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The Lone Wolf Ch. 03

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The chase is on.
3.8k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 01/31/2014
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She lets her howl die out as she expands all of her senses into the night. But she stops dead, the golden hair on her hackles rising and her lips pulling back to emit a low growl. Her howl had not stopped with her.

Shit! There is another werewolf here. A very masculine werewolf... Nola's fear spikes almost as much as her arousal at this realization. That howl, which conveyed the great strength of this mystery wolf, is calling to her. Her wolf instinct is straining to pursue him. Her heat is practically demanding it. But she doesn't give in. There is no way this will turn out well. I will have to fight him off and flee after tonight.

How did I not sense him?? Even now I cannot sense his emotions! He is definitely close enough for that, if not my other senses yet. She didn't know what to make of the situation and was frozen with fear and indecision to the same spot she had changed in.

Why did I have to howl like that?? I thought the area was safe but I wasn't sure. I am sure he could tell from my howl that I am in heat. And now he knows exactly where I am. Shit! This thought finally gets her moving.

She breaks into a run, much faster than her other form, away from the male wolf. Her wolf senses continue to stretch as far as possible in order to detect any sign of him approaching. Making sure to steer away from the village, Nola tries to put as much distance between them as possible, even as every instinct she has screams for her to go back.

Another powerful howl sounds from her pursuer. Oh he sounds so powerful...and just so... Nola's step slows, her body making to turn back to him. NO. I will not let this happen! He already sounds closer than from the cabin. And I still can't sense him! She snaps back around and picks up her pace.

She tastes the air as she runs, strains her experienced nose to catch any stray scent, turns her ears to catch any sound of approach, expands her mind to feel for the wolf's feelings and intent. The sound of a large creature following her sets off her alarms and presses her to run even faster. He is still a bit back. I can find a way to out maneuver him...

Nola continues her flight through the trees. The sound of his heavy steps is slowly drawing closer. She tries to think of a way to escape this situation, but her mind is shrouded. The ache in the center of her being continues to grow hotter and fill her with unquenchable desire. She wants to flee. She wants to go back. Ahh! No. I won't get the relief I need anyway. It isn't like he will be my mate!

But her heat has considerable control over her body. The smell of her arousal, made even more powerful to broadcast her fertile state, has been growing stronger since she heard his howl. She is even more frustrated with herself at this. I can run all night but my scent will lead him right to me.

Nola knows she will have to face this strange wolf and fight him off, which she has had to do before. But she is caught off guard by her inability to sense his mind. It has never happened before and she doesn't know what to expect from the one who is blocking her. And I don't know if I will be able to fight him off with out being able to sense his intentions. He sounds so powerful.

As if echoing her thoughts, he looses another howl. This one is much closer to her. Too close. Oh boy he is close...he must run so fast...mmm... A low rumble, not quite growl, sounds in her chest as Nola once again slows and begins to start toward this masculine howl that seems to call to that inner spot she can't grasp. If I must fight, it might as well be now.

Her flight had kept her from smelling or tasting much of anything behind her, but her pause gives the wind a chance to carry her pursuer's scent to her. She goes crazy over the smell, her wolf fully taking over for the first time since the shift. The spice-honey-leather essence she is treated to is fully wolf, powerfully masculine, and wholly intoxicating. Mine.

Her understanding comes so quickly she doubts her certainty. There is no way. Then another breeze carries more of his scent. She can't help but reach toward its source, her mouth opens wider as her tongue rolls out to better taste the air, her ears perk up hear his approach, her tail relaxes and begins to swish back and forth.

Nola lets out a second howl. This one calling to him, challenging him to take her. To claim her. She then launches herself back into her flight, though this one is not driven by her instinct to evade but her instinct to mate.

She hears his answering howl behind her, much closer than before she paused. Her wolf senses are fully in control, driving her to not give into his chase easily. He has to prove himself. Though she is well prepared for when he does catch her, and she does not doubt that he will.

Her arousal has increased even more, more than during any of her past heats, in anticipation of joining with her mate. She can feel how moist and open she is, inviting her mate to take her. Her juices are beginning to run into the fur on her inner legs.

Her inability to read his emotions has slipped to the back of her mind; she is still wary of what it will mean but is no longer fearful of him. It will actually be quite nice not to have that power over someone. But will he be frightened of me when he finds out what I can normally do? Her wolf pushes the unwelcome thoughts back down and brings her focus back to the pursuit.

She can hear him even closer now, though he doesn't seem to be treading as heavily as before. He is going to try sneaking up on me. This thrills her wolf and renews her vigor. Her speed increases and she sharpens her senses in an attempt to detect him before he moves in.

Her nose isn't offering much insight into his position and she can only scan so much area with her keen eyesight, and not behind her. She is attempting to keep track of his movements by the sound of his passage through the forest, but is soon having trouble hearing any evidence of him behind her.

Has he given up? Does he not feel the mating call as I do? Nola is dismayed and slows her pace slightly. She stretches her senses into the trees. Nothing.

A huge force hits her from the side and tackles her to the ground.

Nola slips from his grasp, her momentum rolling her a few feet away. She finds her footing and prepares to flee once again, though she takes a moment to admire the one who has been chasing her.

He is a powerfully built black wolf. Almost twice her size, and she is not considered a small werewolf, he is bigger than any wolf she has met. His scent fills the area and she feels herself salivating. They lock eyes, both of them frozen. She feels spellbound by his gaze. His eyes are a swirling of blues and greens that remind her of her own.

His masculine scent mixes with her feminine arousal and the combination is heady. Every fiber of her being is begging to be taken by him. She can't help but let out a whimper at her need. His answering growl shakes her to her very core and conveys his need to claim her.

She no longer has any doubts. He is her mate.

Her instincts press her to continue the chase, follow the mating ritual, so she turns to run. His hulking form crashes into her before she can take a second step, this time keeping a hold of her as they wrestle to the floor of the forest.


Cedric's wolf has full control as he responds to the howl that joined his at the shift. He does not waste a second of consideration before running towards the female werewolf. His instinct to breed is strong and this female is ready for his seed.

The howl had caught him off guard, he was almost sure no one was in the area. I should have checked out the other cabins. It was an even bigger shock that there was another werewolf in the area. He had avoided his kind since he left his pack. But these thoughts were in the back of his mind as he kept a fast pace towards the origin of the howl. Three thoughts were driving him.

The howl had been female. The female is in heat. The female has challenged him.

He can't help another howl from ripping through the night, announcing his pursuit and intent to couple. He is aware that the chance of actually managing to couple with this other wolf is slim, she would do her best to fight him off if they did not sense the mating call. He didn't care.

Cedric is quickly approaching a cabin closer to the village. His wolf scents something that invokes the thrumming in his chest he usually only experiences during a full moon shift. The vanilla-flowery-honey essence grows stronger the closer he gets to the cabin. Something clicks within him. Mine.

He releases another howl, this one expressing the discovery of his mate and his need to claim her. His instincts throw his full body and mind into the pursuit.

A thrill runs through him when he hears an answering howl from her. She is calling to him as her mate, conveying her need for him. She senses the bond. He returns the howl and his pace picks up even more as he hears her running continue.

The challenge is clear. He must prove himself to her as a strong and worthy mate if he wishes for her to submit. He rises to the challenge.

Her intoxicating scent is easy to follow through the forest. It seems to grow stronger the longer the chase goes on. His mouth is agape so his tongue can taste her scent on the wind. He can hear the sound of her flight before him and is driven even harder though he cannot yet see her through the trees. I must catch her. Mate her. Breed her.

Cedric lightens his steps and begins to work away from her scent trail, quietly circling around to her flank. His pace does not slow down as he catches sight of her through the trees, but he takes the opportunity to observe his mate.

Her golden coat looks soft and flows a bit as she runs, effortlessly graceful, gliding through the forest. She is smaller than him, as most are, but still formidable. His arousal grows as he watches her lithe form move through the forest, especially her hind legs and tail that will occasionally swish to the side and offer him a view of her enticing opening.

Her arousal is plain. He can see the juices glistening in her fur and her scent only becomes stronger the longer they run. His tongue rolls out of his mouth with his desire to taste her.

Cedric increases his sped a fraction more to begin to move ahead of her. He notices her slowing a bit and looking around, trying to locate him. This is his chance.

He runs out of the brush he is concealing himself behind and jumps at her side.

They roll to the ground and she wriggles away from him. He is on his feet first but gives her a moment to right herself as well. Her eyes meet his as she regains her footing, shocking him with a swirl of colors that are almost identical to his.

Cedric can tell she is appraising him so he stands tall and ripples his muscles to show his strength. Her scent is going to his head but he does his best to look intimidating.

The combined scents of their mutual arousal mingle and demand his wolf make claim to his mate. He hears her whimper, a sound so filled with need he can't help the matching growl that rumbles in his chest.

He sees her begin to turn with the intent of running again. No. This chase is done. It is time to claim my mate. He is on her before she can move farther and fights for dominance.

Nola and Cedric

They make a frightening sight as their snarls and growls fill the night. A blur of silken blond and black hair intermingle and twist as dangerous fangs snap at throats and claws attempt to rend hides. It is soon clear that the large black wolf has the upper hand in the match, though the blond wolf continues to put up quite the fight.

Their vicious fight has driven Nola's heated body and mind into frenzy. She is relishing his touch -- every place their bodies are locked together, every scratch from his sharp claws, every bite from his vicious fangs. Her wolf is experiencing a high she has never before reached. Her body wants to submit, but her mind won't let her. The mating ritual drives her to fight with everything she has for as long as she can. He is so strong and fast! I am a good fighter but his skills are far beyond mine. Oohh his fur is so soft...his grip so tight...mmm...and he smells soooo...edible... She decides to check and her fangs sink into a foreleg as her jaws take a strong hold. Mmmm...

Cedric snarls as he feels her teeth lock onto one of his front legs, though the warmth he feels is not pain but pleasure. The feel of her against him is driving him crazy. He needs to claim her now, but she continues to put up a good fight. This just adds to his ecstasy. She is much stronger than she looks and quite adept in fight techniques. The scent of her arousal surrounds him and he can feel her juices spreading to his coat. Oh she is so ready...I am so ready. His considerable member has been aroused since the chase ensued, but it now begins to grow in earnest. He feels her slow her attacks as she is distracted by its growth. Now. He goes for her throat.

Nola is distracted from her hold on his leg as she feels something hot and wet begin to grow between them. That is what I need. The spot deep inside of her is humming and calling for that to relieve her need. Her pause gives him the second he needs to gain the upper hand. His fierce jaws lung for her throat as he maneuvers himself on top of her.

Cedric has Nola pinned beneath him, her chest pressed into the ground, with a tight hold on her neck. His teeth bite hard enough to hold her in place but not mortally wound her. A warning growl rumbles around her neck and echoes through her body. The message is clear. Submit. Cedric clarifies his intent through the bond all werewolves have and use to communicate while in their wolf forms.

He has her. She knows there is no way she can get out of his grip without loosing her throat. The helplessness of the situation satisfies her mating instinct so she whimpers her submission, making sure to also communicate her need for him. She works to raise her rear in the air and cock her tail to the side, opening herself to him, though it is hard to gain much room with his weight pressing down on her.

Another growl sounds around her as he sinks his teeth deeper into her delicate neck, this time deep enough to mark her as his. She whimpers even more as she feels his teeth and tries to wriggle under him, but his weight still presses her into the ground.

Cedric feels her squirming underneath him against his heavily erect cock. He groans inwardly at his need for her as he lifts his rear haunches into the air to allow her room to rise. His front is still pinning hers to the ground and the hold on her neck has not relented.

She takes the chance to raise her rear higher in the hair and fully move her tail to the side. He releases the bite on her neck and the pressure on her back lightens as he shifts his body to take her.

He raises enough to move his back legs forward and position the head of his large penis against her dripping entry. Cedric's front legs are still holding Nola firmly in place with her chest on the ground.

She hardly has time to take a breath before he plunges into her tight, very tight, warmth. He notices a slight shudder from her as he feels himself rip through a fragile barrier within her. A virgin! She is truly all mine.

Nola feels unbelievably full has he pushes his engorged, quite large, member into her. Her body explodes with pain and pleasure as he stretches her wide. The slight resistance from her hymen is mostly lost in the other sensations flooding her body. This. This is exactly what I need. She pushes back into him, arching her back more to allow him easier access.

Cedric takes advantage of the new position and pushes himself deeper. He pulls back, stopping just short of withdrawing from her completely, then immediately drives himself back into her depths. He is able to push even deeper on this thrust; her muscles are relaxing and stretching to accommodate his size. I am usually difficult for most women to take, let alone a virgin. I hope she can take all of me. Take my knot.

His pace increases and he begins to hammer into her, maintaining a rhythm of almost pulling out of her and then driving back in with supernatural strength, managing to push more of himself into her with each thrust. Everything about her is driving him into a thoughtless, instinct driven, frenzy. Her warmth. Her tightness. Her scent. Her movements underneath him. She is perfect. She is his mate.

Nola is as lost in the moment as Cedric. The feel of him filling her is incredible and getting her closer to reaching that spot within her that she has never been able to grasp. She is working against his weight to thrust back into him as he drives in to her. The movement is difficult but results in the rubbing of her excited nub against his member as he thrusts. Jolts of excitement are running through her, getting stronger the farther he manages to penetrate her. His size. His strength. His taste. His scent. His movements within her. He is perfect. He is her mate.

Like their fight, their mating is a beautifully vicious sight. The two wolves are locked in a frenzied, instinct driven, passion. Their furs, though near opposites in shade, meld together and make them seem like one being connected on a level deeper than their physical contact. It is an ethereal feeling that grows stronger as the mating continues. It is the feel of their mating bond growing stronger. Nola's heat is only increasing the power of the mating ritual and will lead to their bond being stronger. The power of the full moon is also adding to its strength. Wolves that discover their mates during a full moon always share a closer bond due to this influence. Both influences lead to the mated wolves sharing a deeper bond than other wolf pairs. They are able to share thoughts and feelings more easily and at a greater distance.

Cedric finally feels himself fit his full member into her depths, his heavy balls resting against her clit. This drives him to pound into her with even greater speed and force. Her inner walls are clenching and quivering against him as he moves within her. Her juices are flowing copiously and both of their coats are soaked with the heady nectar. His pre-cum, seeping steadily from the tip of his member, adds to the mix and eases his passage into her depths even more.

Nola feels as if she is climbing higher and higher with every thrust he gives her. The feel of his heavy balls slapping against her is driving her into a more heated state with every thrust. They feel so big and full...I need what they have to offer. She tries even harder to grind herself into him as he enters her. She is so close. She just needs a little more.

The base of his penis begins to grow and swell, his knot forming to fully penetrate and mate her. Cedric changes his thrusts to be slower but more forceful. He is working to get his knot inside of her before it swells completely. Nola feels the thickening at her opening and goes crazy with arousal. That is what she needs. Inside of her. Now. That is what will help her reach that spot she has never been able to reach.

Together, they manage to work the rapidly growing knot inside of her. Cedric's head bumps against her cervix. They have taken everything the other has to offer. A perfect fit. The feeling of her opening stretching around and fully enveloping his large, and still growing, knot sends Nola over the edge. She feels as if she shatters into a million pieces as she is falling over an endless precipice. Cedric feels her walls spasm around him and clenching down on him in a vice-like grip. He hardly pauses as she continues to orgasm and continues his thrusting, though he keeps these thrusts shorter and harder because of his knot now locked within her.


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