against my bare skin. The dark woman reached down and grasped my pole, her hand softly stroking while her other hand caressed my buttocks. The pale one trailed slender fingers from my chest, all the way down to my balls, where she began to tickle and fondle, making them draw up high with my arousal.

On the other side of the ring, the two women with Darina were doing the same for her. They're prepping us, Dave said excitedly. Getting us ready to fuck!

I had to agree with him. Darina's grey eyes remained locked on mine the entire time her sisters stroked her neck, nibbled her ears, fondled and pinched her heavy breasts, and caressed the smooth slit between her thighs.

This is the hottest fucking thing I've ever seen, Dave observed wantonly in my mind. I feel like I'm about to faint.

I wish you would! I snapped back, but my heart wasn't in it; there was far too much exposed female flesh before me. Feeling I was in a dream, my tenders led me into the circle and guided me to lie face up on the blankets. They continued their teasing once I was down, the dark woman taking me into her mouth, the pale one mounting my head so I could taste her sex.

A few exquisite moments later, my tenders moved away, and then Darina was standing above me, her face and chest flushed with her arousal, the pink nipples capping her stout breasts stiff nubs. She lowered herself, squatting easily, and I groaned when I slipped inside her wet heat. Dave cried something out in my head, but I didn't hear it.

The women in the ring around us began to hum a low melody, keeping to a gentle, pulsing rhythm that swirled around us, enveloping. When she settled her knees down at my sides, Darina's hips moved with the humming, measured and deliberate, purposeful without urgency. My hands were on her thighs, smooth and fair, gliding across the soft skin before sliding upward, over her waist and higher, to the fullness of bosom that awaited. She sighed and tossed her head back as I squeezed the hefty orbs firmly.

I summoned the Seal to add to her pleasure, and the desired effect was reached. Her climax was less violent, this time, more a series of gentle shudders and whimpers, a tightening and loosening of muscles. She put her face close to mine and whispered: "Put your seed in me."

Her suggestion was merely a prelude to what was already coming; I had been on the brink already. Her lips captured mine, swallowing my strangled cry as my cock began to spasm in her depths. She rode me through it, coaxing forth every drop I could give, and when I went still, she stood up and stepped clear. One of her sisters replaced her almost at once, a slender, perky thing with fair hair and glimmering blue eyes.

I glanced around the circle. Some of the women were watching me, while others watched their sister as she descended upon me in the same manner Darina had. Including the one taking me into a pussy so tight it almost hurt, there were eleven women other than Darina, and I had the suspicion they were all going to want their turn.

This is unbelievable! Dave was saying. Look at her! She's stunning!

He was right; the girl straddling me was fit and tight, athletic. Her breasts were not as impressive as some of her sisters, but on her slim frame that would have looked odd. She moved with a different grace as we coupled, and her taut belly shifted subtly with the muscles beneath. The rhythm hummed by the others remained steady, keeping us at a slow pace, as if we had all day. Perhaps we did.

One by one, the Defias women took their turns, all riding me at the same pace, and for almost the same amount of time. I used the Seal to best effect, to bring the women their pleasure while I found my own, once for each woman. It should have been impossible for any man to do so, but like the humming rhythm, I never flagged.



"You have got to be kidding me," V muttered under his breath as he watched the display on the wall before him. The display was the wall, really, or perhaps it was best said the other way round, but either way, the visual representation of the Subject's activities was clear. "I don't think even I had this much command during my testing." The Subject was on his back in a forested area, surrounded by a group of kneeling women, all naked, while another undulated atop him. It was heavily erotic, but also should have been impossible.

"You were using older tech," S said soothingly from next to V. "So that had something to do with it, I imagine." She was watching another display on the same wall, but when she glanced at his for a moment, she shook her head wryly. "That is exactly the sort of thing you would have done."

S was trying to spare his feelings in case he felt inadequate. She was sweet to do so, but there was no need. If this Subject showed hitherto unseen ability with the tech, that was a good thing. V would just have to make sure his ego was well and truly tempered. So far, he had been fine, but it wasn't easy wondering if his own abilities were about to be outshone.

"Thanks," he told his partner sincerely. "But it's okay. No one stays on top forever. Besides, we need more talent if we're going to continue as we have been, and the pool of candidates has not been excellent."

S nodded agreement, then her eyes darted lower, to his waist. "I see the observations are affecting you." V glanced down to see his straining erection waving in the air before him. He hadn't even felt it until now. "Looks like our Subject will be busy for a while," she continued in a somewhat smokier tone. "Perhaps I should assist you with that burden you're carrying?"

Turning, S faced him, and V couldn't help admiring her tanned, curved form for the millionth time. "I'm listening," he said as he stepped closer, until his cock bumped into the soft skin of her flat belly. Her fingers finding his hardness made him groan softly, and then she was pulling his head down into a kiss.

For a while, V forgot all about work.


When I left the clearing, it was late in the day. The Defias sisters kept me for hours, until my power -- such as it was -- had finally failed. Before I left, they each kissed me deeply and wished me well, and this time they didn't rob me blind. In fact, they agreed to let me take the entire cart of grapes back to Milly. I was overjoyed about this, but only until I realised they weren't going to give me a horse to pull it.

I picked up the cart shaft, tucking it under an arm. With a heave, I walked forward, or at least I tried to; the bloody thing weighed a ton! The cart had moved, but only a few inches. At this rate it was going to take me a whole day to drag it back to Milly.

Use the new power. Blessing of Might, Dave suggested. I hesitated to follow his advice -- all he had done all afternoon is make increasingly lewd suggestions about what to do with the women and how to do it -- but I realised he might be right about this. I cast the blessing and sure enough, the cart suddenly felt much lighter.

Thanks, I said to him grudgingly. This will save some time.

Not a problem, he replied smugly. Just remember, I might know more than you think about this world.

The way he said that made me frown, curious. What do you mean by that? Are you from another world?

You could say that, he replied after a moment. I'm not sure how to explain it to you, in this moment.

Try, I said as I huffed and puffed, the cart coming along behind me. The spell may have helped, but the thing was still heavy. To my disappointment, Dave offered no more on the subject. He stayed quiet for the rest of the journey back, leaving me to my own thoughts.

I got the cart back to Milly right on dusk. She was in the same place as before, standing by an empty cart near the stables behind the abbey. When she saw me coming, she came running. "Daveparty! Is that-? How did you-?" She tried several times to ask what had happened, but then gave up and threw her arms around me instead.

"It doesn't matter," I replied in answer to her half-finished questions. "What matters is you have your grapes." I gently pushed her back and dropped the cart shaft, grimacing as I worked stiff muscles in my arm and shoulder.

"You got them all!" she exclaimed as she peered into the cart. "Or at least, most of them. How?" Suddenly she was on me again, but this time to inspect me. "Are you hurt? Was there fighting?"

"No fighting," I said gently as I caught her hands in mine. "And no wounds, I'm happy to say." When she eyed me quizzically, I told her I'd struck a deal with the Defias, and that they would be moving on from Northshire Valley.

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