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The Long Game

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She disapeared from hospital.
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Yes I need an editor. No, I do not want an editor. Yes, there's too many people to keep track of. Yes, it jumps around too much. Yes, it's too short. Yes, it's too long. Yes, it's in the wrong category. Yes, this is stupid shit. And yes, I suck.


Hi my name's Mark Adams.

Before I get into this tale of woe I would like to tell you a little about myself and my ex-wife Jenifer.

I'm 5'10'' 180lbs I'm fit I run two laps of the park every morning, work permitting. I swim a couple of miles each week and attend an old-fashioned type of gym twice a week to lift weights and spar with an MMA instructor. I'm no Bruce lee but I can hold my own, so the 180lbs is mostly muscle. I'm told I have a passing resemblance to George Clooney, [if only] I have a masters in computer technology, a post grad in business management and a bachelors in economics. I obtained these at Oxford University England as my father was employed at the US embassy as a translator. My father returned to the US after his term of service was up, but I stayed to finish my education. I own and run my own business as a computer repair specialist. I am also working on a new base programme to cover a wide variety of applications from gaming to military applications. It's key component is it's ability to solve problems automatically in real time. It should be ready to go in about six months to a years' time.

I have a younger sister by two years, Patricia AKA Paty/Pat I love my sister and she adores me we never have secrets from each other and tell each other everything. She currently works as an attorney as a junior partner in prestigious law firm in New York state.

My ex-wife Jenifer is 5'3'' 110lbs and keeps trim at the gym at least four times a week. She has a face like an angel and her smile lights up the room, she has a killer figure 34b bust 22'' waist and 33'' hips red hair and green eyes with a temper to match. She has a law degree and works as a corporate attorney at XYZ a PR/Advertising agency.

Jen and I first met at Pat's graduation ceremony. Pat and Jen's sister Ami shared a dorm room, and they introduced us at the graduation party. It turned out we were living in the same mid-sized town [Freestone Texas] just three miles apart. We hit it off straight away and started dating, six months later we were married. She started her job at XYZ as a junior attorney earning a low five figure sum plus bonuses. I got a job compiling and decompiling software code for ABC flight controllers earning a medium five figure sum plus bonuses.

We lived in a nice area in the three-bedroom house my grandparents left me. My sister got a lump sum as her legacy. Jen's parents and her sister lived in New York, but my parents had moved to Florida after retiring. We each had a family gathering about twice a year Thanks giving and Christmas alternating venues. We were happy we had a nice income nice cars and took a vacation twice a year, life was good.

After two years Jen was promoted to junior partner and things started to change. She worked later and started to go out with the girls Friday night a couple of times a month. Of course, I was suspicious, and I did the usual things, checked her underwear, read her emails and even put a key stroke recorder on her laptop. I know, I'm paranoid but just because your paranoid doesn't mean they are not out to get you. I even followed her on one of her nights out, nothing suspicious she didn't even dance with other men. So why did I feel there was something wrong with our marriage.

Jen was happy in her job and wanted to make senior partner before we had a family about another five years. I was bored with my job and saw no way forward to promotion. It was a family business and only family members were promoted even if they were as thick as a plank. I decided to open my own business as a computer repair company. I don't mean the type where you take your laptop to the shop to be repaired. I delt exclusively with companies wishing to upgrade their systems and to provide superior security protocols. I did a business analysis before taking the plunge and it forecast a sloe start but after a year I would be earning more than I was at present.

I sat down with Jen and tried to explain that the next year would be tough, but all forecasts said we would be better off in the long run. I didn't tell her about the new program I was working on as I didn't want to muddy the waters. She was dead set against it saying why gamble everything while we were doing so well. Meaning she was doing well, and I was in a dead-end job. Jen and I had always kept our finances separate except for our joint account which paid all the bills. We would each put in the equivalent amount to cover half the months expenses and keep the rest for ourselves.

I quit my job and started my new company financed from my savings and a loan against my house. I rented a small workshop with an office attached and started to advertise and phone round. Within three months I was breaking even and well satisfied. My work on the new program was also progressing well. Then one night Jen hit me with a bombshell. She said she was three months pregnant, and it was twins. Being paranoid, I looked back on the calendar and guess what at the time of her conception she had worked away for a week in Miami for an important client. Right there and then I knew she was cheating and decided to have a DNA test as soon as possible.

As soon as she found out she was pregnant she cut off all sex, at least to me saying she was afraid for the baby. I explained she was over reacting and even got the doctor to tell her the same, but she was adamant, so I faced at least a six-month dry spell. We did all the usual things, I went to her relaxation classes with her, rubbed oil into her swelling tummy to reduce stretch marks, massaged her feet every night and put up with her increasingly bad moods.

In the mean time my business was taking off I had hired another computer guy Greg straight out of college and had taken on a receptionist May. I never bothered to discuss my business with Jen as she didn't seem to be interested.

One afternoon I was with an existing client discussing making an upgrade to his servers when I got the call, baby's on its way come immediately. I explained to the client, and he understood and told me to go and wished me congratulations.

I had been expecting this for a couple of weeks and was ready. I wasn't far from home, so Jen didn't need to call an ambulance. I arrived home to find Jen waiting for me with he go bag ready. I got her into the car and went back for her bag and the DNA kit then took her to the hospital. When the doctor checked her out he said it would be a while yet and she was admitted to a pre-natal ward with her own private room. Although I had my suspicions about the paternity of the twins I was still exited at the prospect of becoming a father. The doctor said it would be some time yet and suggested I go home, and they would call me in time for me to attend the delivery. I went home all exited and had something to eat and sat and waited and fell asleep. The phone rang it was the hospital my Jen was fully dilated was having contractions every seven minutes the baby was imminent. I grabbed a coat it was two thirty am [why are babies always born at inconvenient times] and rushed to my car. I was at the hospital in record time. The nurse took me to the delivery room my wife was moaning with her legs in stirrups and a doctor with his fingers in her vagina. He looked at me. ''Just in time.'' And I watched as the baby was borne and a few minutes later a second followed. The nurse took them and cleaned them up whilst making sure they had all their fingers and toes. She then went to help clean up my wife, while her back was turned I took swabs from each child for the DNA test. I fervently hoped they were mine As I had already felt a bond with them, but I had to be sure. I went over to Jen and gave her a tender kiss and she looked at me with sadness in her eyes and said she loved me. I was told to leave as Jen was being taken to the recovery ward to get some sleep.

The next day I phoned everyone to give them the good news. The grandparents were particularly ecstatic and could wait to see their grandchildren. Pat and Ami said they would try to get some time off to see their niece and nephew. I went to the hospital with a large bunch of flowers for Jen, on the way I dropped off the DNA kit and was told it would take about ten days. The doctor said Jen would be staying at the hospital as owing to her size she had torn badly and needed to heal. I went to see her every day for the next five days, but she seemed distracted and uncommunicative. I aske the doctor about this and he said it happens sometimes, but she would get over it.

When I visited her on Friday the doctor said she would be released Saturday afternoon. I had the nursery ready for our new arrivals and counted down the hours till I could pick them up. Saturday morning, I made sure the safety cots were attached securely and everything was ready for her return. I went to the hospital at one thirty to pick up my family. I went straight to her room, but it was empty, so I asked the nurse where my wife and children were. She informed me they had been collected earlier by another man. I asked who he was, and they couldn't tell me so I called Jen's cell but could not get a connection. The senior nurse came to find out what the commotion was about and when the nurse told her she called security who called the police. When the police arrived, it was a man and woman both detectives as this was a possible child snatch. They were taken to the security room to look at the security footage taken that morning. When they returned they said it appeared Jen had left with the man voluntarily, but they would check it out as they recognised the man but wouldn't tell me who it was. They said I should go home, and they would be in contact.

I sat at home feeling sick waiting for news. About six that night there was a knock on the door, I looked out and there was the same two detectives. I let them in noticing neither one would look me in the face' I asked what was going on and the woman spoke first.

''Mr Adams we have been to see your wife and she and the children are perfectly safe, but we are unable to tell you where they are I'm so sorry.''

''I don't understand where is my family and why won't Jen answer her cell what's going on?'' The male detective spoke next.

''I'm sorry to have to tell you this but your wife has left you and taken the children with her. She said to tell you her attorney would be in touch shortly, once again I'm so sorry. Please don't do anything stupid until you hear from her I would hate to have to lock you up.''

Then they left and I was on my own again. I felt hollow inside and wanted to be sick, my hands were trembling, and I started to cry, me devastation was complete I had hit rock bottom.

I woke Sunday morning having cried myself to sleep. I got up showered dressed and made breakfast all on autopilot. After breakfast I felt a little better and called Jen's parents perhaps they knew something. Her dad picked up the phone all exited telling me they were coming to visit next weekend. I stopped him talking and explained what had happened. He couldn't believe Jen would do such a thing and said he would Call her and get back to me.

It was getting near lunchtime, so I went out to Denny's and ordered a very unhealthy meal Mega burger, fries with onion rings and a beer. Feeling better I went home and looked to see if there were any messages on our answer phone, there wasn't. I turned on the TV, but I wasn't really watching I was going over the events of the past few days and trying to make sense of it all. I finally gave up and looked at the clock it was past midnight, so I went to bed.

I didn't sleep well my mind wouldn't shut down, so I gave up at six in the morning and got up showered and went downstairs for some breakfast. I sat watching the news on the TV and wondered what to do next. I was still siting there when the phone rang. It was Jen's attorney asking if I would be able to attend a meeting later that day, we agreed on two pm and he hung up. Now perhaps I would get some answers.

I arrived at his office and was shown straight in. I was expecting to see just her attorney but sitting on the sofa was my wife and her boss Carl Prescott. I wanted answers but I would not speak first so I just sat and waited. This seemed to make everyone nervous as I had hoped, the attorney spoke first.

''Mr Adams I have asked you here to discuss the terms of your divorce from Mrs Jenifer Adams. I have here a proposal from Your wife and Mr Prescott in short they propose that she divorces you for irreconcilable differences. You keep the house, your retirement, all your savings and retain your business. She does the same but in addition you sign a document allowing Mr Prescott to adopt your children. For this consideration Mr Prescott will deposit two million dollars into an account of your choosing.''

I nearly knocked the desk over as I stood up.

''Not a fucking chance my children are not for sale at any price, you can keep the whore for nothing I don't want anything to do with her so fuck off.''

Jen stood up and spoke in a conciliatory voice.

''Look Mark I never wanted to hurt you, but I know I have and for that I'm sincerely sorry. I've been seeing Carl for some time now and we are very much in love and want to get married. Unfortunately, Carl can't have children, so he wants to adopt ours. The children would have everything they could possibly want or need. A beautiful house to grow up in the best education and a wonderful start to life. What could you offer, an old hand me down house and a stupid little computer repair shop. Why do you think I want out you're a failure with no ambition and no money. At least give the kids a chance. If you don't sign I'll take you to the cleaners. I'll take your house, half your income in support, half of your savings, your 401 and your business and on top of that I'll make sure you never see your children again. So, you're in a no-win situation, at least our way you get something out of it.''

''Fuck you Jen, first the house is mine only you have no claim on it. I have virtually no savings so half of nothing is still nothing. You earn more than me anyway so support will be minimal. I am happy to pay child support for my children even if I only see them every other weekend. As for my business without me there is no business and for your information I have no 401 for you to take. See you in court.''

I then got up and left, leaving three confused looking people behind me.

I went straight to Denny's and ordered dinner and a beer, after dinner I drove home to a cold and empty house. I sat down with a beer to watch TV still fuming. Shortly after eleven there was a knock mat the door it had woken me up and I was still a bit sleepy so didn't check the spy hole before opening it. As I opened the door it was pushed in with such force I staggered backwards but managed to stay on my feet. Three men rushed into the room and tried to grab me, but I was wide awake now and the first one got extended knuckles in the throat and went down. The second won had me in a head lock and was trying to force me onto the floor. As I was breaking the head lock the third man hit me in the shin with a baseball bat and I went down. The first man was still lying down choking the other two were giving me a good kicking and I started to lose consciousness. As I started to black out I thought I was going to die and needed to leave the police some evidence to follow. The leader of the trio lifted me to my feet and spoke. ''Now be a good boy and sign the fucking form or we'll be back.'' He was right in my face so I headbutted him on the nose and felt warm liquid spray acrost my face. I managed to pull my handkerchief from my pocket and rubbed some blood onto it, I now had his DNA. He grabbed his face and backed away swearing and calling me names. I slid down the wall as I started to black out only to be made conscious again as he started to kick me in the ribs I passed out.

I woke up slowly hearing voices but couldn't tell who they belonged to, I saw vague shapes of who was in the room but couldn't tell who, then darkness returned. The next time I woke up there was bright sunlight coming through the window, I looked round the room and there was a woman sitting reading in an armchair. It took a moment to identify her as Cam the wife of my MMA instructor Phil Wright. I tried to speak but my mouth was too dry I just croaked. Cam looked up and came over to me and pressed the call button. A nurse came in and checked my vitals and smiled she then asked how I was feeling, I just croaked back. She left for a few seconds and returned with some ice chips for me to suck, I swear they tasted better than the finest scotch.

Cam was holding my hand with one hand and speed dialling with the other.

''Glad to see you're back with the living Mark you gave us quite a scare for a while there, how do you feel?''

''Like I've been hit by a semi.''

''A semi would probably have done less damage.''

Just then a doctor came into the room.

''I'm glad to see you've woken up at last you've been in a coma for three days, but I think you've turned the corner now. Do you think you could eat something?''

''Doc I could eat a cow just pull out the horns and wipe his ass first.''

Everybody thought that was pretty funny but when I tried to laugh with them my chest and side hurt so much I almost passed out. The doctor adjusted my pain meds and showed me how to press the button for more morphine then left but said he would return soon. I laid there in a semi morphine induced coma for what seemed like hours but was just over an hour when Phil came in.

Phil told me what had happened I had been attacked in my home and the neighbourhood watch patrol had seen my front door open and investigated finding me lying in a pool of blood. They had called an ambulance and the police who had found Phil's number on my phone under ICE. [In case of emergency] And he or Cam had been with me ever since.

He told me the extent of my injuries which were extensive. I had a compound fracture of the left Tibia, a fractured Radius, two broken ribs, a punctured left lung, ruptured kidney, fractured eye socket and a broken nose. Other than that, he said I was fine, that caused me to laugh again, and I ended up choking, but the pain wasn't as bad.

As I was out of danger Cam and Phil left to go home and a detective came into the room and introduced himself as Detective Graham Coles. He asked me how much I remembered about the attack. I told him everything he was very interested when I told him about the message the leader of the trio gave me. He was ecstatic when I told him I had a DNA sample on my hanky which he put into an evidence bag. When I was finished I closed my eyes for a moment and when I opened them again he was gone, and it was dark outside.

The next day Phil came to visit and said when I was released I could stay at his place until I could get about again. I asked him if he would collect the mail from my house and he said he would get it on his way home. I also asked if he knew any good divorce attorneys and he said he did and would contact her. We chatted for a while, and I fell asleep again. I was woken up by the nurse changing my dressings who said it all looked fine and clean with no sign of infection. Shortly after food was served, eating with one arm is quite difficult to say the least and the nurse had to cut up my food for me.

I slept well and woke up refreshed and the nurse gave me a bed bath and no I didn't get hard I was still in too much pain. Phill came to visit with a striking good-looking woman with him who he introduced as my new attorney Grace Miles. We went over the facts together and she confirmed I still had visitation rights for my children, and she would take my case she then left. Phil gave me the mail he had collected and sat there as I went through it. When I got to the DNA results at first I was furious but then started to laugh. Neither of the children were mine so Jen was cheating me and Carl at the same time what a slut. When I had stopped laughing I explained to Phil what this meant, and he nearly bust a gut laughing.

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