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The Long Ride Pt. 01

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A single father meets his adelfí̱ psychí̱.
22.8k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/01/2020
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Thanks to WAA01 for the edits


Chapter One.

Eight years ago...

The law office of Patters & Petters, the day was a cold late December morning as Callum MacRoe sat across from his former girlfriend as little Shari yawned in her baby carrier. Callum smiled down at his little bundle of joy. They might have allowed their hormones to take over and not protect themselves from getting pregnant, yet Callum wasn't about to allow his own child to get aborted as Vanessa's plan was when she learned she was pregnant. He might have been sixteen at the time. Callum wasn't about to let a life be snuffed out because she or her parents didn't want the child. Which to him was fine, he would raise his daughter on his own.

"Cal," Gisselle -- his mother -- whispered softly into his ear as she placed a hand on his arm drawing her son's gaze away from his daughter. Smiling lovingly at her son as little Shari's hand wrapped around Callum's index finger in her sleep.

"Sign the paper Vanessa," Callum said, in a monotone voice. "Then you can go do whatever the hell you want. Obviously, you and your parents don't care about the life we brought into this world. I, however, do, so sign the papers and get out of our lives." Callum noted the scowl on Vanessa's mother's and father's faces as they sat across from them as he said that.

"But this says I give up my rights," Vanessa stammered.

"What, you were going to kill our child because you didn't want to raise her, so why do you care if you aren't her parent legally?" Callum asked, with a cocked eyebrow.

"But Cal, she's going to be so much work for you..."

"You leave the care of my grandchild to us. You lost your say in the matter when the three of you tried to brow beat my son into agreeing to the abortion," Antonio -- Cal's father -- sneered at Vanessa's parents who dropped their gaze unable to meet Antonio's fiery glare. Callum couldn't help but feel the right corner of his lips lifting at his father's words.

"I really wish we didn't have to do this Cal," Vanessa said, trying to pour on the charm that she had used to get what she wanted for so long.

"Save it Vanessa, you didn't want Shari," noting the frown on Vanessa's face at the name he gave his daughter, "maybe you should have thought about going on the pill. I know I should have rubbered up but we both are at fault here. This isn't Shari's fault in our lack of common sense. You have no interest in being Shari's mother. Well, I am going to be her father. So go do whatever you want and just get out of our lives," Callum said, looking over at the arbitrator who sat at the head of the table listening like always.

"If she signs this then you aren't getting any child support from us," Tobias -- Vanessa's father -- said stabbing his finger into the table.

"I know that, but when she signs, you and she will never see Shari ever again. So I'm okay not taking your money. We'll get by without you, won't we?" Callum asked, lightly tickling his daughter's stomach. A smile touched his face at Shari's gummy smile.

"You should worry about your own, we'll make sure my little grandbaby is taken care of," Gisselle said, in that stern motherly voice we all know they have. Of course, she knew raising Shari was going to be hard on her son. Yet Callum has stepped up, unlike men years older than he is, when they are faced with the same prospects of being a father. Neither she nor her husband were going to let Callum slack off on his responsibilities. While he was in school she would watch her grandchild, the moment Callum got home Shari's welfare was his and his alone to look after. He was the parent not them, yet that didn't mean they wouldn't be there to help and to guide their son.

"Fine," Tobias grumbled. "Sign it Vanessa so we can get out of here."

Callum's nose wiggled as something sour filled the air. "Can you handle this while I go..."

"Let me honey," Gisselle said, gently placing her hand on her son's shoulder as she picked up the diaper bag. Cooing sweetly at her little granddaughter as she left the room to go deal with Shari's dirty diaper.

"I'd really like to still be friends Cal," Vanessa said, sliding the papers over to him after signing away her parental rights.

"Uh-huh, I'm going to be a tad too busy to hang out with you... ever," Callum said, "and that's something I'm looking forward to. Like my daughter's first steps, her first word, all the things you're never going to know," he said, placing his own signature, sliding it over to his father to have his guardian sign off on it before handing it to the arbitrator to have it notarized.

"You'll both be sent a copy within a week. I'm sorry that your families couldn't come together to support this precious child, yet it's good to know that Callum will be a good father to her," the woman said, ending the meeting between the two of them.

Chapter Two.

Eight years later...

The sun beat down on Callum's shoulders as he worked to install a set of Cobra Classic Deluxe slash cut pipes on his client's Harley Davidson Softail motorcycle. The sound of the ratchet sounded in the air as his radio blared. After high school Callum enrolled in an automotive and motorcycle mechanic course so he could provide for his little girl. His parents were a god send to him. He knew without them he'd be so lost and at his wits end when Shari started to walk on his seventeenth birthday, and without his father's advice and money they wouldn't be living in the small two bedroom home of theirs. That didn't mean Callum didn't have to make the house payments or the insurance and everything else that went along with running a household. Was it hard, oh yes! He wasn't going to lie about that. It was why he started his own shop beside his house; so he could always be home should something happen to Shari and to be there when it was time... His head shot up as he heard the sound of the alarm.

A warm smile appeared on his face as he cleaned the grease from his hands as he walked into the shop. Using his elbow to shut the alarm off knowing his daughter would be stepping off the bus in ten minutes. He had timed the bus route to ensure that he would always be there to greet his daughter. Rolling the bike into the right bay of the two bay garage he and his father had built before he opened his own shop. Placing his tools on the bench and rolling down the door so his client's bike and his tools wouldn't get stolen while he was waiting for his daughter. His keys jingled as he locked up before sliding them to his pocket.

Humming a tune as he walked down the sidewalk towards the bus stop. Callum almost stopped in his tracks as he saw the cluster of mothers standing and waiting for their own children. Not that they weren't pleasant people, they just tried to set him up on dates, namely with themselves or one of their friends. Not that he was opposed to dating anyone, yet Shari came first before anything else in his life. He just couldn't bring a woman into her life only to have them walk out of it.

"Did you see him today..."


Callum ignored it; they were always talking about him. He would have thought that all would have died down when he turned each of them down. Yet it seemed to him that was like chum in the waters and they were hungry! "Hey Callum," Mary-Lou said sweetly, as she waved to him.

"Afternoon Mary," Callum said curtly, nodding to her. Being the oldest mother there she had a few pounds on her. Not that there was anything wrong with the way she looked to Callum's eyes. She was one of the few women that outright didn't flirt with him when he waited for Shari's bus. Being happily married to Herb, Mary was a breath of fresh air in a pack of horny mothers.

"Cal," a bubbly brunette cooed as her 36B breasts bounced as she shimmied over to his side, "my car, it's doing to that thing again," she said, coming within inches of his left side all so he would smell the perfume she wore just for him.

"Oh?! I thought I fixed that," Callum said, knowing it was a ploy to get into his garage. He might not have dated anyone since Shari had been born that didn't mean he hasn't had sex in all that time. He was just wise enough to wear a glove.

"Would you mind taking another look?" she asked, batting her baby blues at him.

"Sure, bring it by... say at eleven tomorrow. I'll have a bay open for you," Callum said, knowing she would be bent over the hood of her car by eleven o'two.

"Thank you Cal, you're a life saver," she said, lightly touching his left shoulder.

"Not a problem Amanda."

"Cal... my brakes are making this weird sound," her hips swayed as she sauntered up to him, "every time I press on the breaks I hear this," leaning in her lips brushing along Callum's right ear, "fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me so hard I can't walk for days," Shana purred, as her vanilla lotion filled his nose.

"That's..." Clearing his throat, feeling himself starting to harden, "a very odd sound," Callum said, trying to keep his voice steady.

"I know," Shana cooed, her chocolate lips tugged gently on his ear. "Do you think you can help me?" she asked, as she lightly squeezed his ass as she brushed her 32DD breasts against his right arm.

"I can fit you in at one," glancing over at Amanda who was undressing him with her eyes, "will that work for you?"

"Oh, it certainly will suga'," Shana purred as the rest of the gang clustered around them.

"Cal, where's Shari's mother?"

"Yeah, why haven't we seen her around?" Callum's head was on a swivel as questions were belted against him.

"How would I know where she is?! I haven't seen her since Shari was two," Callum said, feeling like he was about to be eaten.

"What?! What kind of mother doesn't stick around for her own child?!"

"Well, we were sixteen..."

"That's no excuse Cal," Amanda said, thrusting his arm between her breasts. "A mother should always be with her child."

"So if she's never seen her daughter, does that mean you raised Shari on your own?"

"Pretty much, with my parents help," Callum admitted. A chill of fear crept up his spine at their combined 'Awe' and the way their eyes quivered at him.

"Then you best get that beautiful girl a mother. There are some things a father, no matter how good he is, just can't do," Amanda cooed into his ear. "I'm available if you're interested," she whispered earning her the burning glares of every single mother there.

"Ladies, ladies," Callum said, wondering how he could get out of this mess. "I appreciate the concern but I just can't bring a woman into my life. I have to think of Shari first and foremost." The moment he said those words it was like something came over them. Something that made Callum wonder if the sound of the bus hadn't announced its arrival he had a suspicion he would have been mauled right then and there.

"Daddy!" Shari squealed in joy as she bounded off the bus. Her backpack bumping against her back as she hopped onto the sidewalk.

"Hey baby," Callum said, hugging his daughter tight as her arms wrapped around his neck. Taking a dry swallow as he noted every woman's look as he knelt before his daughter. "Did you have a good day?" he asked, his thumb brushed lightly along his daughter's right cheek.

"Mmmhmm," Shari hummed as she nodded.

"Did you learn lots of new things?!" Callum asked, smiling at Shari as she nodded again. Smiling as he rose to his feet. He had kept Shari back a year due to the advice of his mother given her birth late in the year. So she was older than the typical third grader. "Let's go home," he said, holding out his hand to her. "Say goodbye to your friends Shari."

"You have to too?!" Shari said, with child-like innocence as she looked up at her father. Who had a broad smile stretched across her face as her dark blonde hair, something she had inherited from her mother, was lightly lifted by the gentle breeze.

"You ladies have a pleasant evening, we'll see you bright and early in the morning, won't we?" Callum asked, gazing down at Shari. Brushing his thumb along her knuckles as Shari nodded and waved to her friends.

"Oh, we'll certainly be here in the morning," Amanda said, with a sultry undertone before leading her son across the road. Swaying her ass just for Callum knowing she's going to love cumming on that cock of his.

"Now you don't keep your dad up too late sweet pea," Shana said sweetly, bopping Shari's little nose causing her to giggle.


"Hmm?" Looking down at her as they walked towards their home.

"Why don't I have a mommy?"

"Shari, what on earth brought that on?" Callum asked, bringing his daughter to a stop. Kneeling down to look his daughter in the face as he lifted her chin. "What have I always said Shari?"

"Look the person in the eye when you talk to them," Shari said, repeating his words.

"So then, what brought this about?" Callum asked, knowing what might have caused his daughter to bring up the subject.

"Well..." Grinding the toe of her right shoe into the concrete, "everyone else has moms why don't I?" Shari asked, Callum could see the waterworks were about to begin.

"Honey, your mom... she didn't want to be with us," Callum said, unable to bring himself to tell his daughter that her mother wanted to abort her before she knew the child they brought into this world.

"But..." Her little fingers tapped together, "I want a mommy!" Shari screamed out causing the mothers that were still in earshot to stop and turn and look at him. Unbeknownst to him they were each wearing seductive smiles knowing they now had a way in.

"Shari it takes time for someone to be that," Callum said, wondering how he could make his eight-year-old daughter understand.


"Shari, I have to like the person; you have to like the person before we even consider prospects for that to happen. It's a long drawn out affair not something that happens overnight."

"What about Mama though, she doesn't have to wait does she?" Callum set his jaw; he hadn't thought about Vanessa in years. He only kept a few pictures he had of her for Shari's sake in case she began to ask about her. After high school he never heard a word from her again.

"Me and your mother is not something I'm going to discuss with you," Callum said sternly, as he rose. "Not until you're older and can understand everything that happened between me and her."


"No buts Shari," Callum snapped. He didn't mean too; it just came out.

"Okay," Shari sighed in defeat.

"Go put your bag in your room, we're going over to Nana's for dinner," Callum said, smirking when Shari dashed off to her room once they walked into their home. She always loved going over to his parent's home. Granted they spoiled her rotten, Callum now understood the groans he heard from his parents when his own grandparents would get him something they didn't want him to have.

"Daddy?" Shari spoke as she buckled herself in.

"What is it Shari?" Callum asked, as he started his truck.

"Can we look for Mama? Maybe she changed her mind?!" Callum heard the hopefulness in his daughter's voice. He didn't have the heart to tell his little girl that her mom was probably halfway across the country with her own family for all he knew.

"We'll see..." Turning his head to look at his daughter as she huffed and crossed her arms.

"I know what that means," Shari said, in a pouty voice.

"It means we'll see."

"No, it means no," Shari said, looking away as Callum backed out of their driveway.


"Pumpkin!" Antonio exclaimed holding out his arms to his grandchild.

"Papa!" Shari squealed as she ran along the walkway.

"Mmm! You're getting so big!" Antonio said, as he picked her up and hugged her tightly to his chest. "What's wrong Shari?"

"Do you know where my Mama is?" Shari asked, looking into her grandfather's eyes.

"Not at this moment," Antonio said nervously, his eyes glanced over to his son.

"Sorry Dad, she's been asking ever since she got home," Callum said, as his black sole work boots softly thumped on the pavers. "Come here Shari," squatting down as his daughter drew near, "you really want to see your mother?" he asked, as he saw his daughter's stubbornness, something she had inherited from him, started to show. "Okay, I'll look for her but it may take a very long time honey. I haven't spoken to her since you were two," Callum said, when Shari nodded. Not missing the look his mother shot his father.

"Come on honey, let's go see if those cheese biscuits are done yet," Gisselle said, holding out her hand to Shari while her eyes urged her husband to broach the subject.

"Cal... we didn't know how to tell you this..." Antonio began to say once Shari and his wife were out of earshot.

"Tell me what?" Callum asked, knowing he wasn't going to like this.

"Vanessa came by a few weeks ago, and once a week since wondering if she could just talk to you. Your mother and I were still discussing on informing you or not."

"Okay... and did she tell you what she wanted?" Callum asked, he was sure she had moved out of state.

"She wants to see Shari but only if you're okay with it," Antonio said, placing a hand on his son's shoulder. "But she wants to talk to you first and foremost."

Callum looked into his parent's home as he heard his daughter's laughter. Would he be a good father if he kept her mother from her? Would he intentionally harm his child if he kept Shari away from her? Would she come to hate him for it if he did that?

"Did she leave a number?" Callum asked his father, who had an approving look in his eyes.

"Here, take your time," Antonio said, lightly patting Callum's left arm as he handed his son his smart phone with Vanessa's number on the screen. "I hope you aren't stealing my biscuits!" His joyous voice rang out as the front door closed behind him.

Sighing as he stared down at Vanessa's phone number, knowing that this was for Shari not about his feelings for her mother. His thumb hit the call button as he brought his father's phone to his ear. Hoping he was doing the right thing for Shari as he listened to the ring tone.

"Yes Mr. MacRoe, has Cal decided anything yet?" Callum could hear the slight tremble to Vanessa's voice.

"Hello Vanessa," Callum said, in a monotone voice. "I hear you wish to see my daughter."

"Oh Cal! Henry, Henry! Callum's on the line!" Callum arched an eyebrow wondering who this Henry was. "I'm so happy you called Cal. Yes, I would like to see Shari, but only if you're okay with it. If you aren't you won't hear from me again. I know I did something foolish signing away my rights -- I should have never done that... given what I've come to learn. But I know I don't have a right to ask this Cal. Could you see it in your heart to let me see our daughter?"

"If you asked me yesterday, I would have said no. Now..." Looking back towards his parent's home, "this is about Shari," Callum heard their breath in the speaker as they waited for his answer, "if you can agree to follow the rules I set out, then... yes you may see our daughter."

"Oh my god! Yes!" Vanessa and Henry called out. "Oh thank you Cal! I promise we'll follow everything you ask of us. I won't let you or Shari down, I swear!"

"We'll see."

"When can we see her?!" Vanessa asked, excitedly.

Callum rubbed the back of his head, as he asked himself that very question. "Obviously, you still know where my parents live, how long would it take you to get here?"

"Forty-five minutes." A male voice came over the line. "Hello, I'm Henry, I know this might be hard for the both of you. I swear Vanessa and I will do our best to make this as painless as possible," Henry said, speaking up when Vanessa was holding back her tears.

"Let me get her fed, and cleaned up, say eight o'clock?"


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