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The Locker Room

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Cleaning the men’s locker room leads to an unexpected result.
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Ada Stuart
Ada Stuart

This is my contribution to the Nude day contest 2019. Please remember to vote at the end and thanks for taking the time to read. A special thanks goes to Bliss2Kiss for editing this story.

Reader advisory: This story contains elements of non-consensual sex


Copyright (c) 2019 Ada Stuart, All Rights Reserved.

This work may not be published whether for fee or free without this copyright.


No one was supposed to be here now, Ella thought, as she hid behind the large laundry bag placed outside the janitor's closet.

Still, the sounds that she heard indicated that someone had just entered the changing room at the local sports club.

She wasn't supposed to be here either, but since the changing rooms were a mess, someone had to clean them. And today that someone was her.

No one else had bothered or had the time for it and tomorrow they were going to start a large soccer tournament for the kids in the local community. So, the job would have to be done this evening. The job had mysteriously landed in her lap when the woman she'd hired hadn't bothered to show up.

It was just typical. Next time, she would have to find another and more reliable cleaner.

Only this time, she had figured that it was easier to just do it herself. She was already putting in a lot of hours of voluntary work for the local sports club, but she had the time for it. Besides, it was also a great way to meet people and not spend all her time alone in her house.

She hadn't known anyone when she'd moved here three years ago. But the small village was only a short distance from her work, and she had fallen in love with the beautiful scenery, situated along the remote coastline.

It felt like heaven after living in a cramped studio apartment during her years at University.

Afterwards, she had worked and lived in the city for a few more years before the crowds and the noise of the city got too much for her. She was only 26 years old, but she felt that it was about time to start the next chapter in her life.

So she had bought herself a small house, a dog and a car. She quickly realised that it would be a lot more difficult to find a man to share her life with. She had received some offers, but so far none of them had tempted her to give up her freedom.

After spending too many evenings alone in her house, she had decided to do something useful with her spare time.

It hadn't taken long before she became a voluntary board member at the local soccer club, helping with both accounting and any other tasks that needed doing. Gradually, the locals had accepted her, and she'd even made some new friends.

However, she had never pictured herself mopping floors this late in the evening. She had just returned the mop to the janitor's closet inside the men's changing room when she realised that she wasn't alone. Someone else was still around, but who could that be?

The soccer training for the First team had finished hours ago. They were the only ones using this changing room in the evenings. She had never understood why a bunch of grown men or late teens enjoyed running around in a grass field, kicking at a ball.

It had always surprised her, but still, it kept the youngsters entertained and fit, and didn't do them any harm.

She heard whistling as something was thrown against the wall. She sat completely still.

She had been cleaning the janitor's closet at the back of the men's locker room when she'd heard something. She should perhaps have let that someone know that she was there, but she wasn't stupid either. Late evening, young woman, alone with a stranger? What to do?

Anyone could do the math and come up with the best solution: hide and wait for that someone to leave. Yep, that's just what she intended to do. Stay put and everything would be resolved.

Suddenly she heard a groan followed by the sound of someone undressing. A man, no doubt, judging by the deep voice.

No surprise there. She was in the men's changing room after all. But what man would train at this hour? It was ten in the evening. Every sane person had gone home hours ago.

And it seemed that this person had decided to undress a lot, as she heard clothing after clothing be removed. Did he plan to take a shower? Why didn't he simply go home and shower there instead? These showers were old and had seen better days.

No way would she ever shower here at all. Not that she had any inclination in joining the soccer training.

He had moved a little to the side and she followed the sounds with her eyes. She could see him clearly just a few meters away from her hiding place. He had selected one of the benches right in front of her, blocking every possibility of her making a graceful exit without his knowledge.

But, when he moved into the shower, she would be able to get away. She tried to make herself as small as possible as she sat behind the laundry bag, making sure that her long, brown hair also remained hidden.

He pulled off his t-shirt and revealed a broad back rippled in muscles. She opened her mouth in surprise.

He was tall and much larger than her, towering almost up to the ceiling in the locker room. Oh boy. She stared at his muscles which flexed at every movement he made. He was probably just as strong as he looked, and she was awed by the sheer desire she felt to touch his skin.

He looked too perfect to be true and so close.

Slowly, he turned sideways, and she noticed his dark hair and an all too familiar hard-chiselled face. Oh no, not him, she wanted to groan. She knew that man and the realisation was like a flush of cold water into her blood stream.

Mike Henderson. He was her one and only enemy or nemesis. Talk about bad luck. He was also a voluntary board member. But his area of expertise was coaching and training the youngsters.

He was around her age, maybe a few years older, and single as far as she knew. Not for a lack of options though. Most likely the man had difficulty choosing between all the women lurking around his athletic and well-trained body.

They never agreed, and if they did agree on something, he made it sound like they didn't, just to spite her. He was the most annoying and cocksure man she'd ever had the misfortune of meeting. Normally she would rather choose a long detour than risk meeting this man.

He was always nagging about the soccer teams and how they needed to buy more equipment, while she tried to limit the spending. She knew better than anyone how little money the sports club had left in their accounts, but when she'd told him, he had refused to listen to reason.

Their last dispute had been about the candy floss machine that she'd refused to buy. He'd just gone out and bought it and the bill had arrived in her mailbox two weeks later. She had been furious, and it had resulted in a loud and very public discussion between them about the stupid machine.

Unfortunately, he had been right. The kids went crazy when they saw it, and they'd earned more than the machine had cost after only one event. It still irked her immensely. She hated men that thought they were always right, and this epitome of the male species was the definition of arrogance and haughtiness.

It didn't help at all that he was also a major hunk. She hated him. And secretly she admired his good looks and sneaked a peek or three at his tight ass whenever she had the chance. Said ass was actually right in front of her right now, only this time it was naked.

She wanted to retrieve her mobile and catch a few photos for personal and secret admiration. Her enemy was at least good for one thing: eye candy. And there was no denying that he suited that role really well.

Who needed an internet connection when this man was flaunting himself in front of her? She sighed but caught herself just in time before she made a sound.

Why couldn't he just go away? She'd seen his backside, thank you very much, now she wanted to go home and masturbate in peace and quiet. At least then she wouldn't have to worry about making sounds.

She lived alone on the outskirts of the community. Just her and her dog. It was quiet and she was content. Even though some days she wished for someone else to be with her. But the occasional boyfriend never seemed to enjoy the same quiet lifestyle as she did.

Suddenly she heard a groan. She peeked around the large laundry bag that provided her cover. He had turned around and was sitting down on the nearest bench.

He was facing her in all his naked glory while leaning his head against the wall behind him. She roamed her eyes over his naked legs and thighs. He was muscular and tanned all over his body.

She wondered if he would see her, but his eyes were closed. She roamed her eyes down to his middle where he was holding his hands around his engorged flesh. Oh my god, she held her hand in front of her mouth to prevent any sound from escaping. He was definitely well-proportioned in that area as well.

He was just as yummy from the front as he was from the back, but her eyes automatically followed his hands as they moved toward his swollen cock. Oh boy, he was aroused. Seriously so. She watched as he stroked his hand down to the root of his flesh and closed his hands around it.

He was large, really large. He moved his hand slowly up along his shaft, squeezing his hand around himself as he moved toward the bulbous head at the top. He increased in front of her, the sight was spellbinding. She had never imagined he would be this big. No wonder he was so cocky.

He probably had women lining up for him. If he had the skills to match the equipment, that is. She felt her face getting flushed. She knew she should look away, but it was almost impossible as he kept on fondling, pleasuring himself. He took his time, as if he enjoyed it immensely.

Finally, he seemed to be fed up with the slow movement, and she saw him tighten his hand hard around his erect manhood. His face became flushed and he closed his eyes more firmly. The expression on his face was one of complete intensity and concentration.

Good. Then maybe he could get on with the show and go home so that she could do the same. She needed a few hours of sleep before they started tomorrow. She yawned a little. It was way past her bedtime.

"Enjoying the show?" he asked suddenly.

Ella put her hand to her mouth. Damn it. Had she made a sound? She had been so quiet. At least she thought she had, and he had seemed too immersed in his own actions.

She didn't answer. Hoping that he was talking to someone else. She realised she wasn't so lucky as he came toward her hiding place. She tried to shrink into the wall and away from him, but he just used his long arm to reach for her.

He grabbed her left arm and hoisted her up. She squirmed in his hold, but he only tightened his grip around her upper arm, making it impossible for her to make a hasty retreat.

"I asked if you enjoyed the show?" he smirked.

Oh no, this was so embarrassing. She was lost for words. His naked and aroused body was right in front of her, as if the porn star had suddenly jumped out of the television and tackled her. The shock was so tremendous that she forgot how to make words.

"Have you swallowed your tongue, Ella? You're never this quiet normally."

That did it. He always rubbed her the wrong way and now he seemed to enjoy having the upper hand. She straightened. There was only one way to deal with this brute. To launch a surprise attack.

"No, I was actually thinking of leaving before the grand finale. The show was becoming boring," she flung out.

"No, you weren't. You were staring at me. Like what you saw?"

"Not at all. You could at least jerk off in the shower instead of right here. Other people have to sit here, you know."

"Naw, then you would have missed seeing every naked part of me, wouldn't you?"

"You mean that you were doing that on purpose?" she said icily. "Or do you normally jerk off in the changing room?"

He laughed. That bastard.

"I thought you needed some material for your dreams," he said smugly.

She sighed. Damn him for reminding her that he was still standing completely naked just in front of her. She tried to keep her eyes locked on his face, and not glance down, but it was becoming terribly difficult to keep her eyes up, meeting his arrogant smirk.

"You're so full of yourself, Mike. As always. Now, just let go!" she ordered as she forcibly pulled her arm out of his grip.

"Not so fast," he said as he used his right hand to hold her still, while pushing her against the wall at the same time.

Her breath hitched as all the masculine perfection was coming even closer. She felt him against her and for a second, she wished that she was naked too. She stared right in front of her, looking right into his muscled chest and noticed that he had just the right amount of chest hair. Not good, she thought.

She would see that chest in her dreams from now on. She wanted to touch and feel if he was just as warm as she'd always imagined. She noticed his nipples had a slightly darker tone than the rest of his skin, and she could almost count the abs on his stomach.

Blimey, so this was what was hidden beneath those t-shirts that he always wore. Even in winter, he strutted around in short sleeves. The man had to have a volcano inside of him, generating the heat that was now emanating from his body to hers.

She could not stop herself. Her eyes wandered further down, watching his still erect cock in between them. He was standing slightly sideways to her, making her realise that his cock was at a steep angle to his body. And all that just because of some blood pouring through his body, she thought.

"I like your way of thinking," he suddenly interrupted her thoughts. "But first I want some answers."

She made another attempt to get away from him.

"Let go or you'll be sorry," she threatened him.

"Now, now. I'm not going to do anything that you don't want me to."

He sounded all too confident when he said those words, and Ella vowed that he would never see her bow to his command. Never.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"None of your damn business," Ella said angry, not willing to do anything the way he wanted.

"Not getting anything at home so you have to lurk around and feed your sexual urges? I never thought that you were into young studs, Ella?"

The dork seemed to believe that she lurked around in the men's changing room in order to sneak a peek at something she didn't have at home. Damn, damn, damn, she thought.

She snorted.

"As if," she huffed.

"Are you watching the young boys as well as the adults?" he wondered.

She felt her temper rise. The nerve of the man.

"How dare you! I never spy on anything or anyone, and definitely not you, you moron!"

"Could have fooled me, with you lurking around."

"I don't lurk. I clean," she said, even angrier now. "Now, get your hands off me at once!"

She tried to push him away from her as she fought his grip on her arms. He increased the pressure, making it a little painful at the same time but she refused to tell him. She would rather have bruises in the morning than let him know that he was holding her too tightly.

"Relax woman. There's no need to get your panties in a twist."

She couldn't withhold the whimper that forced its way out of her lips.

"You're hurting me," she stated.

"Sorry. If you could just stand still and answer my questions this would be much easier."

"Says who? You're not the boss around here."

"I'm responsible for a bunch of young boys, and they don't need a dried-up spinster lurking around when they undress."

That did it. He was insulting her on purpose. She threw him a right hook aimed straight for his nose.

Unfortunately, he seemed to expect that and dodged her fist right before it hit its target, but she managed to hit his cheek instead. He roared as he turned her away from him and pushed her into the wall to control her.

"Damn, you're fast," he said into her ear. "I always suspected that you would be just as feisty during sex as you are normally."

He groaned.

"But I like that. It turns me on more than you can ever imagine," he said hoarsely.

She gasped as she felt him rub his hardened flesh against her back to match his words. This would not do. She had to tackle this man using her brain instead of her temper.

"Let go of me, Mike!"


He rubbed slightly against her backside, letting her feel him against her ass.

"I know you want it just as much as I do."

"No, I don't," Ella said and tried to sound like she meant it. "It's a one-sided attraction at best."

He laughed.

"I've seen how you look at me. You hunger for me."

He was more astute than she'd thought he would be.

"I don't like you, Mike. Try to get that into your head," she said with more calm than she was feeling.

He chuckled.

"All right. You can deny it all you like. I know what I see and how your body responds to me."

"You're delusional."

"When you get down from that high horse you might start enjoying it. But in the meantime..." he said as he pulled her with him over to the bench.

He sat down and placed her in his lap, facing him.

She wanted to move away but he grabbed her hips and placed her directly over his cock, making her feel the pressure directly where she wanted if only it hadn't been for her clothes.

"Now, I want some answers."

"Forget it."

She knew she was being childish, but she just couldn't help it. He deserved no reward for treating her like his personal belonging. She might like his body, but she had great difficulty liking his personality. They would never agree, she supposed. Now, she just had to teach her eyes and body not to respond to him.

She squirmed on his lap and she heard his immediate hiss, feeling his cock harden beneath her.

"Oh, damn," he said. "You're making this difficult, Ella."

"Then let go of me. No need to make it more difficult than it is."

"I'm not one to waste an opportunity. This is the only time we've been alone together in the last six months."


"Are you avoiding me?"

She laughed.

"Did it take you six months to figure that out? Of course I am."


"I just told you. I don't like you, and this is certainly not changing that opinion, you brute!"

"You're not going to give me a chance at all, are you?"

"What are you talking about?"

"This," he said enigmatically, before lowering his head and placing his lips on hers.

She gasped in surprise, as his lips softly touched hers, teasing and taunting her at the same time. Still, he didn't use any force. He touched her so softly that it couldn't be possible, she thought.

If he'd used force, she could easily have found the strength to fight him, but this gentle exploration was much more difficult to fight.

It was so different from his usual personality. She was so surprised that she would have fallen off his lap if he wasn't holding her by the hips.

He moved his hands up across her back and up to her shoulders, holding her steady as he started to deepen the kiss. She opened her mouth in astonishment, and he took the opportunity to move his tongue inside her mouth and continue softly exploring her.

She heard a moan and realised suddenly that it came from her. She moved her hands around his neck, holding on to him as if she was worried that she would faint any second. She felt his hard cock against her lower body, and she spread her legs wider, feeling her pussy begin to moisten.

The hunger that he had mentioned was now more evident than ever. It was almost painful, and it reminded Ella how long it had been since she'd last been touched by a man. She felt almost like weeping. She had missed this. Missed the feeling of need and acceptance as she enjoyed herself in the arms of a strong man.

Ada Stuart
Ada Stuart

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