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The Locker Room Incident Ch. 02

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Rachel and Mark are exposed to new friends.
8.1k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 04/29/2021
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This is the second chapter of "The Locker Room Incident." This will make a lot more sense if you've already read the initial chapter.

This story is a work of fiction. Some real institutions are mentioned, but they are used fictitiously. Insofar as the author knows, no real person affiliated with any of those institutions has ever behaved as described in this story. Any similarities between any character in this story and any real person are coincidental and unintended. I encourage comments on this story, both favorable and unfavorable. Thank you for reading.


The couple in the apartment across the alley finally walked away. "That was great," I said, "but it would have been even hotter had I known we were being watched."

"I wish I'd known they were there," Rachel replied.

"I'm sorry," I said, "I should have closed the blinds."

"No," Rachel replied. "I think it's great that they saw us. I'm actually kind of proud."

Rachel stayed that night, Sunday, and Sunday night. We left the blinds on the bedroom window open and used many of the rubbers I had bought. We didn't see the couple across the alley again that weekend.

The alarm on Rachel's phone went off at 4:00 a.m. that Monday. "What the fuck?" I asked groggily.

"We need to get there earlier," Rachel said, "so you can do your full workout and I can dive for a half hour or so before anyone else shows up."

Ok, I thought, fair enough. I followed Rachel's car along the empty pre-dawn streets to the country club. Out of habit, I went into the men's locker room and changed into the baggy shorts I trained in.

It was just starting to get light when I walked outside. Rachel was already waiting in her tight lifeguard one-piece. "Mark, lose the shorts," Rachel directed. "For me, you can do your training naked." I thought the baggy shorts helped my training but, when a beautiful woman tells you to take your clothes off, you do it.

Rachel made up for reducing the hydrodynamic resistance. After I had done laps for almost 90 minutes, Rachel asked "what is your best 100 time in each stroke?" I told her. She went over to a bag she had placed on a table and came back with a stopwatch. "100 fly," Rachel said, "we're not having sex this week unless you get within three seconds of your PB." I killed myself and just made the time. We repeated that process with each stroke, although Rachel gave me a five second cushion on freestyle and breaststroke. I was fried when I finished.

"Ok," Rachel said, "put your shorts on and keep an eye out. I'm going to dive." Rachel wiggled out of her swimsuit and got on the springboard. I kept an eye out, mainly on her. She looked so damn good in the air with nothing on. Rachel dove for about half an hour. After her last dive, she said, "Diving naked is too much fun! Get your stuff and come to the women's. There's no one around yet. I need a shower and I need someone to wash my back."

That became our daily routine. Pain-in-the-ass Brittany suspected, I think, what we were doing each morning. Several times, we had to hide in the pump room when Brittany showed up uncharacteristically early.

Rachel did not go home with me on weeknights because she'd joined a gym for the summer where she lifted and did trampoline work. I did fix her dinner at my place every Saturday for the rest of the summer. A little before 9:00 p.m., we'd strip in the front room, go into the bedroom, and make sure the blinds were open. The couple across the alley was always at their window. Rachel and I would make love or, for variety, give each other oral while the unknown couple watched.

Rachel started school almost a month before I did. Having her leave was like losing a limb: I felt depressed and couldn't adjust. I worked at the country club for another couple of weeks after Rachel went back to school, but it was a drab place without her.

The weekend after my last day at the country club, I drove to Champaign to visit Rachel. She was still living in the dorms. I doubted that the University cared whether her boyfriend stayed over, but her roommate did. I got the cheapest motel room I could find out by the Interstate. Friday night, we went out with some of Rachel's friends. Neither of us drank at all and we ended the night early.

Back in my motel room, Rachel saw the box of rubbers I'd put on the table next to the bed. She picked the box up and dropped in the trash. "You don't need these anymore," she said, "I'm on birth control!" She celebrated by insisting that she be on top for the first time in our lovemaking. Rachel had a bit to learn about being on top but looking up at her breasts and gorgeous face as she got more aroused and then came made it memorable.

Saturday, we had dinner at a sort of upscale burger joint with Rachel's diving coach, Megan Kiernan. Although Rachel was just going into her sophomore season, it was clear that she and Coach Kiernan were friends. Coach Kiernan was soft-spoken and listened intently to what others said. Over the course of the meal, she extracted almost my entire, short, life story. I think I was being interviewed for the position of Rachel's boyfriend.

Practice for both Rachel and me started shortly after I started fall classes. While we talked by Skype every night, I didn't see Rachel in person until I picked her up in Champaign after my last fall final and drove her to O'Hare so she could see her parents over Christmas. I spent a couple of days with Dad in Columbus around Christmas (Mom had died of cancer during my senior year of high school). I saw Rachel again when I picked her up at the airport and drove her back Downstate.

Swim season got intense after the first of the year. It was several months before Rachel and I saw each other in person again. Our conference championship meets intruded into spring break. The men's meet was in Wisconsin while the women swam at Indiana the same weekend. Rachel finished fourth on platform and fifth on springboard. That was promising for a sophomore season. I swam on a relay team that won the Conference, my only Conference title. However, most of the other schools had pulled their top swimmers from their teams in that race, so our winning time didn't qualify for Nationals.

Once swimming was over, Rachel and I both had to carry extra loads in the spring to stay on schedule to graduate. In short, we didn't see each other in person again until the school year had ended for Rachel. Rachel and I had agreed to work at the same country club the next summer. There were people on the club's board who were big supporters of athletics at Rachel's school and at mine. We were promised that Brittany was not coming back.

Rachel lived with me that summer and went to work at the club by herself for about three weeks while I finished classes and did my finals. I was surprised when she told me that she was the only lifeguard during the week. Apparently, Brittany's replacement also went to my school and would start the same day I did. Rachel and I certainly didn't ignore each other during those three weeks, but I had my best set of finals grades ever. More proof, if I needed it, that Rachel MacDonald was the most positive aspect of my life.

Once I was done with school, we reverted to our routine of the previous summer. My first day at work, a Monday, we were about to start my timed 100s at the end of my workout when a strange young woman walked out of the women's locker room in a lifeguard uniform. I saw her, stopped swimming, and went to a corner of the pool. After a moment, I realized I had seen the woman on campus, although I didn't know who she was. The woman was a bit shorter than Rachel with thick shoulder-length black hair, slightly darker skin, and what appeared to be a good figure. Her intelligent-looking face seemed a bit Asian.

The young woman walked up to Rachel. She smiled and said, "Rachel? Hi. I'm Michelle Todori. I'm the new weekday lifeguard. They told me that you would show what I'm supposed to do and where I'm supposed to go."

"I'm glad you're here, being the only person has been quite a load," Rachel replied. Rachel looked down at me, smiled, and turned her head back towards Michelle. "That's my boyfriend Mark Powers in the pool. He's just finishing his workout."

Looking at me, Michelle asked, "you swim competitively?" I nodded and told her where. Michelle laughed. "I'm on the women's team! I swim mostly 100 and 200 fly and back. What do you swim?" I focused on the same events and said so. We'd had that short conversation with me in the water, hugging the side of the pool. That was odd and Michelle noticed it. "Are you getting out of the water?" she asked.

Rachel laughed. "At my request, Mark does his workouts in the nude," she told Michelle.

Michelle's smile widened. "Cool!" she said.

Rachel looked at me again and said, "Mark, you can get out of the water now." I had no real choice. I put my hands on the pool deck and boosted myself up out of the water. I was trying to stay turned away from Michelle, but Rachel said "Mark, you haven't properly said hello to Michelle."

I turned to face Michelle and said, "Hi Michelle."

Michelle gave me a thorough look. It was exciting having an attractive woman study my nude body. After a long pause, Michelle smiled and said, "Rachel, I understand why you want him to workout nude. Not bad, not bad at all."

I went over to the table where I'd placed my "handyman" uniform and started getting dressed. Rachel pulled the straps of her suit off her shoulders. She told Michelle, "if you don't mind, I'm going to dive for twenty minutes or a half hour. This time of the morning is the only chance I get to dive nude." Rachel pulled her suit down and stepped out of it. She got up on the springboard, bounced a few times, and executed what I now knew was a simple dive. It still looked complicated to me.

As Rachel got out of the pool and climbed back onto the diving board, Michelle said to me, "so you swim your workout nude and Rachel dives nude?" I nodded. "You two do this every morning?" I nodded again. "That is so cool!" Michelle exclaimed.

Rachel and I brought lunches from home and always ate together behind the maintenance building. Michelle had also bagged a lunch, so Rachel invited her to join us. Over lunch, we learned that Michelle lived with her boyfriend Jeff in an apartment about four blocks towards the Lake from ours.

"Since we all work here, we could carpool," Michelle suggested.

"We come in really early," Rachel replied. "You can understand we want to get finished before anyone else is around."

"That's fine with me," Michelle said. "I need to work out too. I can do mine at the same time Mark's doing his."

We picked Michelle up outside her building around 4:30 the next morning. Michelle swam her workout on one side of the pool in a one-piece while I swam mine naked on the other side of the pool. When we were done, I got dressed and Rachel stripped off and did her diving. We followed the same routine Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.

At lunch that Friday, Michelle said, "my boyfriend's coming here to pick me up tonight around 7:00. Can you guys stay? I'd like him to meet you."

I had noticed that Rachel and Michelle had really hit it off. I was not surprised that Rachel immediately replied, "of course."

The pool officially closed at 6:00 p.m. Rachel and Michelle were responsible for cleaning up each night. I always helped. About 6:45 that night, a car parked outside the pool. A young man got out and rattled the now locked gate in the fence around the pool. Michelle let him in. The young man followed Michelle to where we stood.

"Rachel, Mark," Michelle said, "this is my boyfriend, Jeff Poole. Jeff's between first and second years of his MBA and is working the summer on LaSalle Street," Michelle added with obvious pride. "Jeff," she went on, "these are my co-workers for the summer: Rachel MacDonald and Mark Powers. Rachel's a diver on the team in Champaign and Mark swims on the men's team at school, the same events I do."

Jeff seemed genuinely interested in the introductions. He was just under my height, but a good twenty or thirty ponds lighter. He had short black hair and the slender, wiry build of a distance runner. "Pleased to meet you," Jeff said, "Michelle's told me a lot about you this week." The way he said that led me to think that Michelle had told him about our morning routine. "Hey," Jeff said, "if I go back to the car for a moment, will someone let me back in?"

"Of course, silly," Michelle responded.

Jeff went out and came back with a cooler. Inside were several cans of an expensive imported beer. "If you guys are off work?" Jeff asked as he raised a can in an offering gesture. We all nodded. Jeff opened cans and passed them around.

We sat at a table sipping our beers. "You two worked here last summer," Michelle said. "Has anything changed this year?"

Rachel and I looked at each other, smiled, and said in unison, "No Brittany."

Michelle looked perplexed. "A real bitch who worked with me last year," Rachel said. "You're a real trade up. Other things that have changed? Well, management seems more relaxed. They also installed a spa and sauna over the winter."

"Really?" Michelle asked. "Where are they?"

"That building just behind the pool," I replied.

"Let's look," Michelle said. We got up, left the pool area, and went into the nice, new building that housed the new spa and sauna. "I haven't had a sauna in a year," Michelle said. "Are we allowed to use the club's facilities?"

"When they're not open to members," I replied.

"God, I would love a sauna again," Michelle said.

"Michelle and I spent three weeks in Europe last summer," Jeff interjected. "We were in Germany for part of that time. In Germany, most saunas are coed, and nudity is mandatory. The people who work there will bitch you out in German if you wear anything into the sauna."

"Are you up for a German style sauna?" Rachel asked.

"Let's do it," Michelle said as she pulled the straps of her suit off her shoulders. I looked at Jeff, who was already taking his shirt off. Rachel already had her boobs out. Ok, I thought, and started to undress.

Naked, Michelle Todori would be the center of attention in any group that didn't include Rachel MacDonald. Before we grabbed towels and went into the sauna, Michelle said, "Jeff, Mark, stand side-by-side so Rachel and I can get a good look at you both."

Jeff and I stood a few inches apart facing Rachel and Michelle. "What do you think Rachel," Michelle asked.

"I think we both chose wisely," Rachel replied.

"I could get used to showing off for two beautiful women," Jeff said.

"We'll have to do it again," I said.

"Don't worry," Michelle said, "you will."

The sauna had benches at three different levels. Michelle climbed to the top one on her feet and hands. Bent over, she gave us a clear display of her asshole and cunt, which were very nice. "Michelle likes to show off," Jeff said with a chuckle.

Michelle turned around, plopped her ass on the top bench, and said, "I like to show off for people whom I want to see me."

"I guess I should do the same thing," Rachel said. She climbed to the top bench the way Michelle had, giving Jeff and me an excellent view between her hips and legs.

"Rachel is a very beautiful woman," Jeff said to me.

"So is Michelle," I replied.

"Don't tell them," Jeff said with a smile, "or they'll dump us for better guys."

"Not necessarily better," Michelle shot back with a grin, "but you may be history if I find another guy with a dick shaped like Mark's."

"But I have bigger balls," Jeff replied.

"I'd have to hold them both to compare," Michelle retorted.

Jeff tapped my shoulder and said, "let's go." He climbed up the benches and stood in front of Michelle. It was damned hot, but I followed him. Michelle cupped Jeff's balls in her right hand for a minute or so. She let go of Jeff and held my balls in her left hand. That felt quite nice. Then, Michelle reached out for Jeff again with her right and held us both for a moment.

"I'm not sure," Michelle said. "Rachel come over here and tell me what you think."

Rachel slid along the bench closer to Michelle. I took a step to my left and stood in front of Rachel. Jeff stepped next to me. Rachel took my balls in her hand. "I've always liked these," she said. Still holding me, she took Jeff's balls in her other hand. She mimed weighing us both. "I call it a push," Rachel said. Letting go of Jeff, she added, "I'll stay with the pair that belong to me."

"Belong to you?" I asked.

"Sure," Rachel replied. She was still holding me. "These balls and dick are mine just like", Rachel spread her legs, "this pussy is yours."

I looked at Rachel and smiled. "I'll take that deal," I replied.

"Jeff, dear, I guess we're stuck with each other," Michelle said.

Jeff sat down next to Michelle and said, "I'm not complaining."

Rachel let go of me and I sat down next to her. Our bare shoulders, hips, and thighs were touching. It was extremely hot, and we were sweating profusely. There was something very intimate about sitting naked and sweating with Rachel.

After we had all the heat we could take, we left the sauna. Outside, all four of us were dripping. "I need a shower," Michelle said, "but those individual stalls in the women's don't appeal to me right now."

"The men's just has one large shower room," I said.

"That's where we're going," Michelle replied. It was late enough that there was no one else around the pool. We picked up our clothes and walked naked out of the sauna building, back through the pool gate, and past the pool into the men's locker room. Rachel and I stood under one showerhead while Michelle and Jeff used the one next to us.

Rachel and I were washing each other when Michelle loudly said, "I make sure to get every spot." We turned to see her with her hand moving between Jeff's ass cheeks. After a minute or two, Jeff turned and walked around Michelle. With her ass pointed at us, Jeff spread Michelle's hips with one hand and gently washed her asshole with the other.

Rachel giggled and said, "I don't think I've done Mark there yet." She turned me so my ass was towards Michelle and Jeff. She spread my cheeks with one hand and washed my asshole with the other. It felt surprisingly good.

When Rachel finished me, I said, "I really think this requires more attention to detail." I turned Rachel so her right side was towards Michelle and Jeff. I knelt behind her, spread her hips with my hands, and began licking her asshole.

"Mark!" Rachel cried. I moved my hands to her front, so I was pulling her into my face and kept going. After another minute or so, I stopped, stood up, and turned Rachel to face me. "I love every inch of you," I told her.

Rachel hugged me, which was also very good. I tried to kiss Rachel, but she pulled her head back. Laughing, she said, "wash your face first!"

After we'd dressed, Jeff insisted that we go to dinner, "on me." I started to argue with him, politely I thought. I didn't want to seem to be mooching off him the first night we'd met. Rachel tapped my forearm to tell me I was verging on being rude.

Thankfully, Jeff took us to a reasonably-priced faux Irish pub not far from our respective apartments, about nine or ten blocks south of the University. We chatted about a variety of things. I learned that Michelle was from Hawai'i and that Jeff was from Minnesota. He had gone to the flagship state university there and then came to the North Shore to get his MBA.

The waitress was putting our food on the table when Michelle asked, out of the blue, "Mark, how do you like doing your training swims nude?"

The waitress was a woman who looked not much older than us in a white top, short plaid skirt, and black hose. She interjected, "I love to skinny dip."

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